Chapter 1108
The huge impact made the space where Zhan Wuming was like a curtain floating in the void, forming circles of rippling ripples, and Zhan Wuming's figure fluctuated with the waves like a reflection in the water.

"No!" Mo Tianji was startled, when he saw Zhan Wuming rippling with the rippling void, he felt something was wrong.What he saw was not an entity, but a phantom that seemed real and illusory.

"Om..." The shock in Mo Tianji's heart hadn't subsided yet, and the fluctuations formed by Shi Changyi's space law rushed over, affecting the void around him.

"Alternation of light and shadow!" Mo Tianji shouted, his figure instantly faded like a shadow, and a shadow appeared in the void not far away, it was Mo Tianji who was fleeing.

As soon as Mo Tianji rushed out of the void, his heart suddenly tightened. He felt that something extremely dangerous was staring at him closely, and his body suddenly moved sideways for a few feet. The moment his body moved away, a large pitch-black The claws protruded from the void and scratched Mo Tianji's phantom that had not completely dissipated.

"Ghost Beast!" The fluctuation of space power and the purity of the dark aura made Mo Tianji immediately recognize the identity of the owner of this big claw, and it turned out to be the ghost beast that frightened the fairy kings in the battlefield of gods and demons.The Nether Beast in front of him is very powerful, and he is also proficient in the power of the law of space.

"Boom..." The Nether Beast hit the air with one claw, its tail protruded from the void, and fell down suddenly. Mo Tianji snorted coldly, grabbed the giant tail in his hand, and flung it out fiercely.

The Nether Beast let out a low howl, and its huge body flew out like a mound that was thrown away. Mo Tianji's power, even if this Nether Beast had reached the level of the Immortal Emperor, was still irresistible.

Flying the Nether Beast, Mo Tianji didn't feel happy at all. He saw a glaring red light shooting out from under the body of the Nether Beast, like a giant dragon coming out of a hole, extremely fast and extremely sinister.

"Chi, Chi..." The light and darkness in Mo Tian's body combined instantly, forming a giant shield in front of him, and the red dragon suddenly bumped into the shield of light and darkness, instantly turning into a ball of blazing flames.The power of the source of fire quickly dissipated under the blocking of the light and dark shield.

Mo Tianji felt his body shake suddenly, and the huge impact force made him take a step back, but he didn't stop there, instead, he accelerated to retreat tens of feet away. After chasing him, because he retreated very timely, only a few pieces of his clothes flew away in the void.

"The power of space!" The depression in Mo Tianji's heart is unspeakable. All the opponents he met today have space talents. Shi Changyi has already given him a headache. Now there is another one with dual talents of darkness and space. Nether Beast, what makes him even more depressed is that the little golden fairy also has extremely high attainments in the power of space. Most of the power of the sword just now was blocked by his shield of light and darkness, and there was still a The sword light pierced through the void and reached directly in front of him. If he hadn't been extremely sensitive to crises, he might have been cut in half by the sword energy just now.

"Boom..." As soon as Mo Tianji stabilized his figure, he felt the space around him fluctuate suddenly, and a figure rushed out of the void like a ghost, and almost did not give him the slightest chance to think about it, and it had already bumped into him. .

"Ah..." Mo Tianji snorted, this collision was Shi Changyi, Shi Changyi who has become the Immortal Emperor, although his cultivation has not been completely consolidated, but it is no longer the same, the power of the law of the Immortal Emperor , has a deeper understanding of the laws of space, and there is almost no pause between traveling through the void.

At this moment, Shi Changyi felt that he had never been so powerful, his whole body was full of energy, and the majestic spiritual force like the sea quickly filled his body.Because he needs too much fairy power, he has already absorbed all the fairy stones in his space magic weapon.

Shi Changyi is the strongest among the Immortal Kings. He needs a huge amount of Immortal Spirit Power to advance to the rank, but with his status, there is no shortage of Immortal Spirit Stones.But once he advances to the rank, his strength will be increased by ten times or even a hundred times, and the fairy stone will not be enough.

"Boom...boom..." Mo Tianji's body was knocked into the air, and Shi Changyi was almost like a maggot with a bone attached to it. His body shape did not stop at all, and he bombarded Mo Tianji's body continuously in the strongest way wave after wave. Mo Tianji, who had lost his chance, had almost no power to resist, and was blasted into the ground like a straw man.

The erupted Shi Changyi completely released his suppressed emotions in this series of attacks, and did not give Mo Tianji any chance at all. He knew very well that he could advance to the rank of Immortal Emperor, and Mo Tianji could do the same. At the level of Immortal King, They have all been suppressed for too long, and when their lives are threatened, there is no need to suppress any more.

Once Mo Tianji is given the chance to become the Immortal Emperor, he will definitely be the scariest Immortal Emperor I have ever seen.He absolutely couldn't let Mo Tianji have a chance to relax, but Shi Changyi was soon disappointed. Although his powerful blow made Mo Tianji back all the way, it didn't really hurt Mo Tianji much.His space cutting power was neutralized and wiped out under the shield of light and darkness.What really fell on Mo Tian's body was not enough to hurt his essence.

