Chapter 1125 Demon God Soul Cave
"Aw..." The giant snake felt that the restraints on its body had disappeared, and with a long howl, the entire cave trembled, and the huge sound waves spread far away in this passage like a hurricane.

"Boom..." The huge snake tail retracted quickly, and the entire cave suddenly became empty.

Zhan Wuming let out a slight breath, looking at the discolored Tianluo Zijin scattered on the ground, the original power of gold made him feel comfortable all over.The power of gold in Tianluo Zijin is very sufficient, the entire Tianluo Zijin goes deep into the mountainside, and it is all absorbed by Zhan Wuming, which naturally makes Zhan Wuming feel comfortable all over.

"Okay, we can go now. Your snake emperor is out of trouble. I guess those death hunters are busy." Zhan Wuming turned his head and glanced outside the cave. The teleportation array in the fairy palace was destroyed. To enter the veins of the earth, one must first pass the level of the Snake Emperor, so now he only has to deal with those people in the underground caves, so there is not much pressure.

The talent of the Ratman is that he is very sensitive to crises and abnormalities, which is why even though he is the first-level cultivation of the Immortal Emperor, he can survive in the Tianzi hunting ground.

Those death hunters didn't know that there was such an assistant beside Zhan Wuming, and they set up many ambushes in the long and curved passage of the ground, just to assassinate this pervertedly powerful fairy king.But they met the Ratman with extraordinary talent. At the same time, Zhan Wuming also possessed their unimaginable sensitivity. Neither the original origin nor the battlefield of gods and demons could have much influence on Zhanwuming's Taixu Qi.

Zhan Wuming is very sensitive to the nine elements between the heaven and the earth. He can perceive where there may be an ambush based on the different distribution of space elements. There were several ambushes, but none of them posed any threat to Zhan Wuming, Zhan Wuming resolved them one by one, and counterattacked several people.

Zhan Wuming pushed nearly a hundred miles underground in the time of cupping tea. I don't know how deep this tunnel is. The passage slopes down, not vertically. Therefore, even though he walked a hundred miles away, sinking may also be difficult. It's only a few hundred feet. If you really want to go down to the ground, you may have to walk thousands of miles along this passage.Thousands of miles of underground passages are nothing to the huge Yulong Mountain Range.

Zhan Wuming advanced rapidly. He didn't know where Shi Changyi and the others had gone. He had never even seen traces of Shi Changyi's passing along the way. Maybe the teleportation array in the fairy palace was located farther than he is now. Travel farther.

The underground terrain under the Yulong Mountains is complex, with criss-cross passages, like a huge maze, but Zhan Wuming has always been the best at treasure hunting, not to mention Xiaolan's incomparably sensitive senses, and the treasure hunting pig can also play hard at this time The role of imagination.

The treasure-hunting pig is even more miniature, about the size of a kitten, squatting on Zhan Wuming's shoulders, with a powerful aura. I don't know what good things were fed by Yan Qingqing and others in the paradise world, and now it has grown into a fairy. The Beast Treasure Pig is gone, and the little piebald fur looks more flattering.

The treasure hunting pig, who hadn't left the Heaven's Artifact for a long time, seemed extremely excited at this moment. He kept sniffing the breath of the underground, and led Zhan Wuming straight to a deeper place.

Soon, Zhan Wuming saw an empty mountainside, and there was a suspended platform in the middle of the mountain. The passages he walked were all above the platform. Downward, I don’t know how deep it was. The platform led to a spiral downward On the road, several thick and long iron cables suspend the suspended platform in the sky of the huge mountainside.The top of the empty mountainside is shrouded in a misty aura, lingering, and the top cannot be seen at all. Below, there is a faint red light. I don’t know whether it is lava or something else. The little red light makes this huge mountainside The void seemed deeper.

Zhan Wuming and the Ratman leaned against the mountain wall, the narrow path was about two feet wide, and the wind roared in the huge cave on the mountainside, which could blow people into the bottomless abyss at any time, smashing them to pieces.

Zhan Wuming felt that this place was very strange. When he faced the huge cave, he felt that even if he turned into a Kunpeng, he would not be able to spread his wings and fly.In this mountainside, it seems to be a rule of its own. It is not that his Kunpeng bloodline is not strong enough, but that he himself is not strong enough. Even if he has the most powerful bloodline, he cannot exert his due strength.Bound by quirky rules here.

"Could this be the legendary Demon God's Soul Cave?" The Rat Man took a few steps back, not daring to approach the edge of the abyss in the middle of the mountain.

"What is the Demon God's Soul Cave?" Zhan Wuming asked in amazement, he really had never heard of the Demon God's Soul Cave.

