Chapter 315 Fighting the Golden Toad
The three golden toads knew at this moment that they had been tricked by Zhan Wuming. Zhan Wuming didn't want to take the heart of the world at all, but inspired a purple escape talisman in the clothes on his chest.This action made them no doubt.It was the previous conversation with Zhan Wuming that caused the three golden toads to lose their best chance to intercept Zhan Wuming.

In fact, as long as the three golden toads discovered Zhan Wuming's motive earlier, at least one tongue would penetrate Zhan Wuming's body. At that time, he would have no choice but to escape, but they missed this opportunity.

And when they were about to chase Zhan Wuming again, several torrents of energy rushed towards them.

The three golden toads looked at it, but found that there were seven tornado-like air currents in the sky that seemed to tear the void, covering them all around.

"A group of ants dare to resist..." The three golden toads were furious. They had indeed seen the group of ants at the exit of the Golden World before. It's just a first-level battle emperor, and to them, it's just a bug on the tip of their tongue.No matter how many bugs there are, they are still bugs, they will not become opponents, they are just food.But right now, this group of ants who are like food in their eyes dare to attack them.

"Boom, boom, boom..." There were three heavy bangs, and the three golden toads stuck out their tongues and bombarded the seven tornadoes without hesitation, but what surprised them was that these tornadoes didn't seem to be what they seemed on the surface. When it came into contact with it, it seemed that it suddenly strengthened hundreds of times, like Mount Tai pressing down on the top, directly smashing the three golden toads into the ground.

"How is it possible..." The three golden toads were shocked.The strength of these seven strong winds was beyond their expectations.They shook their heads and got up from the ground, only to find that the group of ants had quickly surrounded them like a group of small bugs. Their actions seemed a little chaotic, but the three golden toads couldn't find an attack. Because although the whole looks a little chaotic and the coordination is not in place, the thousand or so people seem to be divided into quite a few small teams. There is no confusion between each small team, and the neighboring teams take care of each other. It seems to form a small defensive formation.

"Array..." After all, the three golden toads had seen a lot.He immediately understood that the group of ants in front of him became so strong because they were all gathered together by a formation.

"Combination..." Shang Chongyun let out a low voice, and more than a thousand people scattered their domain power at the same time. Each team formed a group. The seven groups form a large group, and then gather on a group of people. In this way, seven groups of 49, the domains of all people are superimposed, and actually form a huge tangible air shield between this piece of heaven and earth, as if connecting this piece of heaven and earth. The power of gold in the room is isolated from this layer of air shield.

"What kind of ghost formation is this..." The three golden toads really changed at this time, because he found that the power of gold yuan around his body suddenly seemed to be isolated and pulled away, and was completely filled with a strong murderous aura .

Although these more than a thousand people are all at the peak of the King of War, the power of a single person is just an ant in the eyes of any golden toad, but when thousands of ants gather together, they become monsters that can devour giant elephants Terrible torrent.

"Rush out..." The three golden toads knew very well that their strength would be greatly reduced in this formation. In this world, there is only one murderous aura, and everyone's murderous aura radiates here, and it keeps adding up. On the contrary, the morale of the battle kings participating in the formation is greatly increased, and the fighting spirit is stronger.

"Boom..." Three golden lights shot out, but the three golden toads suddenly discovered that their originally incomparably quick attack with the tip of their tongues became slower under the cover of the thousand-odd Battle King Domain. Although the domains of their three saints were stretched, they were unable to resist the power of these thousand domains.This situation made them even more appalled.

The three golden lights were as thick and murderous as passing through mercury, and turned into a speed visible to the naked eye, and then three dragon-like vigor suddenly condensed from the huge air shield, directly bombarding the three golden lights .

The three golden toads groaned, their tongues hurt, and they went crazy.There was a long cry in the sky, and the sound of frogs exploded in everyone's ears like spring thunder, and everyone's faces turned pale immediately. The impact of this sound wave made them unable to adapt for a while.

"Seven stars move..." Shang Chongyun yelled, and the troops of each team quickly spun. Once more than a thousand people spun quickly, the energy field and murderous aura in the entire formation space seemed to twist in a series of spirals stand up.

"Boom...boom..." The three golden toads went berserk, their bodies suddenly swelled like a house, and they jumped up like three shooting stars and hit the formation wall directly.

The formation suddenly shook, and there were muffled groans from many people.Obviously, the collision force of these three old monsters is too strong. Although these battle kings are united as one, after all, the formations are unfamiliar and the cooperation between them is not enough.

"Acceleration..." Shang Chongyun also saw the problem, so he could only give a low shout. Immediately, everyone's rotation speed increased again, as if a huge wind wall was formed around the three golden toads, and the more than a thousand domains were constantly accelerating. Not only did it not collapse, but it accelerated the fusion, and it actually formed a resonance with the laws of the outer gold world. The power of countless gold yuan gathered in the periphery of that field, but it would not penetrate into the field, constantly Reinforce the domain like a huge cage.

