Chapter 1769
"Boom..." The huge God Emperor flying boat flew thousands of miles away, as if hitting an invisible wall.

"It's now!" Zhan Wuming took a deep breath, and rushed to the void without hesitation. There was the edge of the domain laid down by the Lord of Flame that day. Stars, the palm of the Lord of Flames, the impact is so powerful, even if the barrier cannot be broken, there will be cracks. This is Zhan Wuming's opportunity, and it is also the reason why he chased the flying boat and flew away.

"Open..." Zhan Wuming waved his hand, and a ripple blasted towards the loose barrier. It was not a direct impact, but a ripple-like shock wave. When this shock wave came into contact with the loose barrier, When it resonates, the original crack becomes a door.

This kind of space door is not big, and it is still invisible. If Zhan Wuming is not sensitive to the origin of space, he would not be able to find it.Zhan Wuming rushed out from the door like a puff of smoke. Behind him, several people were stunned, and rushed out after Zhan Wuming. Only one unlucky guy was a step behind, seeing that everyone else rushed over. However, he bumped his head against the barrier, only to be healed again by the space portal that opened a crack.

"No..." The god bumped his head against the boundary, as if he had hit a wall, he was stunned by the few people who were just a few feet away.

Zhan Wuming turned his head and glanced at the completely deformed God Emperor Flying Boat, then turned his head to look at the three people who escaped with him vigilantly, took a deep breath and said, "Let's go!"

The faces of those people turned pale. Just now they followed Zhan Wuming in perfect harmony. If they hesitated a little longer, they would be like the companions trapped inside, unable to escape the domain of the Lord of Flame. .

"Senior brother, can you help Brother Jianye?" One of the generals asked Zhan Wuming with an ugly expression.

Zhan Wuming gave him a blank look, and said coldly: "You have the ability, we will not stop you from trying to open the domain world of the Lord of Flame, I don't have that ability." After speaking, Zhan Wuming's figure flashed, already After rushing for hundreds of miles, he didn't think that he would be safe if he escaped from that crack by chance. Who knows if the domain of the Lord of Flames will expand, if he is trapped in the domain again, he will never have a chance to break through the barrier up.

"Mo Jianxiu, don't be stupid. It was a fluke that we escaped just now. If it weren't for the impact of the God Emperor's flying boat, this tiny crack would not have appeared at all. It is important to inform the ancestor as soon as possible." Ming's escape was not unexpected, and they were not stupid. The God Emperor's flying boat was shot flying, and they kept chasing after the flying boat. They saw that Zhan Wuming had penetrated the place where the God Emperor's flying boat hadn't broken through. There must be a passage leading to the barriers of the domain world where Ming walked, and they will rush over.

They didn't expect that tiny crack to heal so quickly, and they were glad that they dared to stay in this place.

The general who asked Zhan Wuming to save Mo Jianye just now blushed, hesitantly glanced at Mo Jianye inside the barrier, gritted his teeth, and ran after Zhan Wuming.

"Boom..." At this moment, there was a violent shock in the distant starry sky.Like fireworks, the last god-emperor blew himself up.Huge energy waves spread in all directions. At the place where the god emperor blew himself up, there was a sea of ​​flames. The destructive energy caused the heaven and earth dharma to sway for a while. It did not harm the Lord of Flames at all, and there was a slight click in the void. There was a clicking sound, as if a shell had cracked.

The people who were originally on the edge of the barrier of the domain knew that this was an opportunity, and several or nearly a hundred people joined forces to blast towards the barrier, tearing a piece in the void, and a group of people rushed out from the shattered barrier.

The God Emperor blew himself up, although it was not enough to pose a threat to the God Lord, but it shook the barrier seal and gave the elites of Mo Tian Shenyu a chance to escape.

Zhan Wuming secretly screamed in his heart that it was not good, the God Emperor could have delayed the Lord of Flame, and if he blew himself up so soon, causing some people to escape from the domain, the Lord of Flame would definitely divert his attention to those who fled outside the domain. At this time, it is possible that the person who has fled the furthest will be the first target of his attack.

Zhan Wuming has already fled thousands of miles away, and this distance is still within the attack range for the main god.

Sure enough, just as Zhan Wuming realized something was wrong, he felt an invisible pressure crushing him like a tide, the void above his head suddenly darkened, and a big hand had completely controlled the world he was in...

The original dark and cold starry sky seemed to come alive all of a sudden, countless streamers rose like will-o'-the-wisps, and the aura in the void seemed to be summoned by some kind, turning the void where Zhan Wuming was located into a sea of ​​flames.

A scorching heat rose from Zhan Wuming's heart, and this heat seemed to be able to pass through everything, causing his soul and body to spontaneously ignite instantly.

