Chapter 1670 Ancient Power
This is a kind of practice, a very special kind of practice, because the constant pressure is always maintained in this rock, and all his activities are in the boulder, whether it is the rock turning into a liquid or the liquid cooling into a solid state , but it is transformed inside the rock, the pressure is always there, and the liquid lava is constantly squeezing every inch of his skin, more like endlessly tempering him...

Zhan Wuming believes that if one day, he can go out, he can blast the gods with one punch. Such a person is running the Taixu God Art all the time, and qualitative changes are taking place from the body to the soul. Although his In the sea of ​​consciousness, no real godhead has yet emerged, but he feels that his life level is constantly improving.

In the ancient times, the ancient gods did not need to develop a godhead in their own sea of ​​consciousness. He also possessed incomparable power and became the strongest clan in the ancient gods.And Zhan Wuming seems to have found the way of the ancient gods.However, the way of the ancient gods is not his way, just like before he woke up, he had already felt the way of the Lord of Fire, which is the source of fire and the ultimate way, but that is not his way, therefore, he put himself from there A world of fire is awakened.

This process of choosing the avenue is not unfamiliar to Zhan Wuming.The extreme of the origin will form the avenue of heaven and earth, and those who can become the master of the day are all successful in the avenue, but the origin of Zhan Wuming's life contains all kinds of original power in this piece of heaven and earth, he will not choose a certain A single avenue becomes the path he ultimately wants to choose. Zhan Wuming has his own ambitions. He wants to become the ultimate strong man who has never been seen before or since. What he needs is not a single avenue, but a combination of all his origins and The rules are integrated into one, and finally generate your own avenue.

When he was in the Immortal World, he almost achieved this step. He comprehended the rules of creation, derived his own stars in his own starry sky, and evolved the process of life evolution. It was a kind of creation, a kind of creation. A supreme rule that combines the power of various rules of the world, so it is impossible for him to choose a single energy. Just thinking about the five-element godhead, Zhan Wuming would not choose the way of the Lord of Fire, at least in the ancient times. Someone has comprehended the five origins of heaven and earth, and combined these five origin rules into an extremely powerful godhead.

He believed that the master of the Five Elements Godhead was definitely much stronger than Yan Zhuang.Because the five elements are interdependent, forming a stable whole, that is definitely an unimaginable genius, but Zhan Wuming once mastered more than ten kinds of original powers, and his ambition is to integrate these ten kinds of original powers into one and become his own. the final path chosen.If the origin of power can be considered as one kind, then Zhan Wuming possessed eleven kinds of original power.

He has never been able to comprehend the origin of time, but with the help of the time rules in the sword world, he has learned a little bit of the law of time. Even if he can use the weak power of time and space, it is mostly the power of space, and the weak power of time It can only be brought into play by borrowing from the sword world.

If he had the opportunity to comprehend the rules of time, he hoped to feel it.In the space outside the gate of God, it was blocked by a time rule, but the power of that time rule seemed to be far beyond Zhan Wuming's understanding. At that time, he even believed that it was the power of the gods, and only the gods could do it. Mastering the power and rules of time, but now that he has entered the God Realm, he knows that even if they are gods, it is impossible for too many people to master the power of such powerful rules.Maybe the origin of time is the origin power of taboo...

Zhan Wuming didn't stop, he felt that the residual blade in his hand was worn out, this residual blade had been burning under his scorching flames, and the divine pattern on it showed signs of damage after long-term use, which made Zhan Wuming Surprisingly, the temperature emitted by his body is getting higher and higher, and the power of the flames is becoming more and more pure. During the excavation process, it is like continuously refining alchemy and continuously refining tools.

The broken blade in his hand was also being refined unconsciously. Thinking of this, Zhan Wuming simply took out a large part of the divine material from the space world and directly blended it into the broken blade. Soldiers are also used by a strong man. After countless years, they can still absorb the vitality of barren insects without degrading their divinity, which shows that they were definitely not ordinary things back then.

It was affected and shattered in the aftermath of the battle between Huang and Ming. If it can be repaired, it will definitely be a heavy weapon.Zhan Wuming felt that with his level of cultivation, he couldn't restore the crippled blade to its peak, but it was not impossible for him to recover part of his strength, and then slowly integrate into the divine material to make it complete. , even if you don't use it yourself, you can also use it for Ye Li and Honglian.

