God of Warcraft

Chapter 12 Hit You To Surrender

Chapter 12 Hit You To Surrender

"Old Yan, save me!" Zheng Yufu rolled into the pool in vain, he knew that Zhan Wuming would not give him any chance, but he didn't want to die, so when he found that he couldn't mobilize the fighting energy in his body, he crushed his consciousness Zhu, as long as Yan Lao is within a hundred miles, he can sense his position, so he has been dragging Zhan Wuming, but he didn't expect Zhan Wuming to be so vigilant, and he was the first to notice that Yan Lao was coming. Start early.

"Hey..." Zheng Yufu wanted to get out of Zhan Wuming's attack range, but he lost all his fighting spirit, how could he be faster than the blade in Zhan Wuming's hand.As soon as he moved, Zhan Wuming's knife had already sliced ​​across his body.Zheng Yufu didn't die, but it was more uncomfortable than death, because Zhan Wuming's knife accurately cut across his sea of ​​qi, and the fighting qi poured out like opening a gate to release water. This time, he really lost his fighting qi.A proud war king suddenly turned into a useless cripple.Zhan Wuming turned his head to look at Yan Lao who was flying over, wiped the blood from the knife on Zheng Yufu's clothes in his spare time, and continued to pick his nails, not paying any attention to Zheng Yufu's miserable howling.

Old Yan's eyes were shattered. Under his nose, the third master of the Zheng family had become a useless person. The other party was still a four-star war sect. He wiped the blood on the knife without even looking at him. How could he call him not angry.

"Ignorant boy, do you know what price you will pay?" Old Yan's heart was full of killing intent. When he came out this time, the third master was abolished, the fourth young master was dead, and everyone else was dead. Only he was alive. For the Zheng family What does it mean, how can I have the face to go back alive!All of this was caused by the young man in front of him.

Zhan Wuming smiled, and said disdainfully: "Do you think I don't know that he crushed the Divine Consciousness Orb? The reason why I didn't kill him so quickly is because I don't want to waste time looking for you. It's dark, monsters It's not safe in the forest, so I asked him to call you, and you didn't disappoint me."

Yan Lao's expression changed. The young man's expression was so calm that he felt like a chicken waiting to be slaughtered.He didn't know where the self-confidence of the boy in front of him came from, which made him feel that the boy was even more unfathomable.Yan Lao suddenly realized that he was too reckless, and he shouldn't come here in a hurry. Zheng Yufu is the same as him. What's the use?
"No..." Yan Lao suddenly realized that he had lost confidence in front of an ant-like Zhanzong.The momentum emanating from that young man is like the overlord of the world. This is an illusion, but it is very real. If he tells others, he will definitely be laughed at. A war king, but a four-star Being overwhelmed by Zhanzong's aura...is such a ridiculous thing.

"You, a little four-star Zhanzong, actually uttered wild words, I will let you see the gap between Zhanzong and Zhanwang..." While speaking, a heavy breath emanated from Yan Lao. The space by the pool froze, the void seemed to have turned into a swamp, and Zhan Wuming felt that he couldn't even breathe so freely.

"Oh, that's right. After comprehending the initial method of using the thick soil fighting spirit, you can be regarded as the best among the kings of war. It's a pity that the unlucky king of war is not as good as a chicken. You are at the end of your battle at this time. Yu Fu is not as good as me, so what can I do? Seriously, you really shouldn’t come here.” Zhan Wuming shook his body and escaped from Yan Lao’s aura lock like a fish, completely unaffected by Zhan Wang’s aura .

"Boom..." Zhan Wuming chose to speak with his fists.

Yan Lao didn't expect Zhan Wuming to be so brave, and he was not affected by his aura of the king at all. The force of Zhan Wuming's physical body was beyond his expectation, and its violence was no less than that of a third-order one-horned giant rhinoceros. .