"It is said that there is a Jedi in the ancestral land of our monster race, which is extremely terrifying. There, the rules of heaven and earth are extremely powerful. No matter you are an immortal emperor, an immortal emperor, or even an immortal emperor, you will be like a mortal in this place. In this space, heaven and earth The power of the law cannot be borrowed at all, and the aura of heaven and earth seems to have its own life, and it cannot be absorbed at all. Therefore, in this world, you cannot fly, you cannot mobilize the laws of heaven and earth and aura, you can only rely on physical strength. I once heard that a demon released an old man As Zu mentioned, it is the place where the demon gods scattered their souls, the place where the demon gods returned to after their death. Therefore, in this world, every ray of law power and every trace of aura is actually the remnant souls of the demon gods. Unless your realm and strength are much higher than the demon god, it is impossible for you to absorb and borrow anything in this space. There is a bottomless abyss there, and no one knows where it leads, maybe it is the eighteenth floor of purgatory The next underworld may be the mortal world, or it may be the demon world... No one has ever come back after falling into the abyss, including the demon emperor. Therefore, the demon god soul cave is the most terrifying Jedi in the legends of the demon clan." The rat man deeply He took a deep breath.

"Makino Xingkong, what's going on here? What do you say about this place?" Zhan Wuming's soul communicated with Muye Xingkong.

"Well, master, we don't know what this place is, because when we came to this place, this place has been listed as the most terrifying dangerous place. It is impossible to fly here, and it is impossible to find out the consciousness. Our teleportation array The Dharma was built on the platform of the void, and it was fixed in the void with chains, but none of us dared to go down, because we could not fly in the void of the mountainside, and once we stepped into the void, we would never be able to return to it. This world is gone. As for where it went, I have never heard of it. Therefore, very few of us are willing to enter this place." Makino Xingkong's voice also revealed helplessness.

"Oh, don't even you know?" Zhan Wuming frowned, and asked again: "Where is the seal of the earth's veins?"

"The seal of the earth veins should go down along the small path dug along the wall of the mountain. When you go down about a thousand feet, you will see another cave extending into the middle of the mountain. We only need to go deep into that cave to reach the heart. Naihetang has also wanted to do it for countless years. Let's see what secrets lie under the abyss at the belly of the mountain. After excavating for tens of thousands of years or even nearly a million years, only a circular road has been opened around this huge belly of the mountain and goes deep into the abyss. It is still impossible to see the bottom. They can no longer dig a road downward." Makino Xingkong seemed to have a certain understanding of Naihetang's exploration of the abyss in the mountainside, and explained.

"Oh, there is such a thing, why can't it go down after digging thousands of miles?" Zhan Wuming asked curiously.

"The further you go down, the stronger the wind. Even if you nail yourself to the mountain wall, you may be blown away by the wind. In the depths of thousands of miles, only the strong of the immortal level can barely stand, that is to say, you must let the immortal Zun came here to open the mountain, but even if it is a fairy, it is very difficult to cut through the mountain wall, because the rocks on the mountain wall are so strong that the Supreme Immortal Artifact will not last ten days before it will be dug up, no matter how rich and powerful Naihetang is , They don't have so many Supreme Immortal Artifacts to dig up, let alone, where do they get Immortal Exalted to help them dig mountains and roads?" Mu Ye Xingkong said with a wry smile.

This time it was Zhan Wuming and Ratman's turn to be dumbfounded, Zhan Wuming was speechless, what the hell kind of place is this? For thousands of miles, the wind is so strong that even the immortal can't stand on it. In this place, he can't fly even if he is the incarnation of Kunpeng.

Here, all living beings are forbidden to travel through this void. To go, one must walk down the mountain wall step by step. After the death hunters are teleported down, they must walk the thick iron rope like a bucket to return to the path on the mountain wall.

"It seems that there are a lot of weird things in this space. I'm afraid they are really killing on this path that goes down the mountain wall." Zhan Wuming took a deep breath, and looking from a distance, the hollow in the belly of the mountain The mountain road with a diameter of a hundred miles and a circle of less than two feet is indeed shocking to look at. This circle is hundreds of miles long. If there are any traps set along the way, it is really very difficult to deal with. As long as he stumbles, he will never come back. Doesn't it mean that several demon emperors have not come back? It can be seen that even if the immortal emperor comes here, it is probably useless, and he can only rely on his body.

"Yes, there are indeed several ambush points on this mountain road, and there are also many traps. It is not easy to pass through these traps, especially since we can't use the laws of heaven and earth in this space, and we can't even fly Time. Once you stumble, there is no possibility of turning back." Makino Xingkong's voice was full of tension, even Makino Xingkong, who had mastered the laws of space, still had lingering fears about this section of the road.

"Then let me see what tricks they can come up with on this road." Zhan Wuming narrowed his eyes, even if this road was a dead end, he couldn't back down.

Shi Changyi was already ahead, and he couldn't delay on this road for too long.

(End of this chapter)

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