Chapter 1128

At the last moment, Zhan Wuming transformed into the wings of a Kunpeng. Although he couldn't take advantage of the wind to fly, he could at least slow down the force of his impact on the cave wall.

The huge and long iron chain hit the stone wall with a "clang" sound, and bursts of dust floated down from the sky, Zhan Wuming heaved a long sigh of relief, the force of the impact made him feel a little dizzy, other than that, there was no sound. Nothing particularly unusual.When he looked up again, Zhan Wuming let out a sharp breath, the height here has dropped by tens of miles from the height they descended before, because the iron chain is tens of miles long, and the iron chain that the Rat Man is clinging to does not know where it is.

On the mountain wall, Zhan Wuming could vaguely see a series of sunken trails, but only two feet wide, standing on the trails, it was difficult to stand amidst the strange howling wind.Zhan Wuming began to believe what Makino Xingkong said, that it took Naihetang a million years to dig down a trail thousands of miles away, and some places were less than a foot wide, which is definitely a dangerous place.

Now what makes Zhan Wuming so dizzy is that he doesn't know where the passage leading to the mountainside is at all, and he has to find it for a long time, and he has to go around this natural moat trail.I heard from Makino Xingkong that the passage should be more than a thousand feet below, but now it is tens of miles down, and the entrance of the passage must be somewhere above the head.

Thinking of this, Zhan Wuming felt a little depressed. He originally wanted to save some time, but now it is more troublesome, but it is good to be able to survive.Zhan Wuming didn't go up the plank road immediately, but climbed up along the iron cables. Instead of circling the plank road in circles, it would be better to go to a similar height to find it, saving wasted time.

The wind in the Demon God's Soul Cave was very strong, and the bucket-like thick iron chains were constantly shaking in the void by the strong wind, colliding with the stone walls and making crisp sounds, surrounding the four stone walls, hundreds of The long iron chain makes a sound of impact at the same time, which sounds strange and hypnotic, as if a kind of laziness that penetrates into the soul gradually breeds, making those who want to use the iron chain to climb up gradually give birth to a feeling of insomnia. Strange thoughts, as long as you let go of your hand lightly, you can enter the world of bliss and find the dream you have been chasing for countless years.

Zhan Wuming shook his head viciously, this weird sound made his heart rippling, and he was horrified, there was no such weird sound in the Demon God Soul Cave before, after the platform collapsed, hundreds of lines tens of miles long Zhan Wuming was startled by the strange sound made by the thick iron chain.

The appearance of the sound is by no means accidental. When people installed hundreds of iron cables many years ago, they were placed according to a certain strange law. After the collapse of the platform, they will merge with the sky and the earth, forming a wonderful soul-destroying rhythm.

"Not good!" Zhan Wuming's heart moved slightly, he felt uncomfortable, the rat man was afraid that the situation would be worse, he couldn't help shouting "rat, where are you?"

"Mouse, where are"

Waves of echoes rippling in the Demon God's Soul Cave, Zhan Wuming saw the strange mist floating in the void spread with his sound waves, the echoes became more weird after several twists and turns, catering to the sound of the iron chain hitting the mountain wall , making the hypnotizing effect more pronounced, and the human soul began to tremble in that voice.

Zhan Wuming didn't seem to be calling for the Ratman, but more like calling for a soul.

"" After Zhan Wuming's voice came out, a strange echo came back soon. The human voice, as if separated by countless mountains, repeated continuously, Zhan Wuming felt heavy in his heart.

Hearing the Rat Man's voice, he was slightly relieved to report that at least nothing happened to the Rat Man, and the distance between the two of them was not too far away. The voice from the Rat Man seemed to be below him, a little weak and lifeless. The Rat Guesser hit the mountain wall and went on the market, and may have suffered some injuries.

Thinking of this, he quickly jumped on the circular plank road and rushed towards the direction of the sound. Soon, he found the iron chain where the Rat Man was, but when he saw the Rat Man, he looked astonished.

The Ratman's face was covered in blood, and his body was tied like a rice dumpling by a rope. It was the same rope that brought Zhan Wuming back. Obviously, the Ratman knew that if he hit the stone wall hard, he would be seriously injured and might be knocked off. Therefore, after Zhan Wuming flew to another iron rope, he quickly tied himself to that iron rope with the fairy rope in his hand. Even if he was knocked unconscious, as long as the rope and the iron rope continued, he would not will fall into the abyss.It can be seen that the rat man is indeed very smart, and now it seems that it was the rat man who saved him by preparing in advance.

Seeing the pitiful appearance of the Ratman, Zhan Wuming laughed, his face was deformed when he bumped against the mountain wall. In this area, the laws of space and fairy spirit energy cannot be used at all, even if it is a demon. Therefore, this collision almost It was accelerating continuously from a height of tens of miles, and when the speed reached the maximum, it hit the stone wall.

