Chapter 31
Tuyan Kingdom is a medium-sized kingdom in the Cangyan Empire. As Baji said, the royal family of Tuyan is corrupt and the people are in dire straits, so the country is full of chaos, and the major families and forces rise up to resist, which greatly weakens the royal power. I am afraid that it has been wiped out by the rebel forces.

Tuyanqi is the youngest son of King Tuyan. He was born with a deformity, so his mentality is extreme and gloomy. Under the influence of the corrupt royal habits, he is even more arrogant, lustful and murderous. This time, he wanted to see if he could join the eight major sects. As soon as it entered Nanzhao City, it was abolished.Limited to the rules set by the eight major sects, the four war king guards were useless and had no effect at all.They didn't even know the other party's name. The four Zhanwang guards lost face and didn't know how to go back and explain to the king.

Anyone who is familiar with Tuyanqi knows that this person is extremely difficult to deal with under the King of War. Although his body is deformed, his body skills are even more weird. It is said that many eight-star war sects fell into his hands. The Seven Star Zhanzong can also be regarded as a genius of the Tuyan family.Therefore, King Tuyan was not displeased by his deformity.It is said that Tu Yanqi's elder brother is also a genius in cultivation. He has become a war king in his twenties. He was recruited by the Spirit Sword Sect early, and now he is also in Nanzhao City, recruiting disciples with the sect. This is why Tuyan Qi dared to One of the reasons for galloping down the street with such arrogance.

Although Zhan Wuming's move was very pleasing to the hearts of the people, some people felt that he was not worth it, because this move offended the Spirit Sword Sect before the sect's general election, and it would definitely be detrimental to the subsequent general election.

Zhan Wuming didn't think too much about it, Tuyanqi had a reason to die, but Zhan Wuming didn't take his life, he took a fancy to Tuyanqi's fate - Tiancan's fate, he came to Nanzhao City Another purpose is to find a way to get rid of the fate of nine lives and nine deaths. Therefore, he needs to find a person with the life of the five heavens and four earths, and use his blood to save the formation of the heavens and the earth, so that it is possible to break the fate of nine lives and nine deaths .The destinies of the five heavens and the four places are respectively Tiancan, Tianque, Tianpo, Tianjue, Tiansha, Diwei, Dique, Dijue, and Disha. People with special fates will definitely perform beyond ordinary people. There will be a part of the general election.

"Thank you brother for your help just now, if it wasn't for the words of brothers, I am afraid that Baji will die here this time." When he came to the restaurant, Baji hurriedly thanked him before ordering food and drinks.

"Brother Ba is a man of temperament. I have heard people talk about the Tuyan kingdom for a long time. Today, seeing the arrogance of Prince Tuyan, I know what I said is true. Getting rid of such a scum is just a matter of will." Zhan Wuming You're welcome.

"In Xiabaji, Tuyan Guoba's family, I don't know how the brothers are called."

"My surname is Zhan, and my name is Wuming," Zhan Wuming responded lightly.

"Brother Zhan, even though we abolished Tuyanqi just now, I don't think the matter will stop there, because Tuyanqi's elder brother Tuyansheng is also in the city, and he is already an inner disciple of the Spirit Sword Sect. Zong has a certain influence. I guess even if he can’t do it himself because he is the king of war, there will be other people who make it difficult for us to get into the Zong or curry favor with him. Originally, brother, I should have a good drink with brother Zhan here, I'm just afraid of causing trouble for Brother Zhan." Baji was also unambiguous, expressing his worries.

Zhan Wuming's heart moved. The inner disciples of the Spirit Sword Sect, at least with the cultivation level above the King of War, are also related to the assessment of the Spirit Sword Sect this time. This should not be underestimated. With such a relationship, it's no wonder he dared to run rampant on the streets of Nanzhao City.Zhan Wuming smiled wryly: "I'm afraid we can't leave even if we want to!"

Baji's expression changed, and he also felt that several energies had locked on to them. Several figures walked into the restaurant slowly, and a sense of oppression, as solemn as water, enveloped every inch of the restaurant.

"Tiemuhe!" Baji's expression changed slightly. He knew the person. It was rumored that someone secretly compiled a ranking for the eight general elections, making a comparison of the following rookies who appeared in recent years. Some people jokingly called it For the gold list of the general election, all the top 60 candidates have outstanding talents, and all of them have the strength above the seven-star war sect.Being able to possess the strength of the Seven Star War Sect before is also a rare talent in all major sects. Among the tens of thousands of cultivators, all of them can be recognized as the top [-] in strength by everyone.Temuhe is the No. [-] seventh in the general election gold list. I heard that he has just broken through the eight-star war sect. He is a genius of the Tie family of the Tuyan country. The Tie family and the Tuyan royal family have always been related by marriage.

Baji's face was very ugly. Although Baji was the pinnacle of the Seven Star Zhanzong, he was not Temuhe's opponent. He didn't even qualify for the top [-] in the general election gold list.

Zhan Wuming stretched his waist, looked sideways at the six people who surrounded him, and asked Ba Ji leisurely: "Brother Ba, are you acquainted?"

Baji's face was a little ugly, and he said: "I know it, but I'm not familiar with it. It's just a little famous on the election gold list."

"It was you who abolished my cousin Tuyanqi?" Temuhe asked coldly as he stood a few steps away from Zhan Wuming's table.

Zhan Wuming turned his head to look around, and after a long while, he set his eyes on Tiemuhe and asked, "Are you talking to me?"

