Chapter 1106
"Boom..." As soon as Mo Tianji's body was struggling, he felt the void around him split open suddenly, and a big hand slammed towards him. He instinctively raised his arm to block it, and felt a force of space shattering from his limbs. Come out of the hundreds of bones.

"Ah..." Mo Tianji let out a long howl, and the power of light and darkness in his body burst out instantly, forcibly suppressing this tearing force, his body still couldn't help being blasted out.

"Ding... Ding..." There was a crisp sound of metal falling to the ground, and the fairy clothes on Mo Tian's body finally turned into pieces and scattered all over the ground. Bloodstains on Mo Tian's body stained his white clothes red.The image is extremely miserable.

"Shi Changyi!" After a while, Mo Tianji came to his senses, let out a long breath, and angrily uttered a name.He felt that the blow just now was just broken energy. If he hadn't forcibly merged the power of light and darkness to dissolve this force, his immortal body would have been like those immortal emperors who died at the hands of Shi Changyi before. , shattered into countless fragments.

"Unexpectedly, I can't kill you like this!" Shi Changyi's voice was slightly disappointed, all this was Zhan Wuming's plan.

Mo Tianji stepped into the trap set by Zhan Wuming. First, his soul and consciousness were injured, and then his body was injured. Coupled with his full-strength blow, even if Mo Tianji was the son of light and darkness, he might not escape death, but they still underestimated This opponent, Mo Tianji actually came back to life, but his immortal clothes were destroyed, and his immortal body was severely injured.The wound of Shenhun Consciousness Sea was invisible, only Mo Tianji's aura weakened, and Shi Changyi was even more impressed with Zhan Wuming.

Ever since Mo Tianji became the Son of Light and Darkness, almost no one has ever really hurt him. Even if the Immortal Venerable shot him that time, Mo Tianji had never been hurt like this. Zhan Wuming has done well enough.Just these are obviously not enough.

"It's not that easy to want me to die. However, you have improved a lot, and you can come up with such a plan, but it's not enough!" Mo Tianji raised his head suddenly, his eyes were red, the series of injuries just now had deeply angered him , although he was seriously injured, facing Shi Changyi, he still didn't have the slightest fear. He hadn't suffered this kind of injury for a long time, which made him excited to devour blood.

"Isn't there still me here? I didn't expect to kill you with these things, but I think you might really want to stay here today!" Shi Changyi smiled proudly. At this moment, Mo Tianji had been severely injured. Tianji is weaker, but he still has the confidence to defeat an injured Mo Tianji, otherwise he wouldn't be worthy of being the Four Kings General for the Ancient Heaven Realm.

"Okay then, let's fight with all our strength and see what methods you have." Mo Tianji smiled fearlessly, and kept following Shi Changyi. He was tired of him. Shi Changyi is the most An enemy that is hard to chase, his spatial talent makes him possess unimaginable abilities. Although he can stabilize the opponent's head, he is not as good in speed and escape ability. Although he is injured now, but, The fact that the other party can no longer evade and decide to fight him makes him feel even more excited.At least he no longer has to chase after Shi Changyi's ass every day to eat ashes, that feeling is very useless.

"Just what I want!" Shi Changyi laughed loudly, without hesitation, his figure flashed, and the void between heaven and earth was like layers of gauze curtains in front of him, piercing through layers, and then, his fist It was already in front of Mo Tianji.

"Okay!" Mo Tianji didn't have the slightest fear. Although Shi Changyi's attack was extremely fast and directly traveled through the space to reach him, he didn't need time to gather his strength at all. The spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth seemed to collapse directly under this punch, and light and darkness blended to form an energy wave far higher than this space.

"Boom..." There was a violent loud noise, and Mo Tianji's figure shook. Shi Changyi's figure was different from Mo Tianji's. Ripples swirled around his side, like a vortex, turning the light and darkness together. The energy devoured and dissipated, and was instantly transported to another space.

Mo Tianji's power did not completely fall on Shi Changyi. There seemed to be an invisible space fault around Shi Changyi. Even if Mo Tianji's power of light and darkness was so powerful that it could cause the spiritual energy of this space to collapse, it would not be able to. If it fell on Shi Changyi, naturally he couldn't hurt Shi Changyi.

"Boom..." Shi Changyi's body intertwined with Mo Tianji's, his side leg whipped behind Mo Tianji like a steel whip.All of Shi Changyi's actions seemed to be within Mo Tianji's expectations.Shi Changyi's leg didn't land on Mo Tianji, but was grabbed by Mo Tianji's backhand, and their bodies fell heavily to the ground.Visible ripples suddenly appeared on the ground and spread in all directions, like ripples of water waves. Wherever they passed, the trees were smashed to pieces, forming a large pit with a radius of hundreds of feet.

"Zheng..." There was a sound of gold and iron like the cry of a phoenix, and then a ray of bright brilliance came out of the deep pit, making various bowing gestures to the deep pit like a hundred birds facing the phoenix. Among the countless brilliance, circles of shadows like Taiji fish shattered and disappeared.There was no sound, just like the ink continuously infecting the clear lake water, it quickly polluted the splendor, and then two figures soared into the sky.

