Chapter 112
Seeing that everyone was very afraid of Zhan Wuming, although those foreigners were surprised, they didn't want to stop.

"This is a matter between our Wanyan family and the Donghuang Kingdom. I hope you don't interfere." The foreign youth took a step forward and did not back down.

"Boom...boom..." Zhan Wuming's figure quickly pierced across, directly breaking through the besieging crowd.There was no sign of Zhan Wuming's attack at all, and he didn't even say a word of nonsense.

"Brother hates negotiating with people the most!" Under the attack of Zhan Wuming, the war king of the Wanyan family had no power to resist. The meat was chopped into pieces with random knives.

"I'm sorry, I wanted to save their lives. I didn't kill you. They killed you." Zhan Wuming shrugged and spread his hands, pretending to smile helplessly.

Zhan Wuming pulled Donghuang Yaya, pulled her behind him and said: "See, that fiercest old guy is my master, you go to him and say you are his disciple Zhan Wuming's little wife , he will definitely protect you."

"Ah!" Dong Huang's elegant and pretty face blushed, why did she suddenly become Zhan Wuming's little wife.As the princess of the empire, she has become someone else's concubine, how can I say such words.

"Princess!" The Black Dragon Guard glared at each other.Although Zhan Wuming's words were to save the Eastern Emperor's elegance, how could a dignified princess of the empire claim to be someone else's concubine? This was a great insult to the Eastern Emperor's Kingdom.

"Brother Wuming, can't you make it bigger?" Donghuang Yaya blushed and asked weakly.

Zhan Wuming was speechless for a moment, he was just joking, the Seventh Princess took it seriously, she didn't want to be a small one, she wanted to be a big one, but this girl didn't look too big, she couldn't help but shook her head and said: "Well, If you feel that you are at a disadvantage, forget it!"


"Zhan Wuming, you're going too far..." the Black Dragon Guard was furious, but before he could finish speaking, he was stabbed again.

"Wow... the attack was quite ruthless, it seems that you really want to make trouble with me Zhan Wuming." Zhan Wuming pulled Donghuang Yaya, and retreated a few feet away, avoiding the attack of the Wanyan family's Zhanwang.

"Take Yaya to my master!" Zhan Wuming unceremoniously rushed over to Eunuch Shan and ordered.

Eunuch Shan looked at Zhan Wuming and nodded, he knew that Zhan Wuming had an advantage over him in this suppressed environment, and if Zhan Wuming had no scruples, the Wanyan family might not be able to stay he.

"Be careful too!" Eunuch Shan nodded, and the Eastern Emperor retreated elegantly.

"You are that wolf king, Wanyan Zhong. Bullying a woman is nothing. I know you ten kings actually got out of a pair of pants, and you must really want to kill me. No, I'm here, let's go!" It's fun!" Zhan Wuming turned his body to block the pursuit of the Wanyan family's war kings, and said with a sneer.

Zhan Wuming's movements were extremely fast, and when his body moved, a strong murderous aura enveloped all the members of the Wanyan family.Everyone has a feeling that if they go one step further, they will inevitably be attacked by Zhan Wuming.Just now Zhan Wuming casually beat several war kings to death, no one could escape the blow.

"Sure enough, it's the Demon King of Confusion, who suppressed everyone in Wanyan's family with the power of one person..." Someone beside him praised in a low voice.

Scattered disciples from several major sects were watching the battle, all of them were intimidated by Zhan Wuming's aura of guarding the gate alone, and they secretly muttered in their hearts that they would never provoke this devil king in the future.The ten kings of Poyan are afraid that they will go to hell, this demon king of chaos is the real king. He didn't see that wolf king and a group of people facing Zhan Wuming, and they didn't dare to go over to chase them.

"Boom!" Wan Yanzhong shot suddenly.

Zhan Wuming's arrogance made him angry. His subordinates were obviously not Zhan Wuming's opponents, so he wanted to see how important this guy was.As soon as he made a move, he felt that Zhan Wuming's power was stronger than his own.

Zhan Wuming stood like a pillar of heaven, motionless, but Wan Yanzhong retreated five steps abruptly.With one blow, the strong and weak are judged. Obviously, Zhan Wuming completely defeated Wan Yan Zhong in terms of strength.As soon as Wanyan retreated, the war kings of the Wanyan family attacked Zhan Wuming together.

Zhan Wuming gave a low laugh, didn't bother him, and retreated violently: "Brother is not interested in playing here with you, so as not to be taken advantage of by others. Little wolf, if you are interested, you might as well make an appointment with the other kings, Everyone, come here and have a good time, don't be so indifferent like today, you don't even dare to use the power of blood!"

Wanyan glanced at the direction of the Yanshouzong, he really didn't dare to let go and fight Zhan Wuming today, after all, with the arrogance of the Yanshouzong King Beast Legion, he could easily kill all the people present in the Wanyan family .The fight just now also made him feel that in this Kunpeng sea area, it is not easy to defeat Zhan Wuming.

Hearing what Zhan Wuming said, Wanyan said solemnly: "I will take your life!"

Zhan Wuming smiled, stopped talking, and walked straight to the direction of Yan Beast Sect.I still have to say hello to the old lunatic, anyway, the old lunatic is still very protective of himself.He personally ventured into dangerous places, his eyes were bloodshot from killing, so don't make any troubles.