Temuhe's face turned ashen immediately, Zhan Wuming's expression and tone were arrogant and casual, he actually regarded him as nothing, even Ba Ji was stunned, the strong fighting spirit on Temuhe made him feel very depressed, but Zhan Wuming completely ignored it, and Baji could not help but admire the young man in front of him.

"Report your name, I am the immortal ghost in Temuhe's hands!" Temuhe's eyes were cold, and the killing intent was already coming out of his body.

"I don't know you well, there's no need to make friends, just hit if you want, talk like a woman, do you think it's just playing tricks?" Zhan Wuming lifted his nostrils, and gave Temuhe a big supercilious look.

Temuhe smiled angrily.Temuhe has always been very proud. Even though he only ranked No. 60 on the gold list of the general election, this is the ranking of the entire Cangyan Empire. There are tens of thousands of practitioners, so he can enter the list. It is an affirmation of him.Unexpectedly, the boy in front of him who didn't look older than him was even more arrogant.He can be sure that this person is definitely not on the gold list of the general election. He has checked every person on the list, and the faces are familiar.Therefore, he has regarded Zhan Wuming as a dead person at this time.

"This is a restaurant. If you want to eat and drink, please sit down. If you want to fight, please go out." A cold voice came slowly, Zhan Wuming turned his head, and found an old man walking slowly, with perfect steps, If Ling Feng walks, he can't help but be very surprised, this person has reached the high rank of the King of War, and in Nanzhao City, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, a small restaurant owner, is also a high rank of the King of War, which surprised him very much.

Temuhe was slightly surprised. Although the King of War cannot kill people, if it is to protect the interests of the business, he can still teach others. He is not arrogant enough to think that he can deal with a high-ranking King of War. Therefore, he snorted With a sound, he turned around and walked outside the restaurant, and said indifferently: "I'll wait for you outside, you can't escape!"

"Crazy!" Zhan Wuming replied coldly, and then shouted, "Little Er, here are five catties of beef and two catties of the best wine."

Everyone in the room was shocked. They had never seen such a shameless person before.Baji's expression is also very exciting, the boy in front of him is not playing cards according to common sense at all.

"You!" Temuhe was furious, but seeing the look in the eyes of the war king, he still endured it and made a move here, isn't it just for fun?But Zhan Wuming ignored him at all, and he was so angry that his blood almost surged.

Those who have seen Zhan Wuming provoking Tuyanqi on the street before know that this kid is a hooligan. If you treat him as a normal person, you will definitely be pissed off.

"Okay, five catties of beef and two catties of good wine..." Xiaoer sang, and soon brought up steaming wine and meat.The owner of the restaurant watched Zhan Wuming eat as if nothing had happened, and was amused and angry for a while. This was obviously using himself as a weapon, but when he opened the door for business, he had to let the guests order wine and meat.

Temuhe didn't speak any more, he suppressed his killing intent and exited the door, lined up with the five people behind him on the street outside the restaurant.He waited, he didn't believe that Zhan Wuming would never come out, if his eyes could kill, he was afraid that Zhan Wuming would already be riddled with holes.When he saw Zhan Wuming eating beef slowly and smacking his lips while making faces at him, he almost couldn't resist rushing in to kill this shameless guy.

At this moment, Baji's admiration for Zhan Wuming can no longer be described, and he has begun to worship Zhan Wuming.

The news that Temuhe had an appointment with others outside the Tianhe Restaurant quickly spread throughout Nanzhao City. The genius who ranked No. 60 in the general election gold list had an appointment with others. This news immediately attracted most of the candidates. , They all want to see the demeanor of the masters on the gold list, and at the same time, they also want to know who is it that is worth waiting for Temuhe outside Tianhe Restaurant.

After seeing the situation inside and outside the Tianhe Restaurant, the people who came here were all amazed, this Zhan Wuming is really weird, the air is so big, it is simply too cool.

Temuhe waited in formation on the street, while the person being challenged was eating meat and drinking in a big bowl in the restaurant, and from time to time he compared his middle finger to Temuhe outside, made a grimace, and occasionally shook his hand The piece of meat in the middle hooked his little finger to Temuhe as if greeting a puppy.And Temuhe was actually indifferent... This kind of scene surprised everyone.This doesn't look like a fight, it's completely like Temuhe standing outside and being humiliated by the guy inside.

As a result, many people are guessing where the kid in it came from. He is so awesome, he treats this gold medal master as nothing, and humiliates him to his heart's content, but this gold medal master dare not step forward to attack... Before the war started, everyone was already The discussion started.There are also people who open a game to accept bets on the side.Shouts of buy win, buy lose came one after another, almost preventing Temuhe from being seriously injured by the reverse blood.His hatred is indescribable.At the same time, he also realized how wrong it was for him to wait on the street. It was like being paraded in the street, being judged by people from all walks of life, and being despised to the point of disdain.He had never met such a shameless opponent as Zhan Wuming, if he hadn't been concerned about the high-ranking battle king, he would have rushed forward and tore Zhan Wuming to pieces a hundred times.

Liu Wanru admires Zhan Wuming very much. It is nothing if a master is extremely awe-inspiring. It is unique that a low-handed fork can pretend to be Zhan Wuming. This guy is really out of tune.But she looked relieved, too relieved, too face-saving, too arrogant... Therefore, Liu Wanru sat beside Zhan Wuming, holding her head high like a proud little peacock. It's not the same as drinking the wind outside and waiting for my sister to eat and drink enough before going out to teach you a little lesson!
Thus, Nanzhao City became a sensation!
(End of this chapter)

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