Chapter 173

Zhu Qianqiu and the others felt that Zhan Wuming, who was only a six-star battle king, had a natural coercion that was even more terrifying than the sixth-level peak Xuanming Zhanhu, as if he was an ancient wild beast.

Zhan Wuming didn't wake up immediately, but sat quietly on the body of Xuanming Zhanhu, surrounded by the power of dark elements like smoke and mist, as if forming a huge vortex in the sky, constantly Swallow and transform the aura between the heaven and the earth, making the power of the dark element more intense.

At this time, Zhan Wuming's soul opened up a new cave, but this cave was empty, only a small amount of dark elemental power wandered in it, and he found that his soul was reborn. Unbalanced once.Originally there were four caves in the soul of life, water, fire, wind, and metal, which were not considered balanced, but a completely different kind of dark cave was added. The characteristics of this cave were even more weird than the wind element, making his life The soul is even more unbalanced.

This gave Zhan Wuming a headache, but there was nothing he could do. There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain. Although he could not fully use the power of these caves, these caves would still protect the Lord automatically, just like before facing Qingmian The absolute domain of the God of War is ordinary, if it is not for the automatic protection of the cave world in the soul of life, it is impossible for him to have the slightest chance to move in that absolute domain, and he will even be directly squeezed by that absolute domain...

Zhan Wuming believes that if his five caves can be used freely, he will not be afraid even if he is a God of War. Unfortunately, this is also a huge powder keg. If it is not good, the balance of the cave will be completely broken and it will collapse directly , causing his body to collapse.

"Hiss..." Zhan Wuming let out a long breath, the layers of smoke-like dark elements circulating around his body were completely swallowed by his body in an instant, and the cave in his soul was finally constructed , maintaining a basic stability, as long as he doesn't try his best to mobilize the power of some caves, he will generally not easily break this basic balance.

"Aw... woo..." Xuanming Zhanhu let out a long roar, as if he also sensed the relief in Zhan Wuming's heart, coupled with the crazy increase in his own strength, it was difficult for Xuanming Zhanhu to restrain his inner excitement.

"Don't scare others!" Zhan Wuming patted Xuanming Zhanhu's head. He felt that the power of darkness on Xuanming Zhanhu was more intense, and it could even be compared to that ghost civet. Ming Zhanhu not only has a terrifying attack power, but also has a terrifying talent of stealth and stealth.This is definitely a great help for me. Of course, riding this extremely fast Xuanming Zhanhu is definitely much more enjoyable than that bulky violent beast with blue eyes and golden eyes. Ming Zhanhu, Zhan Wuming didn't even have to worry about the relationship between this beast and the king of beasts, Quan Rushen.

Because even if you close your eyes, you can imagine it. How can you control a peak sixth-order spirit beast with the peak cultivation of the Beast King Quanru Shen Zhanwang?This is a spirit beast comparable to a saint, and it is rare even in the active beast sect. What's more, the Xuanming Zhanhu's blood is so noble. After becoming the sixth-order peak, its combat power can completely compare to that of an ordinary war saint. Of course, Zhan Wuming didn't mind at all for raising this guy to the seventh rank first, because under this sea of ​​flames there was a poor god of war who had almost exhausted his energy.

Even if it is waste, you should make good use of it, right?Zhan Wuming doesn't like doing wasteful things the most.

"The seal can be unlocked. Such a good resource must be well exploited for its last bit of value." Zhan Wuming pointed to Tiantian Pit and said to Cang Yu.

The surface of the lava lake in the tiankeng suddenly split in two, slowly separating to both sides like two gates.At the bottom of the pit, a burst of dark elemental power suddenly gushed out, and then a figure rose into the sky like a ghost...

"It's too late to escape now!" Zhan Wuming laughed.That day, the blue-faced God of War seemed to feel under the lava that the power of the dark element that he diffused seemed to have completely lost contact with himself. He immediately knew that it was hopeless for him to break through the seal, and instead helped others refine himself. Therefore, shrink the power of the dark element back again.

