Chapter 1699 You should marry Mo's family
Entering the ancient city, Zhan Wuming found that the spiritual domain didn't seem to have changed much. Although some small towns that existed in the past no longer exist, or the population has been evacuated, they are much better than Linghuang. Perhaps this is just because the gods have not entered the Great Desolation for too long. If there are many gods like the Spirit Desolation, and the time in the lower realm is still long, I am afraid that the spirit realm has also been turned into pieces by the endless insect tide. ruins.

The area of ​​the ancient city is not small, and the tall city walls covered with runes seem to have begun to take shape of the Black Moon City. After all, the ancient city was once the ancestral land of the ancient clan, one of the three major powers in the spiritual realm. It has gone through thousands of years Even for tens of thousands of years, it has already formed a huge scale, and it only needs to be slightly modified to become a majestic city.

Zhan Wuming has seen too many giant cities, and the changes in the ancient city are nothing to him, so he doesn't seem to care.

The arrival of Zhan Wuming and the white bird shocked all the strong men in the ancient city. Although Zhan Wuming, Ye Li and the other three women seemed to be the aura of the gods, the feeling Zhan Wuming gave people It feels like an abyss, as if his body is full of infinite power. Even people of the same level can feel the deep pressure. However, Zhan Wuming's breath gives people the appearance of the late god, Ye Li and others It is the middle level of the gods.

When Xiong Min was quietly reminded by Tian Xiezi, cold sweat couldn't help but slipped down. When Ye Li left two years ago, he was only at the Lingwang level, but now Ye Li is already at the Tianshen level, even no better than Tian Xiezi. Weakness, what kind of concept is this? His heart was instantly filled with jealousy.

But as a hero, he knew that he shouldn't speak at this time, and he also knew that it was Tian Xiezi who saved him on that mountain top. If he continued to pester Ye Li, he might be killed. Zhan Wuming and the others will be offended because of him.

The crisis of the bug swarm was resolved, and more people wanted to know what happened in the deserted city. The entire city was completely wiped out. No one here could do this, after all, in the deserted city over there There are also a few true god-level spiritual cultivators, even if the gods make a move, they can use the power in the city to resist one or two, and the huge deep pit is not something that the gods can do.

"Where did the four fellow Taoists come from?" Zhan Wuming and the others followed Tian Xiezi and others into the ancient city, and immediately an ancient tribe arranged a feast for the gods. The food was very delicate, and the gods in the ancient city Almost all the ranks have been reached. There are nearly twenty gods in the entire ancient city. The strongest ones are in the late stage of the gods. There are three. There are eight middle-level gods, headed by Tian Xiezi. The others are all at the beginning of the gods. .

Ye Lingtian was also set up behind Ye Li. Ye Lingtian was the weakest person in the temple, but because of the face of Ye Li and Zhan Wuming, the gods also reserved a place for him.

"Linghuang..." Zhan Wuming took a look at the god who asked the question, and then asked lightly, "What's your name, fellow daoist?"

"I'm Tian Pingzi, I'm Tian Xiezi's senior brother." The man smiled leisurely, his expression was natural, but he quickly asked in surprise, "Linghuang? Where is Linghuang?"

Zhan Wuming was also slightly taken aback, thinking about it, it was true. If it wasn't for the sudden opening of the space channel, even he couldn't find the channel between Linghuang and Lingyu. It is possible to find the direction of the Spiritual Desolation, maybe, it is really necessary to go through the entire Great Desolation, maybe it is not necessary, and it is possible to reach the Spiritual Desolation along a certain border, but the depths of the Great Desolation are very dangerous for the monks of the Spiritual Desolation , the same is true for people in the spirit realm, even the gods cannot completely pass through, so naturally they have never heard of the spirit shortage.

"This great wilderness is boundless. Maybe it's on the other side of the great wilderness. I haven't found a direct way from the spiritual domain to the spiritual wilderness. It's an accident to be able to come back here." Zhan Wuming spread his hands, to be honest, this It was really an accident, but now that he found the space connection, he marked it on the other side of the passage. With his space talent, it is not difficult to return to the spirit barrenness. After all, this sky is not like clouds There is that terrifying formation interference in the canyon, but naturally he can't tell the people in front of him about this passage.Of course, even if you tell these people in front of you, they will not be able to affect Linghuang.

However, Zhan Wuming is not sure whether there will be another node in the sacred land on the side of the spiritual realm. Under normal circumstances, there should be some transmission nodes in the spiritual realm. Surrender, it should be impossible, because the first time I saw the gods, it was in the desert of death. It is absolutely impossible for Youhuo and that shadow killer to enter this wilderness by descending from the gods.

Later, the four god killers of the Mo family came through the Spirit Mountain God, and he knew that Zhujizi and Huang Wuya should have come down through a certain space node, and that space node was probably near the Jiuzaogou. If the people of Motian God Realm know that they are in the spiritual realm, and it is really possible that the god king will descend from here again, it will be a big trouble, at least he can't find the node yet, even if he wants to destroy the node here, he Can't do it either.

"I just don't know how this spiritual desolation compares to this spiritual realm..." Someone couldn't help asking curiously.Some people wanted to ask how Zhan Wuming got here, but they held back after thinking about it. A god who can have a roc as a mount must come from a big family even in the sacred land.