"Attack..." Seeing that the formation gradually stabilized, Shang Chongyun heaved a sigh of relief. The three golden toads rushed around in the formation, but they couldn't break the formation all at once. Use up the strength of these three old monsters.The most powerful feature of the Seven Sons, Seven Stars, Sons and Mothers formation is that it can isolate the vitality of the heavens and the earth in the formation, so that people in this piece of heaven and the earth cannot be replenished with strength.Under constant attrition, it will inevitably lose its strength and fail in the end.

"Boy... come out for me..." the three golden toads shouted furiously, because they saw that Zhan Wuming was leisurely rushing back from afar, their faces were neither red nor out of breath. There is still a trace of pride in it.

"Old Golden Toad, enjoy yourself, don't underestimate ants, sometimes ants can kill elephants." Zhan Wuming couldn't help laughing when he saw the three golden toads jumping up and down.

"Boy, don't think that you can get this deity by breaking the formation. This is the world of gold and mine. The foundation of this world is the body of this deity...a small formation..." The three golden toads His voice was vicious, full of anger and arrogance. After all, he was already a powerful person in one world millions of years ago, but after a few years, he was actually forced to come to this position by a group of small ants.

"Second, third, I can only feel sorry..." one of the golden toads sighed.

"Help me kill this kid, I will give him the worst and worst way to die..." The words of the other two golden toads floated out, like the cold wind blowing from the glacier, with a chill that made people feel like freezing.

"Okay, I will definitely grant your wish." One of the golden toads took a deep breath.

"Golden toads merge..." The three golden toads roared suddenly, hitting a certain point in the void, and in the void, two of the golden toads burst suddenly, turning into countless flesh and blood and terrifying vitality.

"Boom..." A terrifying airflow directly impacted on the large formation. The storm formed by the self-destruction of the two beginners was so strong that it almost stopped the rotation of the large formation at once, and the turbulent explosion The power of power actually burned out all the murderous aura in the big formation, and cracks appeared in the pale golden domain cover.

"Croak..." A cry of frogs resounded like the thunder of the Nine Heavens, as if it rang in everyone's heart. The entire golden world was suddenly shaken by the cry of frogs, as if there was a sudden burst of vitality Pour into the big array of seven sons and seven stars.

"Not good!" Zhan Wuming was startled, he saw that the flesh and blood that exploded in the formation did not dissipate, but was actually swallowed by the remaining golden toad, and the remaining golden toad was actually swallowed like the devouring golden toad. Like a primordial worm, after devouring the two companions, the aura suddenly exploded, and its figure also skyrocketed like a blown balloon.

"Let me add some ingredients..." Zhan Wuming didn't hesitate any more, cracks appeared in the formation, and the void of the formation was filled with the flesh and blood of two golden toads, and Zhan Wuming devoured the two golden toads without knowing it What kind of result will appear afterwards, but he absolutely does not want to see this result.However, Zhan Wuming naturally has the easiest way to deal with old monsters who like to devour flesh and blood, that is live poison.

"Boom..." A trace of red gold flashed in the eyes of the remaining golden toad, and a tongue like a golden angry arrow suddenly blasted at one side, directly piercing through the bodies of several war kings on that side, and this The tongue didn't stop, and shot directly at Zhan Wuming's body.

Zhan Wuming took a deep breath, and swung out the Nine Flame Dragon Cruce in his hand, a strong force of flame instantly wrapped the golden tongue, and the dragon crutch smashed heavily on the golden tongue.

"Wow..." Zhan Wuming spit out a mouthful of blood suddenly, the force of the impact of the tongue was heavier than he imagined, this old golden toad actually broke through to the rank of God of War after devouring his two brothers... This is definitely not the concept that one plus one equals two...

"Hold on..." Shang Chongyun's face was pale, the frog cry just now shook his soul, and the self-detonation power of the two golden toads also made his blood surge, and a mouthful of reverse blood almost gushed out directly.At this moment, how could he not know that as long as their formation is broken, everyone will die without a doubt, and no one will be the opponent of this old monster.Without the support of the big formation, these little battle kings would really be like a group of disorganized ants, and let the golden toad monster devour them one by one.

Not only Shang Chongyun came back to his senses, but most of the people also came back to his senses, and quickly connected the spiritual energy on his body into one. Under the stimulation of the spiritual energy, everyone came back to their senses.

"Ningzhen..." Shang Chongyun called out.Fortunately, the golden toad old monster was suddenly blocked by Zhan Wuming's Jiuyan dragon abductee. The firepower of the Jiuyan happened to be its nemesis, and the old golden toad roared a lot, so that he missed the best way to break through the formation. Chance.

"Break me..." The golden toad roared again. At this time, everyone was also mentally prepared. Although it was shaking for a while, it didn't stop because of the violent sound, but the huge body of the old monster jumped into the air. , crashing towards the domain cover that had cracks in the sky.

"Gong..." Shang Chongyun couldn't care less about the instability of the formation, so he shouted loudly.The attacks of all the people merged into a huge dragon, and chased after the golden toad.

"Boom..." The back web of the golden toad suddenly kicked on the light dragon, two huge energies collided, and the old monster golden toad used this huge force to cover the cracked domain more quickly. hit on it.

(End of this chapter)

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