Chapter 1146 Heavy casualties
It's not too far from Jingyue Mountain to the Demon God's Valley. The Demon God's Valley was blown up by Zhan Wuming before, and the entire ground of the Demon God's Valley was turned into ruins, so it's hard to find.Fortunately, the patriarch of Qinglang is very familiar with the terrain of the burial ground of the demon god. Although many years have passed, the burial ground of the demon god has a special function because of its mountain and river geography, so nothing has changed.The ancestor of Qinglang quickly brought Zhan Wuming and others to Taniguchi.

The Demon God Valley was already in ruins, but when Zhan Wuming arrived here, the ground was covered with blood, and there were occasional stumps and broken arms. It seemed to be telling that not long ago, There was a very fierce battle here.The corpse was beyond recognition, and it was not known who it was.

Zhan Wuming's heart became heavy. Chi Xingyun led Mei Yunluo and others here to resist Naihetang's pursuers, and to meet those top assassins with positional warfare. It can be said to be a head-on battle, although Those assassins all came out of this death hunting ground, but Chi Xingyun also gathered around Chi Xingyun a lot of demon clans and those exiled masters. These people have survived countless lives and deaths. There is no chance of being alive, so the battle between the two sides is definitely a tragic battle.

The only advantage is that Chi Xingyun and the others can set traps in advance, laying dark hands and waiting for the assassins to arrive.Those powerful assassins had to give up the assassination they were best at, and had to start a positional battle with Chi Xingyun and others.Under such circumstances, even if those assassins are very powerful, they cannot gain the upper hand.

In this strong battle, there will inevitably be many casualties. It is impossible for Zhan Wuming to estimate who will survive. He is worried about the safety of Ye Lingshuang and others. As for Chi Xingyun, it doesn't matter. This time he has helped everyone There are too many Chitians, and it was Da Chitian's wrong news that got them here.

"It belongs to our tribe, Guihu." The Rat Man found a severed limb, a claw, after walking for a short time. He immediately recognized that the owner of this claw was Guihu, a powerful fairy queen of the Yaozu. .

"Let's find it quickly..." The Ratman became anxious. Over the years, there are very few big monsters who can survive in the ancestral land of the monster clan. Almost all the weak monster clan were captured by Naihetang, or sacrificed.Now the number of Yaozu in the ancestral land of the Yaozu has reached the verge of extinction, and every loss of one is very likely to wipe out a race in the Yaozu world.

"Who?" Qinglang snorted softly, poked a big hand in the void, and grabbed a person out of thin air.

"Old Ancestor, stop!" Seeing that person, Zhan Wuming shouted.

"Wuming!" The figure was suddenly released from the void, and he was stunned. Hearing Zhan Wuming's voice, he exclaimed with joy.

"Lingshuang." Zhan Wuming called out happily.

"This... old ancestor, she belongs to us." The rat man immediately said, he naturally knew Ye Lingshuang, this is Zhan Wuming's companion.

"Oh, sorry." Patriarch Qinglang immediately let go, seeing that it was a girl, he was a little embarrassed.This girl has a close relationship with Zhan Wuming, he has to apologize, he naturally disdains to apologize to a little fairy king, but if this woman has some kind of intimate relationship with the young god master, the other party is not even a fairy king , the identity is also extraordinary.

"Why are you here?" Zhan Wuming asked.

"I'm on guard here. We've been surrounded here for several days, and the casualties are heavy. Everyone doesn't know whether to evacuate to the demon god's burial ground. We promised you to kill those people, so we have been stalemate here. A trace of sadness flashed in Ye Lingshuang's eyes.

"How about the others?" Zhan Wuming was stunned. Ye Lingshuang's fairy clothes were covered with blood, his face was pale, and his injuries were not minor. He must have experienced a fierce battle.

"Xuan Gang is dead, Xuan Fang is also dead, in order to save me, Cheng Feng also lost his arm, Xu Ying is seriously injured, Yan Feifei and Mu Yeba are also seriously injured, there are only more than 30 people who can fight The others may die or be injured." Ye Lingshuang looked sad.

Zhan Wuming was silent, he didn't expect it to be so tragic, the people with him suffered heavy casualties, even Xuan Gang and Xuan Fang died, he felt a little more sad in his heart.Xuanfang has always followed him. Ever since he formed a team with Yelang, he has lived and died several times. Even in the harsh environment of the battlefield of gods and demons, he can come back alive. He didn't expect to lose here.Xuan Gang was the person with the highest cultivation besides him in their team, and later also broke through to the Immortal Emperor rank.

"I'm back, and nothing will happen to you anymore. I will make Naihetang pay ten times more for their enmity!" Zhan Wuming took a deep breath, and lightly patted Ye Lingshuang on the shoulder. After the physical body was destroyed and only the baby fairy was left, Ye Lingshuang suddenly became more independent after being sent back to Gonghua Tianye's house from Dachitian.Although they are weak in cultivation among this group of people, they are intelligent and alert.

Ye Lingshuang's body trembled, Zhan Wuming returned, she found the backbone all at once, not only her, even her Taoist companion Ye Lang seldom worried about Zhan Wuming, Zhan Wuming could always give They bring confidence and carry them out of trouble.

Zhan Wuming's departure these days is their most difficult day. After a team of hundreds of people, after many fierce battles, only more than [-] people are left to maintain their fighting strength, and only about a hundred people are alive. What a battle.If it wasn't for the scattered exiles who came to help quietly later, I'm afraid they really have to confess here this time.

