Chapter 1122 Who is the Ant

Zhan Wuming's figure retreated first, and when he moved, a ray of sharp wind hit him sideways, and it was a slender embroidery needle piercing through the void at an extremely fast speed. Once it was pierced by this embroidery needle, Even if he had the Thief Armor on his body, it would be unbearable, because the embroidery needle flew at a very tricky angle, and the place chosen was the weakest point of the Thief Armor.

This is a real kill, the void lurks enemies he didn't find, the fifth death hunter, even if the first middle-level companion of the Immortal Emperor died, he didn't have the slightest fluctuation, as if he never existed.

"Ding..." Zhan Wuming's body tilted slightly, and the thin needle pierced into the Heaven-thieving Armor. Although Zhan Wuming avoided the weak point, the thin needle was still submerged in the armor and embedded in it, Zhan Wuming felt as if he had been stung by an ant, and the needle body of the thin needle was still stuck by the Thief Armor.

Although the fine needle did not penetrate Zhan Wuming's body, it made Zhan Wuming so frightened that a layer of cold sweat oozes from his vest. What the hell is this? Armor can pierce, what a terrifying penetration.The Stealing Sky Armor is made of the hard carapace of a quasi-emperor-level giant mantis monster, and many defensive runes and formations are added to it, which can be penetrated by the thin needle. Doesn't it mean that this thin needle can Breaking through the defense of the quasi-emperor rank, what a terrifying fairy weapon.

"Hey..." Zhan Wuming wanted to pull out the thin needle stuck on the Heaven-thieving Armor, but the opponent didn't expect that the needle failed to penetrate Zhan Wuming's defense, and the attacker's reaction speed was also very fast. The blow failed, he immediately used his spiritual sense to destroy the fine needle, and retreated immediately, Zhan Wuming caught nothing.

Zhan Wuming thought: I am still being careless, these people who are called death hunters must have their own unique skills, and if they are not done well, they may be damaged here.

"Come out!" Zhan Wuming roared.As far as his eyes could see, Zhan Wuming didn't find the other party's trace, but the direction in which the long needle disappeared had already exposed the person's location.He didn't know if the other party had a weird space talent like Shi Changyi, this was an opponent who was very good at hiding, like an invisible ghost.

Zhan Wuming drew out his sword, crimson like a dragon, traveling through eternity, the space under his sword was like an onion that had been peeled off layer by layer, piece by piece...

In the distance, Yan Wu and several other immortal emperors looked at the layers of space that had been peeled off in the void. They never thought that the layers of space were so concrete under Zhan Wuming's sword, and all of this came from The strange power of law attached to that sword.Through time and space, peeled off the years.

"Ding..." Just as Zhan Wuming's sword stripped layers of space, a chi-long silver needle suddenly protruded from the stripped void. Sharp, stabbing heavily on the edge of Zhan Wuming's sword.

"Zhan Wuming's body was shaken suddenly, and the force of space stripping above the sword's edge dissipated without a trace. In the space that hadn't fully healed, a figure looked like a foreign object that came out of a broken womb, and rushed towards Zhan Wuming. His body bumped into him. Before the figure arrived, the sharp force had already made Zhan Wuming feel terrified, and the man was already pressing on him.

"Om..." At the moment when that figure was approaching Zhan Wuming, a ball of flames suddenly rose out of thin air, like a dancing fire dragon, and instantly swallowed up the entire void.Zhan Wuming disappeared in the flames, the Immortal Emperor who had just emerged from the void found that Zhan Wuming had disappeared in front of his eyes, but he had entered a deep and huge flame passage, the scorching high temperature was like the interior of a star, which made him The body guards around his body swayed, showing signs of collapse.

"What a powerful fire of the law of fire!" The man retreated in shock. No one wants to put himself in danger when he can't find the target.He suddenly opened a crack in the void, and with his spatial talent, he slipped in without even thinking about it.

The flames between heaven and earth suddenly disappeared, and he entered a different kind of space, but his heart suddenly became heavy.

That figure did cut through the void, and penetrated into the void, but this was not the first time he used his space talent to escape from a dangerous situation, so when he penetrated the void, he found a holy and beautiful space in front of him, Then he felt something was wrong, this was not a space he was familiar with, and he had never entered another world after penetrating the void.

In the same world, there are different spatial levels, and there are many spatial barriers, but most of those barriers are dead silent. When he saw everything in front of him, he felt that the place was full of vitality, and there was even a sense of sacredness. The power of nature flows on this land, as if hearing hundreds of millions of souls singing and proclaiming the gospel there.

