Chapter 1701 I am in charge of the spiritual domain

Zhan Wuming's performance is too strong, so strong that people doubt whether Zhan Wuming's real strength is far beyond Jinshen.Otherwise, how could it be possible to smash the Jinshen powerhouse with one blow.Everyone was stunned, there were only a dozen gods in the entire ancient city, most of the gods were scattered in several big cities, and some lived in Lingshan.

Mourning City brought people to support it because it received Tian Xiezi's request for help. Unexpectedly, it fell in the ancient city. Even Mourning City is not Zhan Wuming's opponent. Who else is Zhan Wuming's opponent?

Tian Xiezi and the others had already lost their fighting spirit, and they knew very well that if they really made a move, the three women behind Zhan Wuming would be able to wipe them out.As for Zhan Wuming, none of them had the qualifications to do it.

"I can spare your lives, because you are not direct descendants of Mo Tian Shen Yu, but I want you to bring a letter to others. From today on, Ling Yu will be in charge of me. Mo Tian Shen Yu wants to make money in Ling Yu and the Great Wilderness." If you want to get the worm crystal nucleus, you must give me one deal, otherwise, I will destroy one when I meet one." Zhan Wuming waved away the dust and said coldly.

Zhan Wuming's words immediately made the faces of Tian Xiezi and the others extremely ugly. This was not a provocation to the gods of Motian God Realm, but a provocation to all the gods in the entire Linghuang. In this Linghuang, there are many forces from all walks of life, but No one has ever dared to say that they are in charge of the entire spiritual domain. Even the three Jinshen powerhouses from Mo Tianshen domain only control one-fifth of the spiritual shortage, and there is nothing they can do about other forces. Being in charge of Linghuang, and collecting taxes from the gods of Mo Tian Shenyu, this is a slap in the face.

They knew that they were not Zhan Wuming's opponents at all, but they didn't take Zhan Wuming's words seriously, so what if Zhan Wuming was strong?After all, there is only one person, and the three women are no more than four.The four want to be enemies of the hundreds of gods and thousands of true gods in the entire spiritual domain, which is too much.Among these people, the number of Golden Gods adds up to nearly 20 people. With so many people, even the generals have to weigh them.

"Tell the gods in each city that I will wait for them at Lingshan in a month. All who come will have the opportunity to know how to use the method of sublimating the spirit root with the worm crystal nucleus. Those who don't come will lose their spiritual roots. The qualification to divide the territory." Zhan Wuming said proudly.

Zhan Wuming's words are for the entire ancient city. As the ancestral land of the ancient clan, the ancient city is not only the ancient clan, but also the forces of many other families. What Zhan Wuming said will soon spread to all parts of the spiritual realm. At that time, perhaps everyone would not care whether Zhan Wuming was going to be the boss of the spiritual domain, but cared about the method that Zhan Wuming said could sublimate the spiritual root with the help of the worm crystal nucleus.

Isn't that what the God Descendant came to the Great Wilderness for?If what Zhan Wuming said is true, many forces will come back. If they are deceived, they will join forces to destroy this arrogant person, but no one wants to miss this opportunity.

One month is enough for this news to spread anywhere in Lingyu.Tian Xiezi and the others were very worried. Lingshan belonged to the territory of Mo Tianshenyu. Zhan Wuming said that everyone would gather in Lingshan in a month. Doesn't that mean that Zhan Wuming has the final say on that place?

Tian Xiezi's heart skipped a beat.They are disciples from outside the Mo family, but they were bound together the moment they were labeled with the Mo family.If the person in front of him really hit Lingshan and wiped out Mo Tian Shenyu's power in the lower realm, his journey in the lower realm would also come to an end.He must return to Lingshan as quickly as possible to pass the news to Mo Qingtian. As for what will happen, it can only be decided by Mo Qingtian.


Zhan Wuming beheaded Mourning City forcefully, and wiped out the three descendants of the Mo family's gods. After that, he didn't make any more moves. Among those who survived, there was no Zhan Wuming's opponent.They were afraid and didn't dare to fight back. Zhan Wuming lost interest and walked away. The huge roc was like a cloud, forming a shadow over the ancient city.Even though Zhan Wuming and his Peng Niao disappeared, the shadow still hangs over the ancient city.


The news of the spiritual domain was indeed transmitted very quickly. The disappearance of the deserted city and the terrifying swarm of insects were completely wiped out by a big hand in the sky. No one knew who that big hand belonged to. However, the appearance of that big hand alarmed everyone. The will of this piece of heaven and earth was destroyed, and then the ancient city on the frontier was also destroyed.

This is the most supernatural news spread in Linghuang, and there is another news that spreads quickly in Linghuang, that is, a god riding an ancient fierce bird Pengbird destroyed the palace of the ancient clan in the ancient city and killed Mo Tian Shenyu Golden God Morning City.One month later, he will meet with all the powerful descendants of the spirit domain in Lingshan, and threatens that if any force does not go, that force will be wiped out.

All the gods were extremely dissatisfied and even disdainful when they heard the news, but the method of using the worm crystal nucleus to sublimate and cleanse the spiritual roots still greatly increased everyone's interest.

Many people were also happy that someone came forward to teach Mo Tianshenyu people a lesson.Among the entire Seven Realms of the Divine Land, the Motian Divine Realm can be ranked in the top three. Unlike the Seven Star Divine Realm and the Tiangang Realm, the entire Motian Divine Realm belongs to the Mohe family. Therefore, no one in the entire Divine Land dares to provoke this group of people. Even if someone disliked Mo Tian Shenyu, they would not dare to be so arrogant.