"Becoming an Immortal Emperor is nothing more than that!" When Shi Changyi was startled, Mo Tianji let out a long roar, his body was like a burst of flames, and the black and white brilliance was like a sudden burst of supernova.The terrifying and destructive force almost hit Shi Changyi.Shi Changyi found that his power of space was unable to transfer the power of light and darkness, and forcefully bombarded him.

"Wow..." Shi Changyi spat out a mouthful of blood, and his body was thrown out like a kite with a broken string. It seemed that a layer of light and dark fire instantly shattered the fairy artifact on his body into pieces.

"You guys forced me, if that's the case, then bear my anger!" Mo Tianji stood up from the big pit, his turbulent aura rapidly rising.

"Immortal Emperor, have you already advanced to the rank of Immortal Emperor?" Shi Changyi exclaimed, he felt the aura on Mo Tian's body rise rapidly, as if some kind of seal was suddenly opened, and the original lake turned into a vast ocean in an instant, terrifying The power of light and darkness made the laws of heaven and earth and aura in this piece of heaven and earth become extremely violent.

Shi Changyi is no stranger to this kind of aura, it is the aura of the Immortal Emperor, and the power of the law is also the power of the law of the Immortal Emperor.Obviously, Mo Tianji has already broken through to the Immortal King, but he has been sealing his realm and the power in his body, so that his realm and strength have been kept at the peak of the Immortal King.Mo Tianji was violently beaten by Shi Changyi, and even loosened the seal in his body. Mo Tianji simply undid the seal and recovered his cultivation of Immortal Emperor rank.

"Boom..." Mo Tianji's aura was still rising, and the shock in Shi Changyi's heart had not been eliminated, when he saw a figure strike from behind Mo Tianji like lightning.A ball of brilliant light exploded on Mo Tian's fuselage, and circles of light and shadow quickly spread in all directions like water ripples. In the white light, there was even a little bit of blood splashing.

"Zhan Wuming!" Shi Changyi stared blankly at the figure that was attacking Mo Tianji. Although he was knocked back by the rebounding brilliance, a puddle of blood was splashed on Mo Tianji's body. Mo Tianji was never injured by a wild attack, but Zhan Wuming's sneak attack could make Mo Tianji bleed, the shock in his heart was unimaginable.He didn't understand why Zhan Wuming could break through Mo Tianji's shield of light and darkness. Mo Tianji's defense was almost invincible. Far beyond the limit of Mo Tianji's tolerance, otherwise it would be impossible to have a chance to break through.

Thinking that the power in those traps that Zhan Wuming had set up before could also break through Mo Tianji's defense of light and darkness, he wasn't surprised, but now Mo Tianji's aura is at the level of the Immortal Emperor!
"You are all going to die!" Mo Tianji howled wildly, his figure disappeared in a flash, and turned into a ball of dim light, alternately light and dark like a shadow.

"Boom..." As soon as Zhan Wuming's figure receded, the light blasted heavily on him, and Zhan Wuming had no chance to dodge, so he was blown away. Mo Tianji hated him very much, for this little boy The little Golden Immortal is also very afraid, but he can hurt him with a Golden Immortal rank cultivation base, which makes him have to list Zhan Wuming as the biggest threat, because the potential of this little Golden Immortal is unimaginable.

"Boom...boom...boom..." Mo Tianji didn't send out the immortal soldiers, his body is the strongest fairy soldiers, the power of light and darkness is mixed together, it is the fusion of destruction and creation, although his power is still It's not enough to reach the highest realm of light and darkness, but the power of this fusion is also close to the true power of chaos. This power can destroy all the power of law in the fairy world, so he doesn't even bother to use weapons against Wuming.

Zhan Wuming is like a piece of stubborn iron, Mo Tianji's fist is like a hammer for forging iron, hitting Zhan Wuming's whole body in an instant with unparalleled speed.Under Mo Tianji's fist, Zhan Wuming was like a ball of dough, his body constantly bent into various shapes.

"Brother Zhan!" Shi Changyi's eyes were red. He didn't expect that Mo Tianji's first target would be Zhan Wuming. Through the void, he was powerless to save Zhan Wuming.

"Boom..." Mo Tianji didn't know how many punches he punched, and each punch was like a mountain hitting the ground. He felt that the bones of Zhan Wuming's body had been completely crushed by his fists, and every inch of flesh and internal organs of Zhan Wuming had been crushed. It exploded, but Zhan Wuming's body didn't break, which made him a little surprised. He didn't believe that under the double erosion of his own light and dark power, anyone could survive. Under the immortal, it is impossible for anyone to survive. .

Zhan Wuming is just a small golden fairy, and it is impossible to survive, so he kicked Zhan Wuming dozens of miles away with his last kick and smashed into a cliff.

Zhan Wuming's body was kicked flying like a cannonball, breaking many trees, and finally disappeared into the rocks.

(End of this chapter)

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