The blue-faced God of War suddenly fell into a dilemma.If you continue to emit your own dark elements, you will only let others refine them. If you don't emit your own dark elements, then you will not be able to self-destruct, and you will eventually become Zhan Wuming's prey.No matter which one he chooses, the result is the same, but he still chooses the latter, at least he still has the chance to give orders to Bo, if he chooses the former, he will be like boiling a frog in warm water, unknowingly being refined to death by others , it's better to save your strength for a chance.

"Boom..." The figure of the blue-faced God of War suddenly froze in the void, as if hitting an invisible net, and then his dry face became extremely ferocious.

"Zhan Wuming, the Mo family will not let you go!" The blue-faced God of War roared in despair, but Zhan Wuming was unmoved.

"Mo family, I'm afraid they won't come looking for them, and I'm afraid my spirit beasts will lack refreshments. Aren't you Mo family members secretly devouring their souls to strengthen yourself? I'm just returning this karma to you body, let you spit back to others what you swallowed from his body!" Zhan Wuming smiled disdainfully.Looking at the blue-faced God of War who was constantly struggling in the void, it was like looking at a big piece of fat.

Zhu Qianqiu and Zhu Wannian's faces were a bit ugly, and Zhan Wuming's eyes made them feel a little chilly. This is really a cannibal.Think back to when they were subdued in the Bone Battlefield, it was this Supreme Cang Yu who made the move. At that time, they thought that the other party was just a God of War, and only now did they realize that even the God of War, in the hands of Cang Yu, could not fight back at all. Power.I couldn't help but secretly rejoice in my heart.There is such a terrifying guy, if Zhan Wuming is willing, he can even destroy Doomsday City directly. In this continent, Supreme is already the most peak existence.

"Zhan Wuming, if you don't kill me, I can give you benefits you can't imagine, you can do whatever you want..." The blue-faced God of War shouted hysterically, fearing death, every time Everyone comes from instinct, maybe the blue-faced God of War is not afraid of death, so he can choose to explode himself, but when he knows that he will be continuously refined by others, and finally become a nutrient for others to grow, he begins to collapse...

Zhan Wuming was silent, patted Xuanming Zhanhu on the head and said: "Xuanming, you are ready to eat, you are welcome, eat as much as you can." After finishing speaking, Zhan Wuming suddenly made a handprint, and the sky in the sky Yu's net of fire and spirit blended together, and immediately, the power of dark elements on the blue-faced God of War leaked out crazily and irresistibly.

"Aw... woo..." Xuanming Zhanhu howled contentedly. It is so happy to be with such a master. Even the God of War can eat whatever he wants, but it knows very well that its rank has reached the peak of the sixth rank. Jumping up too fast, if you want to break through to the seventh level, you will inevitably usher in a thunder calamity. Although the sanctification of monsters is not the same as that of humans, the sanctification of humans is more of the calamity of the inner demon, while the sanctification of beasts is the calamity of the physical body. .

Xuanming Zhanhu knows that his cultivation base has improved too fast, and his foundation is already unstable. If he absorbs the power of this dark element again, although he can break through to become a saint, he is afraid that his foundation will be seriously injured under the thunder calamity, so However, he absorbed the power of the dark element again, but it was not used to improve his cultivation, but to strengthen his physical body and transform his physique.

Xuanming Zhanhu itself has the attribute of the dark element, but his Gengjin aura is heavier, so he can't be as elusive as the ghost civet, and the killing aura is heavier, but at this time he has completely transformed into the dark attribute .Of course, the Gengjin bloodline is the bloodline of the divine beast White Tiger, and he doesn't want to give up, it's just that his body is dominated by darkness.