Zhan Wuming appeared, and Yan Beast Sect quickly took down the second stone tablet.Lie Wenxiu was so red-eyed that he wanted to charge towards the third stone tablet, but was held back by Zhan Wuming.

Lie Wenxiu was very puzzled, and asked suspiciously: "My good disciple, is there something wrong?"

"It's too late, Master, you see that the Earth Heart Lie Yanyu is too greedy. He wanted to eat all the steles at once, but he suffered a heavy loss. In the end, he only got two steles, and then retreated sadly. Although our strength is strong, we are stronger than others. Speaking of the shoal of fiery fish in the center of the earth, it is still weaker. If we get two stone tablets, some people will be jealous. If we are greedy for more, it will definitely arouse public outrage, and it will be bad to be attacked by a group. Master really wants to get more There are so many steles, why bother to be in the limelight now?" Zhan Wuming smiled faintly.

"Disciple, what do you mean?" Lie Wenxiu calmed down instantly as if being blown by a cold wind.

"The goal here is too big, and whoever has the most limelight will definitely be missed. As the saying goes, if you bury your hair to get rich and raise your head to be poor, then you are the real rich! Let's step aside and see who gets the surplus. Remember the stele that you put down. I believe that even if the stele is finally taken away, there will still be a bloody battle outside the Kunpeng Dojo. Those who get the stele here may not be able to keep the stele in the end!" Zhan Wuming He said with a low smile.

"Good apprentice, you are really smart!" Lie Wenxiu smiled suddenly, suddenly realizing.As expected, Tuer has the most experience in this matter of beating sap.Buried one's head to get rich, raised one's head to be poor.Words of wisdom.

"You have to learn more from the little juniors, a bunch of idiots, and behave like your master!" Lie Wenxiu shouted, pointing to a group of slave beast disciples around him, with a proud look on his face.

The group of disciples nodded with weird expressions. This means that even the master scolded him along the way. Disciples are like masters. We and our masters are idiots. As long as your apprentice is smart, you should also praise yourself along the way.The disciples of the Beast Sect discovered that since Uncle Lie Wenxiu took in Zhan Wuming as his apprentice, his speaking skills had improved a lot, and he even knew how to insinuate and swear.

After returning to the sect, you must tell the master quietly, so that he will not offend the uncle in the future.

"Let's go, let's go watch the fun, and if we see anyone who doesn't like it, we'll rob it. You bastards, when you killed people just now, did you remember to take off their Qiankun ring?" Lie Wenxiu looked at the world with his nostrils and said .

When the people nearby heard this, they "coaxed" them all to disperse. Sure enough, like a disciple, there must be a master. If you kill someone, you still don't forget the Qiankun Ring in his hand. Who are the disciples of the Beast Sect?

Others suddenly realized that when they wanted to fish in troubled waters just now, they found that the battlefield that the Beast Sect passed by was as clean as the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves. Not to mention the Qiankun ring on the corpse, there was not even a single gold coin left What's more, the weapons and armor of the deceased were stripped off.This doesn't look like an orthodox sect, this is simply a group of poor and hungry bandits.

Lie Wenxiu saw all the disciples smiled shyly, and some of them carefully hid the ten fingers covered with rings in their sleeves, and immediately understood, and praised: "Being a human being is not to waste. Learn from your juniors, I support you!"

Zhan Wuming almost collapsed.

"Master, when you pass the gate of Kunpeng's lair, let all the senior brothers hit the gate of the lair together, and let the king beast army protect everyone in the middle, it is best to block other people's sight." Zhan Wuming whispered in Lie Wenxiu's ear. side muttered.

"What, good apprentice, what are your plans? Master, I tried it just now, but it doesn't work, this lair is tightly closed, and no one is allowed to enter at all." Lie Wenxiu said helplessly.

"I can go in, but I don't want others to know that I went in. So, when you leave in a while, you have to cover it up so that no one will notice that I'm missing. As long as the king beast army surrounds us, no one should find me Missing." Zhan Wuming said.

"Really, no problem. It seems that Kunpeng still has some vision. Only people like my apprentice are eligible to enter." Lie Wenxiu smiled, without a trace of jealousy in his heart, and asked in a low voice, "Good apprentice, What's the matter with your little wife? It's actually the Seventh Princess of the Eastern Emperor Kingdom, and his father is a pinnacle sage, so don't make trouble for others to come to your door, it would be no fun to disturb the ancestors."

"It's nothing, she said she is my concubine, and I didn't force her. If her old man comes, at worst, I will meet my father-in-law. The father-in-law is a peak saint, so can the meeting ceremony be bad?" Zhan Wuming looked like a dead pig Not afraid of being scalded by boiling water, he said with a sinister smile.

Lie Wenxiu was startled, and immediately gave a thumbs up, speechless.This apprentice is really invincible, what else can he say as a master, just help wipe his ass.

"Damn it, this shit Kunpeng Bird's Nest is still not allowed to enter. Get out of the way, the people of our Beast Sect don't believe in this evil. Come again, if you don't let in again, grandma, I won't play with you, sir. Go back to sleep." Lie Wenxiu yelled and pushed towards the entrance of Kunpeng's lair.

(End of this chapter)

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