Chapter 264 Killing the Thousand Mountain King

Everything happened too fast, Zhan Wuming turned around and fought back, and passed through the siege of more than ten Qianshan League disciples with incomparably dexterous movements, and then rushed to Qian Feiye's body to quickly attack and snatch Peacock Ling , everything happens at the snap of your fingers.

The disciples of the Qianshan League did not dare to chase Zhan Wuming with all their strength, because Du Jue and the others hadn't gone far, and they still had the deadly spirit crossbow in their hands, so half of their attention was on guarding against Du Jue and the others. They don't know what Wuming wants to do, but they do know that it is a good thing for Zhan Wuming to return to the siege, so their job is to re-arrange the defense to prevent Zhan Wuming from breaking through the defense again and escaping. Zhan Wuming came back to snatch Peacock Ling, which was something that none of the elite disciples of the Qianshan League dared to think about.

When everyone found out that Zhan Wuming was actually trying to snatch the peacock feather from Qian Feiye's hand, and that the Qianshan King, who was so high in their eyes, didn't even have the ability to protect himself with weapons in Zhan Wuming's hands, they were all in a mess.They found that the lifeless war was more terrifying than they had imagined... and soon, they were greeted by the lifeless war like ghosts again.

Zhan Wuming was not in a hurry to kill Qian Feiye, in fact he knew that he didn't have enough time to deal with these matters, the master of Shentu Sect brought by Zhou Shanyue was only about ten feet away from him , It only takes a few breaths to get here, but he still needs to break through the siege of more than ten Qianshan League disciples. This is not very difficult for him, but the problem lies in the time of counting breaths. In the past, no one can guarantee that nothing will happen.

So Zhan Wuming didn't take the opportunity to make up for Qian Feiye, but pulled away and rushed towards the dozen or so Qianshan League disciples.Like a nighthawk, leaping high, ferocious and violent, an overwhelming arrogance descended from above, and Zhan Wuming's attack by himself was like a meteor shower. There is a raging fire element power.Incomparably hot and turbulent... Countless firebirds appeared between Zhan Wuming's fists, reflecting the night sky strangely and gorgeously.

"Boom..." Countless firebirds exploded among the disciples of Qianshan Island, and a violent force of fire element rushed in all directions like a storm.

Several figures were directly blasted away by this berserk force, and a vacancy was exposed in front of Zhan Wuming.Zhan Wuming's figure flashed, he didn't want to get too entangled with these.But when he moved, he suddenly felt his feet tightened, and the jumping body staggered and fell directly from the air.Then several weapons suddenly slashed at him.

Zhan Wuming was taken aback, and found that his feet were actually entangled by a thin invisible transparent thread, and the person who made the move turned out to be Qian Feiye who had already chased him.

Zhan Wuming didn't kill Qian Feiye, but Qian Feiye didn't want to let Zhan Wuming go, because the pair of peacock feathers could be said to be Qian Feiye's life, and Zhan Wuming just took it away. How could he not try his best to stop him from falling down? As long as Zhou Shanyue, the Huntu King of Shentu Sect, arrives, he will have a chance to get his weapon back.

Zhan Wuming's figure rolled quickly on the ground, avoiding the weapons that were slashing at his own people, but he was once again surrounded by ten people, which made Zhan Wuming furious, and looked at Qian Feiye and snorted coldly One said: "This is your courting death!"

The voice of Zhan Wuming fell, and the foot that was entangled in the silk thread suddenly exerted force, the silk thread did not break, but it made Qian Feiye's body unstable, after all, he was injured when he fought with Zhan Wuming just now It's not light, how can we wrestle with Zhan Wuming again at this time.Qian Feiye did not dare to let go of the silk thread in his hand, fearing that the thread would let go, Zhan Wuming broke out again, but he miscalculated what Zhan Wuming was thinking at this time, when he found that Zhan Wuming's body was like a spirit snake When he withdrew from the crowd, he had already rushed in front of him.

