Chapter 1616 Killing Sen Luo
"I swear, I, Zhang He, will break away from the Zuo family. From then on, I will completely break away from the Zuo family, and will no longer have any relationship with the Zuo family..."

"It's late, I gave you time and opportunity, but you have already given up..." Zhan Wuming snorted coldly, directly interrupting the oath of the god who was about to swear to leave the Zuo family, and then, like a wind and shadow, disappear……

"Ah...we are fighting with you..." The god who was about to swear saw that Zhan Wuming didn't give him a chance, a trace of despair rose in his heart, he couldn't help but growl, and wanted to die, and the people around him The hearts of those from the Zuo family were all shocked. They felt that Zhan Wuming's strong killing intent like wine had completely enveloped them. At this moment, they knew that they had no way out, they had to die or kill Zhan Wuming , there is no second option.

"Chi...chi..." "Ding, ding..." Amid the sound of the space being cut apart and the sound of metal and iron clanging, the laws of heaven and earth in this space seemed to become chaotic all of a sudden, and countless Dust rises up, enveloping this space like smoke and mist, bursts of roars, screams, roars and howls of despair, seeming to separate this space from this world... …

The storm swirled faster and faster, and dust from all directions accumulated more and more toward this location, and finally it was like an unfathomable thundercloud, completely hiding this space in it, and no one could be seen, only occasional flashes of light. , The staggered brilliance flashed and disappeared.The originally very noisy voices seemed to become less and less and quieter, and finally the invisible void suddenly became quiet.

After Sen Luo died, the expressions of the gods in the city lord's mansion also became gloomy. Sen Ran stared fiercely at the group of battle clouds, and then his eyes fell on the group of hesitant gods behind him. They are all Sen Luo's vassals, or the gods who are close to Sen Luo, but at this moment they hesitated. Seeing that Zhan Wuming took the initiative to attack the group of gods in the Zuo Mansion, Sen Ran wanted them to take the initiative to attack Zhan Wuming was wiped out, but this group of people did not behave as Sen Ran expected.

Obviously, after they saw Zhan Wuming's strength, they didn't want to provoke such an enemy, an opponent who dared to destroy the will of the god king. They didn't think they had the ability to resist, even if they added up, so what? It would be better to withdraw at this time, they are not members of the Zuo family, nor can they be regarded as members of the Sen family, so they are not on the list of Zhan Wuming must kill.

When Senran looked at them, they took a step back in unison, as if they wanted to keep a normal distance from Senran.

"Coward..." Senran felt a rage welling up in his heart. He never thought that these people who usually followed Sen Luo would turn into cowards at this time. Revenge, it seems like he wants to draw a line with himself.

Those gods lowered their heads, and they didn't want to argue at this time. In fact, they did have something wrong with this matter, but after all, this place is not in the land of the gods, and their relationship with the Mori family is far from To the point of intimacy, they are just some small characters, gods, and characters like them in the Mori family are just the children of the outer sect, and have no status at all. Therefore, even if they really have some relationship with the Mori family, That's just some vassals.

Because in this lower realm, the strongest ones are only sending a Golden God at a high price occasionally, and then there are only a group of gods who are the most peak existence. The gods who went down to the abandoned land paid attention to it, which gave them a chance to become Sen Luo's confidantes, but they knew themselves. Once they returned to the sacred land, they would not be able to get into the eyes of the Sen family. It can only become some outer disciples or vassals of the Mori family.Therefore, besides the choice of life and death at this moment, except for a few direct descendants of the Mori family, the others hardly have any loyalty.

"Brother Ran, the young master asked you to go back and report the letter, you go first, we have fought this monster..." Several disciples of the Sen family around Senran took a deep breath with a trace of absolute expression on their faces.

"No, as long as we find the original teleportation formation in the city, with this teleportation order, maybe we can all return directly to the divine land, let's go together..." Senran couldn't bear it.

The disciples of the Mori family smiled wryly and said: "The inner city has been completely destroyed, and the teleportation array has already been reduced to ashes. How can we find the teleportation array..."

There was also a trace of desolation on Sen Ran's face. He also knew that his hope was an extravagant hope. First, the entire underground spiritual veins of Black Moon God City exploded completely, and then the Dark Demon God invaded. The entire inner city of Black Moon God City was completely wiped out, so there was no possibility of teleportation formations.

"Let's go, if you don't go, I'm afraid it will be too late..." Those gods hurriedly urged.

"If you can't win, then leave here first, go to a few other cities, and then find a chance to return to the sacred land..." Senran thought for a while, and didn't bother with this issue any more, because Sen Luo gave him the face token It was also a task entrusted to him, so he didn't dare to insist too much.

"Boom..." At this moment, the storm exploded, and a little bit of blood sprayed in all directions along with the blasted dust, and there were some stumped limbs and arms mixed in the void... The scene was extremely tragic.In the center of the storm, in a shallow pit, a figure was drenched in blood, with a broken blade in his hand glowing coldly, and there was a strange look in the bloody light.

