Chapter 234 Supreme Patriarch
The entire Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range seemed to exude a holy radiance. In the colorful spiritual clouds and the huge pattern, the entire Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range seemed to come alive, and a will to dominate the world seemed to reverberate.

Someone in the distance exclaimed, everyone who had been to the Profound Sky Valley recognized that the formation pattern flying soaring into the sky was the secret pattern on the gate of the Primordial Profound Sky Secret Realm.It's just that they didn't know what happened to all of this. The secret pattern of the gate of Xuantian Secret Realm actually appeared on the colorful light of the Golden Battle Emperor Road.

Of course, except for Zhan Wuming, no one knew that all this seemed to be related to the beast god Xuangui.The beast god Xuangui's crossing the catastrophe seemed to have touched some kind of power between the heaven and the earth, so there was a strange change in the gate of the Xuantian Secret Realm. Zhan Wuming's Kunpeng avatar experienced the gate of the Xuantian Secret Realm, and felt it at that time. The formation pattern of the ancient great formation is very similar to a turtle-back pattern, but at this moment he saw the beast god Xuangui looking at this secret pattern with his own eyes, and he regenerated the damaged secret pattern on his back, but it was different from The patterns on the gate of Xuantian Secret Realm match.

Zhan Wuming only felt that the aura of the mysterious tortoise, the beast god, was becoming more and more unfathomable. Although the wounds on his body still looked extremely distressed, the secret patterns on his tortoise shell became more and more clear.It seems that the whole person is undergoing a transformation.The heaven and earth spiritual calamity seemed to dissipate just like that, but there was no spiritual spring and fairy rhyme floating down between the heaven and earth. It seemed that the thunder calamity was nothing special.

Zhan Wuming secretly sighed in his heart, this piece of world seems to be really cursed, even after passing through the calamity of God of War, there is still no reward from the rules of heaven and earth, because there is no vitality between this piece of heaven and earth, so the law of elements is incomplete , There is no way to lower Yuanquan for those who succeed in crossing the catastrophe to quickly improve their bodies, control the power of the law, transform the whole body into a body of Yuanling, and improve the realm and replenish Yuanli.

Of course, Zhan Wuming knew that the mysterious tortoise was different at this time. Even without the irrigation of the primordial spring from the heaven and earth spiritual calamity, the beast god would have gained a lot from the thunder of the calamity. reorganization.Although the body has not been replenished with sufficient vitality and has not yet been completely transformed into a body of the primordial spirit, as long as there is enough vitality for it to absorb, it will naturally be able to completely transform, and it will no longer be the previous mortal body.And the power of the law is gradually becoming stronger with the transformation of the body!
Of course, for the Beast God, perhaps the biggest gain is not the so-called achievement of the body of the Yuanling, but the tortoise shell on the back has been inspired by the secret patterns of the ancient formation and can be perfectly reshaped.


As soon as the Heaven and Earth Spirit Tribulation ended, those war gods who were far away quickly returned to the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range, and their destination was the Tianxuan Valley.What exactly happened in Tianxuan Valley, such a change occurred, and what will be the fate of the beast god Xuangui and those war gods who pursued the beast god?They almost don't need to think about it, they just think that they have already lost their souls in the spiritual calamity of heaven and earth. After all, the spiritual calamity of heaven and earth is only over after the seven thunders of heaven's punishment are dropped.If someone really passed through the spiritual tribulation of heaven and earth, then naturally they would have survived the nine thunder tribulations safely.

The Jinhuan Patriarch and Tengtian God of War also felt sad, but the Beast God and the four Mo family God of War died together. This result can at least give them some more comfort in their hearts. One for four, this can be regarded as a success It's just a pity that the Beast God has guarded the Serving Beast Sect for tens of thousands of years, but fell in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range.

The war gods of the Mo family are a little crazy. They originally had the advantage of having a large number of people, but all the advantages were canceled out by the thunder calamity of the beast god, and the genius war kings they brought were slaughtered. It made them extremely angry and wanted to find the disciples of the war kings from other sects. Unfortunately, the war kings from other sects who wanted to enter the Golden War Emperor's Road had all gathered in the Tianxuan Valley when the beast god was crossing the catastrophe. Enter the road of the golden war emperor.

