Chapter 325 No Pressure
Zhan Wuming found a very depressing thing, that is, this group of people seem to be able to gain strength in this dark world, but he also has the power of darkness, but he still seems to be rejected by this world.At this time, he remembered that he seemed to be under surveillance as soon as he entered this dark world, and a strange thought grew in his heart, that is, what kind of connection must this group of people have with the old devil, the Dark Demon King of this dark world? This will enable this group of people to thrive in this dark world.

But after I met Wu Jiang and his group, the sense of surveillance disappeared, which seemed to prove another thing from the side, that is, this world does not really monitor everyone.Then, after I entered, I was monitored because Wu Jiang wanted to use the power of this dark world to find my whereabouts!

"I didn't expect that Dongjiang King and the Supreme Sage King would cooperate so tacitly. It really surprised me!" Zhan Wuming stretched out his hand and rubbed the shoulder hit by the Supreme Sage King.Although he couldn't see the condition of this position, he knew that it must have swelled up. If his body hadn't been cut and washed when he entered the dark world, and his physical body had become stronger, he was afraid that one arm would be useless. , at least in a short period of time it is difficult to play a role.He was very fortunate that the Kunpeng broke through the void and entered the chaos after recovering, but it was a pity that the time for the Kunpeng to open the chaos was too short. If it took longer, he would be truly reborn.

Of course, Zhan Wuming is more interested in the chaotic vortex in his sea of ​​qi. He knows that this does not really destroy the sea of ​​qi, but makes the sea of ​​qi more magical. The real top aura is interested. For low-level auras like battle qi and ordinary vitality, they will not be triggered at all, but if the opponent's aura is unique, then it is very likely to be triggered to operate on its own.

"Our purpose is just to kill you, other than that, I don't mind any means..." There was a sneer on King Dongjiang's face.Although Zhan Wuming's reaction was beyond his expectation, and his physical strength was no worse than that after he was blessed with the power of the dark world, but in a vague way, he could not even feel the depth of Zhan Wuming's strength. , This made him lose that kind of heroic one-on-one mentality, as long as he can kill the opponent, he no longer minds his weak pride.

Zhan Wuming moved his arms, as if he wanted to completely relax the bones of his whole body, but his feet moved slowly.He glanced at the hundreds of battle kings surrounded on all sides, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and there was an inexplicable coldness in his eyes.Indifferently said: "Since that's the case, let this land be watered with blood today. I don't mind killing people at all."

After finishing speaking, Zhan Wuming's footsteps suddenly changed from horizontal movement to retreating, and like a phantom, he suddenly slammed into a group of war kings surrounded by the rear.

Zhan Wuming no longer chooses to confront Dongjiang King Wu Jiang. The power of these few people seems to be blessed by the dark power of the entire dark world, especially Wu Jiang and that supporting saint. Instead of being entangled and consumed by these two people For myself, it's better to just have a bloodbath against the heroes.He didn't believe that other war kings were also blessed by the power of this dark world.

"Boom..." Zhan Wuming's choice was very abrupt. It was clear that the previous step was moving forward, but the latter step suddenly crashed into the crowd. The speed was so fast that it was too fast for people to react.There was no time for a joint attack, and Zhan Wuming's fists hit the arms of the two of them like two meteors, and then directly smashed their arms into pieces of flesh and blood. Until the heads of these two people were smashed.

At this time, the group of war kings realized that Zhan Wuming had already listed them as targets, and they couldn't help roaring. The war kings on this side quickly united. Obviously, the cooperation between them was relatively tacit, after all, many people were Brothers of the same school, but when they attacked with one attack, they suddenly found a strange small ball in the air that hit their fist wind suddenly, and Zhan Wuming had left the battle circle like a ghost.

"Boom..." After a loud noise, a series of screams made the space extremely chaotic.The strange little ball immediately exploded when it met the wind of the fist, and then, in a burst of flames, countless silver needles as thin as cow hairs were sprayed out.

The silver needle was too small, and the eruption force was too strong, almost directly penetrating through everyone's domain power, directly sinking into their body.The personnel on this side are relatively dense, and more than [-] people were recruited almost instantly.The silver needle itself is not important, but it is the poison on the silver needle that is fatal.

The miserable howls of those who got the needles subsided quickly, because they had turned into a pile of pus and blood in a short moment, and there was no chance to howl again.

Zhan Wuming's figure didn't stop, and suddenly rushed into another group of war kings again, like a fierce tiger breaking into a flock of sheep, almost ignoring the attacks of others, but his attacks were like heavy hammers and flying rainbows, Everywhere he passed, the bones were broken, and almost no one could compete with this.The most shocking thing was the terrifying hidden weapon that Zhan Wuming threw out just now. They really rarely saw such a vicious hidden weapon.Actually, in the process of several breaths, a living person was turned into a pile of pus and blood.Even Dongjiang King Wu Jiang's complexion became very ugly.Only then did he realize that the superiority in numbers is actually a burden against opponents like Zhan Wuming who don't pay attention to the rules of the game.

But Wu Jiang knew that the reason why Zhan Wuming didn't follow the rules was because his words were only for the purpose of killing Zhan Wuming, and he didn't care about the means used to achieve this goal , Then, Zhan Wuming also attacked by all means.This is understandable, but Zhan Wuming's attack was too fast, which made him unable to adapt for a while.

