Chapter 220
The appearance of Ye Mo made Nangong Liuyun see the Mo family's suspicion of the Nangong family, and even saw the next crisis of the Nangong family.

Nangong Liuyun knew that everything Nangong Liufang said was true, and when he heard that the Xuantian Gate had started to feed back the mainland, he had some bad premonitions.But what Nangong Liufang said tonight made the matter more clear.

Nangong Liuyun sees hope. No matter what the reason for Nangong Liufang's return, at least he is still alive. It is more likely that he has reached a certain relationship with Zhan Wuming or even the slave beast sect. If there is such a relationship as Nangong Liufang , then, perhaps the huge crisis of the Nangong Family can really be resolved.There are no eternal friends in the world, only eternal interests. Whether it is with the Mo family or with the Lingjianmen, the existence of the Nangong family is only to allow the Nangong family to survive better, not to let the Nangong family go to perish...

Therefore, between his family and the Mo family, he resolutely chose to attack Ye Mo.

"Boom..." Nangong Liuyun waved his hand, whipped up a hurricane, and knocked the collapsed eaves away, but he suddenly found that the Night Demon had disappeared.On the ground, there was a pool of blood still exuding a warm fishy smell.

Nangong Liufang's nose moved slightly, and he stopped in the void to look around for the night demon's body suddenly sank, and then a big knife cut out from the night.Nangong Liufang narrowly avoided the knife in the middle.

The night devil's attack was actually silent, like a shadow in the dark, without any aura, no murderous intent, no sense of pressure that made people nervous. In the dark night, he seemed to not exist at all.But Ye Mo didn't kill Nangong Liufang with a single blow, because Nangong Liufang smelled his blood.

If it was the past, the night devil would definitely become a terrible threat to any master. A war saint who can sneak into the darkness at any time is like a god of death, hard to guard against.It's a pity that today he was calculated by the Nangong brothers first, which made him seriously injured. Although the wound was sealed forcibly, it couldn't cover up the bloody smell on his body, especially for opponents like the Nangong Liufang brothers who are extremely sensitive to the wind , if there is a trace of strange breath in the wind, it can make them feel...

"Hey..." When Nangong Liufang sank, she raised a sword with her backhand.Like a flying fairy from outside the sky, it condenses all the wind in the void on the tip of the sword, forming a sword light that is more than ten feet long and is completely composed of wind.

Night Demon snorted. Although the sword didn't affect him, it cut his skin again.The bloody aura in the void became even stronger.Ye Mo didn't even think about it, he retreated again, eager to retreat into the darkness, he didn't want to face the two brothers of the Nangong family alone.

Yemo knows very well that although he is good at night raids, the Nangong family is originally a family of killers. Over the years, they have earned a lot of money from the killer industry. Their speed gives the Nangong family the biggest advantage in becoming a killer. A sure kill, one hit won't do it, it flies far away quickly, and never stays, so that the influence of the Nangong family on this continent has grown stronger and stronger over the years.This is also the reason why the Nangong family has guaranteed its reputation for a long time, and has become a super family after several super powers.

After being injured one after another, Ye Mo knew that if he didn't leave, it would be bad luck... But he wanted to leave, but Nangong Liuyun didn't want him to leave.Even if Ye Mo voted for the slave beast sect, or Nangong Liuyun didn't want Ye Mo to expose the rebellion of the Nangong family, at least he had to give the family some time to react, so that the family wouldn't face it quickly. The anger of the Mo family.

"Hiss..." Ye Mo just wanted to blend into the darkness, but he heard countless wind sounds behind him, like a group of snakes swimming by, making a terrible sound of space tearing.A chilling threat made him turn and face it.

A large net that seemed to be formed by countless wind blades cut the space around him into small cracks. Nangong Liuyun had already made a full-strength attack, and Ye Mo recognized that this was one of the most terrifying killing moves of the Nangong family. The sky storm is more violent and terrifying than the Nangong family's Tianwei storm.If he wanted to blend into the darkness, it was very likely that he would be cut into countless pieces by these tiny space cracks.

No one dared to face the space crack directly, it was like an indestructible sharp blade hidden in the space.

"Evil Demon Swallows the Moon..." Night Demon let out a low growl.The black cloak on his body rose like a black cloud, and then exploded into countless black mist that filled the air.An evil breath made the originally peaceful and quiet night extremely cold.It seems that there is a kind of coldness rising from the heart, which can freeze the souls of all creatures...

"Chi... Chi... Chi..." The air-shattering storm came into contact with the black mist, like a red-hot soldering iron being put into the ice spring.However, the net of the wind blade was not offset, but was quickly corroded by the black mist...

There is a terrible corrosive power in this dark and evil energy, even the wind blade condensed with the power of elements cannot escape the end of being corroded.

"Boom..." The wind between the sky and the earth suddenly gathered again, forming a huge storm that fell from the sky.The direction of the storm's rotation is exactly between the black mist.

Black mist covered the sky, and the moonlight was dim.Nangong Liufang absolutely didn't want such a situation to happen. If the world really fell into absolute darkness, it would definitely become the most advantageous battlefield for Night Demon.That black mist has powerful and terrifying corrosive power, and can even melt the wind blade, but this black mist cannot stop the storm.

Stormy Tianwei... One of the Nangong family's big moves, but the effect of the saints is not comparable to that of Nangong Wang, Nangong Chu and others.

The black mist was rolled by the hurricane, and it could no longer diffuse as quickly as before, but was gradually blown away by the hurricane.

For smoke, wind is more about dispelling than attacking.

