Chapter 1150 Space Cracks
Zhan Wuming is almost certain that this abyss is equivalent to a dead place. There are almost a million staggered void cracks in this area, and Zhan Wuming can't find a way to avoid touching these cracks. No matter how he chooses and how he turns, he will definitely encounter some void cracks in it.Therefore, this channel has been completely sealed off here.Unless their bodies can be shrunk down to only a few feet in size, it's okay to make their bodies bigger, but it's too difficult to make them shrink into a ball.

However, Zhan Wuming did not give up, because he felt a very familiar feeling, a familiar yet somewhat strange feeling, which made Zhan Wuming never want to give up the idea of ​​​​seeing what happened.He knew that he was about to reach the world behind the black hole, but facing the void crack in front of him, he also hesitated.

After a long while, Zhan Wuming turned his head to look at the crowd seriously, and said solemnly: "The road in front of us is already a dead end, even I can't find a road that we can pass through safely, unless our bodies can be reduced to size. Xu size."

"What?" Everyone was stunned, with astonishment on their faces, their bodies couldn't change so freely, unless they were real beasts, or some weak monsters.But it is impossible for those weak monster races to keep flying in the abyss under the strong wind.

"Then what should we do?" Bailu Yaozun asked.

"Why don't we go back first and figure out a solution later." Tianying Yaozun suggested.

Linghe Yaozun just pondered for a moment and said, "Young Master, what is your decision? Old Crane, I will follow your arrangement!"

"That's right, let's listen to the young master's arrangement!" Cardinal also echoed.

Hearing what Linghe Yaozun said, several Yaozuns all turned their eyes to Zhan Wuming.Since Zhan Wuming said so, there must be something to say, so they want to know Zhan Wuming's decision.

"What about other people's opinions?" Zhan Wuming glanced at the crowd and asked calmly.

"We listen to the arrangement of the young master!" The other monsters said in unison.

"In that case, let me give my opinion first. I have carefully calculated just now. Almost every place here is densely covered with void cracks, without exception. Even if we curl up our bodies, it will be bigger, but these countless voids Among the cracks, some are death cracks for many people, but in terms of our physical strength and defense, it is not impossible to pass through." After a pause, Zhan Wuming pointed to the void on the left and said: "This direction, There is only a distance of ten feet, which is the shortest distance we can pass through this group of void cracks. As long as we walk ten feet, the road ahead will be smooth, but several of the void cracks are the most lethal, and at least most of us Human beings can't bear that kind of damage, and those below the Yao Zun will definitely die if they encounter it. These void cracks are the weaker part of these cracks, and in the space on our right, the length of the void cracks is longer, about twenty feet After about twenty feet, although the road ahead is rough, I can still pass through it if I lead the way. What is rare is that if this area is of the big demon level, plus some defensive immortals, then the chance of passing It is twice as big as the one on the left, of course, those above the Yaozun can pass through safely, but not all of you have the opportunity."

Everyone fell silent immediately, and Zhan Wuming explained the situation on both sides very clearly. The chance on the right side is much greater, but there is also a risk, but they can choose to take this risk or not.

"I have a method, I don't know if it will work." Bai Lu Yaozun thought for a while and said.

Zhan Wuming glanced at him, smiled, and said flatly: "If there is any way, you might as well just say it."

"If we include them in our space magic weapon."

"Don't move around." Zhan Wuming shouted in a low voice, interrupting the movement of Bailu Yaozun.

"Don't try to open the space magic weapon here. This place is a void spliced ​​by countless broken spaces. Once the space of your space magic weapon fluctuates, it will easily cause the space here to collapse. It will not only be you, but you The people around will also be swallowed by the chain reaction formed by the collapse of this space!" Zhan Wuming solemnly said.

"Everyone put away their magic weapons of space." Demon Master Linghe's expression changed suddenly, and Zhan Wuming's words were very serious, which made him realize the seriousness of the matter.

Bailu Yaozun was also taken aback, and immediately put away the magic weapon of the space. How dare he try again, even the space of the magic weapon cannot be opened. As for the idea of ​​bringing those big monsters into the space of the magic weapon that he proposed just now, it is completely meaningless.

"It seems that this road is not going to work." Hui Yan Da Yao sighed.

"There is no need to get entangled in this matter. You can wait here for us to come back. We are just exploring what the place is over there, and we will go back after seeing it. If you really want to see it, you can enter the magic weapon space before entering the abyss , I’ll just let you out after reaching another space, there’s no need to take this risk.” Zhan Wuming said flatly.

