Chapter 1132 Fighting against Venerable Wangyou

Immortal Venerable, representing a high class, is definitely the top power in the fairy world.After all, there is only one immortal emperor in every fairyland. Except for the immortal emperor, almost every immortal can support a powerful family. Once the Immortal Territory gains enough status and resources, once a family loses the support of the Immortal Venerable, it may be reduced to a second-rate family.It is precisely because of the power of the immortals that the number of immortals in each fairyland is not large.

Zhan Wuming didn't expect that there would be a fairy in this hunting ground of death. He thought that there was only one phantom in the town of Jiang Youxing, but he didn't expect that there would be a second immortal in this hunting ground of death. Being an Immortal Venerable cast a shadow over his heart.

First, the Son of Light and Darkness appeared here inexplicably, and now even the Immortal Venerable appeared here. He absolutely did not believe that the Son of Light and Darkness really came here just for the Four Kings of the ancient heaven world, Shi Changyi. If Nai Hetang really wanted to kill him Shi Changyi, they can let Makino Xingkong do it himself.

Makino Xingkong is also an Immortal Emperor with space attributes, and he is also a top Immortal Emperor. If he really took action, Shi Changyi would definitely be a dead end before he was promoted to Immortal Emperor, but Naihetang let the Son of Light and Darkness personally He didn't send Makino Xingkong to attack, but now a fairy appeared unexpectedly, he can conclude that it is definitely not that simple in this demon god burial place.

"Junior, since you want to die, don't blame me for being rude!" Anger flashed in the eyes of the immortal, a little immortal king dared to be so arrogant to him.

"Wait!" Just as the immortal was about to explode, Zhan Wuming suddenly waved his hand and shouted.

The immortal was startled, not knowing what kind of medicine was sold in Zhan Wuming's gourd, and asked angrily: "What else can you say, if you change your mind now, I might spare your life."

"Cut..." Zhan Wuming looked disdainful, and said lightly: "Dream, old ghost, my brother and I have never killed nameless ghosts. You want to seek death and brother has no objection at all, but you have to report your name. If you die like this, maybe my brother and I will erect a monument to your bones when I am in a good mood!"

"Boy, you're looking for death!" The immortal was furious, he didn't expect that Zhan Wuming would dare to play tricks on him at this time, he didn't hold back any more, his figure suddenly attacked Zhan Wuming, and said coldly A name: "Remember, this deity is called Venerable Wangyou. After death, don't forget who took your life."

"Master Wangyou." Zhan Wuming wanted to dodge, but was shocked to find that his body seemed to be stuck in the void by a strange force, and he couldn't move. At this time, he clearly saw the face of Venerable Wangyou A big hand came out of nowhere, crushing the void above his head inch by inch, approaching his head inch by inch.

Venerable Wangyou didn't want to give Zhan Wuming too many chances, he wanted to kill this nasty boy with one blow, and the first strike was the strongest attack.

"Ah..." Zhan Wuming has never felt such a sense of crisis. The pressure from the depths of his life seems to stimulate every cell in his body. He feels that every cell in his body is transformed into a A small rune was arranged strangely, and then transformed the pressure between heaven and earth into power.

"Boom..." At the most fatal moment, Zhan Wuming's body suddenly moved half a foot away, as if pulling a stake in a swamp, but the half a foot distance could not get out of Venerable Wangyou's attack range, but Avoid the vitals of the body.

Zhan Wuming's body was blown away by a slap, but Zhan Wuming's reaction surprised Venerable Wangyou, he almost doubted his eyes, Zhan Wuming broke free from his body at the last moment Although the control only moved half a zhang, the distance of half a zhang is enough to show that Zhan Wuming finally broke free from the control of his laws.

The power of the law of the Immortal Venerable is not comparable to the realm of the Immortal King. This is the most realistic application of the laws of the heaven and the earth. It almost turns the laws of the heaven and the earth into tangible and qualitative forms, just like countless big hands fighting against the lifeless physical constraints. over there.But Zhan Wuming broke free at the last moment.

Zhan Wuming snorted, Venerable Wangyou's attack turned into a tsunami-like shock wave, causing his body to hit the cave wall several times before it fell heavily on the ground.Zhan Wuming only wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. Venerable Wangyou's attack was very powerful. Although it did not directly affect him, it was enough to injure his body. Tianjia, this is the Supreme Immortal Artifact, so although Zhan Wuming was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, he was not really injured.

The power of the Immortal Venerable is beyond Zhan Wuming's imagination. This is the first time he has faced a strong Immortal Venerable. Compared with a peak Immortal Emperor, it is like a huge leap. The latter is much stronger than the peak of the Immortal Emperor.

"It's interesting." There was a sneer in Venerable Wangyou's eyes, but he still looked at Zhan Wuming as if he was looking at a dead object. He really failed to kill Zhan Wuming with one blow, but He didn't believe how long Zhan Wuming could survive. Maybe it was just luck to avoid him at the last moment. Next, Zhan Wuming won't be so lucky again.