Zhan Wuming nodded approvingly to Xuanming Zhanhu. The intelligence of this tiger is not inferior to normal practitioners, and he knows how to choose the direction.Only such spirit beasts are really worthy of cultivating by oneself, can truly become their own help, and accompany them to conquer the world.He felt that Xuanming Zhanhu's body was shrinking in circles, like a sponge being gradually compressed. Whether it was the flesh or the bones, it became denser and more explosive. This was a kind of condensation. practice.He believes that Xuanming Zhanhu will definitely become the new king among the monsters on this continent after today.

Zhan Wuming himself is not polite at all, this dark elemental power is not too much for him at all, the dark element cave in his soul is empty, even if he absorbs all the blue-faced God of War at this time, it may not be able to support him.Of course, his cultivation was also growing steadily in the process of absorbing this dark element.At this time, every time he advances to a level, the spiritual power he needs is extremely huge. If it were someone else, he would be able to rise from the initial level of Zhan Zong to Zhan Huang, but these spiritual energy given to Zhan Wuming can only make him self-sufficient. King of Star Wars rose to seven stars.

Zhu Qianqiu and Zhu Wannian were terrified when they saw Zhan Wuming devouring the spiritual energy. They felt that even if they absorbed so much spiritual energy, they would feel that their cultivation would improve, but Zhan Wuming seemed like a bottomless pit As if nothing had happened, what shocked them even more was the heart-piercing screams of the blue-faced God of War in the sky. A living person was being devoured continuously, and his flesh and bone disappeared bit by bit, but he was conscious and clear. Feel the loss of your own life.

The knife saint Yue Wuya and the wooden woodcutter who were sealed on one side all turned pale. They saw their fate and shadow from the blue-faced God of War. If Zhan Wuming turned around and dealt with them in the same way, it would be a shame. what kind of result?This is definitely a feeling that life is worse than death...

"Ah..." The blue-faced God of War suddenly bit off his tongue. Unfortunately, he underestimated the vitality of the God of War. Maybe some people could kill themselves by biting their tongues, but the vitality of the God of War is so strong that unless it hits a vital point directly, they will not die easily.The pain still existed, but his originally slender and powerful body became more and more dry until it was like a stick.

"Boom..." In the void, the body of the blue-faced God of War turned into a ball of powder in vain, and the spirit energy in every inch of flesh and blood was absorbed.Zhan Wuming's devouring power was too terrifying, and he hardly let go of every ray of dark elemental power in this void.The body of the God of War has been transformed into the body of the Yuanling. Every inch of his body is composed of Yuanli, and the Yuanli body of the blue-faced God of War is the power of the dark element. When the power of the dark element in his body disappears , this body naturally turned into dust and returned to the natural world.

Zhan Wuming quickly made several knot seals in the void, and then it seemed that a mass of invisible energy was filled and sealed by the knot seals, condensing into a faint phantom, vaguely resembling the appearance of the blue-faced old man.

The life soul of the god of war is close to reality. When it breaks through the god of war and turns into a primordial spirit, the primordial soul will transform into a baby. At this time, the fate soul will have a physical body, which is equivalent to a real life. Even if the body dies, the primordial soul will also Still able to look for opportunities to live.At this time, the life soul of the blue-faced war god has not yet turned into a baby, but it is also an absolute tonic. For those who lack life, if they devour this soul, they will definitely make their life soul close to Yuanman .

There are legends that even if you fail to reach the level of the god of war and become a primordial spirit, as long as your life soul is perfect, you can also turn your life soul into a baby, and only a perfect soul can turn into a baby...Of course, this is just a legend, because this On this continent, there has never been a person with a perfect life and soul in the past few hundred thousand years.

Human beings are born with a lack of soul, which can be repaired after three disasters and nine calamities, and can only be completed after eight disasters and five declines. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to be born with a perfect soul in this world.As for what the Mo family said, would the baby born after the demon king and the demon concubine's life and soul be intact be consummation of life and soul?No one knows.Because the Demon Lord is dead, this is no longer possible!
(End of this chapter)

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