Chapter 1694 Gods Rule the Earth
In the spiritual domain, great changes have taken place in the past two years.Since the Lingshan God General, many gods have appeared in the spiritual domain one after another. The so-called major families and forces have all become silent and extremely low-key. After all, any god's move is enough to make them almost The family heritage of thousands or even tens of thousands of years was completely shattered.Some radical families directly choose to attach themselves to the gods and become the spokespersons of the gods in the world.

And these gods will also develop their own believers in the spiritual domain. Some believers of the gods use the deterrence of the gods to do whatever they want in the spiritual domain, disturbing the entire spiritual domain.

The status of Lingshan in the entire spiritual domain is still not replaced by any mortal spiritual power. Even some believers of gods dare not make trouble with Lingshan, because Lingshan is the core of the entire spiritual domain, and it is also subject to Where the gods approve, Lingshan is the mortal power that the real gods speak for.

The gods in the spiritual domain do not have only one side, and there are also conquests and killings among different gods.Many cities in Lingyu were destroyed as a result.However, mortal spiritual practitioners cannot interfere in the war between gods and spirits. Their only hope is that this war will not involve themselves.

The war of the gods will not be changed because of people's prayers. The entire spiritual realm has been ruined. In the eyes of the gods, these mortals are just a group of ants, and their lives are not worth caring about. Therefore, There is no pressure to casually destroy.

However, this situation of scuffle between gods and spirits changed a year ago, because of the emergence of a large number of swarms of insects, these swarms of insects rolling in from the depths of the Great Desolation not only caused the disaster of the entire Spiritual Desolation, but also caused a disaster for the gods. For them, it is also a huge opportunity. Desolate insects are their prey, but when these prey form a huge group, they will also change from hunters to prey.

Therefore, whether they are gods or mortal spiritual practitioners, they all have a common enemy-the worms.And there are so many barren worms, they don't need to compete with each other.More importantly, after the formation of the insect swarm, even the gods, their personal power has become smaller, so these gods have to pay attention to the spiritual cultivation of mortals. This group of mortal spiritual cultivation may be just cannon fodder. Weak, but when they gather together, the blocking effect on the bug swarm is no worse than their own.

Therefore, the gods let these mortals start to build huge cities, forming a solid defense on all sides of the spiritual realm, and then after they repelled the waves of insects through this method of defense, they can let these mortals start to build a huge city. They went to clean up the insect corpses, and they harvested a large number of barren insect crystal nuclei.

This way of hunting the worm crystal nucleus is much faster and much safer than them acting alone. Therefore, the entire spiritual domain is gradually changing. After some gods have established a defensive city, they begin to attack the surrounding The Mortal Spiritual Cultivation Clan recruited fighters, so the major families that were originally separated from a group of gods began to be requisitioned by the gods. They were not qualified to resist, at least they had to choose the power of one of the gods...

Longevity Villa was also called to the front line this time. Although Ye Lingtian could be regarded as the brother-in-law of Xiong Min, the mayor of Lingcheng, since his sister disappeared, Xiong Min, the mayor of Lingcheng, seemed to have undergone a huge change in his attitude towards the Ye family.Because it was reported that Ye Li, the eldest lady of Longevity Villa, the concubine of Xiong Min, the lord of Lingcheng, eloped with a man who came from nowhere.

This matter was talked about vividly and vividly by people, and even Xiong Wei, the third head of Lingcheng City, also confirmed this matter. Therefore, this incident made Xiong Min, the owner of Lingcheng City, very embarrassed.It's just that it was just a rumor after all, Ye Li disappeared, who knows if she really eloped with someone, but where did she elope?Xiong Min mobilized a lot of manpower and material resources, but he couldn't find any trace.

Later, someone said that the person who entered Yunwu Canyon was a woman who was very similar to Ye Li... Then there were other rumors that Ye Li did not elope, but went to explore the secret place, but I am afraid that she has already fallen In that secret realm, this kind of rumor made Xiong Min feel better, and it was justified in terms of face, but his attitude towards the Ye family was no longer the same as before.

Xiong Min, the lord of the Spirit City, is one of the few beings in the entire spirit realm who first broke through to the rank of the Spirit King. Even if it is only the lowest level of disciples, the status of Lingshan and Lingcheng in the spiritual practice of mortals has been greatly improved.But not only was the Ye family not taken care of, but they were deliberately sent to the front line.

Ye Lingtian's poisonous injury had completely healed more than a year ago, but since then, the Ye family has been subjected to ostracism from all sides. During that time, the most popular rumor was that her sister Ye Li eloped with a mysterious young man... ...It can also be regarded as the darkest day in Longevity Villa. All branches of the Ye family were hit hard, and then old father Ye Kaixin said that he would not be sick, and Xiong Min came to Wanshou Villa to ask for someone... Wait...