"It's similar to the Lingyu side. There is a lack of spiritual energy in the world, and there are more wild insects, and the number of worms in the Linghuang is more than that in the Lingyu... Many families have entered it." Zhan Wuming smiled lightly, and did not hide it.

"I don't know which family's talent Brother Zhan is..." Someone asked tentatively.

"Seven Stars, as for the sect, it doesn't matter if you don't mention it, wild cultivation in the mountains, it's nothing to worry about..." Zhan Wuming said indifferently.

There are many gods and lands, and there are countless monks of the god level, and how many are extremely talented. It is difficult for anyone to count, but if it is really a certain big family, many people will know, so Zhan Wuming doesn't want to put himself in a certain family, the Seven Stars Domain is a relatively remote area, and Lu Qianye is a member of the Lu family from the Seven Stars God Domain.Now Zhan Wuming has a basic understanding of the sacred soil, but he has absorbed a lot of memory fragments of the general who shook the sky, which gave him a deeper understanding of the sacred soil.

"Now the spiritual realm is flooded with wild insects, do fellow fighters ever think about cooperating?" Tian Xiezi asked directly after thinking about it.

"I don't know which family you represent in the ancient city?" Zhan Wuming didn't refuse, but asked leisurely.

"Our ancient city is under the rule of Shaozuo Mo Qingtian from the Motian God Realm. Although the fellow fighters belong to the Seven Star God Realm, the Seven Star God Realm and Mo Tian God Realm have a relatively close relationship. If we can cooperate, it should be a good combination..."

"Mo Qingtian..." Zhan Wuming's expression changed slightly, and a faint sneer appeared on his face. He didn't expect this ancient city to belong to the power of Mo Tian Shenyu, which is not bad. Man, his favorite.

"What do you think, fellow Daoist Zhan?" Tian Xiezi hesitated seeing Zhan Wuming, and asked involuntarily.

"Isn't Mo Tian Shenyu not accepting outsiders? Is fellow Taoist Tianxie also a member of the Mo family?" Zhan Wuming asked in surprise.

"Well, we are not directly related to the Mo family." Tian Xiezi said embarrassingly. All the gods present here are a little unnatural. Naturally, none of them are directly related to the Mo family, but they came here with the help of the gods of the Mo family. The Mo family did have some connections, but they were not taken seriously.

"If you are really capable, it's not that you can't become a true member of the Mo family, because there are quite a few goddesses in my Mo family's boudoirs." Just when everyone was embarrassed, a faint voice came leisurely. .Then a figure drifted in.

"Young Master Ning..." Tian Xiezi and the others couldn't help standing up when they saw the person coming, and saluted very politely.But Zhan Wuming and the others still sat quietly in their seats.

"Sit down, why don't you inform me that you have invited distinguished guests." The young man who came in waved his hand, with an aura of superiority.The group of gods also sat down when they heard the young man's words, and then someone immediately placed a table and chairs on top. Obviously, a chairman was arranged for the comer alone.

"Your name is Zhan Wuming?" The young man unceremoniously sat on the main seat, then toasted Zhan Wuming from a distance, and before Zhan Wuming could answer, he said directly: "My name is Mourning City, and they all Call me Shaozuo Ning, but I prefer to be called Brother Cheng..."

Zhan Wuming didn't explode immediately, he wanted to see what the person in front of him wanted to say, so he raised the cup in his hand.

"It seems that you are not very human, you have a strong breath, and you can be regarded as a genius. If you really want to become a direct descendant of my Mo family, I have a way, and that is to marry the goddess of my Mo family and join my Mo family. Then, of course, you She will become a member of my Mo family, of course, if you want to join my Mo family and marry the goddess of the Mo family, you can't have other women." Mo Ningcheng said, looking at Honglian and Qing with a smile. lotus.There was a little light in those eyes.

Hong Lian and Qing Lian couldn't help snorting coldly, they were not unfamiliar with Mourning City's gaze, it was a kind of greed, just like a wolf seeing delicious meat.

"The goddess of the Mo family...hehe..." Zhan Wuming just smiled lightly, but the last laughter seemed to have changed a bit, making people feel that his previous sentence was more like disdain.

"What, fellow Daoist Zhan, do you have any opinion on the goddess of my Mo family?" Mo Ningcheng frowned, and he also heard something wrong in Zhan Wuming's words.

"I heard that in order to keep the blood pure, the men and women of the Mo family like to match up with their own relatives. Cousins ​​and sisters, even brothers and sisters, are often unethical. I think the goddesses of the Mo family are not I know that there are still a few who are innocent..." Zhan Wuming suddenly laughed, and for a moment, the entire hall became silent, and the faces of Tian Xiezi and others also became extremely ugly.

Although they know that what Zhan Wuming said is not false, this situation in Motian Shenyu is really common, because in order to ensure that the blood of the family is absolutely pure, they have always married close relatives. But just as a concubine.

The concubine's children have no status in the Mo family, and can only be excluded from the core of the family. It's just that no one dared to speak out directly about this situation, but Zhan Wuming said these words so bluntly. They were all stunned for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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