Chapter 1660 Shocked Shaking the Sky

The appearance of General Shaking God was an accident, and it was also an accident that made people feel chills.They have always felt that this abandoned land has already been reached by the League of Gods, and no one above Jinshen level can be sent into it. Wouldn't it be possible to sweep the land.Who can be the opponent of the god general rank powerhouse?
"Boom..." God General Shaking Heaven almost covered the surface of the great lake directly with his big hands. In this place where the rules of the world are not complete, the special coercion in the Valley of Flames doesn't seem to have much influence on him.This made Lu Qianye very depressed. This is the benefit of a high cultivation base. If his supernatural powers could be used here, he would have picked the Tianyan Blood Lotus long ago. Why wait until now.Zhan Wuming was also dragged into the lava lake by the nine-ordered king worm because he needed to pick at close range.

General Shaking God didn't pay attention to Lu Qianye and others at all. In his eyes, the group of gods in front of him were just a group of ants, and God would not care about the feelings of ants when doing things.

His goal is the Tianyan Blood Lotus, which is the main material for refining the Xuanwang Pill. Although he is only at the beginning level of a god general, it is only a matter of time before he advances to the rank of a god king. Wang Dan, then his chances of being promoted will increase by more than [-]%!
This thing is definitely more important to him than any other treasure. Of course, although the divine sword lying on the lava lake does not appear to be of high grade, it has an indescribable aura. He can be sure that this divine sword The weapon spirit in the sword is definitely not simple, it may be an artifact with self-awareness and thought.

Although this kind of artifact is not high in rank now, it has unlimited growth possibilities, because its artifact spirit will be like a spiritual cultivation, self-cultivation, self-improvement... Now most of the artifacts in the sacred soil also have artifact spirits, But the thinking of its tool spirit is relatively simple, and it feels like a program that has been written long ago. Although it has a certain amount of intelligence, it is a kind of dull intelligence.

Legend has it that in ancient times, all artifacts possessed a kind of spiritual wisdom that could grow by themselves, just like monks. Even pills had their own spiritual wisdom and became monks. However, after a great battle in the God Realm that year, The entire God Realm is torn apart. In this divine soil, it is impossible to refine the kind of artifact with a self-growth artifact spirit, unless occasionally a few people have extremely rare mutations under extremely special circumstances. .

However, once this kind of artifact is born, it will inevitably be collected by Da Neng, and the gods who can refine this kind of artifact that may produce mutant spirits are basically top-notch artifact gods. As a god, it will be difficult for him to invite such a master to make a move .Therefore, when God Shaking saw the sword, even though he was just guessing in his heart, he didn't want to miss it, so he reached out with both hands to grab the Tianyan Xuelian and the sword together.

"Boom..." At the moment when Shaking God's big hand was about to grab those Tianyan blood lotuses caught in the vortex, the surface of the lava lake suddenly exploded, as if it was set off in an instant. The huge fireworks instantly shattered the phantom of Shaking God's big hand, and the scorching heat caused the big hand to drip like wax.

"Zheng..." General Shaking God's big hand was smashed to pieces, the divine sword seemed to feel a strong crisis, suddenly let out a soft moan, and immediately turned into a red dragon and plunged into the lava lake.

"Damn it..." General Shaking God was furious, and he failed in both of the catches he was aiming to win.His supernatural hand was melted by the scorching high temperature, but he lost a little vitality, and it had no effect on his cultivation, but his delay, those few Tianyan blood lotus plants were directly given by the boundless lava of the lava lake devour.The divine sword also disappeared without a trace in the lava.

Seeing this scene, Juxue and others all retreated far away. Neither the Nine-Eyed King Worm in the lava lake nor the God-Shaking God General could be offended by them. They didn't know what happened in the lava lake. What happened, there was something at the bottom of the lake that actually dragged the Tianyan Blood Lotus down, and there was also a divine sword full of spirituality that flew out inexplicably.

But they knew very well that no matter what kind of treasures there were in the lake, they had nothing to do with them anyway, at least with General Shaking God, it was impossible for others to share the treasures with him.

Lu Qianye and the others also sighed, and retreated quietly, Shaking God dropped his figure heavily on the edge of the lava lake, like a falling meteorite, shaking the ground.In this world, God Shaking God was also affected. Although he walked tens of miles, he couldn't fly into the sky and escape the ground like he was outside. After his body flew, he seemed to be affected by the terrible gravity. On the ground, his soles As the center, several long cracks extend to the distance.