"Wow..." Yan Lao spat out a mouthful of black blood. He suddenly realized his stupidity. He was seriously injured outside the Demon Ape Valley. He traveled hundreds of miles and encountered dozens of waves of magical beasts. He is indeed at the end of his battle.After receiving Zheng Yufu's call for help, his inertia made him feel that he should come to save the master, so when he rushed over frantically, his physical strength was already exhausted.Zhan Wuming is recharging his energy and recharging his energy, waiting for work with ease.Although there is a big difference in realm, as the young man said, the unlucky King of War is not as good as a chicken, and at this moment he has no ability to forcefully make a move.

"You have two choices, one is to submit to me, the other is to die!" Zhan Wuming did not continue to attack, the blow just now made the opponent realize that he is not an ant, but a person who can decide his fate.

Yan Lao's face turned from white to blue, from green to red, he hesitated, life or death, he never thought that there would be someone far lower than himself who would make him make such a choice, it was even more pathetic What's more, he actually hesitated and didn't dare to refuse...

"Kill him for me, Yan Yi, kill him for me..." Zheng Yufu's pitiful howl was incomparably shrill. Injured by a fatal blow.At this moment, the hatred in his heart has already made him lose his mind, the only thing he wants to do is to kill Zhan Wuming, but unfortunately he can't do it!
"Who on earth are you?" Yan Yi ignored Zheng Yufu's howling, he had calmed down now, and he was very clear about the current situation. The young man in front of him was more terrifying than he had imagined.

"Give me a reason to answer you, I don't want to waste my time with dead people." Zhan Wuming smiled coldly.

"I want to know who I will surrender to. Is this reason enough?" Yan Lao's aura was like a deflated ball, and his whole person suddenly aged a lot.

"You traitor, you coward, the Zheng family won't let you go..." Zheng Yufu's face was ashen, Yan Yi surrendered before the battle, he was desperate, so he cursed.

"Haha..." Zhan Wuming laughed loudly, stared at Yan Lao's expression for a long time, and said happily: "This reason is very good, and I like it very much. I am Zhan Wuming, the fourth son of the Muye Zhan family. In your eyes Maybe it's the little nephew of the head of the Zheng family."

A look of surprise flashed across Yan Lao's face, and he fell silent after a while. He had only two choices, life or death.He doesn't want to die, so no matter who the other party is, he can only surrender.Zhan Wuming's punch just now let him know that the young man in front of him wanted to kill him easily.

Zhan Wuming's punch just now didn't use his fighting spirit at all, it relied entirely on his physical strength, but it shattered his last persistence. It was precisely because Zhan Wuming relied entirely on his physical strength that he was completely free from the lock of Zhan Wuming's aura .He had never seen such a powerful physical strength, but he believed in such a resourceful young man with unlimited potential.

"Let go of your mind." Zhan Wuming said coldly.

Yan Lao's face changed again, but he didn't resist. According to his words, he let go of his heart. He felt a cold consciousness rushing into his mind, leaving a deep imprint on his mind. Yan Lao couldn't help but said: "This is The legendary Great Art of Conquering God."

"That's right, you still have some knowledge. From now on, as long as you are loyal to me, you will definitely have a better future than the Zheng family, but if you are half-hearted, you are very clear about the power of God-Serving Dafa." Zhan Wuming said coldly .

Old Yan's face was pale, but he also knew that any extra thoughts were meaningless, so he lowered his head and said, "Yan Yi understands, from now on, he will obey the young master's orders and never dare to have second thoughts."

"Then, let's kill him with our own hands!" Zhan Wuming pointed at Zheng Yufu who was still yelling endlessly.

Yan Yi's face changed slightly, but without any hesitation, he pressed his palm heavily in the void, and Zheng Yufu, who was howling and scolding, turned into a cloud of blood mist.

A gleam of satisfaction flashed in Zhan Wuming's eyes, and he immediately felt a lot more relaxed.The Zheng family has always been a thorn in his heart, and today it finally began to prick the thorn. In the previous life, the Zheng family's hatred for extermination had always been a knot in Zhan Wuming's heart that Zhan Wuming could not untie. Zheng Yufu's death was just Zhan Wuming's death. The beginning of revenge... He didn't notice that in the gloomy world, a faint breath of death drifted out from Zheng Yufu's blood mist, and the little brilliance in the breath sank into Zhan Wuming's body while breathing.