Soon, news spread again in the ancient city that Mo Tian Shenyu had gathered dozens of powerful gods, and Mo Qingtian personally took action.Mo Qingtian used the secret method to escape, and dozens of other gods all fell, and Zhan Wuming killed them all.

Zhan Wuming took advantage of the situation to go up to Lingshan, and shattered the God Advent Altar on Lingshan with a slap. The gods of Motian God Realm fled after hearing the news, and did not dare to stop Zhan Wuming.Lingshan changed hands.

Zhan Wuming did not shake the foundation of Lingshan, and the mortal spiritual cultivation still did what it used to do, but handed over the worship of the gods of Mo Tian Shenyu to Zhan Wuming.For them, they are all gods, and they cannot afford to mess with them.

Mo Qingtian escaped, but unfortunately she didn't return to the divine land because the teleportation talisman failed.When he was almost beaten to death by Zhan Wuming and wanted to use the teleportation token to return to the sacred land, he found that the token was on, but as if the energy was insufficient, it turned off halfway through the light.Almost killed Mo Qingtian.

All the runes sent back to the divine soil in the hands of the gods were invalid, and there was no way out.Zhan Wuming became the real god of death in everyone's eyes, and everyone became uneasy.

Zhan Wuming wants to build a huge city with a radius of one million miles around Lingcheng, connect the main cities with the main cities of several major families as important nodes, and build a complete defense circle relying on mountains and rivers.Prepare for the more ferocious bug swarm that is about to break out.The new city can accommodate people from all spiritual domains, and the big city can also be extended outwards.The new city is divided into inner city and outer city.Lingcheng is the inner city.

The inner city is more than [-] li long and wide, and a tall city wall is built.The outer city is not closed by tall city walls, but relying on the scattered fortresses to form city clusters, and the formation of large formations between the annexed city clusters is the first line of defense against insect swarms.Adding the area of ​​the entire outer city, the entire Lingcheng suddenly expanded a hundred times.


The month of January is coming soon, and gods from all walks of life rushed to Lingshan.

It was not too early for Tiandou Xingjun to arrive at Lingshan, he had just cleared away a batch of insect swarms.Among the descendants of the gods, he is not a big character, but he is the first level of the gods, and he was the star master of a small star before.

It was not the first time Tiandou Xingjun came to Lingshan, but this time he was very shocked.The entire Lingshan Mountain has completely changed its appearance. Along the way, Tiandou Xingjun was terrified, it was the feeling given to him by the guardian formation of Lingshan Mountain.The spiritual cultivation of mortals in Lingshan has also undergone tremendous changes, and the monks here have been promoted at least one or two levels.

When he came last time, the little general who received him at the gate of Lingshan Mountain was already a disciple of God.On Lingshan, there are many disciples of gods. They are not from the land of gods, but they have been promoted as a whole in a short period of time.

This is simply appalling, who can turn a large number of mortal spiritual cultivation into spiritual cultivation in less than a month?

The people in Lingshan were very happy to listen to the words of the new lord. Even if the lord of Lingcheng was abolished, they still showed great enthusiasm. He got real benefits, great benefits.

The three statues in Lingshan are all of the beginning god level, and there are hidden signs of breaking through to the true god. Five of the eighteen sages have also broken through to the beginning god, and the rest are gods. Aside from the descendants of the gods, the entire Lingshan has become a real holy place.

All the people who have been to Lingshan couldn't believe what they saw before them. They were very excited. They saw hope in the monks of Lingshan. As long as they are willing to pay, they can also step into the path of gods and become real gods like the disciples of Lingshan. .


The chaotic starry sky is boundless, even if it is the sacred land, no one knows where the end of the chaotic starry sky is.In the depths of the chaotic starry sky, there is an inconspicuous star, like a huge fragment of a continent, floating quietly in the starry sky, drifting along with the dust in the starry sky in the endless universe, all the meteorites and stars in front of the big star have been destroyed Crashed into pieces, the pieces cling to the star and become part of it.

The irregular shape of the stars is precisely because of the continuous impact and the capture of debris.Daxing exudes a simple and vicissitudes of life.

The star, which had been floating for an unknown number of years, suddenly stopped, and the meteorite following behind hit it head-on, bursting out streamers of light, and shattered into dust.

The stars were shaken by the impact, and huge cracks stretched out on the continent, like huge ravines, or cracked into the ground, or stretched out thousands of miles.

There was a cracking sound of "Kaka", and the surrounding starry sky seemed to be affected by the cracking of the stars, and there were bursts of strange vibrations.

"Boom... Boom..." After a while, the cracks didn't stop, but became bigger and faster. The entire star began to collapse, and the cracks extended in all directions. In an instant, thousands of miles away, the originally irregular stars appeared huge and bottomless. Gullies, like broken ice.

"Boom... Boom..." Huge fragments of the continent separated from the floating continent, and huge stones splashed in all directions.The shock came from the depths of the continent, and the cracks rose up to fill the sky with dust, like a layer of strange clouds hanging over the stars.

The earthquake became stronger and stronger, and the ground trembled, setting off a mass of ripples, and the ripples spread out, shaking the nearby meteorites into pieces.The shock wave became stronger and bigger, and finally formed a huge void storm, radiating around the starry sky.

"Oh..." A long roar came from the depths of the stars that were about to disintegrate.

"Boom..." A huge fragment flew out, and as the fragment flew away, a huge hand stretched out from the stars, each finger was like a towering mountain, and the palm broke through the ground, like a plateau... …

(End of this chapter)

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