"The baby who dares to snatch this seat, no matter who you are... come out..." Shaking God will roar at the lava lake angrily, and then suddenly slapped his big hand in the air, like two huge clouds It fell from the sky, and then hit the lake heavily.

"Boom..." With a roar, the entire lava lake seemed to explode at once, and the endless lava surged up like a tsunami, and then splashed in all directions like mountains and seas.

"Let's go..." The faces of Lu Qianye and the others changed drastically. He didn't expect that General Shaking God would be so violent when he shot, and he didn't hesitate at all. They haven't had time to get out of the range of lava. If the lava is poured down to cool the heart, I am afraid that few of them, the gods from Qianye City, will survive. He knows how high the temperature of the lava is. It will also turn into molten iron when poured...

"Boom..." The row of lava that fell down like a sea fell heavily. Lu Qianye and the others had ignored the rules here and tried to escape as fast as they could. Several people were still drowned by the lava that fell from the sky. During the process, the body guards on their bodies, and even their celestial armor, were quickly corroded into potholes as if they had encountered strong acid, and their bodies exuded a burnt smell.

The two fell to the ground and wailed continuously, and then were burned to ashes by the lava all over the ground.The others fought back the severe pain in their bodies, rushed out, and escaped from the lava area by chance.

"Hurry up..." Lu Qianye took a deep breath, he didn't even have time to check the injuries on those people, let alone go to save his companion who fell in the lava, and quickly chased in the direction of Juxue and the others.

"Om..." When the magma poured down from the sky, it seemed to encounter an invisible cover, and was suddenly blocked by the body-protecting god of Shaking God.Layers of smoke also formed around his body, making his face looming like a cloud.

"Boom..." General Shaking God's hands suddenly parted outwards, and the violent lava pouring down from his head was directly divided into two by his hands, and fell down from both sides of his side.Some flowed quickly back into the lava lake, others flowed into other lakes, and some cooled above the ground to form a layer of hardened rock that gradually solidified.

The surface of the lava lake seemed to be a little shallow all of a sudden, but the shallow lake surface was refilled at a speed that seemed to be visible to the naked eye, which means that this lava lake did not suffer much damage under the attack of Shaking God. .

"Boom..." Shaking God will strike again, and the endless lava was once again shaken into the void, and finally turned into a boundless rain of lava and sprinkled down.The whole world was crimson, but God Shaking Heaven didn't feel the aura of Tianyan Blood Lotus, nor even the aura of that sword. He was extremely angry and didn't know what was at the bottom of this lava lake, but he knew that Even if he entered the high temperature in the lava lake, he might not feel very comfortable. After all, he is not a spiritual cultivator of the fire spirit root, nor is he good at the origin of fire.

"I see what you are going to hide..." Before Shaking God could finish his sentence, he suddenly felt a ray of wind appear behind him, and under the cover of the endless lava rain, he actually approached his body. It was found that something was wrong.He suddenly turned his head back and slapped him back with his backhand.

"Boom..." A huge force hit him like a planet, and the power of darkness was hidden in the scorching fire energy, which instantly invaded his meridian, even if it was His cultivation base is strong, and the combination of these two forces made him numb for a moment, and then the huge force pushed his figure out, and he vaguely saw a figure lurking in the boundless magma rain. The shadow retreated with one blow, like a ghost in the flames.

God Shaking God was startled suddenly, the strength of this person's attack was not weaker than him, what the hell is there at the bottom of this lava lake.But when he turned his eyes away from the shadow that he didn't see clearly, he suddenly found that his body had already flown to the center of the lake, falling into the lava of the lava lake, and he couldn't help being shocked again.

"Damn it..." Shaking God General couldn't help cursing inwardly, the blow just now was blown away by the opponent in a hurry, but he still couldn't feel the opponent's breath, it seemed that there was only the nitrate smell of the lava in all directions.He raised his hand and slapped the lake, and a shock force shook his body. He didn't want to fall into the lava, even if the scorching heat couldn't hurt him for a while, but he didn't want to experience that lava. A burning sensation.

The body stagnated slightly in the void, and then Shaking God would quickly move towards the shore, but at the moment when his body moved, he suddenly felt his feet tighten, and a strong force instantly pushed his body Drag into the lava lake.

"Damn it..." Shaking God will be angry again, let out a low growl, suddenly a three-pronged fork appeared in his hand, and stabbed down the lake.

"Boom..." The surface of the lava lake shattered in an instant, and the huge impact force suddenly pressed the surface of the lava lake down, forming a bowl-shaped shape, but there was no enemy in the bowl, only a The long soft tentacles tightly wrapped around his ankles, bursting out with great strength.

(End of this chapter)

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