"Very good!" Zhan Wuming smiled lightly, took out a green pill from his bosom, and said, "Take this first, and recover your combat strength as soon as possible, we still have things to do."

"Yes!" Yan Lao took the pill without hesitation, swallowed it, and suddenly felt a warm current flow to his whole body, exhausted his body, and the hidden wounds in his body quickly recovered, feeling the powerful medicine, Yan Lao was very surprised in his heart, immediately Cross-legged exercises, in order to restore fighting spirit as soon as possible.


The night in the Warcraft Forest is extremely dangerous for human beings, and Zhan Wuming did not dare to be careless. He sprinkled a lot of feces of high-level monsters around the valley, and it was safe for a night. Occasionally, there were a few monsters of slightly higher ranks After passing by, Zhan Wuming and others were not found.After a night of recuperation, Zhan Wuming was in good condition, and Yan Yi had recovered [-]% to [-]% of his cultivation. Although he couldn't fight against the fourth-tier monsters, he was no longer afraid of the third-tier monsters.

"Now, it's time for us to look for the cute Qianli Xunyan Beast. That thing is a treasure, we can't let it run around in the World of Warcraft Forest." Zhan Wuming got up and said excitedly at dawn.

"Catch the Thousand Miles Seeking Smoke Beast?" Yan Yi was taken aback, thinking of being killed by a group of apes outside the Demon Ape Valley yesterday, who would care about the Thousand Miles Seeking Smoke Beast.The Qianli Xunyan Beast itself is very spiritual, and when it saw the ferocity of the apes, it ran away first.Considering that Zhan Wuming put Lie Yan Pollen in the chili powder, it must not be difficult to find the Qianli Xunyan Beast.

Zhan Wuming led Yan Yi to quickly shuttle through the forest of monsters. At this time, Yan Yi realized why he had been chasing Zhan Wuming so hard for the past two days, but Zhan Wuming was not affected by the monsters in the forest of monsters at all.He never thought that the feces of monsters would have such a miraculous effect. Of course, Zhan Wuming had already eliminated the flame pollen on Yan Yi's body.

Zhan Wuming quietly came to a valley, found a hidden place in his spare time, and sat down.

Yan Yi was puzzled, Zhan Wuming ran all the way without any movement, as if he knew the location of the target a long time ago, he couldn't help asking: "How do you know that the Thousand Miles Xunyan Beast is here?"

Zhan Wuming smiled: "I knew the location of the Qianlixunyan Beast before I found you yesterday, but I didn't bother it. A frightened Qianlixunyanbeast can easily become food for other monsters, as long as it thinks a If the place is safe, it will not move until it finds the next hiding place."

"Then what are we waiting for? It's just a Tier [-] beast." Yan Yi was even more puzzled. Since he knew the location yesterday, the Qianli Xunyan Beast's rank is very low, and its speed is not particularly fast. Ability can be captured in one fell swoop, but he has to wait all night to bring him here with him in such a grand manner.

Zhan Wuming gave Yan Yi a blank look: "Why is it so urgent? If it's only for a Tier [-] Thousand Miles Seeking Smoke Beast, what do you want? I wouldn't catch it yesterday."

Yan Yi was at a loss, but he didn't dare to ask again, so he had to patiently accompany Zhan Wuming, waiting quietly.At the same time step up to restore fighting spirit.Zhan Wuming looked relaxed, not in a hurry, closed his eyes and rested, not knowing what he was thinking.Until noon, a low scream broke the tranquility of the valley.

Zhan Wuming opened his eyes and said to himself, "The speed is really slow."

Yan Yi's complexion changed, and he probed out with his spiritual sense, and found a embarrassed figure cautiously entering the valley from the mouth of the valley, it was Ji Xiangnan.He finally understood Zhan Wuming's purpose.

(End of this chapter)

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