God of Warcraft

Chapter 28: My Heart Has Ling Yunzhi!

Chapter 28: My Heart Has Ling Yunzhi!
"I don't know if the young master is willing to go to the imperial capital with me?" Yan Kuan thought for a while, the strange person once said that the Liu family was in danger, and there might be a way to overcome the disaster by means of fighting without life.

"Sometimes there must be something in life, and there is always time in life. Don't force it. When the opportunity comes, I will go. But today's matter, I hope you don't spread it. That's it. As for Wanru, the calamity in her body has not been completely resolved. , its fate is doomed to have a long lifespan. Only by finding someone who has the fate of nine lives and nine deaths, can the life of Wanru be fulfilled and the calamity be truly averted. Since you escaped from marriage, why don't you follow me? Save you from worrying about going back to court."

"No!" Yan Kuan's expression changed immediately, and he quickly refused.Although Liu Wanru escaped from marriage, as a daughter, how could she follow Zhan Wuming?If the Patriarch of the Liu Family knew about it, he would vomit blood out of anger.

"Anyway, I don't want to go back." After Liu Wanru finished speaking, she smiled and asked Zhan Wuming, "You won't lie to me, will you?"

"Do you think I look like a liar?" Zhan Wuming laughed.

"I think you look like a magic stick, not a liar. If I follow you, you won't be able to shake me off in the future!" Liu Wanru thought about it, and said with a smirk.

"Miss!" Jia Qing and Yan Kuan were in a hurry. If Miss insisted on leaving, there would be no way for them to report to the Patriarch.

"Why should I get rid of you? Just treat you as my little tail." Zhan Wuming smiled, and reached out to wipe away the tears from the corners of Liu Wanru's eyes. Liu Wanru finally came out of the killing mood just now.

"Don't worry, I won't bully Wanru. Only by following me can she resolve the coming catastrophe. If you have anything to do, you can find me at the Zhan Family in Muye City. We have a common enemy, the Zheng Family. I believe your Patriarch will also help you." I want to have one more helper, but it is still a very useful helper." Zhan Wuming said solemnly.

"This..." Yan Kuan couldn't make a decision for a while.

"If you are worried, you can leave one person to follow, I don't mind having one more follower." Zhan Wuming said.

"Brother, how about I follow Miss, you go back and report to the Patriarch. Let's see how the Patriarch makes a decision." Jia Qing thought for a while.If Liu Wanru insisted on staying, it would be difficult for them to disobey, and they also saw that although Zhan Wuming could not cultivate fighting spirit, he was full of clever tricks. If he could really become the son-in-law of the Liu family, it would be a great help.In fact, they were also very dissatisfied with that playful prince.

"It seems that this is the only way to go. It's just that we have other things to do in the World of Warcraft Forest this time. If Mr. Zhan returns to Muye City right now, we will let the second brother go directly to the Zhan family to find Mr. Zhan after we are done." Yan Kuan thought for a while I had no choice but to agree.

"No problem." Zhan Wuming thought for a while, then took out a jade bottle and handed it to Yan Kuan, "This bottle is filled with the secret medicine I refined, rub some on your body, it can make monsters below the fourth level keep away , Even if you encounter fourth-tier and intermediate monsters, as long as you don't mess with them, they won't trouble you, I believe it will help you walk in the monster forest."

Yan Kuan hurriedly took the jade bottle, remembering that Zhan Wuming was chasing Zheng Yongfu all the way, and there was no monster on the way to stop him. He immediately realized that the secret medicine must have worked. Immediately, they felt that Zhan Wuming was even more mysterious, no wonder he was alone One person dared to run wild in the forest of monsters.

"Thank you son, we will meet later!"


Zhan Wuming rushed back to Muye City and returned directly to the Medicine Pavilion. After several days of traveling, the strategy of the Zhan family has achieved very good results. The attitude of the three major families towards the Zhan family has improved a lot, and the sales of the Zhan family's medicine pills have increased. The child has increased several times.But in recent days, Zhan Family's own business has been severely suppressed, especially in the cities and counties of the Dayan Dynasty.

The members of the Zhan Family were extremely annoyed, and the business network they had finally established was cut off at once.When Zhan Wuming heard the news, he knew that the Zheng family had made a move.

Zhan Wuming's remarks a few days ago had a great influence on the Zhan family, therefore, the Zhan family will definitely consult Zhan Wuming's opinions when encountering major issues.

When Zhan Qingpeng saw that Zhan Wuming had returned with the eldest lady of the Liu family in the court capital, his jaw almost dropped from shock, and he secretly admired this son who had already become a blockbuster when he did not sing. It's not as good as my own son who can't even cultivate fighting spirit, but now, his son directly abducted the daughter of the first-class family of the Dayan Dynasty back home, which is amazing.

After Zhan Wuming heard about the methods of the Zheng family, he smiled and said disapprovingly: "In the past, such suppression might have been very detrimental to our Zhan family, but now, even if our Zhan family doesn't sell a single medicine, it can still be done." Live a very nourishing life. Although the Zheng family has great influence in the Yan Dynasty, it is impossible to cover the sky with one hand. Since they have already torn their face, why don't we give them some eye drops? We can give the medicine to the Zheng family The opponents, the Liu family and the Zeng family, let them sell it, and the Zheng family has not been able to do anything to the Liu family and the Zeng family for so many years."