The rules of the Golden Battle Emperor Road are much stronger than the rules of the Xuantian Secret Realm. Facing the Xuantian Secret Realm, they can also use the method of resentful soul lock to deceive the rules of the Xuantian Secret Realm. There is no way to cheat, even the spirit beast sac of the beast slave sect will be crushed by the rules when it enters, and any spirit beasts beyond the battle king rank will be ejected.Therefore, the war gods of the Mo family looked at the war kings of other sects who entered the road of war emperors, but they couldn't do anything.

So a battle between the gods of war started again, and the unfinished battle seemed to be even more tragic.


Zhan Wuming was no longer interested in how the gods of war in the distance fought against each other. He watched the mysterious lines on the back of the beast god continue to be formed, and he had a little understanding in his heart.There are too many mysterious things in the world that possess the power to overwhelm the heaven and the earth, just like the secret patterns on the bones of the Kunpeng, which can allow people to evolve the "Fengdi Jue" and "Handi Jue", and now this mysterious The secret pattern on the turtle's back is also full of mystery and terrifying coercion.This kind of mysterious pattern that can be said to be innate is actually like some laws of heaven and earth, which are generally unpredictable.

It can also be said that this kind of secret pattern actually replaces a certain law between heaven and earth with another form of display, allowing a certain force to be drawn by these secret patterns and run in its unique way, bringing the world together. The power and even the law between them are drawn, and form a special power.

When Zhan Wuming was immersed in this secret pattern, suddenly a chuckle sounded, and the laughter seemed to come from the depths of the soul of every living being.Wake up their minds at once.

"Xuangui, I didn't expect you to be able to pass the tribulation successfully, but you are too careless. You can't get the heaven and the earth when you pass the calamity between the heaven and the earth? Give and becomes that when you succeed, the body is the When you are the weakest, you really shouldn't be surviving tribulations on this continent..." A voice seemed to come from thousands of miles away, but it reached everyone's ears very clearly...

Zhan Wuming suddenly opened his eyes, only to see a huge black shuttle in the sky seemed to penetrate the space, shooting from the dark towards the mysterious turtle who was completely immersed in the ancient secret pattern.

"Be careful, Beast God!" Zhan Wuming was shocked, this black shuttle that broke through the sky seemed to have infinite spirituality, like a living thing, but it carried an extremely bloody and evil breath, as if as long as it smelled that blood, it would be It was enough to make the body turn into pus and blood, which shocked Zhan Wuming, because even in his memory, there had never been such a terrifying evil magic soldier.

"Mo Dongsheng..." A deep but slightly weak voice came from the mouth of the Beast God.

The Beast God forcibly moved his body away. Although he was extremely weak, he was still nimble. Obviously, his perception of the power of thunder and lightning had greatly improved his speed.If it were the past, it would be impossible to avoid the attack of this evil soldier at this time. After all, he is very weak at this time. The energy consumed is too great, and there is no way to replenish the emptiness of vitality in the body's meridians.

Of course, if you are in Yuanjie at this time, there will be no such pain at all, because the rules of heaven and earth will send Yuanquan down to those who have successfully crossed the catastrophe to irrigate their empty physical bodies, so that they can quickly become Yuanling bodies.But at this time, the beast god needs to slowly absorb it from the primordial stone.Although the Jin Yuan Stone provided by Zhan Wuming is very huge, the quality and purity of the vitality in it is much worse than that of Yuanquan from Heaven!
And the vitality beads of Poyan Continent are naturally incomparable, because the purity of gold essence stones in Yuanjie may only be better than low-grade essence stones, so the speed at which he can provide essence energy is also very limited. .

"Boom..." The beast god's body moved away, and the evil black shuttle suddenly plunged into the rock, so Zhan Wuming saw an extremely frightening thing. All of them withered in an instant and quickly turned into scorched wood, while the nearby low-level monsters turned into pus in an instant. Where the pus passed, the rocks cracked and the sand was scorched black, emitting an extremely unpleasant stench.

