Chapter 2047 Throne of Destiny
"Om..." The mysterious tablet fell in the middle of the crack, like a towering tree with roots, Huang's flesh and blood crazily wrapped around the mysterious tablet, trying to swallow it in.

At this time, the mysterious monument began to grow and expand endlessly, from a mountain peak to a sky pillar, and then grow to a higher starry sky. Huang wanted to wrap it around Qi Ali in a short time, but obviously couldn't do it.

Zhan Wuming didn't give him this time, the huge sky-opening ax swung again, and the countless tentacles wrapped around the Xuanxuan Tower were directly chopped into countless pieces. The Xuanxuan Tower suddenly broke free from the entanglement of the tentacles, soared into the sky, and quickly Flee from the confines of the Sea of ​​Flesh.At this moment, Huang didn't have the energy to stop the Xuanxuan Pagoda, and Zhan Wuming shot suddenly, like a thunderbolt, which made Huang flustered instantly. Dao world.

"Chaotic sky!" The Sky Opening Profound Talisman unfolded in an instant, and a blue-black beam of light shot up into the sky, centered on the top of the monument, spreading in all directions, and immediately engulfed the light curtain of the Hunyuan Dao Realm like a huge vortex. Pull over.In an instant, a new light curtain formed in the void, and this light curtain spread in all directions like a tide, trying to completely cover Huang's entire body within it.

The four great heaven-opening talismans regenerate a huge barrier, trying to awaken all the Dao rhymes in this piece of heaven and earth.

"The mere amulet of opening the sky wants to trap me, just dream... the desolation of the world..." Huang's voice was full of disdain, and then in the boundless sea of ​​flesh and blood, huge tentacles were like pillars of heaven Soaring into the sky, in just a moment, this flesh and blood starfield seemed to turn into a flesh and blood forest, and blood-red brilliance emanated from countless flesh and blood sky pillars, and these brilliance formed into one piece, like layers of flesh and blood. The membrane of flesh and blood directly blocked the chaotic sky in midair, forming a stalemate for a while.

"The Throne of Destiny, start..." Seeing that the chaotic sky seemed to have no effect, Kunpeng knew that it was time to fight.Although the Throne of Destiny is not complete, at least they have gathered four pieces. If these four pieces work together, they will definitely pose a greater threat to Huang.

Kunpeng's voice fell, and the figures of Tuntian, Xuanming Zhanhu and the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast had already pounced, and then phantoms rose from above their heads, like pieces of strange lotus stands, gold, red, yellow, The blue and four-color petals are intertwined in the void, and electric arcs are generated from the petals of the lotus platform, shooting directly into the void, instantly triggering the induction of heaven and earth. There were thunderclouds of various colors, red or red, and an incomparably huge phantom loomed from among the thunderclouds of various colors.

"Huh..." Just when the four-color lotus platform was assembled in the void, rapidly expanding and enlarging to cover a part of the sky, Zhan Wuming felt something on his body was about to fly.

"Sword Realm..." Zhan Wuming was startled, before he could react, he discovered that the thing flying out of him turned out to be the Sword Realm with time acceleration.

Back then, he obtained this sword world from the sword god Xuanhuang. Later, the sword god Xuanhuang and the ghost fire god Youhuo returned to the god realm and both fell. According to the rule of time, as long as the power of faith is gathered, the sword world can become stronger and stronger. Only then did he know that this thing is impossible for Xuanhuang to have, and it should be a coincidence that Xuanhuang got this thing.

In the lower world, the rules are poor, and the sword world can't play its role at all. Even if you want to collect a lot of power of faith, it is difficult to do so.So I'm afraid that Xuanhuang himself doesn't know the function of the sword world.After arriving in the God Realm, Zhan Wuming discovered that the sword world is so powerful that even a god king would have no problem entering it, which shows that it is at least something above the god king weapon.

As Zhan Wuming's cultivation became stronger and stronger, he became less and less able to understand the origin of this sword world, because he couldn't be sure of its grade, and it was not wrong to say that it was a Taoist weapon, but it had Did not play a greater role.At this moment, Sword World was pulled by the four-color lotus platform, and flew out of his body automatically.

"Om..." The four-color lotus platform seemed to have sensed the sword world, and released a stronger brilliance in an instant.Shine on the sword world.Under the radiance of that brilliance, the sword world instantly turned into a green petal, which fell on the four-color lotus platform like a stream of light.

"The fifth piece of the Throne of Destiny!" Kunpeng cried out in a low voice. They never thought that the fifth piece of the Throne of Destiny, which they did not know where it was, would be on Zhan Wuming's body. The fragments of the Throne of Destiny, the five colors and five elements, and the five element lotus stand are the foundation of the God Realm.

The five-element lotus platform was suddenly complete, and all kinds of thunderclouds in the sky instantly became more violent, intertwined with five colors, and turned into chaos in an instant, and then the endless thunder light showed a huge human figure in the nothingness, like a mountain, shining endlessly Lei Guang.The thunder-shaped man swelled wildly, and countless thunder lights gathered in the human form, and finally it was as huge as a star field.