The broken blade is constantly being repaired, and Zhan Wuming has no choice but to dig out this rock with the Heaven-Defying Sword. The Heaven-Defying Sword is originally of the fire attribute, and it is closer to the flames on his body, and it is easier to use.Zhan Wuming didn't know whether the direction he chose was right or wrong, but during this period of time he silently calculated the direction of his digging. The only thing he could choose was to dig out Red Thirty Miles in one direction. Then dig another 45 miles in the opposite direction. If you still don’t feel the exit, you can only dig [-] miles to the left. If you can’t get out, you have to dig another [-] miles in the opposite direction.If he still can't get out, he can only retreat thirty miles, and then dig at a [-]-degree angle. As before, he still uses thirty miles and sixty miles as the estimated target.

Zhan Wuming reckoned that no matter how violent the force of the collision was, with the hardness of the Great Desolation, it would be impossible to slam him into the ground thirty miles deep at once. At that time, the half of the Flame Lord's Heart did not hit him directly from the head. When he came down, he hit it obliquely, which would form an angle. If he was hit into the ground for a hundred miles, then the vertical distance between him and the ground should be only about thirty miles.

Zhan Wuming didn't know how long he had been in a coma underground, and he didn't know which direction he was facing in the lava at the end. The only thing he could do was to dig in this extremely stupid way. There is no other choice, his body is in a huge cooled rock, it is almost impossible to judge whether to go down or up based on the pressure of his body, unless the whole place is liquid, then it will be based on the pressure on his body pressure to judge.

In many cases, the most stupid method is also the most effective method. Zhan Wuming measures the size very simply. He turns the Heaven-Defying Sword in his hand into a length of one foot. The root is one foot forward.This is an extremely boring process. Fortunately, Zhan Wuming's Paradise World still takes in Juxue and others, and entrusts them with this kind of counting.

"Boom..." I don't know how long it took, Zhan Wuming suddenly felt as if his body was shaken suddenly, and the flesh and blood all over his body made crisp and clear sounds. A roaring river appeared, and infinite energy crazily gathered towards his body from all directions. This is a kind of wild power, and it can also be said to be the most original power. His body is also distorted accordingly, and he feels My body is like kneading a ball of dough, the more you knead, the tougher it becomes...

"Ah..." Zhan Wuming couldn't help shouting up to the sky, his voice was blocked by the space under the rock, the air wave rushing out from his chest blasted out like an explosion, first the lava around him shook violently , formed an extremely terrifying shock wave, causing his muscles to twist in bursts, and then the sound wave became higher and higher, more crowded and denser, and directly formed a huge shock to the solid rock around the lava.It was as if there were bursts of high-frequency shock waves from the inside that caused the resonance and self-resonance of this unknown rock.

Zhan Wuming seemed to hear the sound of this rock, but the shock wave also made his eardrums roar like the tide.This feeling was very uncomfortable, but he couldn't vomit quickly. This physical change directly affected his body.

That berserk force almost completely expanded the meridians of his body, every inch of muscle and every meridian seemed to become extremely tough, that terrifying barren force made his body expand rapidly as if inflated, He felt that his body was constantly expanding, but every time he expanded, he was squeezed back by the internal pressure of the huge rock, and the barren power pouring into his body from all directions seemed endless, his body was being squeezed back by the huge rock. The pressure was pushed back, and that force continued to inject into his body. He was like a ball about to expand, but the outside couldn't make him expand at all.

That force had to continue to transform the strength of his physical body, squeezing into every cell of his body. When his cells reached a certain limit, his body began to expand outward again, and then was squeezed by that pressure again. When he came back, this feeling made Zhan Wuming feel that his soul would be torn apart by this terrifying force.

He couldn't imagine what kind of pain this was, and he suddenly realized that it wasn't Huang's power, but the ancient power. Huang and Gu probably came from the same source a long time ago, so even if It was because the Huang and Gu clans were different later on, and that was just that one was more human-like, while the other still maintained the body of the Zerg race.He also understood why Huang and Gu's body was so huge.It was because of this terrifying ancient power.

This is the ancient power, and Zhan Wuming has already realized this power not long ago. During this period of time, he has absorbed too many wild insect crystal nuclei, and his body has already integrated the blood of the ancient god, so In the process of continuous excavation, he continuously tempered his body, so that he could resonate with the ancient power hidden in the wilderness, so the ancient power from all directions poured into his body like a vast river. .

(End of this chapter)

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