A terrifying coercion rose from the depths of Qian Feiye's soul. He felt that Zhan Wuming in front of him seemed to be a high-ranking god of war. It was a kind of panic and fear from the inner life... This is a kind of his I have never felt like a rabbit facing a tiger... even the courage to resist has disappeared.

"How is it possible..." Qian Feiye couldn't help but burst out such a sentence, but Zhan Wuming didn't give him more time, and his fist directly "bang" on Qian Feiye's forehead like a big star.

"Boom..." A ball of flesh and white paste splashed all over the sky.Zhan Wuming didn't want to be entangled anymore, the movement of Taixu's true energy made him enter a very delicate state, the sky and the earth were filled with incomparably beautiful colors, everyone's life soul carried various colors, this black The lacquered night sky also became colorful in his eyes. The reddish-yellow earth color seemed to be like a thick fog covering the sky, covering it with the brilliance of all kinds of life, and covering all kinds of splendor that should have been incomparably dazzling. Color suppression was bleak.He knows that this is the law of the earth between the heaven and the earth, which suppresses all the power of life soul and life essence, and no one can relax easily in this world.But in Qian Feiye's violently shattered soul, there is a rich yellow, which is actually the neutralization of the two elements of earth and gold...

Qian Feiye died, but a gleam of light flashed in Zhan Wuming's eyes. With a wave of his big hand, it was as if an invisible air shield closed the void. After that, Qian Feiye's body shriveled up quickly. The radishes that had been drained of water shrunk into a small ball, and then "boomed" into fly ash.

Zhan Wuming let out a low whistle, and glanced at the Huntu King Zhou Shanyue who was rushing towards him, a trace of indifference and disdain flashed in his eyes.

The disciples of Shentu Sect watched Zhan Wuming kill Qian Feiye, and turned his body into fly ash in an instant, as if playing a terrible magic, everyone's heart I couldn't help but feel chills.Zhou Shanyue's eyes and Zhan Wuming's eyes intersected in the void, he couldn't help being shocked suddenly, he only felt a domineering aura of contempt for all sentient beings rushing towards his face, this was a very subtle feeling, suddenly, he had a kind of war Lifelessness is an invincible thought.

"Boom..." Zhan Diming's body grabbed lightly in the void, as if holding a transparent air mass that was almost invisible, and quickly put it into the magic weapon of space, and then staggered to avoid the person behind him attack.

The dozen or so people joined forces to strike, and actually "boomed" a shallow pit out of the ground.And Zhan Wuming's body was like a light fox, with a few vertical leaps, he passed through the encirclement of ten people.The two people standing in front of him were knocked out like two balls of meat.

At this time, Zhou Shanyue was already less than three feet away from Zhan Wuming, but Zhan Wuming had already passed through the siege of more than ten people.

Zhan Wuming escaped and ran at full speed, which only left Zhou Shanyue and others dumbfounded, because they felt that Zhan Wuming's speed was like a dexterous monster, several times faster than their full speed.Under a hundred times the gravity, everyone felt that it was difficult to move, but Zhan Wuming didn't seem to be affected too much. Although the running speed was nothing compared to that outside the hills of despair, in the eyes of these people, But it has left them behind.

"Don't chase..." Huntu King Zhou Shanyue gave a low shout, telling the disciples of the Qianshan League who were about to pursue him.

The eyes of those surviving Qianshan League disciples flashed with incomparable hatred, and their expressions were full of unwillingness and humiliation. This is definitely a disaster for them. With the strength of more than 30 people, they intercepted and put an end to this group of only about [-] people. The team was almost wiped out by the opponent, and they didn't even let the opponent stay for a while.What made them most angry and unwilling was that Zhan Wuming had beheaded Qian Feiye directly in front of their eyes, without even leaving his body, it was directly turned into fly ash.

"King Huntu, please avenge my brother..." All the disciples of the Qianshan League knelt down and begged Zhou Shanyue.

