Chapter 259
"Aw..." Wu Jiang suddenly let out a furious roar, like a ferocious beast's cry before it preyed on its food, and its body like a giant brown bear suddenly jumped, and the distance between Zhan Wuming and Zhan Wuming disappeared rapidly.The two arms seemed to swell up in an instant, like two giant pythons, and the entire void seemed to be smashed into two cracks...

Domineering, mighty, wild...

A gleam of horror flashed in Du Jue's eyes. Wu Jiang was able to launch such a powerful attack under a hundred times the gravity of the Desperate Hills. It seems that he still underestimated the fighting power of the seven kings of Dongling. Such terrifying combat power, then they Xiling Continent will have to re-examine the potential of these so-called geniuses.

Zhan Wuming was slightly surprised. Wu Jiang was able to jump up and attack at such a speed under a hundred times the gravity, which surprised him a little. These two punches were Wu Jiang's long-standing power, and he chose to avoid it... Zhan Wuming himself Likes violence, but it doesn't mean he doesn't know how to use strategy.

"Boom..." Wu Jiang's attack was in vain, his two arms like giant pythons hit the ground suddenly, while Zhan Wuming walked in a leisurely manner, retreating one step at a time, then turned back two steps to the left, and relaxed Avoided Wu Jiang's blow.The footsteps seemed to be slow, but they were not chaotic at all, almost avoiding Wu Jiang's blow just right.

"Aw..." Wu Jiang roared again, the ground he hit with both arms actually cracked a shallow crater more than a foot deep, and the crack extended to a distance of Zhang Xu.

Du Jue and all the girls in the distance could see it very clearly, and they couldn't help but feel horrified. They knew very well that the ground of this desperate hill had experienced millions of years or even longer under the gravity of a hundred times, and it was already harder than gold and iron. , even comparable to some top-level spiritual weapons, but such a long crack and a shallow pit more than a foot deep appeared under the whipping of Wu Jiang's arms. wrecked...

No one dared to imagine what the consequences would be if this blow hit the body.

Wu Jiang's attack power made everyone ignore Zhan Wuming's nimble steps, but a look of surprise flashed in the eyes of the Zhan Huang old man, Uncle Hou.Such a powerful attack, to dodge so easily, made even the Emperor of War tremble!
"Boom..." Wu Jiang straightened up again and stretched out his arms again, but Zhan Wuming didn't give him a chance to round his arms. When his arms were raised, Zhan Wuming stretched out his feet quickly. He kicked Wu Jiang hard on the side of his elbow.Colliding left and right, it was like two giant hammers colliding suddenly.Wu Jiang's figure was knocked sideways for several steps, while Zhan Wuming was knocked back two steps.The distance between the two was pulled apart again.

On the surface, it seemed that Zhan Wuming's strike had gained the upper hand, but anyone could see that the ingenuity of Zhan Wuming's strike was precisely when Wu Jiang's power was operating at a critical point, and was interrupted by him halfway. !Otherwise, if Wu Jiang's punch is rounded, it will definitely be another shocking blow.No matter who it is, they are unwilling to face such an attack.

As soon as Zhan Wuming retreated, he immediately advanced. He really didn't want to give Wu Jiang the opportunity to exert the strength in his body to the extreme.So he can't let Wu Jiang have a chance to relax. This opponent makes him a little bit unclear, but his intuition tells him that Wu Jiang is not what he seems on the surface, and there may even be a terrible existence hidden in his body. In what form? He doesn't know if it exists, but the power displayed on Wu Jiang's body is definitely something that he dare not look directly at...

Wu Jiang was surprised that Zhan Wuming could capture the trajectory of his moves so accurately, and was able to interrupt his method of accumulating power in advance, which made him admire the young man's eyesight and accuracy of shots, but when Zhan Wuming When his figure approached, he found that Zhan Wuming's attacks were like a torrential river, continuous and continuous.