Now, Ye Lingtian has been exiled to the borderland city. He didn't want to come, but Xiong Min sent him here with the reason that young people need to exercise. After sending him, Xiong Min ignored him, and more importantly, But he didn't even have the most deserving treatment.

At least his Longevity Villa can be regarded as a powerful party in the spiritual domain. Although some masters in the family have died inexplicably over the past year, the reputation of the Longevity Villa is still there.It wasn't until he arrived in the deserted city that Ye Ling knew that it was his ex-brother-in-law Xiong Min who wanted to kill someone with a knife, and Xiong Min's goal was probably his entire Longevity Villa. If Ye Lingtian died, and the owner Ye Kaixin I'm afraid that he doesn't have much time to live. At this time, Xiong Min will naturally take over the Longevity Villa as the son-in-law of the Longevity Villa.

What puzzles Ye Lingtian is that Lingcheng is much stronger than Longevity Villa, and Xiong Min has no need to care about a small Longevity Villa. Even if Longevity Villa has thousands of years of foundation, how can such foundation be Compared with Lingshan and Lingcheng?

Ye Lingtian felt that all of this was unreasonable. If there was a possibility, it would be Le Fengxian... Xiong Min's original wife, Le Fengxian, was Ye Li's most difficult opponent in Lingcheng, and he always regarded Ye Li as his biggest opponent. However, this woman's means are not as good as Ye Li's, and she has never been able to win the favor of Xiong Min. Therefore, after Ye Li disappeared and Xiong Min was disappointed with Longevity Villa, this woman did not want to let go of this opportunity. It was also to vent the anger of being suppressed by Ye Li all these years, but Ye Li disappeared, and Xiong Min turned a blind eye to this matter.

Seeing the roaring and boiling insect swarm outside the city, and looking at the ruined city wall of the borderland city, Ye Lingtian's face was gloomy. It can be regarded as a rare genius in this spiritual realm, but the cultivation base of the spirit king rank is nothing more than cannon fodder in this swarm of insects.

During this period of time, the mortal spiritual practitioners in the spiritual domain have made breakthroughs very quickly. Some of the flesh and blood of the wild insects are great tonics. After swallowing them, they can greatly improve people's physique. More opportunities to break through.But even so, they still can't defend the frontier city. Ye Lingtian's body injury has not completely healed, and he has no chance to heal his injuries. Once he disobeys orders, the result will be death. The same is true for the spirit king, because now the gods are already ruling this land.

"Young about we run away too..." Ye Xing whispered to Ye Lingtian with a gloomy face that he also had a few hideous wounds on his body, but luckily Ye Lingtian took action in time to let him escape back to the city middle.

There was a trace of cruelty in Ye Lingtian's eyes. Looking at the surging insect swarm, he knew that the deserted city could no longer hold on, but the back was the land of the ancient clan, and the front was the wilderness, boundless. Even if he wanted to retreat, would he be executed as a deserter? When he saw a few pairs of eyes flickering in the shadows of the city, the hatred in his heart became stronger.

"They just want us to escape first, so that they have an excuse to get rid of us..." Ye Lingtian took a deep breath, feeling an inexplicable sadness in his heart.

My sister disappeared, and the Sirius organization she established was subdued by Xiong Min in a short period of time, and then the Sirius organization that was established with great difficulty betrayed the Ye family collectively and became the lackey of that vicious woman. Anzi, who was still loyal to the Ye family, was also cleaned up by Sirius. Now, those who are watching them in the dark are probably the few people in the Sirius organization.The inexplicable relationship between my sister and that damn Zhan Wuming back then seems to be the reason why the Heavenly Organization sold the news to Xiong Min.It is precisely because of this that Xiong Min believes that all of this is true, and continues to oppress his Ye family...

"But once the city is broken, I'm afraid we won't have time to escape." Ye Xing's face showed a trace of grief and indignation.

"Then compete with them to see who is more patient. Let's not rush out of the city, let's retreat first. As long as we don't leave the city, forgive them for not daring to attack us. I just want to see if they are He really will accompany us to take the risk of death because of that woman's order. If other people flee first, the law does not blame everyone, and we have nothing to worry about!" Ye Lingtian took a deep breath.

Although the attack on the top of the city was fierce, the continuous swarm of insects was steadily approaching the bottom of the city, and it would not take long before reaching the bottom of the city. At that time, the already damaged city wall could not stop the swarm of insects , once the swarm of insects rushes into the city, they will all have a dead end...

Ye Xing's gaze also cast towards the dark place, as if he felt a pair of vicious eyes looking at him in the darkness, which made his vest couldn't help sending out a chill.

(End of this chapter)

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