"Zhan Wuming..." The person standing is Zhan Wuming, none of the gods in the left mansion can stand, those scattered bodies bloom around Zhan Wuming's body like a blooming flower With bloody red and various clothes, Zhan Wuming is like an invincible god of war standing among the flowers...

"Let's go..." The eyes of the Mori family's gods flashed with astonishment and panic, Zhan Wuming killed the Zuo family's gods so quickly.Suddenly someone discovered that there was one of the most important figures in the Zuo family who was missing, that is, Ye Lao, Zuo Xinming's most powerful retainer Ye Lao.

No one saw when Ye Lao left, or Zhan Wuming's previous performance had almost attracted everyone's attention, maybe Ye Lao left quietly at that time, no one noticed.

"Take care..." Sen Ran's face turned pale, and while he was talking, he stepped back suddenly, and quickly took out the special teleportation array token, and a strong spatial fluctuation was transmitted from the token.

"Open..." Sen Ran let out a low voice, and suddenly dripped a drop of blood on the token. When the blood dripped, a ray of brilliance shot up into the sky, as if piercing an endless and far-reaching hole in the void. cave.

"I just want to leave now, it's too late..." When Senran activated the token, he suddenly heard an indifferent voice ringing directly in his ears, and then there seemed to be a ray of light in the void around him. Ripples were formed, and finally turned into a wave that was about to engulf him directly.

"Let's pass our level first..." When Zhan Wuming's figure approached directly, several figures suddenly rushed out from one side to block Zhan Wuming's attack.

"Boom, boom..." With several violent sounds, Zhan Wuming's figure suddenly paused, but the bodies of those gods flew out directly, and hit the void ripples all of a sudden.

When Sen Ran's figure was rapidly blurring, those figures had already bumped into him, but they passed through the ripples directly, as if the space had completely blurred.

"What a powerful space rune..." When he saw the ripples, Zhan Wuming's eyes flashed with surprise. This is an extremely mysterious space rule, even if it is the rule of the world in this abandoned land. Not complete, but this token can arouse such strong spatial fluctuations that Zhan Wuming has already felt the call from a distant world... and this token is actually just a weird space rune.

This kind of rune Zhan Wuming has seen it before. In the Immortal Realm, the Eye of the Immortal Realm gave him a rune that allowed him to return directly from the Divine Realm to the Immortal Realm.And that rune seems to be more mysterious than the one activated by Senran.It's just that Zhan Wuming couldn't see through the complete meaning represented by that rune, so he didn't dare to use it lightly, otherwise he could directly regard the God Realm as a vegetable garden gate.When he saw the rune in Senran's hand, his heart moved. It seems that there are really masters of runes in the sacred soil. If he can find someone who can make such a space rune, maybe he can deepen his understanding of space. If you can make a rune that passes through the interface in the future, you can easily return to the fairyland.Thinking of this, he suddenly raised his hand and stroked lightly in the void, like cutting a fish belly with a knife, cut a long crack in the void, and then stretched out his hand into it.

"Boom..." After Zhan Wuming's arm penetrated into the crack, he was shocked suddenly. His whole body seemed to be unable to stand firmly, and was thrown out by a terrifying force, as if he had been hit by an unimaginable force. With the impact of the powerful force, when his body hit the ground in the distance heavily, a mouthful of blood suddenly spewed out, and his body dragged a long groove on the lava-cold thunderstone.But when everyone's eyes fell on Zhan Wuming's body, they couldn't help but be astonished, because they found that Zhan Wuming's palm was actually holding an arm, a bloody arm.

"Senran..." When they saw that arm, everyone couldn't help but think of a person, that is Senran who just disappeared in the ripples. That's right, this arm is Senran, and the ring on that arm is exactly that. Senran is very proud of the space artifact. I heard that the space artifact in Senran's hand is almost as big as Senluo, and he is the manager of Senluo. Many wealth in Black Moon City is kept by Senran and stored in that space artifact. middle.Unexpectedly, when he finally escaped from this abandoned place, he was teleported to the sacred soil by the teleportation token, and was actually torn off by Zhan Wuming, and the hand was still wearing the space god ring. Na Sen ran mad.It's just that what happened in that space crack just now, Zhan Wuming was directly blasted away by a force?A trace of doubt arose in the hearts of everyone, but no one dared to ask Zhan Wuming.

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." At this moment, there were bursts of long trumpet sounds in the distance, and the sound of the horn was short and fast. All the gods couldn't help but startled, and then their faces became extremely ugly.

"Insect swarm... It's actually a swarm of insects..." The face of the giant axe changed. At this time, the swarm of insects was actually coming. The inner city of Black Moon God City was almost completely destroyed, and the outer city wall was also collapsed. Most of the gods died and injured, how can this face the swarm of insects...

"Insect tide..." Zhan Wuming was also slightly taken aback, he had also been in Black Moon City for a while, but he was no stranger to the meaning of this horn.For a moment, a strange feeling rose in my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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