Those wanderers who were not optimistic about them, even some wandering big monsters, did not believe in human monks, but seeing this group of people desperately resisting and fighting bloody, those big monsters and exiles who had been waiting to see also joined them. The number of people in this battle is increasing, and the casualties are getting heavier and heavier. In the end, more than half of the death hunters in the death hunting grounds gathered here.

The first wave of Chi Xingyun and others did accomplish the goal set by Zhan Wuming before, and the group of powerful Immortal Emperor-level assassins who will commit crimes in the future will be killed. However, in the past few months, although Zhan Wuming has made most places It was blocked by the Shrouding Array, but it didn't completely eliminate the death hunters in these areas.

During this time, Huan Zun went crazy and transferred almost all the hunters in the Death Hunting Ground to this Death Valley, which was bound to completely wipe out this group of people.

This group of them beheaded thousands of death hunters back and forth, but they couldn't kill them all. In the end, they were all desperate. If they didn't think of Zhan Wuming, they would have collapsed long ago.

Later, those wandering monsters and exiles were all afraid, because they felt that Chi Xingyun and others were determined to die, but they didn't have the courage to die with these people, so they just like when they came, quietly Most of the people who escaped were those who followed Zhan Wuming at the beginning.


Zhan Wuming returned, Chi Xingyun, Mei Yunluo and others were overjoyed, and those from the Yaozu were also very happy. There were only a dozen or so people from the Yaozu who could fight, and their casualties were the heaviest. Chi Xingyun and Mei Yun Luo was also injured, and insisted on presiding over the overall situation.The stone man was the least injured, because the stone man has the most powerful defensive body, which is almost the human shield of this group of people. Because of this, although the stone man is not the strongest among this group of people, he is the most capable. One, he was not seriously injured either.

Xiong Ba, another person in charge of the Monster Clan, had a broken palm. For them, it was not difficult to grow a broken palm, but these days they were exhausted, and they didn't have the strength to grow a new palm. So, it was just bandaged, and Tu Ming, the representative of the exiles, was not injured.Among this group of people, his cultivation is stronger than Xiong Ba, he is already at the peak of the Immortal Emperor, and he is also a person with extraordinary talents. Therefore, these days, because of the existence of Tu Ming, Chi Xingyun and others have lived longer Come down a few.

"Heal your wounds at ease, and distribute these healing medicines." Zhan Wuming saw the wounded lying in the stone nest, and felt a pang in his heart. The Yaozu suffered a heavy loss this time, and the number of exiles was not very high. Many, less than 20 people survived.

Of the 30 people who entered Jiang Youtian with Zhan Wuming, there are now only a dozen or so left. The Stone Man and the Golden Horn Immortal King are lucky to be alive. It seems that, according to the normal situation, there is no such thing as a few months of self-cultivation. It is possible to recover, they are immortal geniuses, but their combat power is overdrawn, especially since they have not yet broken through the Immortal King, they are only at the peak of the Immortal King, and it is a miracle that they can survive against a group of opponents at the Immortal Emperor level.

They laughed when they saw Zhan Wuming, and they didn't care about their injuries at all, because they knew that as long as they could survive this time, they would surpass their original selves and directly reach the level of the Son of God, because in this serious Under the overdraft, they realized more of the true meaning of life and death, allowing them to have a new understanding from the body to the soul as if they were reborn.They did not break through the Immortal Emperor, but they were able to rise.

These people knew that the old monsters of the Yaozu really broke through the seal, and when they returned to this continent, many people wept with joy. They knew that after their ordeal, everyone who survived will inevitably be sublimated spiritually. This was an unimaginably fierce battle, with assassinations, group attacks, assaults, and betrayals... They survived. In the past month, each of them has experienced countless life and death tests, and they finally persevered Come down, which makes their lives perfectly sublimated.Those who survived were definitely the best of the best!

Seeing the appearance of these people, the patriarch Qinglang was also shocked. Seeing the horror of the monster clan, the patriarch Qinglang was furious.He knows that Zhan Wuming is the real leader here, even if he is stronger than Zhan Wuming.

Zhan Wuming has his own status, even if the demon emperor comes in person, he has to be polite and respectful, not to mention Zhan Wuming, these people in front of him worked together to save them, and they are the ones who are desperately guarding the entrance of this death valley , did not allow the reinforcements from Naihetang to enter the burial ground of the demon god, bought time for Zhan Wuming, and gave Zhan Wuming a chance to break the seal.The death of these people was for their monster clan. Although the monster clan hated the human monks very much, at this moment, he felt indescribable gratitude to these desperate human monks.

"Patriarch Qinglang, I'll leave the matter here to you. They need to cultivate themselves!" Zhan Wuming turned his gaze to Patriarch Qinglang.

The Yaozu Yaozun was born, and these little soldiers and shrimps can naturally have a good rest. This is also their purpose. Only by letting these old monsters of the Yaozu come back to this continent, will they have the opportunity to completely wipe out the death hunters on this continent At that time, the Yaozu will naturally find a way out, and they will have the opportunity to leave this ancestral land of the Yaozu.

If they can go out smoothly, even if they are injured, even if they sacrifice some people, it will be worth it. As long as they return to the fairy world, the conspiracy of Naihetang will be made public, and their revenge will be truly avenged.

(End of this chapter)

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