"Hey..." The Immortal Emperor felt an extremely bad feeling in his heart, and stretched out his hand to draw in the void again, but this time, there was no crack in the void, and his spatial talent only caused a slight sound in this world. The sound was like a wooden knife cutting cowhide.

"How is it possible... what the hell is this place..." The Immortal Emperor was terrified, and looked around the world in horror. He couldn't open the void in this world. his ability.

"Welcome to heaven." Just when the Immortal Emperor was stunned and confused, an indifferent laughter came over, and then a phantom showed a huge face, which was Zhan Wuming who disappeared in the flames.

"Heaven..." A trace of astonishment flashed in the eyes of the immortal emperor, and he quickly became fierce. He understood that when he was tearing open the void, the young man in front of him manipulated him and let him go through the gap in the void. Into the heavenly world.

"Surrender to me, I am optimistic about you!" Just as the fairy king was thinking about how to escape from this space, Zhan Wuming's words almost made him jump out of anger, a little fairy king wanted to surrender himself , I really don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth.

"Just you, a little ant, do you think that trapping me in a small world can trap me?" The Immortal Emperor retorted disdainfully, and then a violent breath in his body became stronger and stronger. Lie, just like the vast ocean, he is the peak powerhouse of Immortal Emperor, his special talent allows him to break through the void when Lei Jie locks this space, so he can avoid being locked by Lei Jie.

In this hunting ground of death, there are very few people who can make him feel in awe, so what if it is the immortal, with his ability, it is not impossible to assassinate the immortal. When he spoke to him, nothing but disdain was anger in his heart.

"Then I'll let you see who is the real ant!" Zhan Wuming laughed, although the current heaven has not been fully restored, but as long as he enters the heaven, no one can escape except the immortal emperor , even if he doesn't destroy it himself, Tiantian can still exert the strength of the emperor's weapon, and its potential essence is the god king's weapon.

"Om..." As soon as Zhan Wuming's words fell, a big hand suddenly formed in the void of the entire heavenly world, and fell down from the sky, covering the sky and avoiding the sun, and there was no way to avoid it.

"Ah..." The Immortal Emperor shouted violently, even if it is the power of a small world, he can penetrate even a small world with the peak power of the Immortal Emperor, amidst the shouts, The thin needle about a foot in his hand suddenly swelled up, like a sky pillar that rises in the wind, and blasted towards the big hand above the sky, breaking it with force.

"Boom..." The pillar collided with the big hand in the void, and the whole world shook for a while, and then there was a crackling sound. The pillar did not break, but was shaken off the hand. The huge palm seemed to be A hundred thousand mountains fell on the Immortal Emperor, smashing him into the ground in an instant.

"How is it possible..." The Immortal Emperor spat out a mouthful of blood, his strength was unable to block the blow, and his Supreme Immortal Artifact, which was almost a quasi-emperor weapon, was blasted out amidst the wailing sound. This was never before. of.A terrifying possibility came to his mind. The space he is in now is not a small world, but a terrifying imperial weapon. Only the soul of the imperial weapon can possess such terrifying power.

He couldn't believe that a little fairy king, a little ant who was only a golden fairy a few hours ago, actually possessed an imperial weapon. This was simply cheating.But everything in front of me proves that this is the truth.

"No, it's impossible, everything is an illusion..." The Immortal Emperor yelled frantically in his heart, all of this could not be true, it was just his illusion, but the more he yelled in his heart, he reminded himself that what had happened The more things reminded him that everything he saw was true, the terrifying gravity on his body not only did not decrease, but became heavier instead, he even felt the creaking sound of his body bones, and he would soon be crushed Broken.

"You are wrong, this is not an illusion, everything is real, and you, the only destiny is to surrender to me, let go of your soul, and accept the faith!" In the void, an indifferent voice came slowly, and the voice fell At that moment, the grand Gospel of Zen came from the whole world, as if there were hundreds of millions of souls reciting faintly, reverberating in his heart, but he couldn't know what the other party was singing. slow purification.

"Ah... I won't give in..." The Immortal Emperor howled crazily. He felt as if his soul was soaking in a hot spring. The laziness made him want to fall asleep right away. His will was purified by a strange force, and he couldn't even produce the power to resist.He knew that if this continued, the land he cultivated would be controlled by the other party, so he could only roar loudly to resist the baptism of the Sanskrit Chanting.

What happened in the heavenly world is not very clear to the outside. What Yan Wu and the others saw was a terrifying flame that instantly enveloped tens of feet in a radius, not only swallowing that piece, but also making them unable to see what was going on in the flames. What happened, and then the group of flames disappeared very suddenly just like when it came.When the group of flames disappeared, the companions of Sneak Attack and Wuming never appeared again, as if they had never existed.

(End of this chapter)

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