Chapter 1119

The huge contrast made all the death hunters stunned. He felt that the kid in front of him was joking. He was not the one who called for the next battle. Looking at Zhan Wuming's arrogant appearance, it might really be him. Finally, they came to a conclusion , That is, the kid in front of him is a lunatic, and they have been vomiting with a lunatic.

"Madman..." Someone cursed in a low voice.

In their eyes, Zhan Wuming is a lunatic, only a lunatic would do such an outrageous thing, dare to challenge more than a hundred top immortal emperors with the body of a golden fairy, it is a joke to say it.

"Well, there are quite a few of you, it's rare to get together like this, are you ready?" Zhan Wuming asked again.

That group of people looked at Zhan Wuming as if they were fools. There was no fear in their eyes, only pity. They didn't think the young man in front of them was worth their shot, but they didn't mind giving this little ant a ride.

"Ready? Haha, boy, what do you think this is? You, a little ant, dare to waste my time and challenge us. Tell me, how do you want to die?" A death hunter asked with a cold smile.

"Oh, so, you are ready, well, since you are ready, let's start, let us go through the tribulation together, I believe you must really want to go through the tribulation and become the supreme." Zhan Wuming has a deep meaning Glancing at the death hunter, he let out a strange laugh, and with a wave of his hand, figures like light and shadow suddenly flew out of his space, instantly surrounding the entire Yulong Peak, including him, and the breath in his body suddenly Climbing up, like a volcano about to erupt, laws of heaven and earth gathered from all directions, and the aura of those lights and shadows rose violently, and the long-suppressed aura suddenly merged together.

The heaven, earth, and sky immediately churned like disturbed lava, and the majestic coercion of the sky and the earth quickly gathered towards the top of Yulong Peak like a tide.

"No, he's crossing the catastrophe!" Someone exclaimed, and instantly realized that the situation was not good, so he fled away from the top of Yulong Peak at top speed.

Soon they discovered that it was not just Zhan Wuming who crossed the catastrophe this time, but tens of hundreds of people. What surprised them most was that these lights and shadows were all puppets, puppets with their own lives and souls. From the flickering electric light, it can be seen that each puppet is closely connected with the power of thunder, and when activated at the same time, it almost instantly triggered the sea of ​​thunder that was already brewing in the sky.

The violent thunder turned into thunder in an instant, and the will of heaven and earth awakened instantly amidst countless thunder lights, covering the entire Yulong Peak, and every living being felt that their soul was connected with the will of heaven and earth in the dark .

"" The endless thunder light completely enveloped thousands of miles around like a net of heaven and earth.

The powerful death hunters discovered that the tribulation thunder they faced had the tribulation of the supreme, because they were already at the stage of the fairy queen or even the peak of the fairy emperor.They wailed angrily, and in the endless thunder, Zhan Wuming vaguely heard someone yelling: "Shameless villain!"

Zhan Wuming laughed, he can finally cross the catastrophe and become an immortal king. After absorbing Mo Tianji's light and dark power, he has already merged his own light and dark. As for the power of thunder and the original power of the earth, Zhan Wuming Don't worry, in his Soul Cave, there is also an earth spirit from the Sushen Starfield, which is the most original earth god in the world. The law of the origin of the earth is brought to perfection.Therefore, Zhan Wuming can go through the calamity and advance to the rank in an upright manner.

If he was like a monk, Zhan Wuming would have been able to overcome the catastrophe and advance to the next level long ago, but Zhan Wuming's physique is different from that of his soul. He must complete his soul and origin. His perfection is not the perfection of laws, but the perfection of heaven and earth. The forces of various laws are balanced and perfect.He has the eight caves in his soul, and the fruit of light in the sea of ​​qi. Zhan Wuming has all the nine most original elements of heaven and earth. Only when each original law is perfect, can he have the opportunity to become a truly powerful fairy. king.

This is not the first time Zhan Wuming has used the Thunder Tribulation method, Zhan Wuming is familiar with this method.But the death hunters were scattered all over the demon god's burial ground, and it was not easy to gather him together.Even if he is gathered together, once they find that the situation is wrong, they will flee quickly. It is impossible to wait for the thunder disaster to come and lock them. Therefore, he spent some time preparing a big meal, and put some people in the death hunting ground. The soul of the dead fairy king was imprisoned in those thundering fairy iron ancient puppet.

After nurturing these spirits who were already on the verge of promotion for a period of time, he chose to set up a large formation around Yulong Peak at the same time. With the particularity of the thundering iron, it is not difficult to lure the catastrophe, because it itself It is the source of thunder.When he launched this tribulation formation, the will of this piece of heaven and earth had already locked onto this piece of space, paying attention to any living beings in this piece of space.The attention of the will of heaven and earth is the lock of heaven and earth.

As a result, more than a hundred Immortal Sovereign powerhouses were simultaneously locked by the Heavenly Tribulation, and the whole world seemed to be boiled, and boundless thunder clouds rushed from all directions.Zhan Wuming discovered that the scene of the immortals on the Jade Dragon Peak was different from the scene of the immortals in the lava world on the battlefield of gods and demons.But it is undeniable that they are all very spectacular, especially watching the group of fairy emperors rushing like wolves, Zhan Wuming laughed more and more happily.

