Chapter 1115 Strange Monument

Fang Chong looked at Zhan Wuming and the Rat Man, and then at Shi Changyi beside him. He felt that the soaring blood on Shi Changyi's body was even stronger than that of the Immortal Emperor who had been a fairy queen for more than a hundred years. , I knew that the rumors about this young man were true, and a fairy king killed those hunting kings in the Tianzihao hunting ground. Hundreds of monsters chased and killed Shi Changyi in front of him for several months, but Shi Changyi lived well up to now, but the son of light and darkness was silent, and he looked up to the new Immortal Emperor in front of him even more .

Although Fang Chong has never seen the power of Zhan Wuming with his own eyes, he knows that Zhan Wuming is also a terrifying strong man, a super perverted guy.It is unbelievable that Shi Changyi, a terrifying genius who could slaughter a large number of hunters at the level of Immortal King, would be afraid of a little golden fairy after advancing to the level of Immortal King.

Zhan Wuming's formation that covers the sky can actually block the surveillance of the outside world. He has to admit that this little golden fairy is a peerless genius of formations.This genius is still a master. With Jin Xianxiu as the genius of slaughtering the emperor, he even directed many large-scale massacres, beheading hundreds of hunters of the emperor rank in this continent, and cleaning up thousands of hunters of the rank of immortal king. There is a large following.This young man is destined to be extraordinary.

He didn't quite understand that no matter how powerful Zhan Wuming was, he shouldn't try to challenge those super assassins of the Death Hunting Group. Those people were not ordinary people.The Ratman is obviously not a strong person, a great demon of the first level of the Immortal Emperor, but he survived by virtue of his talent for escape.He is not optimistic about the combination of Zhan Wuming and Ratman, but he has a little more confidence in the combination of himself and Shi Changyi.

"Brother Shi, let's compete to see who brings back more heads in the end, how about it?" Zhan Wuming didn't look at Fang Chong, but instead set his eyes on Shi Changyi, and said with a relaxed expression.

A strange look flashed in Shi Changyi's eyes, and he laughed loudly: "Brother Zhan is really interested, but this suggestion is very good, let's take a gamble. What should we bet on?"

"Just bet on you and me. If Brother Shi wins, after we go out, I will go to your ancient heaven world with Brother Shi and join the sect you designated. If I win by luck, then, Brother Shi, you can follow me." Let's go to my Gonghua Heaven together and become our Gonghua Heaven, how dare you give it a try?" Zhan Wuming thought for a while and smiled.

"Haha, Brother Zhan was joking, even if I am willing to go, would you Gong Huatian dare to accept it?" Shi Changyi laughed.

So many people here know that he is alive, once Gu Tianjie knows that he has gone to Gonghuatian to become a member of Gonghuatian, I am afraid that the Emperor Xuanming of Gonghuatian will not dare to bear the anger of Gu Tianjie. The corners of other fairylands, no fairyland has ever dared to dig the corners of the ancient heaven.The geniuses of the major immortal realms are all proud of entering the ancient heaven realm, and they are extremely eager to have the opportunity to enter the ancient heaven realm or the ancient immortal realm and reach the sky in one step.Like Zhan Wuming, it is really rare.Not only did he not want to go to the Ancient Heaven Realm, but he also wanted to dig into the walls of the Ancient Heaven Realm. Only a lawless guy like Zhan Wuming would dare to do this.

Shi Changyi knew very well that if the two great immortal realms found out about Yi Zhan Wuming's aptitude, they would definitely try their best to get him. Gong Huatian was probably reluctant to let go of such a genius.Before, Shi Changyi had always wanted to bring Zhan Wuming back to the ancient heaven, but Zhan Wuming refused.

"If this is the case, if you lose, you only need to promise me three things. Of course, it won't be the kind of murder and rebellion. I don't know what you want?" Zhan Wuming was right when he thought about it. I don't know much about the two great immortal domains, but I can tell from Chi Xingyun's attitude, I'm afraid that if Shi Changyi is really kidnapped to Gonghuatian, it will not only be a blessing, but also a disaster.

"Since you are so interested, let's take a gamble." Shi Changyi gave Zhan Wuming a meaningful look, smiled lightly, and did not refuse.He has no reason to refuse. As the four generals of the ancient heaven world, he has his own pride.

"Let's meet at the burial place of the demon god!" Zhan Wuming chuckled, his figure flashed, and disappeared in front of Shi Changyi and Fang Chong like a wind, and the rat man's figure also quickly faded away, disappearing like a phantom Disappeared in the shadows.

"What a weird movement!" Fang Chong was stunned. He didn't see how Zhan Wuming disappeared. As for the Ratman's escape method, he was not surprised. The talent for escape is one of the best in this hunting ground.

"No one will know how many tricks he has." Shi Changyi took a long breath, he couldn't see through Zhan Wuming, so it's not surprising that Zhan Wuming's movements are weird.