What makes Wu Jiang most depressed is that it is difficult for him to attack Zhan Wuming when he is chasing behind Zhan Wuming, because after Zhan Wuming passes through a place, there will inevitably be many people besieging behind him, and these people have become obstacles. The obstacle that Wu Jiang was chasing, and he wanted to surround Zhan Wuming, but this kid was as slippery as a loach, seeing you blocking him from one direction, he would kill him in another direction, never meeting you face to face.

Just as depressed as Wu Jiang was Chengsheng Wang Zhisheng.Because the battlefield chosen by Zhan Wuming is in the crowd, his stealth and stealth are useless at all. In the crowd, although he can hide, the space occupied by his body still exists, and he cannot Squeeze through the crowd without showing his figure, unless he really reaches the point where his body melts into the darkness.But he couldn't do it, at most he just borrowed the power of darkness between heaven and earth.

"Evacuate all of them immediately..." Wu Jiang knew that the so-called encirclement was just a joke at this time. When Zhan Wuming threw out the third strange sphere, he had already given up the tactic of using a large number of people to encircle him. It's time to deal with the demon king who has no taboos in front of him.

There were more than 200 people, but only about [-] people were able to retreat completely. In just a short moment, nearly a hundred lives were already in Zhan Wuming's hands, but this kid seemed not even panting. The scene was full of jokes, he mixed in with the group of evacuated people and chased and killed tens of feet. At this time, it didn't look like being surrounded by people at all, but like a tiger chasing its prey.It wasn't until the crowd dispersed that someone stopped Zhan Wuming's attack, but it was King Huntu of Shentu Sect and a young man holding a green feather fan.

Zhan Wuming once heard that Du Jue said that there is a king in Dongling Continent called Qingyu King. It seems that the young man with Qingyu Fan in front of him should be. As for the Qianshan King among the seven kings, he is dead, Dongjiang King and Chengsheng King Zhan Wuming I have seen it, but there is no information about the king of hate and the king of Hejian, Zhan Wuming.

Zhan Wuming's fist was blocked by King Huntu, and his sword was blocked by the green feather fan.As soon as his body was blocked, Wu Jiang's attack arrived.

Huntu King Zhou Shanyue fell several feet under Zhan Wuming's fist, but a feather on the green feather fan was cut off by Zhan Wuming's sword, but at least the interception of these two people made Zhan Wuming fall into the trap again. Within the range of Wu Jiang's offensive.

"Zheng..." The long sword in Zhan Wuming's hand let out a mournful cry, and was almost broken by Wu Jiang's fist. , Borrowing strength to attack, his target is Huntu King Zhou Shanyue.

At this moment, Zhou Shanyue had just recovered from Zhan Wuming's heavy punch, but he didn't expect Zhan Wuming to attack him again with the force of the impact, and it was even faster and more violent.Although Zhan Wuming's attacking method of attacking with strength is a bit rogue, it is very effective.At least Zhou Shanyue was not ready to resist.

"Boom..." Zhou Shanyue's body flew out again, like a thrown ball, and hit the ground in the distance heavily. The power of Zhan Wuming's punch not only had his own strength, but also a little The power borrowed from Wu Jiang.Originally, in terms of strength, Zhan Wuming had an absolute advantage over Zhou Shanyue, but in this way, Zhou Shanyue was even more miserable.

"Boom..." Zhan Wuming didn't have time to be complacent, and a white palm was printed on his body again. If Zhan Wuming hadn't been extremely vigilant and had been on guard against the sneak attack of Supporting Saint, this palm might not be a blow. Instead of hitting him in the back, hit him in the head.

Supporting Saint's sneak attack is very precise, like a cheetah lurking in the dark, the enemy can only be killed with one hit. In fact, if Supporting Saint has a weapon in his hand, I am afraid that Zhan Wuming will already have several blood holes on his body , however, this is only if.

Zhan Wuming knows that the supporting saint is very smart, so he will not choose to hold a weapon in his hand. He can use the power of darkness to hide, but the metal weapon does not have the power of dark elements, so this weapon will Like a beacon in the dark night, he will tell others where he supports the Holy Spirit.Unless he can find a weapon with a completely dark attribute, but this kind of weapon with a completely dark attribute is extremely rare, even in Yuanjie, he has never heard of it, let alone a small Dongling Continent.

But even if there is no weapon in the supporting holy hand, this kind of tearing dark attribute is very uncomfortable for Zhan Wuming. This force seems to be tearing his internal organs, and even corroding his muscles...

"Chi, Chi..." Zhan Wuming's figure was still undecided, and several sharp cold shadows fell, and the Qingyu King's green feather fan fell like a cloud, but under this, there was a sword light .It was the sword of the war emperor, but on the other side was a blade of light, which cut open the void suddenly, violently and violently.

During this knife, Zhan Wuming felt a strong emotion, the emotion of a knife, if a weapon has its own emotion, then this knife has already begun to breed its spirit.This is a good knife, which can arouse one's emotions, so the owner of this knife is not a simple person.This emotion is hatred, anger, and the destructive consciousness that wants to kill everything... This person is the King of Hatred of the Seven Kings of Dongling.

(End of this chapter)

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