"How did such an evil demon soldier be made?" Zhan Wuming couldn't help being speechless, this kind of demon soldier is simply an evil thing that the world cannot tolerate.

"Unexpectedly, the speed of you, an old tortoise, has also become faster, but my Tianxie Moshuo likes you the blood of the god of war with the blood of the beast, or you, the blood of the supreme with the blood of the beast. Unfortunately, you He is doomed to have no chance to become the real Supreme." Just after the words fell, a figure seemed to shuttle out of the void, it was Mo Dongsheng, the ancestor of the Mo family.

"Impossible, you have already succeeded in crossing the tribulation?" Beast God looked at the white-browed old man passing through in amazement, and let out a low voice.

Zhan Wuming was also very surprised. He didn't expect that there would be someone in Poyan Continent who succeeded in crossing the catastrophe before the Beast God, and this person was actually Mo Dongsheng, the ancestor of the Mo family. I just can't think of how such a pious old man could be connected with such a terrifying evil demon soldier.

"That's right, the old man did succeed in overcoming the calamity a long time ago. In fact, the old man succeeded in overcoming the calamity more than [-] years ago. It's a pity that there is no vitality in this world to replenish the body. Although he already possesses the body of the primordial spirit in name , but I have been in a state of incomparable hunger and thirst. It took me more than [-] years to absorb countless vitality beads before I could barely feed my primordial body and let myself truly transform into a primordial body " Mo Dongsheng said proudly.

Zhan Wuming was speechless again. Mo Dongsheng succeeded in crossing the catastrophe, but he absorbed 20 years of vitality beads to replenish the vitality of the Yuanling body. It is indeed a sad thing in this Poyan Continent.However, the Beast God has a huge primordial stone provided by himself, so it must not take so many years. The vitality in the vitality bead is not pure, and the primordial power is limited. It is true that many of them are not worth a single low-grade primordial stone, and it is absorbed Extremely slow.

"I didn't expect that you, an old turtle, got such a huge primordial stone. It's really a blessing, but unfortunately, I have no luck to endure it. It just so happens that after I kill you, my vitality will be exhausted. I will use your primordial stone to replenish my primordial strength. It's the most suitable." Mo Dongsheng always had a faint smile when he spoke, even when he was talking about the extremely vicious murder and robbery!

Zhan Wuming suddenly felt that the old man in front of him was really talented in acting, because he seemed to always have a benevolent smile on his face, but he was able to do the most terrible and evil things.

"Even if I'm not strong enough, I'm afraid it won't be that easy for you to kill me." The beast god looked serious, knowing that this would be a huge crisis for the whole world.The ancestor of the Mo family actually became supreme before him. He actually succeeded in overcoming the catastrophe more than 20 years ago, but I don’t know how he survived the catastrophe. If the body of Yuanling is really like that, I am afraid that the Mo family has started killing more than 20 years ago. What does a supreme represent? It means that the Mo family will be invincible in the world, and no one is Mo Dongsheng's opponent. Neither can the black turtle.

There was a trace of sadness in the Beast God's heart, what he needed was time, even if he was given another year, in one year he would be able to brand the incomparably mysterious secret pattern of this ancient formation on his turtle's back On the other hand, he can even use the primordial stone in his hand to replenish the missing vitality in his body.He believes that it will take Mo Dongsheng 20 years to replenish his vitality with the vitality beads. He has the huge primordial stone that Zhan Wuming gave him, and it will be enough to recover to [-]% in one year. But at this moment, if you can save your life, you will be considered lucky.

Beast God felt that he could choose to escape, and then go to a place where no one can find him to replenish his vitality and come back to fight Mo Dongsheng, but he couldn't let himself give up the guardianship of tens of thousands of years, he couldn't let go of the beast sect, He couldn't even let Mo Dongsheng's evil permeate the entire continent.Therefore, he must choose to fight!
(End of this chapter)

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