As far as he knew, the young Golden Immortal in front of him at least possessed the talent of light and darkness, which was once Mo Tianji's unique gifted supernatural power. From then on, only this young Golden Immortal possessed it.Zhan Wuming not only has the talent of light and darkness, he also has the talent of space and the power of the origin of wind.

The talent of light and darkness, the talent of space and even the origin of wind, these special talents are all in one, Zhan Wuming is definitely a freak, it's no wonder if his body skills are not fast, he can't compare with Zhan Wuming in terms of speed, otherwise he will It would not be that Zhan Wuming fled away instantly when the thunderbolt fell, but he was seriously injured because he was too late to escape completely. From this alone, it can be seen that Zhan Wuming's reaction and speed Definitely much faster than him.

Fang Chong was dumbfounded, Shi Changyi sighed and said, "Let's go, we can't lose to them!"


"Boom..." Zhan Wuming's body shook in the void, and an invisible force actually shook him out of the void. He originally traveled through the void with the power of space. The force field unexpectedly bounced him out.

"Boom..." Zhan Wuming fell to the ground heavily, and took a few steps back in shock.

There were two people standing quietly not far in front of him, their faces were covered by big bamboo hats, both of them were dressed in the same clothes, with green clothes and black cloaks, deep hats covering their heads, and two swords on their backs, like two swords nailed to the ground. Like a wooden stake on the ground, I can't feel any breath.

Seeing Zhan Wuming pop up from the void, the two of them were not surprised or shocked at all, they still stood quietly, about three feet in front of them stood a stone tablet with six big scarlet characters written on it - Trespasser, Killer. No pardon!

It seems as if countless innocent souls are wailing and moaning in the six blood-colored characters. A severe chill emerges from the stone tablet, and violent killing intent emerges from the six blood-colored characters. The six large characters shot into nothingness, like a large intertwined net that completely sealed off the world.

Zhan Wuming understood that it was the strange power of law contained in the six blood characters on the stele that ejected him into the void just now.

"Death Hunting Squad!" Zhan Wuming's eyes flashed with astonishment. The two cloaked men who looked like wooden stakes nailed to the ground in front of him should be the legendary Death Hunting Squad. Their mission is to kill any intruders. The life that enters the burial ground of demon gods includes flies and ants, but they never go out to hunt and kill, this is their principle.This is also the reason why they didn't take a shot against Zhan Wuming.

A layer of cold sweat oozes from Zhan Wuming's body. If it wasn't for their principles, when he was ejected into the void by that strange force of law just now, the two made a sneak attack, I'm afraid he would already be a dead man, even though they were tens of miles away from each other. However, Zhan Wuming could clearly sense the huge aura and soaring qi and blood of the two of them.

The strength of qi and blood represents the strength of the physical body, and the strength of the aura represents that the realm and the comprehension of the law power of these two people have reached the extreme. These two people are definitely among the emperors he has seen on this land. A top player.If these two people made a surprise attack just now, no matter how many low cards he had, he might not have time to make a move.If you want to really enter the burial ground of the demon god, you must step on the corpses of the two people in front of you.

Zhan Wuming looked around, and found that this is a bare canyon, with two cliffs on both sides, as if inserted into the sky, and the scattered trees are like cactus occasionally seen in the desert, extremely abrupt.The rocks on the cliff glowed with dark light, as if glowing with a layer of demonic agility. This is the intersection of Death Valley.

Turning around the stone tablet is the road of death in Death Valley, which belongs to the territory of the death hunting group.

Zhan Wuming walked slowly towards the monument of death, and looked at the two death hunters who were like logs playfully. Those two people seemed to be not living things at all. Inanimate does not exist.

Zhan Wuming's hand lightly caressed the stele of death, feeling a strange fluctuation of spiritual power from the stele, as if it was a living stone, and those huge blood characters seemed to be pulling The soul power hidden between the heavens and the earth, this absorbed power makes this stone tablet that has stood here for countless years actually conceive life like a divine fetus. Contact, Zhan Wuming felt violent.

"This stone is about to become a demon!" Zhan Wuming murmured, but there were bursts of sneers in his heart. This stone tablet is actually an eye, connected to an earth vein, the resentment gathered in Death Valley for countless years and the soul of death All were absorbed by the weird law power on this stone tablet.

He didn't know what the purpose of the people in Naihetang to set up this stone spleen was, it was definitely not a good thing, this weird resentment was a huge damage to the entire monster land, like a virus, killing this land The soul is polluted.

Zhan Wuming did not cross the boundary of the stele, he took out a pen from his pocket, and with a puddle of dark green liquid, he drew strange runes one after another next to the six blood-colored writings. Zhan Wuming ignored the two death hunters standing a few feet away.

Those two people no longer stood like logs like before, and slowly raised their heads. Zhan Wuming's behavior was too weird, which made them feel uncomfortable. Although the other party was just a little golden fairy, they didn't even bother As for making a move, as long as the opponent doesn't cross the stone tablet, they won't even look at this kind of ant-like thing.But at this moment, they felt that something was wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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