Mo Tianji and Shi Changyi are like two entangled birds, as they soar into the sky, they constantly tear each other's wings. When the two bodies are intertwined, thousands of brilliant lights continuously splash and scatter. In an instant, the two Dao Guanghua seemed to have transformed from a plump dragon into two thin light snakes, and the figures of the two became clearer, and the blood stains dripped on the ground like raindrops blown by the wind from time to time.If anyone looks carefully, they can see that after the spilled blood enters the soil, it actually makes the vegetation on the ground glow with vigorous vitality. This is truly divine blood.

"Boom..." A mass of majestic energy exploded in the void, turning into a mass of raging thunder and fire, sweeping a radius of hundreds of feet. When the mass of thunder and fire scattered, two figures suddenly fell out in two directions. Like two meteors passing through the sky, they drew a beautiful arc in the void and hit the ground heavily.

As soon as the two figures touched the ground, they bounced up quickly, like two ejected missiles, collided again in the void, then bounced again, soared into the sky again and collided again, repeating tirelessly.

"Boom, boom, boom..." The two figures collided in the void more slowly and less frequently, but they still collided like unyielding fighters.In the end, the two figures seemed to be unable to be destroyed even by the immortal soldiers. They collided with each other with their physical bodies. The frenzied power of law and spirit energy almost turned this space into a pot of porridge.

"Hahaha... Happy... Shi Changyi, is this all you have strength? Can you make it heavier?" Mo Tianji laughed wildly, his whole body was covered in blood, and there were countless scars on his body.

"The Son of Light and Darkness is nothing more than that, haven't you been chasing me for several months? Come, come and kill me!" Shi Changyi also laughed, and he finally had a crazy battle with the Son of Light and Darkness. Mo Tianji was injured, which greatly reduced Mo Tianji's strength, but this was also a full-strength battle with each other, without any water, he and Mo Tianji had all their supernatural powers, and no one could do anything to the other, which made him fight and confident vibration.

Shi Changyi knew that this battle was not over yet, the two sides had long been at odds, and it would be considered over only when one side fell.It's just that he was a little strange, why Zhan Wuming hadn't made a move yet at this time. Theoretically, Zhan Wuming should take advantage of Mo Tianji's weakness to take his life.Therefore, he wondered if Zhan Wuming was playing tricks on him.

"Shi Changyi, it seems that your companion has abandoned you. This is a battle between the two of us, let's see the truth!" Mo Tianji glanced around, and he was also suspicious. The person in this institution should not be Shi Changyi, Shi Changyi should have companions.But at this time, Shi Changyi's companion had never seen him make a move, so he couldn't figure it out.

"Wow..." As soon as Mo Tianji's voice fell, a bolt of lightning from the sky pierced the void and fell down, turning into a series of wild dragons and hitting the side of Mo Tianji's body.

"Light and darkness, heaven's punishment!" Mo Tian shook his body, and countless lightning and spirit snakes penetrated into his body, allowing his tired body to fully recover in an instant, majestic energy flowed around, and the power of heaven and earth seemed to Instantly attracted by the light and dark energy, it spun wildly with Mo Tianji as the core.

"You are the first person to experience the punishment of light and darkness. You should feel honored. Since your companion does not show up, let this boring battle end early!" Mo Tianji's voice revealed a touch of indifference. A force of heaven and earth spread rapidly in all directions centered on him, turning into a substantial pressure like running water, crushing every inch of void.

"Thunder of Heavenly Tribulation!" Shi Changyi cried out in a low voice. He found that the so-called Chaos Heavenly Power seemed to have perfectly controlled the Thunder of Heavenly Tribulation, making it the most powerful means of attack.

Mo Tianji was able to use the power of light and darkness to control the power of the Heavenly Tribulation Thunder, which surprised Shi Changyi. Although he was not afraid of the power of the Heavenly Tribulation, but at the moment he was also at the end of his strength and could not resist at all. This kind of power of catastrophe, at this moment he understands, Mo Tianji has always reserved a hand for himself, wanting to deal with those hidden enemies in the dark, this may be the reason why Zhan Wuming has not appeared until this time, Zhan Wuming had already It is clear that Mo Tianji will not be without a trump card.

"This is no longer the thunder of catastrophe, but the light and dark punishment of me, Mo Tianji. I, Mo Tianji, was born in response to the will of heaven. Your so-called sons of gods will bow down at my feet, because I am the son of destiny, born in response to the destiny. , all the gods will tremble under my feet. I will execute the punishment on behalf of the heavens and handle the punishment of all living beings. Shi Changyi, let me show you the power of the light and dark sky punishment!" Mo Tianji laughed wildly and waved his hands. Endless thunder light suddenly rose, like a jumping fire of light and darkness, instantly igniting the entire void.

(End of this chapter)

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