"Thunderbolt Thunder God..." Zhan Wuming looked at the Thunderbolt man in the void, and couldn't help but whispered. He found that this Thunderbolt man was very similar to the one he met in the Thunder World on the Road to the Emperor. The one who refined the entire thundering iron mountain into his own body, and then after the collapse of the road to the emperor, the thundering iron mountain directly broke through the void, and finally never saw the shadow of the thundering thunder god.Unexpectedly, Thunder God of Thunder would appear here... No, it shouldn't be called Thunder God of Thunder, but the real God of Thunder.

The gathering of the Thrones of Destiny turned out to attract the Heavenly Dao Tribulation... No, this is the thunder of the Heavenly Dao's destruction.Thunder God's huge body is getting bigger and bigger, and his aura is getting stronger and more violent. Countless electric fires are intertwined in nothingness, and finally turned into jumping runes one by one.

"Aw..." A resounding dragon chant sounded, and a dragon shadow soared into the sky from the lotus center of the Throne of Destiny.The giant nine-toed claws suddenly grabbed at Huang.

"Ancestor Dragon!" The Qinglong in the distance couldn't help but exclaimed, but his expression soon became gloomy, because he found that it was not the real ancestor dragon, but just the remnant soul of the ancestor dragon, the soul of an ancestor dragon that had lost consciousness.The soul of the ancestral dragon is the weapon soul of the Throne of Destiny.When it sensed Huang's breath, it rushed towards Huang without fear.

Even Kunpeng was stunned. He knew that the Throne of Destiny might be suppressing the Zulong, but he didn't expect that Fate didn't really seal the Zulong back then, but pulled out its dragon soul to make it the seat of the Throne of Destiny. The soul of the weapon, it seems that the fate deceived the Dragon Clan back then.Back then, Zulong pulled away the soul of Qinglong and sealed it in a chain, which really angered his life.

Although Zulong felt that dealing with Qinglong was an internal matter of his dragon clan, but he ignored that Qinglong was a powerful general under his command and had made great contributions in the war against the desert.In order to avenge Qinglong, he also extracted the dragon soul of the ancestor dragon and refined it in the throne of destiny. Only when the five pieces of the throne of destiny are fused together can the dragon soul of the ancestor dragon appear.

"Ancestral Dragon!" Huang was also taken aback. When the Dragon Soul of the Ancestor Dragon rushed towards him, a huge fist blasted down from the sky. It was a colorful thunder fist formed by thousands of thunder pillars. It is as big as dozens of big stars connected together, and it is as big as hundreds of millions of miles. Although compared with the sea of ​​flesh and blood that is even bigger than the star field, this punch is just a tiny leaf in the lake, but The destructive power carried by the terrifying thunder flower is so strong that even if it is as strong as the devil and the underworld, one can't help trembling. This is the thunder of heaven's destruction.

"Boom..." The thunder fist exploded above the sea of ​​flesh and blood, and countless pillars of flesh and blood were directly blasted into pieces. The arc slid along the pillar of flesh and blood into the sea of ​​flesh and disappeared instantly. Although this thunderbolt is very powerful, but For Huang's incomparably huge body, it only cut off its countless flesh and blood tentacles, and it couldn't cause much damage to its body.

"Boom, boom...boom..." In just an instant, the huge thunder fist fell from the sky like raindrops, densely packed, almost completely sealing off the entire star field.

Zhan Wuming took a step forward and left directly above the star sea of ​​flesh and blood. Although he wasn't afraid of these thunders, he didn't want to affect the battle between the Heavenly Destroyer Thunder summoned by the Throne of Destiny and Huang.

However, he didn't stand on the sidelines, but threw the sky-opening ax in his hand suddenly, turning it into a black light in the void, and then intertwined with the light curtain of the chaotic sky, instantly shattering the countless flesh and blood pillars from the sky. The rising blood-colored light film was broken through, and under the thousands of thunder lights, Huang's body was trapped in the huge sky.

The five talismans of opening the sky are finally intertwined together, transforming into endless talisman fires, directly extracting the power of chaos, making the endless talisman fires more turbulent and violent. Falling into the huge sea of ​​flesh and blood that is nearly a hundred light years away, the starry sky became extremely bright and violent for a while.

From a distance, it looks like a boundless sea of ​​fire, directly burning through the void, and even the primordial power of chaos is directly turned into nothingness in the terrifying thunder and fire.You can also see a giant dragon that is thousands of miles away, devouring the broken blood.

In the starry sky far away, people heard bursts of crazy roars, and the boundless sea of ​​blood was shaking crazily. Although they were far away, they could still smell a burnt smell.It was the smell of Huang's flesh and blood scorched by thunder...

"Boom...Boom..." Huang's huge body shrank rapidly, and then nine pillars of flesh and blood as thick as stars appeared above it. These nine pillars of flesh and blood formed a strange formation. A brilliance of a different color shot out from each pillar of flesh and blood, and then the nine-color brilliance instantly condensed at one point, forming a huge super ball of light hundreds of millions of miles away.It was ejected and directly hit the thunderbolt thunder god in the void.

"Chi..." Zulong's tens of thousands of miles of body was directly torn apart by this ball of light. The speed of the ball of light did not decrease, and it directly broke through nothingness, as if shot into the chaos, into the boundless thunder.

(End of this chapter)

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