If it wasn't for the fact that the Ratman also had the cultivation base of the Immortal Emperor, the body of the monster race was slightly stronger than that of a human monk, and this collision could have smashed him into a pulp.

"Take it!" Zhan Wuming pulled the Ratman up, and handed him a green elixir that was full of fragrance.

The Ratman didn't hesitate, and after swallowing it, he sat quietly for a while to recuperate, and his complexion improved a bit. After wiping off the blood on his face, he could see the bruises on his head, which looked like horns.

"You said that you are an Immortal Emperor, and this little thing will make you like this." Zhan Wuming laughed and cursed angrily.

But the Ratman began to cry poorly: "Master, you don't know, our monster clan is not good at refining weapons. We have been hunted down by those people all these years, and the few treasures on our body have already been used up. Now we can only fight against people." Relying on my own minions. Well, if I hadn’t sent out a few attacks on the stone wall in advance, the counter-shock force would have slowed down my speed a little, I’m afraid I’d really die this time.” After speaking, the Ratman seemed still With a look of lingering fear, he wiped his sweat.

"Okay, let's go up quickly, we have to find the cave of the leylines earlier, this demon soul cave is very evil, let's find the exit sooner!" Zhan Wuming interrupted the Ratman's complaints, and said solemnly.

The Ratman nodded. His nose is very sensitive, and the place is very evil. In this kind of place, he is no worse than the treasure hunting pig. Of course, when it comes to finding treasures, he is much worse than the treasure hunting pig, but Find the way, the Ratman is a master of escape, so he can quickly identify his position.

Zhan Wuming and the Ratman climbed up the iron cable, which was at least much faster than climbing along the plank road around the mountain wall.Zhan Wuming discovered a problem. On this mountain wall, there are not only the iron cables that lock the platform. After a while, there will be some chain cables nailed to the stone wall. Many of them have corroded to a bad state. How many years have been hanging in the cave, I think those iron chains should be got up by Naihetang in order to explore the abyss below.

The downward depth of these iron cables must be as long as Makino Xingkong said, it is really thousands of miles long, but in this demon god soul cave, even the iron cables of the fairy level can hardly last for a long time, even the fairy king level The iron chain will rot in ten thousand years, because here, the fairy weapon will not be supplemented by the power of the fairy and the law of heaven and earth in this space. Under constant consumption, the spirit of the weapon will also wither, and then it will die Turned into a mortal weapon, corroded by the soul mist in this space...

Zhan Wuming and the Ratman ascended extremely fast, climbing these iron chains with their physical strength was like going up stairs. The only thing that bothered them was the sound of those iron chains hitting the mountain wall, which had an extremely terrifying power of confusion, and even made people People can't help having all kinds of hallucinations.

If it weren't for Zhan Wuming's incomparably stable soul, the Five Elements Cave had already formed a complete and stable space, making his soul inviolable. The Ratman needed Zhan Wuming's constant reminders, and several times he almost fell, but was caught by Zhan Wuming. Pulled back, until Zhan Wuming found the hole, and then put the pale-faced rat man into the magic weapon space. In the state of the rat man, once he encounters other enemies, he has no chance to survive. Take a good rest.

Zhan Wuming also rested for a while. He didn't feel any danger at the entrance of the cave. It seemed that he was also affected by the sound of iron chains in the Demon God's Soul Cave. No one wanted to stay where he could hear the sound of iron chains. Otherwise, once someone sets up an ambush at the entrance of this cave, it would be really not easy for him to rush in. With such a narrow plank road, he would not be able to fully display his combat power. Once he misses, he may fall into the endless abyss Among them, it can be regarded as a dangerous place.

Even the Immortal Emperor frequently hallucinated the sound of the iron chain. Whoever guarded the entrance of this cave might jump into the abyss after hallucinating.Although those death hunters really wanted to kill Zhan Wuming, they didn't want to risk their own lives. They hoped that Zhan Wuming couldn't bear the terrifying sound of iron chain requiem and fell into the abyss.

Walking through a section of the plank road, I finally came to a wide cave. There was a wide flat ground in front of me and behind me. It also made Zhan Wuming feel more at ease.

The light in this passage is not too dim, there is a kind of fluorescent moss growing on the wall of the cave, here and there, it feels like the earth under a moonlit night, although it is dark, there is a dim light, which makes him Can see the road ahead.

The Ratman was released from Zhan Wuming's subspace, but he didn't let the Ratman go with him. The Ratman's talent is more suitable for lurking in the dark.As for Makino Xingkong, it is also suitable for lurking in the dark. With these two people in front of one another, Zhan Wuming hardly encountered any obstacles. Several ambushes were cleared up, and Zhan Wuming didn't even have a chance to make a move. This also allowed him to see the horror of a real assassin.

(End of this chapter)

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