God of Warcraft

Chapter 16 I am Thunder Emperor!

Chapter 16 I am Thunder Emperor!

After Zhan Wuming regained the memory of his previous life, he began to practice "Handijue". The dominance of Tianjue is that it can not only easily mobilize the vitality of the world, but also deeply borrow the power of elements.The physique of a practitioner of Tianjue is already close to the elements of heaven and earth, and Zhan Wuming has experience in his previous life. In his previous life, his use of "Handijue" has already reached its peak. Therefore, he just used "Handijue" when he mobilized His icy power is extremely terrifying.

The power of cold and heat collided, and after sparks smashed into the sea of ​​air, they dissipated all the way, but they couldn't dissipate because they were trapped in the giant cauldron. In the lifeless body.

At this time, Zhan Wuming is like the elixir of a golden elixir. The terrifying medicinal power, the power of ice cold, and the domineering power of the fire spirit in the giant cauldron have all become the nutrient of the elixir, tempering Zhan Wuming's strength. Every inch of skin and bone.At the same time, a force of nirvana, like the law of heaven and earth, grew in Zhan Wuming's body, repairing the damage in Zhan Wuming's body bit by bit like spring eating away at mulberry...

Zhan Wuming never expected all this, when he got the piece of Heavenly Phoenix Sacred Lotus, Zhan Wuming remembered the bold idea of ​​Dan Chi in his previous life.Use the power of Nirvana of the Heavenly Phoenix Sacred Lotus to refine the Celestial Pill.No one has ever tried this kind of refining of the Heavenly Human Pill in the previous life.Just because the conditions are too harsh.

The Heavenly Phoenix Sacred Lotus is very rare. Whoever gets it will be regarded as a treasure. One petal of the Heavenly Phoenix Sacred Lotus can create a war emperor. Who would use two petals of the Heavenly Phoenix Sacred Lotus to make a warlord try a heaven that no one has ever succeeded in? Human alchemy.What's more, a lot of spirit stones and strange medicines need to be used.

Zhan Wuming has the life-cultivating method of "Taixu Nerve", knows the way to become holy in the flesh, and has the experience of becoming a god of war in his previous life. At the same time, he also has the entire Tianhuang holy lotus.It's just that he didn't expect that the Heavenly Human Alchemy was so popular that he couldn't bear it even with his will like gold.

"Ah..." Zhan Wuming let out a deep roar, and there was a "boom" in his mind, as if a wall had been knocked down, an inexplicable emotion woke up from the depths of his soul, and the fragments of fragmented memories gradually became clear up.


Tianjue Peak.

Layers of thunderclouds piled up like mountains, and the entire sky was as gloomy as an upside-down pot lid. The dragon-like electric light hit the shore like a stormy wave, making Zhan Wuming tremble and trembling, Tianwei seemed to melt it For the powder.

"Haha...it's already the seventh wave, God of Thieves, what can you do to me, I, Zhan Wuming, want to cultivate my life against the sky, and even the little thunder tribulation will be smashed to pieces!"

When Zhan Wuming closed his arms, the icy blue halo on his body became more intense, and the incomparable cold air on the top of Tianjue Peak almost froze the clouds on the zenith. In an instant, Zhan Wuming punched hundreds of punches, Each punch smashes an electric dragon, and the lightning strikes cannot get close at all, and the shattered lightning energy is swallowed up by Zhan Wuming's sponge... This is the overbearing part of practicing "Lei Xing Tian Jue".

This is Zhan Wuming's thunder calamity, the calamity of heaven and earth kills all those who practice fate against the sky, and anyone who wants to transcend fate will be punished by heaven.

The thunder of heaven's punishment will turn the spirit of the calamity into dust and return to heaven and earth.Zhan Wuming does not believe in fate. He believes that practitioners are going against the sky, and the soul of a practitioner is not controlled by himself, otherwise how can he transcend heaven and earth to obtain infinite life.Therefore, fate can only be controlled by oneself, and the struggle of a lifetime is only for today. If it can survive this thunder disaster, it can shatter the void, live the same life as the heavens and the earth, control its own destiny, and achieve the god position...