Heavy fists, knees like pestles, elbows like hammers... Zhan Wuming's attack, punch after punch, in the process of switching from move to move, the body seems to be like a spinning top that can be rotated arbitrarily. Attacking from less angles forces you to defend with all your might.

Wu Jiang felt that this way of playing was a bit aggrieved. It seemed that his strength could not be fully exerted, so he could only defend passively.This is not the result he wanted.But no matter how he roars, Zhan Wuming's fists will always make you unable to regain the opportunity.

The law of vitality of Desperate Hills seems to have formed a rule. Under the gravity of a hundred times, the weight of each punch is enough to make people breathless, but when this full-power punch hits in the most violent way, no one dares to ignore it.

Whether it was Du Jue and the others at the side, Duo Longen and the old man of the Zhan Huang, there was a dignified expression in their eyes, not because they were surprised by Wu Jiang and Zhan Wuming's physical strength, but because they were surprised that Zhan Wuming was so terrifying degree.

In terms of personal strength, it doesn't mean that Zhan Wuming is higher than Wu Jiang, but Zhan Wuming is better than Wu Jiang in controlling the situation and grasping the opportunity.

"Boom...boom...boom..." The onlookers around couldn't remember how many times Zhan Wuming and Wu Jiang had confronted head-to-head. The violent process was particularly prominent and shocking amidst the crackling sound of space. Heart trembling.

Zhan Wuming's movements are like flowing clouds and flowing water, and Wu Jiang's movements are like giant apes moving mountains, lifting weights like light.The only difference is that Zhan Wuming is the main attacker, while Wu Jiang is the main defense... But anyone can see that Wu Jiang is close to the edge of the outbreak, because he has been suppressed by Zhan Wuming until his face is flushed like blood, and he is overflowing with anger to the point...

"Boom..." Zhan Wuming punched out, Wu Jiang only leaned his body slightly, avoiding important parts, and forcibly received Zhan Wuming's punch.Many people heard a groan that seemed to come from a tooth-grinding bone.

Wu Jiang just snorted, and then let Zhan Wuming's fist hit his arm when he turned sideways, and slid past his shoulder. With the momentum of his arm, his body spun back and slammed into Zhan Wuming's fist. in the arms of life.

"Boom..." Zhan Wuming retreated quickly, but he was still swept by Wu Jiang's fist wind, as if hit in the heart by a mountain, he opened his mouth and spewed out a mouthful of turbid air like fire.The body suddenly fell more than ten steps.

Zhan Wuming didn't expect that Wu Jiang would trade his injuries for injuries, and even if he punched him abruptly, he would reverse the suppressed situation.

Wu Jiang's arm twisted in the air like a snake, and suddenly there was a crackling sound, and the arm that seemed to have been broken was suddenly connected again. Obviously, Zhan Wuming's blow just now did not break his arm. bone, just dislocating the whole arm, no real damage done.

Zhan Wuming was very surprised. Just now, Wu Jiang used the force of his body rotation to dissipate most of his own strength. This person's real combat experience really made him look high, which just proved that he Guessing, this person must have experienced very special tempering, otherwise he would not have such an aura of a sea of ​​corpses and blood.Such people are often the scariest, because they know best how to avoid their vital points, and deal the biggest blow to the enemy while keeping their own lives.

"Your strength is beyond my imagination, but if you want to knock me down based on these, you still can't do it!" Wu Jiang let out a long breath, finally relieved from the situation of being suppressed by Zhan Wuming When he came over, he couldn't help taking a long breath. For him, this kind of opponent was a very gratifying thing.Instead of being depressed, he had a look of excitement on his face.

There was a dignified look on Zhan Wuming's face, and he said indifferently: "If you really want to continue fighting like this, then in the next moment, your body will no longer be yours..."

Wu Jiang's complexion suddenly changed. The excitement just now seemed to be drenched by a basin of ice water, and it suddenly cooled down. He asked in a voice, "How did you know?"