"Swallow..." Zhan Wuming took a deep breath, and the godhead in the sea of ​​consciousness spun crazily. The scorching flame power that rose from the bottom of his heart was swallowed by the godhead, turning into a series of secret patterns attached to it, his body seemed to be A pair of cyan wings were instantly formed, and they flew across the starry sky. Zhan Wuming did not rush out of this sea of ​​flames, but plunged into the void of the other side and disappeared in the sea of ​​flames.

"Boom..." Several gods chasing after Zhan Wuming were turned into nothingness by the sea of ​​flames.

"Huh..." There was a slight startled sound from the sky, it was the Lord of Flames, a little general was able to escape from his hands, which was beyond his expectation.It was just a small general, and he didn't take it to heart.

"Boom..." As soon as Zhan Wuming's body entered the chaotic space of the dimension, he felt a huge shock affect this space, and he was shaken out of nothingness. In addition, there seemed to be a pair of terrifying eyes staring at him in the dark. In these eyes, he seemed to be naked and exposed to the ice and snow. The cold feeling made him dare not even move his fingers.

He knew that his change had attracted the attention of the Lord of Flame, and he no longer dared to hope that he would not be able to escape the attack of a Lord of God no matter what. attack.Zhan Wuming's figure was fixed in the void, not daring to make any slight changes.

"Om..." The flying boat of the God Emperor in the distance exploded, turning into countless fragments and splashing in all directions. At this moment, the creepy feeling of being stared at suddenly disappeared. Interest, that didn't kill him.Vaguely, he always felt that his secret was seen through by the Lord of Flame. The moment he escaped from the sea of ​​flames, he mobilized the source of fire in his body.

The Lord of Flames has used the origin of fire to the extreme, and has mastered the Dao of Fire. Perhaps it is because of his talent that Lords of Flames let him go.Zhan Wuming flew away from the starry sky at the fastest speed and rushed back to Mo Tianshen City.

"Boom..." At the moment when Zhan Wuming was fleeing desperately, the sky cracked open, and a wave of violent energy swept away in all directions centered on the domain world of Lord Tianyan, countless meteorites in the starry sky The stars burst into dust in this energy tide, and Zhan Wuming's body was rushed to nowhere like a small boat in the raging sea, smashed through a meteorite, and was thrown out together with the fragments, countless splashes in the air The metal block is a fragment of the God Emperor's flying boat.

"Boom..." Zhan Wuming's body shook and crashed into a huge barren planet. A huge energy pushed the barren star out of its orbit. Zhan Wuming lost consciousness instantly, and his bones burst out. There was a crisp sound, and the blood was surging...

Zhan Wuming was terrified in his heart, before he had time to realize what happened, he felt a torrent of momentum that made his unsteady heart suddenly tighten.That momentum only swept across the barren planet where he fell, without staying.

"Damn..." Zhan Wuming spit out a few mouthfuls of soil, and his body struggled out of the deep hole he smashed. If he hadn't had a physique stronger than that of a four-star ancient god, he would definitely have been flattened this time.He was a million miles away from that starry sky, and he couldn't find his way because of the energy tide. He felt that he had already left the most dangerous area. It was a fate.

Even if separated by millions of miles, he can still clearly see the sun-like flame in the distance, like a burning star, illuminating the surrounding starry sky. , can burn through the void.That piece of void was burned by the fire of heaven and earth, opposite to it was a piece of ice crystal-like light blue, opposite to that piece of fire sea, forming a confrontation.

Zhan Wuming understood that the terrifying and destructive energy wave just now was caused by the arrival of the superpowers from the Motian God Realm, and the destruction caused by the confrontation with the Lord of Flame.

This kind of destruction is not what Mo Tian Shen Yu's powerhouse wants to see. There are still many Mo Tian Shen Yu's god-level elites in that starry sky. They are the elites gathered by Mo Tian Shen Yu in the past year. Once the main god attacks recklessly, it will definitely cause a lot of deaths. , compared to the strong main gods, the gods are like weak ants, and if they are not careful, the aftermath can wipe them out.

Zhan Wuming heaved a long sigh of relief. The fight between the two main gods has nothing to do with him. The place is separated by millions of miles. Although he can vaguely feel the energy tide coming from time to time, it cannot affect or threaten him. This barren planet has left its orbit and is flying towards the depths of the starry sky. Along the way, meteorites continue to hit the planet, making Zhan Wuming feel that he is so small compared to this starry sky.

He checked his body, and there was nothing abnormal. Except for some pain in the muscles and bones, everything was fine. The pain gradually disappeared after the power of the gods in his body flowed. He did not know how many meteorites he hit along the way.

"Boom..." Just when he was thinking about whether to leave the starry sky by himself, and worried that he would not be able to find the direction of Motian Holy City, another black dot flew over from a distance, hitting a mountain not far away from him. The collision broke apart, kicking up countless dust, and the dust was swept into the void along with the storm in the starry sky.Zhan Wuming swept across the mountain peak with his spiritual sense, and felt that there was a breath of life. It seemed that he was not the only one who was lucky, and someone was alive.

(End of this chapter)

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