Chapter 1668 Boundless Sea

"Om..." At the moment when the fire tree absorbed the entire sea of ​​fire and finally turned into a towering tree, he felt as if the sky and the earth were shaking suddenly, and then it seemed like an inexplicable sound kept echoing in his mind, roaring, like Thousands of gods are singing softly, like the whispering of a baby...

"No... I'm not a tree, I'm not a fire... This is not my way..." Zhan Wuming roared suddenly, he seemed to realize something, and then the chaotic world suddenly separated, the clean air rose, the turbid air sank, The towering fire tree is like a tiny star in the vast universe in this separated world, getting smaller and smaller...

Zhan Wuming woke up suddenly, opened his eyes and looked, and suddenly found that his eyes were pitch black, and his body was covered with countless gravels, no, not gravels, his body was sitting on a huge rock at the moment. In it, he was like the worm sealed in the amber, he didn't know how thick the surrounding stone walls were, he couldn't see the sky, he couldn't feel any movement around him, as if he was completely enclosed in a certain world.

He thought for a long time before he figured out that the piece of the Flame Lord's Heart smashed him into the ground and buried him with countless gravels, but how hot the pieces of the Flame Lord's Heart were, they directly smashed those pieces that pressed him down. The rock turned into lava, and even the ground under him turned into lava, so his body was like being placed in a lava lake.

Perhaps it was because his body was constantly absorbing the surrounding heat, and finally completely absorbed the heat of the entire lava lake. After losing heat, the entire lava lake gradually turned into a complete boulder, and he became one of the boulders. A small specimen that was sealed, but he was still alive.

Zhan Wuming felt that he couldn't even move a finger. This huge rock was like a sarcophagus tailor-made for him. If it wasn't because of his extremely strong physical body, he would have been crushed by this terrifying weight.But he didn't die. Under this terrifying pressure, his body self-generated a kind of protective energy, which circulated continuously in his body, making the pressure in his body and the external pressure reach a strange balance.

This is the power of Taixu Shenjue. He doesn't know what happened in his body, but he knows that something should be touched in his sea of ​​consciousness. There is a mysterious space hidden in his sea of ​​consciousness and sea of ​​qi. There, the various origins of heaven and earth seemed to have reached a certain balance, which was the most powerful energy hidden in his body, and perhaps in a certain special period, that mysterious space would be activated.

Only this kind of explanation can explain why he was hit by the flame lord's heart, but he didn't die. The basaltic shield armor that saved his life many times was shattered in the impact just now, and the spirit of his heavenly artifact was also damaged. It was damaged, but it also helped him survive the first impact, preventing his physical body from collapsing in that impact, and then the berserk heat and the power of the source of fire were slowly absorbed by his body.

As for how long this process has taken, he is not clear, because he has been in a state of chaos and unconsciousness, and he feels that his body seems to be stronger than before. If he meets Shaking God now, he is confident that he can tyranny him , without resorting to various favorable geographical conditions.

At this moment, Zhan Wuming has a headache and how to get out.He has no idea how big the space of this boulder is.However, he knew that it would not be a problem if it continued like this. Since he had turned the lava lake into a rock earlier, it would be a big deal for him to turn the rock into a lava lake again.

Thinking of this, a violent fire burst out of his body, and the scorching heat slowly changed the stone layers around him, but he tragically found that it was easy to absorb the heat here and turn the lava into stones, but he wanted to Turning rocks back into lava is very difficult.

I don't know how long it took, but Zhan Wuming felt his fingers loosen a little, as if the surrounding stones were really softening. This is a good sign, so he mobilized stronger flame power to start a longer reconstruction project .

Another hour... two hours... ten hours... Zhan Wuming felt that the stones around his body had finally turned into a liquid, and his body could already change positions slightly in this liquid, but he was still extremely depressed. Fortunately, He does not need to breathe continuously to maintain life like ordinary people.At this time, he was no longer relying solely on the heat in his body, but took out the broken blade, and started digging holes while burning it, but what made Zhan Wuming sad was that he didn't know it at all. Which direction is up, which direction is down, or left to right, once digging in the wrong direction, the result may be another tragedy, but he can't give up the chance to escape.He didn't want to be a specimen sealed in stone.

In such dazed days, the concept of time has been lost, and Zhan Wuming wants to use the original rules of space, but he is afraid that not only did he not drill out of the ground, but instead entered the depths of the ground, then he might really trap the center of the earth to death. No one knows what exists underground.