"You are a good opponent, but it's a pity that your soul is constantly being eroded. Although this power can give you unimaginable power, and even make your body infinitely nourished, in the end you will Because of this, it will turn this body into someone else's wedding dress... When one day your soul loses control, it will be the day you will be swallowed by it!" Zhan Wuming slowly retracted his fists, looking at Wu Jiang, with a look in his eyes. There is a trace of pity, for this kind of person whose fate is beyond his control, he will always think of himself involuntarily, reincarnated from generation to generation, and still cannot escape the fate of heaven.Therefore, at this time, he felt a little more sympathy for Wu Jiang.

"Who are you? How could you know this? But don't worry, my will has undergone infinite tempering, and I will never give him such a chance. I will definitely be able to refine him... nothing can stop me! "Wu Jiang suddenly growled wildly, like a wild beast with red eyes.

Zhan Wuming shook his head speechlessly, he knew that Wu Jiang's state at this time was like the old fish who was the ancestor of the fierce flame fish in the center of the earth, and Cang Yu spent countless years transforming the old fish's body so that it could bear his soul. The invasion of the body will not cause the body to collapse.At this time, Wu Jiang is also a body of a certain power in his soul.Because the mysterious power needed Wu Jiang's perfect body, he was able to continuously evolve Wu Jiang's physical body, and even taught Wu Jiang some special secret methods to improve him.But the ultimate goal is only one, and that is to replace Wu Jiang's soul, which can also be said to be a different kind of seizure.

Wu Jiang still has his own will now, which only shows one problem, that is, the terrifying existence in Wu Jiang's body is using a special method to lure Wu Jiang to accept its existence, or the two sides are a kind of The special symbiotic relationship, until one day even a small flaw leaks between Wu Jiang's spirit and soul, it will be fatal... This is why the outside world regards Wu Jiang and the Seven Kings of Dongling as the same level of existence. In fact, Wu Jiang's If the combat strength is not due to the mysterious power in the body of the scruples, if it can be fully exerted, it is afraid that it will far exceed the existence of the seven kings of Dongling.

Zhan Wuming possesses "Tai Xu Nerve", and has a deep research on the Mo family's fate art, so he can see the existence of Wu Jiang's crisis from the fluctuation of Wu Jiang's body power and the special soul of fate.It can also be said that Zhan Wuming didn't want to face the mysterious power in Wu Jiang's body at this time.

It is a force that Zhan Wuming feels is very uncontrollable. If that force dominates Wu Jiang, then Wu Jiang is no longer Wu Jiang, maybe it is a demon, or it may be the remnant soul and will of an ancient power... ...In short, no matter what kind of existence it is, it must be extremely terrifying, which is not a good thing for Zhan Wuming.It can only be seen from Cang Yu that there are many existences in this world that people cannot understand and imagine.

There is a patriarch of the dragon clan in the god world who fell into the mortal world, who can say clearly that there will not be another phoenix or a god king of some clan also fell into the mortal world?

"Zhan Wuming, no matter what you say, you will die today. However, with your ability, you are qualified to see my true strength." Wu Jiang took a long breath, with a gleam of light in his eyes, As if secretly made a decision.Suddenly, he opened his arms, and two huge fists hit his chest with a "boom".

"Bang, bang..." There were two muffled sounds, as if some barrier was broken in an instant, and suddenly a strong evil spirit rushed up from Wu Jiang's body, as if there were countless unjust ghosts rushing from the underworld. After coming out, the world suddenly became extremely gloomy.

Under the impact of this evil spirit, there seemed to be a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood in front of everyone's eyes, boundless and bloody...

Du Jue and the others found that their backs were actually dripping with cold sweat. In their eyes, this Wu Jiang was no longer the Wu Jiang of the past, but a waking demon king... They couldn't help but move their feet quickly to the rear. Driven by instinctive thoughts, they feel that the farther away from this place the better.

(End of this chapter)

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