Zhan Qingpeng was convinced, and his son quietly got involved with the Liu family, and seemed to have a close relationship with the eldest lady of the Liu family, so he couldn't help asking: "What's the matter with you and Miss Wanru?"

Zhan Wuming smiled and said: "Just treat her as your future daughter-in-law, and you won't let her run away. As for the Liu family, someone will come over in a few days, and you can discuss it with them at that time. They'll have fun doing the eye drops."

After thinking for a while, Zhan Wuming said again: "I heard a story a few days ago, about a family in a distant continent. Few people know the existence of this family, but this family has influenced Everyone on this continent, whether they are ordinary people or practitioners. They have never bought or sold anything by themselves, but many things on that continent have their shadows. Because they have many agents on that continent , what they have to do is to make the best things, make things that others cannot imitate, so everyone who helps them sell things makes a lot of money. They never give their things to someone One family does it, but chooses a few to compete. If one of them wants to play tricks, then from now on, they will never be able to find anyone from this family to contact them, and they will no longer be able to get anything provided by this family. That is to say, any agent family who wants to play tricks will lose their agency qualifications and be replaced by others..."

Zhan Wuming took a deep breath and sighed: "On that continent, some people say that the most mysterious force is that family. Because they are always in the dark, but they control and influence the entire business of that continent. Even Zongmen. It took them many years to establish a system. Each family member only corresponds to a few agents, and each family member only knows who his upper class is. Inside, the people below don't know who the owner of the family is. Even if the family suffers a serious blow, at most a few family members and the agents below will suffer losses, and the top family members can't even be found, and their business can still continue... …the true vitality of this weed-like family is not above the ground, but beneath the soil, and you never know where they will sprout green shoots, or how many companions they have, but you can Feel their presence everywhere!"

A gleam of light flashed in Zhan Qingpeng's eyes. Zhan Wuming seemed to be telling a story he had heard, but he was also telling a truth. The Zhan family had already started the first step. It was not for him to buy and sell his own things, but to Represented by other families, each participant can obtain huge profits, and let these families stand on the same front with the Zhan family to protect their own interests.It's a genius plan.But if it goes a step further, if only one person of the Zhan family connects with the major families in Muye City, and the others connect with other agents in other cities, wouldn't it be a legendary model.

"A family standing in front of others wants to develop, because there are too many people who don't want to be surpassed by you, so too many people will come out to stop it. Now it is the Zheng family. If one day we destroy the Zheng family and replace them, in the future There will be more powerful forces who are afraid that we will threaten them, and will attack us. Or a certain dynasty, or a certain sect... If this family does not exist in this world, then no one will pay attention, let alone No one will stop your development and suppress it. So I think there is only one kind of truly powerful family, and that is the family that will never be found by the enemy." Zhan Wuming said inscrutablely.

"Ming'er is right. If there is such a day, this family will be truly invincible!" Zhan Qingpeng took a deep breath and made a decision.

"Strongness comes from oneself. The invincibility of force is a kind of strength, and the invincibility of forbearance is also a kind of strength. One is invincible, and the other is invincible... Today's warriors cannot be invincible, even if we have infinite power. Wealth, even if you invite the Emperor of War to guard you, is not your own strength. We must prepare for the rainy day, and when we truly have invincible power, then let the world see what a real family looks like !" Zhan Wuming's voice was deep and deep, and there was an irrefutable force.

"Having a son like this is indeed a blessing to my Zhan family. After ten years, the title of father, the head of the family, will be passed on to you."

"Father is serious. The reason why the boy said these things today is not to be the head of the family, but to say goodbye to the father. The boy's medicine has reached a bottleneck, and the communication with the uncle has no way to make the boy improve. Therefore, the boy is ready. Traveling, looking for famous teachers, in order to make another breakthrough. If the Zhan family wants to live and work in the future, I need to provide more prescriptions. Therefore, if I can’t improve, the family’s growth is just empty talk. Therefore, please rest assured to manage it well Family, don't let the child worry about it." Zhan Wuming shook his head and said.

"Ah!" Zhan Qingpeng was stunned, and said worriedly, "You have no fighting spirit, how can father be relieved?"

"Father, don't forget, I still have a servant of the King of War. Moreover, the child will travel anonymously, and he will make preparations beforehand." Zhan Wuming said.

"Does that fate have a purpose?" Zhan Qingpeng still had doubts.

"I'm not sure why I'm going. But before I leave, I'll keep the combat skills and secret codes I got from the ancient inheritance a few years ago at home, maybe it will help the family." Zhan Wuming thought for a while thought.Without my own help and a stronger inheritance, it would be impossible for a family to truly develop.There are many ancient inheritances in the memory of his previous life, which can completely change the family. He decided to pick out some to keep in the family.

"Don't worry about family matters. You will remember everything you said about your father. The Zhan family may no longer exist in the near future, but the real Zhan family will become stronger. In addition, with me, your mother will not If you have something to do, don't worry about it." Zhan Qingpeng was in high spirits, listening to his son's words refreshed him, and the rest was how to plan and implement with the rest of the family.

Zhan family, it is time to change. If a family wants to rise, it must change fundamentally...

(End of this chapter)

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