The Boundless Sea is the widest sea of ​​void between the divine land and the demonic land.

Some people say that the boundless sea is actually a boundless starry sky. It is not in the interface of the sacred soil or the demonic soil, but in the interlayer that is torn apart between the divine soil and the demonic soil.There are also many stars and some broken continents in this piece of empty interlayer, but this world does not have such sound rules as the sacred soil and demon soil, and it is very barren.

The legends of these stars and broken continents were once part of the entire God Realm. After a great war that tore the God Realm apart, several huge relatively complete lands were formed. Some broken voids contained incomplete fragments, and these Fragments floated in nothingness, and through countless ages, attracted void stardust and shattered meteorites, forming complete stars and larger land masses.

Boundless Sea is a unique existence, and it can be regarded as a more livable place. Compared with Netherland and Demon Land, Boundless Sea is not too barren. It belongs to one starry sky alone, and it has bred many creatures , forming a civilization.Later, the continuous conquests between the sacred soil and the demonic soil made the boundless sea even more barren, and the primitive creatures were almost extinct. Neither of them could fully control this area, so the cultivators of the sacred soil and the demonic soil consciously regarded this area as a buffer for each other, as well as a battlefield.

There are many legends about the endless sea in the sacred soil, but the legends in the sacred soil do not call it the endless sea, but it is called the battlefield of gods and demons, which is the battlefield between the sacred soil and the demonic soil.Some people say that in that battlefield, there is the mystery of the ancient gods, because someone discovered the temples and buildings of the ancient gods in those broken stars.Some people say that the battlefield is actually a proving ground for the gods and demons, but it is not a place where ordinary gods can enter.

The gods who are qualified to enter this battlefield must be above the Jinshen rank at the weakest level. Jinshen can only be regarded as ordinary soldiers on that battlefield, and god generals are just higher leaders. The main force is the god king rank powerhouse.

The same is true in the demonic soil, the weakest are the heavenly demon warriors, and then the demon generals. The real main force is the demon king rank. The secret of the king, even the secret of the god king breaking through to the god emperor.

Therefore, once the powerful gods break through to a certain level, they must enter the battlefield of gods and demons to practice, in the name of protecting the sacred land.This is the rule formulated by the most powerful organization in the Divine Land, the Divine King Palace. No matter which family or sect, or casual cultivating gods, they must abide by it. Only after a certain period of time in the battlefield of gods and demons can they return to God The soil is free.

For some people, the contribution of the family can also be exchanged to avoid entering the battlefield of gods and demons, but that is only suitable for those whose family has a god king who has made great achievements in the battlefield of gods and demons, otherwise the rules of the palace of gods and kings do not allow provocation of.

Therefore, there have always been speculations about the battlefield of gods and demons, but no one has announced to the public what secrets lie in the boundless sea, but the gods and kings are willing to enter it. Those who have been tempered more perfectly and become god kings are naturally not simple characters. Whether they want to sharpen in battle or find ancient secrets in this boundless sea, only they themselves know.

The Boundless Sea and Sky Desolate Star is a huge barren planet floating in the endless starry sky, where there is extraordinary gravity.Therefore, it is often bombarded by meteors from outside the sky, and the huge deep pits on the earth are the credit of those countless meteor impacts.

Tianhuangxing is actually a relatively remote corner in the boundless sea. At this moment, a huge god warship is flying down obliquely. Usually, there is a gap in the tail, as if a piece was bitten off by a big mouth.


The huge god battleship smashed heavily into a crater on the ground, making a loud noise, and the flying dust turned into smoke and dust all over the sky, and the space instantly became blurred.A few figures rushed out from the God Spirit Battleship in a state of embarrassment, all of them were covered in bloodstains and their breath was weak.

The wound on He Ze Shenwang's body burst again under the strong shock, and the blood once again stained the already tattered armor. He didn't expect the defeat to come so quickly and so badly.

"Tianchong...can you still escape?" The eyes of the God King Heze flashed exhausted. This time, they may really be unable to escape. The demon boat of the demon race is not far away from them. Now they The only spirit warship that could escape also crashed, and a group of god kings were already at the end of their battles. With their strength, it would be difficult to escape from the gravitational field of the Desolate Star, let alone escape from the pursuit of the demons.

(End of this chapter)

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