"Old man, your hands are a little soft, you can't see a living person of this size." Zhan Wuming propped up his body, with a sneer on his face.

Under the pressure of Venerable Wangyou's attack, he felt that his mental state had actually broken through.It was an all-round improvement, which gave him a little more courage to face the immortal.

"You won't be lucky again!" Venerable Wangyou's voice was cold, he was not angered by Zhan Wuming's words, he felt that he had no reason to be angry with a dead person.As soon as the words fell, he shot again. This time, he didn't advance slowly like the previous time, but as soon as the words fell, he reached Zhan Wuming's side.

Zhan Wuming still felt trapped in the swamp, but his body had already adapted a bit. Under the attack of Venerable Wangyou, he actually managed to raise his hand to block in front of himself.

"Boom..." The violent force slammed Zhan Wuming's body into the cave wall behind him, shaking up a cloud of dust and blurring the space.

"Ah..." The moment Zhan Wuming slammed into the cave wall and let out a muffled groan, Venerable Wangyou let out a roar, and a icy sword edge directly penetrated his shoulder blades, which he staggered vigilantly. Otherwise, I am afraid that this sword will not pierce his shoulder blade, but directly pierce his heart.

There is still a powerful assassin lurking in the void, which makes him a little surprised. He didn't even sense this assassin in advance. He thought of a person, that is the leader of the death hunter of Yulong Mountain, Makino Xingkong.

"Makino Xingkong, you traitor!" Venerable Wangyou roared, and ripples immediately appeared on his body, which quickly radiated in all directions, like the sound waves of bats, covering every inch of space in this cave. All swept over.

"Boom..." There was a muffled sound in the void tens of feet away from Venerable Wangyou, as if something had hit a stone, and then a figure appeared from the void.

"Damn traitor!" Venerable Wangyou turned his head and saw that it was Makino Xingkong who had quietly retreated after the blow just now. He was furious. For this person who dared to hurt him, he would never let him live. You can even give up Zhan Wuming first, but also destroy Muye Xingkong.

"Why are you in such a hurry." At the moment Venerable Wangyou turned around and rushed towards Muye Xingkong, a cold voice suddenly came from behind him, followed by a muffled groan, as if countless gravels were flying.

Venerable Wangyou let out a cold snort, without even thinking about it, he knew that that person was Zhan Wuming, so he didn't even look back, and slapped it back casually like a fly, his body still slammed towards Mu Yexing without stopping. null.

"Huh..." Venerable Wangyou was taken aback for a moment, because his smacking hand missed, and something hit the wound behind him heavily, which was the wound pierced by Muye Changkong.

"Ah..." It was a claw, digging heavily on his wound, a few fingers pierced into Venerable Wangyou's body from the wound, the tearing pain made Wangyou The Venerable also couldn't help letting out a miserable howl.He forgot that he didn't use the laws of heaven and earth to limit Zhan Wuming's speed when he was injured just now, which can be regarded as his carelessness. After all, Zhan Wuming's body fell into the stone wall, and the intensity of the attack fell on a fairy king. He never thought that Zhan Wuming would have the power to fight back, so he put his energy on Makino Xingkong.

Makino Xingkong can be said to be the strongest assassin in the Yulong Mountain Range. It is not impossible to assassinate the Immortal Venerable with the cultivation base of the Immortal Emperor. Therefore, in the eyes of Venerable Wangyou, the real threat comes from Makino Xingkong.However, he didn't expect Zhan Wuming to have a piece of Supreme Immortal Armor on his body, coupled with Zhan Wuming's powerful physical body, he would have the power to fight back.

Zhan Wuming is very clear that although his strength is strong and his physical body is also very strong, there is not a small gap compared with the real immortal, especially in the use of the power of law. After all, he is only an immortal king. The gap between them was too great, so he made use of his strengths to avoid his weaknesses, and made a surprise attack with extreme speed, directly attacking Venerable Wangyou's wound.

"Boom..." Venerable Wangyou turned around and punched out again. Zhan Wuming successfully diverted his anger, but his blow missed again and hit the cave wall heavily.

"Let's go!" Venerable Wangyou heard Zhan Wuming's low shout, and after one blow, Zhan Wuming ran away without even thinking about it.

He has already tried the feeling of dealing with Xianzun, and he almost knows how big the gap is between the two.Facing a strong man like Venerable Wangyou, it is obviously not a good idea to fight recklessly, especially, there is no one after this immortal, after all, this is the place of Naihetang, if there is an immortal, maybe there will be The appearance of the second immortal, once hidden into the siege, will be a dead end.

Zhan Wuming wanted to leave, and he did not face Venerable Wangyou at all.The passage is well-connected, and the injured Venerable Wangyou may not be able to catch up with him. He originally planned to let Xiaolan attack Venerable Wangyou, but just now he suddenly felt another crisis approaching, which made him give up. Contrary to the original plan, he ran away directly.

"Want to leave, it's not that easy!" Venerable Wangyou was furious, he was injured at the hands of a few juniors, which made him feel that he had lost face, how could Zhan Wuming escape calmly at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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