The seventh level of thunder calamity dissipated, and the sky became darker and darker. An extremely heavy pressure was brewing in the thunderclouds, as if countless ancient giant beasts were waking up.The eighth wave of thunder will be even more fierce, and Zhan Wuming dare not be careless. Even if his body and meridians are often struck by lightning when he practices the "Lei Xing Tian Jue", the more heaven-defying the thunder, the more terrifying the thunder will be .

The clouds became brighter and brighter, and layers of plasma rippled, as if condensing into a lake of thunder on the top of Tianjue Peak.Zhan Wuming's face changed, and with a long howl accompanied by a dragon's chant, he had a strange blade in his hand - the life-eating blade ranked second in the world's fierce soldiers ranking.He finally took out the weapon that accompanied him in the battle for half his life, and a killing intent flashed in Zhan Wuming's fearless eyes.

The opposite of Tianjue Peak is Tianqing Peak, kneeling under Tianjue Peak like a courtier.At this moment, on Tianqing Peak, a few bloody figures are guarding dozens of old and weak people approaching Tianjue Peak. Nearly a hundred people in black are pressing on step by step, bloody all the way, like slaughtering pigs and dogs. It is the old and the weak.

Space can't limit Zhan Wuming's line of sight. Zhan Wuming was furious. Although he was separated by dozens of miles, he could clearly see that the massacred people were his family members in Tianlei Palace, his relatives. .

what on earth is it?Zhan Wuming couldn't believe it, someone actually attacked the Tianlei Palace and broke through the protective array he had set up.Before crossing the catastrophe, he had already made arrangements. Everyone in Tianlei Palace was united as one, and there were so many masters. Even if he did it himself, it was impossible to break it in a short time.

Bingxin Leidi's Heavenly Thunder Palace has always been a taboo in the world, no one dares to mess with it, but today...

The eighth level of thunder tribulation came, and endless thunder sap poured down from the sky like a rain waterfall. Zhan Wuming was like a black dragon showered in a spring of light, rain and electricity. A cold wave... But Zhan Wuming's heart trembled with the bloody killing of Tian Qingfeng...

"Boom..." A bolt of thunder was drawn by the life-devouring blade and shot towards Tianqing Peak. The thunder from the electric spring splashed and shot at the group of besiegers. The lightning exploded in the crowd, but the howling did not stop them The massacre of women, children, old and weak in Tianlei Palace.

A sense of desolation rose from Zhan Wuming's heart, and even the endless anger and killing intent couldn't bury the desolation in his heart!Zhan Wuming did not lose his mind.

He knew it was a huge conspiracy.Those men in black are dead soldiers, and the Tianjue Mountain Range is thousands of miles away from the Tianlei Palace. If these people wanted to kill the women and children in the Tianlei Palace, they would have killed them all. The other party drove the women and children here just to influence him by killing The state of mind of crossing the catastrophe.

Brazenly destroying the peak saints to survive the catastrophe, there is no return, who else but the dead!

The man in the dark is extremely insidious, and he has already calculated everything. This is the most critical moment for Zhan Wuming Lei Jie, and he can't save him at all. destroy.Although he could easily kill those dead men, those women and children would also be buried with him.

Zhan Wuming will bear the crime of slaughtering his relatives with his own hands, but if he does not take action, he will watch his relatives die in front of his eyes.What's the use of being invincible in the world, his mind is already in chaos, and he will surely die from the demons in the rest of the thunder calamity.Do you kill your loved ones with your own hands or watch your loved ones being killed by others?How was Tianlei Palace breached?How could there be such a force?
"Ah..." Zhan Wuming howled in despair, if the fate is destined to be so ruthless, what about becoming a demon after calamity?
"God... I'm not reconciled! I don't believe in fate!" Zhan Wuming's breath was chaotic, and at this moment he was full of demons, "Since we are all going to die, let's destroy together!" While speaking, Zhan Wuming took a light step, In the light rain of electric light, it has reached Tianqing Peak.

Endless thunder and fire instantly enveloped Tianqing Peak with a radius of thousands of feet.

"Ah..." The desperate scream took away all the lives except Zhan Wuming.