"Boom..." Before Zhan Wuming could be complacent, he found a figure smashing towards him with a sky full of thunder, like a burning thunder ball. attack him.They hated this little golden fairy in front of them so much, they never thought that a large group of death hunters, a large group of top immortal emperors would be fooled by this kid in front of them.

Thinking of the phrase, are you ready, ready, let's go through the catastrophe together!Everyone felt the urge to bleed.What the hell is this? They originally thought that the other party was a super strong person who was extremely proud and arrogant. Otherwise, why would they issue a letter of challenge in such an arrogance, and arrange for everyone to gather at the top of Yulong Peak for a decisive battle three days later.

Only now did they realize that the other party just wanted to gather them all together and take advantage of the catastrophe of heaven and earth to wipe them all out. It was not at all the heroic and invincible appearance they had imagined, let alone the slightest demeanor of a master. It's a dirty trick, and they just fell for it.Why not let them feel angry.

Although the thunder calamity may not kill all of them, it will definitely hurt their vitality. Those who have to experience the supreme immortal calamity are almost impossible to survive, because the rules of this world are not complete, and the rules of the world are restricted and restricted. Limitation, although you have the Supreme Immortal Tribulation, you can't get the perfect Supreme Law in this space.

In this way, even if one has the energy to overcome the tribulation, in the end, the body will collapse due to the inability to replenish the law, and this is an unjust death.

The top-level immortal emperors knew that they would die, and they wanted to kill Zhan Wuming, the one who killed thousands of swords, first, so Zhan Wuming miscalculated the ruthlessness of these immortal emperors.While bearing the burning of the thunder, he launched a frenzied attack on him.

Everyone's attack carried thunder and fire. The Supreme Immortal Thunder is enough to injure the Immortal Emperor. Even if Zhan Wuming has the source of thunder, he is not willing to bear the bombardment of the Supreme Tribulation Thunder. Although it is only the first few strikes, it is not enough to kill .

"Damn, why don't you cross the catastrophe and join me here?" Zhan Wuming was taken aback, the opponent was desperate, how could he fight head-on with the opponent, his figure flashed, and he suddenly rushed towards those immortals with slightly lower cultivation bases The emperors squeezed through.This is the Supreme Tribulation Thunder, he can't handle it, and neither can those death hunters of the first level of the Immortal Emperor.

"Boom..." Zhan Wuming's figure was as flexible as the wind in the sky. When the supreme tribulation thunders came, he had already squeezed into the group of death hunters who were the first-level immortal emperors. Immediately, those first-level Immortal Emperors who were struggling to support the thunder tribulation were blown away.

Those people let out a miserable howl, and before their bodies fell to the ground, they ushered in several catastrophes of their own, which only blew up their bodyguards and scattered them, hurting their muscles and bones. That is the Supreme Thunder Tribulation.

"Wow..." The two rushed towards the peak of Zhan Wuming Immortal Emperor and yelled angrily. He didn't expect a little golden fairy to be so fast. .Zhan Wuming's speed didn't seem to be affected at all, which made them mad.

How did they know that Immortal King Jie is like scratching an itch for Zhan Wuming, his physical body has already broken through to the Immortal Emperor rank, even stronger than the peak of Immortal Emperor, this little Immortal King Jie can't deal with it naturally He has the slightest influence, even the robbery of the first-level Immortal Emperors has little influence on him.So, soon everyone saw a strange scene, a group of Immortal King peaks jumping up and down chasing a ball of thunder and fire, just like a group of children catching fireflies, trying to encircle them and fight for nothing.

Zhan Wuming was as slippery as a loach, he didn't give them a chance at all, they kept walking back and forth among the crowd, the berserk power of thunder and calamity was attracted by Zhan Wuming, splitting those who were suffering Zed's death hunters are miserable.

As the catastrophe intensifies, the speed of those top-level immortal emperors who still have the energy to chase Zhan Wuming is getting slower and slower. At this moment, their skin and flesh are already broken, and the immortal emperor's weapons are all destroyed. They need to desperately absorb a large amount of fairy stones and heavenly materials and earth treasures to supplement the original fairy power lost by the body. They know very well that it will be difficult for them to sustain it, but they have to hold on to the last bit of hope and don't want to just give up.

Zhan Wuming heaved a sigh of relief, his body was scorched black, but he was not injured. Although he was bombarded by a lot of lightning from the Immortal Emperor, he still had the Heaven Thief Armor on his body. This kind of thunder disaster could not hurt him at all, and he went crazy from it Absorb the laws in a deep way, so that the laws in your body can be tempered and reach perfection.Only a few behind him were still panting loudly, unwilling to give up but like a dying sick cat, the Immortal Emperor hoarsely howled in a low voice: "There is a kind...don't shameless little...person..."

Zhan Wuming sneered at them, he didn't take them to heart at all, soldiers never tire of cheating, they foolishly fell into the trap, who would they wish.

(End of this chapter)

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