The purpose of Nangong Liufang is to dispel the extremely corrosive black mist. If the night demons are in this black mist, they can't even launch an attack.

However, Nangong Liuyun felt a little depressed. The fight between the three saints made too much noise. I'm afraid it has already alarmed all the members of the Nangong family. Surprise is hard to say.However, at this time, he already felt a little bit stuck, and he had to deal with Ye Mo quickly, otherwise, when the Mo family arrived, it would be his death, and even the entire Nangong family would be in crisis.

"Boom..." There was a sudden violent explosion in the black mist.Then the night demon let out a miserable snort.

Nangong Liuyun didn't understand what happened, but saw Nangong Liufang smiling at him.There was actually an extra black iron ball in his hand... He couldn't help but whispered: "Storm Flame Thunder!"

Nangong Liuyun was a little dumbfounded, he didn't expect Nangong Liufang to play such a small trick, while Baofeng Tianwei was attacking, he quietly wrapped a violent thunderbolt inside.If this Fengfeng Tianwei attacked head-on, it would not pose much threat to the War Saint, but if it was used for a sneak attack in the dark, it could achieve unexpected results.Especially if the hidden weapon in the violent thunderbolt is mixed with poison, it will become a tragedy even if it is a war saint.

"Nangong Liufang, you are despicable..." Yemo let out a roar from the black mist, and then a black cloud rushed towards Nangong Liufang, and Yemo's whole body seemed to melt into the black mist .

A stench spread in vain. Obviously, the black mist around Ye Mo's body was highly poisonous, but Nangong Liufang was not just a tree stump for Ye Mo to attack, but the remaining Flame Thunderbolt in his hand. Pretend to throw.

Suddenly, Ye Mo's roar came from the black mist, and Ye Mo dragged the black mist up suddenly, apparently very afraid of the violent thunder and thunder.However, he temporarily changed direction to give Nangong Liuyun a chance.

Nangong Liuyun had already made up his mind to make a quick decision, how could he miss such an opportunity.The figure suddenly turned into a gust of wind, and regardless of whether the black mist of Night Demon was poisonous or not, it directly burrowed into the black mist.

"Yeah..." Ye Mo's scream made the night, which was already filled with evil spirits, strange.

The night was as cold as ice, a gust of wind melted away from the black mist, and a figure came out of the storm in embarrassment, and then quickly threw off the outer robe on his body at an incomparably fast speed.

It was Nangong Liuyun who got into the black mist just now, but his face was slightly pale at this time, obviously he had exerted too much force.However, his discarded robe turned into a pile of rotting fragments when it landed, and quickly turned into fly ash in the wind.

"Boom..." The sound of a heavy object falling to the ground resounded in the back garden of Nangong's temporary residence.The black mist that was still floating in the void fell heavily to the ground.A head that couldn't see its face rolled out a long way.

It was Ye Mo's head. Ye Mo underestimated the joint attack of the Nangong family brothers.Although he avoided Nangong Liufang's attack, he was beheaded by Nangong Liuyun's sneak attack from behind.And Nangong Liuyun wove a shield with the wind elements of heaven and earth, and Jihu exhausted his whole body's fighting spirit. Under such circumstances, his outer robe was still corroded into ashes by the terrible poisonous mist.If his speed was any slower, I'm afraid that he would also be broken into pieces like the clothes.

The Night Demon was really difficult to deal with. If the two brothers hadn't attacked the Night Demon with a surprise attack at the beginning, it would be difficult to predict the outcome of the battle tonight.

"All the children of the Nangong family stepped up their guard immediately. The Ming Mozong actually sent a night demon to steal the treasure book of my Nangong family and even injured the patriarch. If the third elder hadn't happened to rush back to prevent the tragedy from happening, I'm afraid we would all become sinners of the Nangong family. , Therefore, anyone who is related to the Ming Mozong will come to our Nangong resident again, and he will be the enemy of our Nangong family." Nangong Liuyun sensed that the Nangong people around were watching in amazement, and immediately raised his voice.

All the disciples of the Nangong family were filled with righteous indignation when they heard Nangong Liuyun's words.They fought life and death for the Ming Mozong, and even ran all the way to this borderland, but what they got in return was the Ming Mozong to steal the treasure book "Fengdi Jue"... This made every Nangong family... It was hard for people to accept, they didn't have the slightest doubt about Nangong Liuyun's words.What's more, Nangong Liuyun and Nangong Liufang represent the highest-level pillars of the Nangong family. Even if they make mistakes with the two ancestors, it is the responsibility of the whole family.

Nangong Liuyun and Nangong Liufang looked at each other, took a deep breath and asked quietly: "Will the slave beast sect accept us?"

Nangong Liufang was a little hesitant, he didn't know what Zhan Wuming thought, let alone whether Zhan Wuming could represent the Beast Sect, but from a personal point of view, he could no longer be independent between the Nangong family and Zhan Wuming.He couldn't disobey Zhan Wuming's orders, even if Zhan Wuming asked him to slaughter his own family, this is a kind of instinctive obedience, but he is still an independent personality in terms of thinking and emotion...

"If the Nangong family can live with the Ling family and seek justice from the Cangyan Empire, then I can represent the Beast Sect and even the Anti-Mo League to welcome you to join." Just as Nangong Liufang was hesitating, a crisp The voice came leisurely.

"Zhan Wuming..." Nangong Liuyun was stunned, and suddenly found a person standing leisurely on the roof not far away, it turned out to be Zhan Wuming from the Beast Sect, and couldn't help but screamed.

(End of this chapter)

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