Zhan Wuming was burning with endless murderous intent and endless anger in his heart, he roared to the sky, and his sorrow spread thousands of miles: "If I don't die, even if I slaughter the whole world, I will kill you and others!"

In the Tianjue Mountains, fierce beasts are dormant, and the aura of the Great Perfection of Fate Realm and the coercion formed by the thunder calamity make them hide and restrain themselves.

Walking in the void, Zhan Wuming rushed towards the Tianjue Mountains with a sky full of thunder and lightning, which was the direction of the Tianlei Palace.Even if you want to be destroyed in a thunder calamity, all enemies must be buried with them.


In Tianlei Palace, there was a sea of ​​flames, and the ruined walls seemed to be hit by meteorites from outside the sky. There were blood-stained limbs everywhere, and there were no survivors... There was a tear in the corner of Zhan Wuming's eyes.The eighth lightning calamity had injured his body, but compared to the grief in his heart, the physical injury was nothing.The thunder light of the eighth wave of thunder calamity is getting weaker, but the thunder clouds in the sky are denser. Although the eighth stage of thunder calamity is fading away, the ninth stage of thunder calamity will be even more terrifying.

At this moment, Zhan Wuming is no longer confident of surviving the tribulation safely, because his heart is no longer complete.So what if he cultivates an invincible heart?Even if the shattered void lives the same life as the heaven and the earth, so what?I think that I can control my destiny by surviving the catastrophe of heaven and earth, but I don't realize that the catastrophe of fate will not only bring about thunder catastrophe, but also more terrible man-made disasters...

"Mo Tianji, is it true that what you said is that Zhan Wuming is the fate of Qijue Tiansha and is destined to be irreversible?"


Snow Flower Valley of Tianlei Palace, the residence of Lin Xiruo, Zhan Wuming's favorite woman in this life.

Zhan Wuming walked slowly to the outside of Snow Flower Valley. At this time, he was covered in blood and his eyes were blood red. Anyone could feel that Zhan Wuming's breath was unstable, and his body under the thunder cloud had already been severely injured.

Only 89 of the [-] dead men in Tianlei Palace survived. The second elder of Tianlei Palace who greeted Zhan Wuming was Qingchuan, who had followed Zhan Wuming for nearly a hundred years. The most important woman outside, Zhan Wuming has always treated her like a younger sister.At this time, Qingchuan was also covered in blood, and his eyes were full of anger and sadness. When he saw Zhan Wuming, he was on the verge of tears.

"Brother..." Qingchuan hesitated to speak, she saw that Zhan Wuming's state was very unstable.

Zhan Wuming forced a smile, stretched out his hand and combed Qingchuan's hair like stroking a child, took a deep breath and said, "No matter who it is, he will definitely use his blood and his life to repay. what's going on?"

"It's the second brother, he..." Qing Chuan looked sad and indignant.

"Second..." Zhan Wuming's eyes soared with murderous intent.When he was at Tianjue Peak, he knew that things would not be so simple. Without the guidance of the people inside Tianlei Palace, with the power of Tianlei Palace, it would be impossible to break through the guardian of Tianlei Palace within a day or two. Array.But he never thought that the traitor would be Ji Weiran, the elder of Tianlei Palace, the most powerful person in Tianlei Palace besides Zhan Wuming.

In Zhan Wuming's miserable laughter, there was more grief and anger. The brother who had followed him for more than a hundred years became the culprit who betrayed his family.

Qing Chuan looked up at Zhan Wuming's pale face, and asked worriedly: "Brother, is it okay for you to suppress the cultivation and avoid the catastrophe? Can you survive the catastrophe of thunder?"

Zhan Wuming shook his head with a wry smile, and said in a low voice: "I'm fine, using the technique of separation of mind and soul to separate the soul can not only suppress the cultivation base and conceal the secret of heaven, but also suspend the ninth stage of thunder tribulation. Now my state of completeness has been broken, I can’t survive the Thunder Tribulation safely, so I don’t have much time. But don’t worry, little girl, I have enough time left to make all those who are stained with the blood of Tianlei Palace pay the price!”

(End of this chapter)

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