The cardinal wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything in the end. Zhan Wuming's words were not unreasonable. This is the abyss leading to the ancestral land of the monster race. If they can really find out the situation there, they will naturally have a chance to go there again in the future. There is no need at all. go on an adventure.Besides, there is no rush, what is the situation over there, Spirit Crane Demon Venerable will naturally talk about it when he comes back.

"Young master is right. You all stay here. Those who are above the level of Yaozun will follow us, everyone!" Linghe Yaozun said solemnly.

The Yaozu has experienced catastrophe. Over the years, too many big monsters have died at the hands of Naihetang. Now the Yaozu is out of service. Every big monster here is the precious wealth of the Yaozu. He doesn't want to lose it.Therefore, he gave orders directly.

"Respect the elder's order." The group of big demons did not dare to say more when they heard the words of the Linghe demon master.

"You should stay here and don't move around. Remember the way you came just now. Except for these areas, almost all of them are dangerous. You can wait here at ease. If my prediction is correct, it should be here soon. If we can reach another space, we will stay there for half a day at most, if we don’t return after half a day, you will follow the mark we made when we came and go back the same way, don’t try to get close, change lanes!” Zhan Wuming solemnly road.

"Young Master, please rest assured, we will definitely wait for you to return here!" Those big monsters saluted respectfully.

Although Linghe Yaozun has a high status in the monster clan and is a member of the elders, Zhan Wuming's identity is irreplaceable, and it is a mark that has penetrated into the blood of all the monster clan.

Zhan Wuming nodded, ignoring Linghe Demon Master's instructions to his subordinates, a gust of azure wind quickly condensed on his body, and quickly turned into feathers like sharp blades.Zhan Wuming has no choice, he dare not open the magic weapon space, even dare not open the heaven artifact, once the fluctuation of the space triggers the collapse of the entire broken space group, the consequences will be absolutely disastrous.

Although he has Kaitian Armor and Black Tortoise Scale Armor, but others do not, he may be able to survive, God knows if Kaitian Armor can withstand those space cracks.He will not die, but he may be exiled to an unknown space with the space.Therefore, like those monsters, he can only rely on his physical body to carry it. If those big monsters have the protective gear of the Supreme Immortal Artifact, they may be able to break through. The problem is that those Supreme Immortal Artifacts must be physically prepared. Well, he couldn't get it out in the magic weapon space, so he had to let these big monsters wait here.

Seeing that layers of wind element feathers formed on Zhan Wuming's body, which can be regarded as the strongest means of protection, those demon masters dare not be vague.Although Zhan Wuming exists at the same level as the big monsters, but Zhan Wuming has the blood of Kunpeng, and his physical body is stronger than they can imagine. Therefore, they have no doubt that Zhan Wuming's physical body is stronger than All of them Yaozun must be strong, that is the trust from the depths of his soul.Although the monster race is more cunning than the beast race, its essence is still not as scheming as the human cultivator.

When Zhan Wuming's body quickly passed through the space on the right, those demon masters felt the fluctuations of the space rapidly spreading in all directions, and suddenly understood that Zhan Wuming was obliterating those void cracks with the power of his body. They saw Zhan Wuming's body instantly split into many fragments, but those fragments reassembled into a whole in the next moment, and some scars appeared on those azure feathers, which did not cause real damage to Zhan Wuming's physical body.

The demon masters were also relieved, but those big demons were terrified. They knew very well that once their physical bodies could not bear the tearing of the cracks in the space, they would be cut into countless pieces by those cracks. Yes, each of their fragments will be swallowed by different void cracks, that is to say, even if they can reorganize their bodies, with such talents, they will not be able to retrieve their lost body fragments, because they do not have the ability to enter each void. A space crack retrieved the fragments of his body.

Seeing Zhan Wuming and the demon masters passing through the void as if they were being cut again and again, the big monsters gathered together were dead silent, and no one dared to breathe loudly. They thought it was a miracle, This miracle was created by the young master. In this world, only Zhan Wuming can calculate which of the void cracks in this invisible void is something he can bear, and which ones are certain to die.This talent is the real miracle.

Even if the demon emperor came here, he would still be close to death, because the abyss is too long, and in this extremely long passage, there are all kinds of void cracks and broken spaces, most of which are broken spaces, even if the demon emperor comes in person. It would be unbearable, but Zhan Wuming was able to find a way to life in these terrifying death traps.

"Ah!" Zhan Wuming stopped after passing through an area, his body was already tens of feet away, according to Zhan Wuming, he should be in a safe space and walked to a safe place.

Just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief, a demon venerable and a low-level bat demon let out a scream. When his torn body reappeared, a large piece was missing, and his body was like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. up, but the most important piece is missing.A blood arrow shot out suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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