"We underestimated the enemy too much. Du Jue and Zhan Wuming are so terrifying together. To deal with them, we must think long-term. In this desperate hill, the ordinary spirit crossbow actually has such terrifying power. Quickly give Qian Lingfeng sent a letter, telling him that his younger brother was killed by the people who eliminated him, I will contact Zhenshan King Zhu Zijing, and deal with this kid, I am afraid that we will be able to keep him if we work together." King Huntu Taking a deep breath, looking at the direction where Zhan Wuming disappeared, he said solemnly.

The disciples of the Qianshan League fell silent. They knew very well that Zhan Wuming was in and out of Wudi just now, and no one could stop him from doing so. Even Qian Feiye, the strongest among them, eventually fell in front of Zhan Wuming. hands.With these people like them, if they go after Zhan Wuming, it will be like a sheep falling into a tiger's mouth.In fact, they also saw before that Zhan Wuming didn't want Qian Feiye's life, and after Qian Feiye wrapped Zhan Wuming's feet with thousand-year-old ice silk, he enraged Zhan Wuming and beheaded him.


Zhan Wuming's figure quickly distanced himself from the people of Qianshanmeng, and after running not far away, he saw the fourth daughter waiting in front of him. It was obvious that the people who put an end to them did not prevent the fourth daughter from returning to him.

Seeing that Zhan Wuming returned safely, the four girls breathed a sigh of relief, and they all surrounded him.Jian Zhan Wuming was a bit ashamed, and there was only a bloodstain on his chest, which was the damage caused by the peacock feather, but it was not a serious problem at the moment.

"Let's leave here first, this is not a place to stay for a long time." Zhan Wuming felt relieved, at least he didn't work in vain tonight, it was indeed a huge accident to get a pair of Peacock Ming King's feathers.

"Prevent them from waiting for us not far ahead, let's meet them here." Zhu Qianqian said.

Zhan Wuming shook his head, and said: "We are walking alone, and if we are destined, we will meet at Zhentian Secret Treasure. Together with them, the goal is too big, and the Three Absolute Sect seems to have caused a lot of disasters, which is comparable to us. It's more troublesome to stick to."

Zhu Qianqian thought about it, and it was indeed the case. Although the Sanjiang Hall came for herself, it might not be because of the many conflicts between the Sanjue Sect and the Qianshan League and the Shentu Sect. The grievances and grievances with the Three Absolutes.On the contrary, a few of them helped put an end to too much in the two crises.He also offended all the people in these three sects.

Originally, several of them belonged to the Central Continent, but they had no obvious enemies, but now they became troublesome. No wonder Zhan Wuming didn't want to walk with Du Jue and others at this time.But they didn't know that the reason why Zhan Wuming didn't want to walk with Du Jue and others was because Du Jue's speed was too slow.After discovering that the hole in his body had a balancing effect on the terrifying gravitational field in the desperate hills, which greatly increased his speed, Zhan Wuming no longer wanted to hurry on his way like a tortoise.

Of course, another reason is because Zhan Wuming believes that walking with a group of people has too many secrets, which is not very conducive to his actions.However, Qingyuan's cultivation base was too low, and he suddenly thought of one thing, that is, there are countless geniuses on the road to the war emperor, and their souls are different. When he collected Qian Feiye's soul, he had a plan , That is to make up for the life, soul and luck of the people around you in this eye-catching world, so as to obtain greater opportunities in the future and snatch the secrets of heaven.

Although luck is a thing that seems illusory, it can affect the future pattern of people.People who are born with great luck will definitely be able to get more favors from heaven and earth, and get more opportunities, and this Heaven-Suppressing Secret Treasure is just such an opportunity. If you improve the luck of those around you, you will definitely be able to take the lead machine.And this process, Zhan Wuming must not let Du Jue and others see it.Therefore, he chose to go alone.And another reason is because he wants Yishang to come out as well. This is a person who can't see the light... At least, he hasn't thought about confronting the Guangming Divine Court. If the people of the Guangming Divine Court know With Yishang in his hands, he will inevitably fall into madness, and his troubles will continue...

(End of this chapter)

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