Chapter 340 The Seed of Light
There was also a hint of greed in Jiuyan Tianzun's eyes, but thinking that Zhan Wuming is the boss now, he had to suppress the thoughts in his heart.You must know that this night heaven is considered a very good space magic weapon even in the higher planes.But at this time, it is estimated that it will become Zhan Wuming's spoils of war. Guangming Xueji has guarded this bright world for so many years, and she has regarded this night paradise as her base camp. Only in the space of dark elemental power, and between heaven and earth, only the power of dark elemental power can isolate the spread of light energy.

Therefore, Guangming Xueji's divine essence and consciousness could not communicate with this bright world, otherwise, it would be impossible for him and others to discover the entrance of this night paradise, and even before reaching the outside of this night paradise, he would be discovered by Guangming Xueji.Then there is only one result, even if there are treasure hunting pigs, it is impossible to find the entrance of this treasure.

Just look at the entire piece of bright Yuanshi in this night paradise, and you will know how much wealth has been accumulated in it. It is very likely that over the years, Guangming Xueji moved all the Yuanshi of the entire bright world into this night paradise Among them, this bright world was originally formed by the light power of Guangming Xueji's body, so the Guangming Yuanshi in the entire bright world is very beneficial to Guangming Xueji's recovery.

That's why she put a lot of light energy stones into it, hoping to use it someday.

However, she never expected that there would be such a day when she herself was imprisoned in a situation where she could not communicate with the bright world. After all, this ancient battlefield has its own rules, that is, the powers of each world must not easily cross the boundary. Each element governs a world and cannot communicate with each other, let alone communicate directly.Therefore, she never thought that the soul of the Dark Demon Emperor would appear in her bright world, and even made her unaware. When she realized it, it was irreversible.

"There are two ways to collect the treasure of this night heaven. One is that after the death of Guangming Xueji, other people with the attribute of light can recognize her as the master, and then it becomes something that can be collected. The second is to subdue Guangming Xueji, Let him tell you the secret method to control this night paradise, then you can easily control this night paradise." The words of Jiuyan Tianzun made Zhan Wuming speechless for a while.

The first way, to kill Guangming Xueji, he might be able to do it with the help of Jiuyan Tianzun and Dark Demon Emperor.But now he is not a practitioner of the light attribute, and his soul is full of dark energy, which will only cause Ye Tiantian's rejection, and how can he be recognized by this Ye Tiantian.And is it possible to subdue this Guangming Xueji?You must know that this is an old monster from millions of years ago, and his mind is so deep that he is not easy to deal with.But right now he wants to take away this night paradise no matter what, the wealth in it is enough to raise the entire Poyan Continent to a higher level.And it was obvious that Guangming Xueji had a different identity back then.

At this moment, Zhan Wuming can feel that there are several very special auras in this night paradise, which are the summons of the treasure level!
"Move all the heavy treasures inside into the Qiankun Ring first, especially the bright Yuanjing and some high-grade Yuanshi, give priority to moving away, and move as much as you can." Zhan Wuming immediately ordered Jiuyan Tianzun .

There will definitely not be any changes in Paradise this night. In this bright world, if other adventurers dare to rob him, they will be killed directly.

As long as he is willing, there is no force that can compete with him on this entire road of war emperor.

It's just that he doesn't want to make too many enemies. After all, his next destination is the eight continents. Without some friends, it's not a refreshing thing.But if there are guys who don't have long eyes, he doesn't mind killing more people.

Although Yishang and Sophia both have the attribute of light, this night heaven can be said to be the most missing thing for me at present. Although these two women are my own women, this kind of treasure is a hot potato, so try not to let it go. It is better for the second daughter to take this risk, so Zhan Wuming's mind once again returned to Guangming Xueji and Dark Demon Emperor.

If you want to get Ye Tiantang, you have to make a decision on these two old monsters.

Zhan Wuming was a little dumbfounded when he separated a wisp of divine consciousness into his space magic weapon, because he suddenly found that Guangming Xueji and the Dark Demon Emperor were entangled together, and the two strands of divine soul were about to devour each other, and there was a tendency to mix. If it continues in this direction, light and darkness may eventually become one, and the souls of the two will disappear and return to their original origin.

Now, after a long period of entanglement, the spirits of the two are getting weaker and weaker.

Guangming Xueji's light power has always come from her own soul, and she is constantly releasing it, but she is constantly assimilated by the power of dark elements in this space, and Guangming Xueji's background is better than that of the Dark Demon Emperor. The remnant soul is much stronger, therefore, the fight between the two is almost a lose-lose situation. At this time, the soul and spirit are entangled together, and they can't even separate. The two sides devour each other and twist together, like black and white Tai Chi

When Zhan Wuming saw this black and white Tai Chi, he immediately felt that the vortex in his sea of ​​qi was ready to move.Zhan Wuming no longer hesitated, his body directly entered the space magic weapon, and he felt that the space magic weapon seemed to be split apart.

This split was not due to any terrorist attack.It's because this space is filled with a strange kind of vitality, which is extremely heavy, a special kind of vitality formed by the mutual swallowing of dark and light energy, and each wisp of spiritual energy is as heavy as a big star, Each strand of air mass seems to be self-contained, and there are countless starry universes running in it...

When this space is filled with countless black and white gases like this, it seems that the entire space is about to be crushed.

Zhan Wuming looked at the strange vitality that filled the space with some horror, and a thought suddenly popped up in his heart, the terrifying aura formed by the combination of the power of light elements and the power of dark elements is the legendary chaos Reiki...

The result of the combination of dark energy and light energy actually created an even more terrifying chaotic aura, which really made Zhan Wuming inexplicably horrified.It's no wonder that this little space magic weapon of mine can't bear it, because after all, this space treasure is not a terrifying existence like a divine weapon, so how can it withstand the heavy pressure of this chaotic aura.

In a daze, Zhan Wuming thought that he had been unable to form seeds and caves with the power of light elements and the power of dark elements in his body, but things often backfired.Either the power of the dark element or the power of the light element can only exist in his body, which makes him extremely depressed. All this seems to have opened a door for him, letting him know how to let the power in his body Light and dark elemental forces coexist.

It is difficult for the air of chaos to appear on the low-level planes. When the world of Feng Shui entered the dark world, Kunpeng broke through the barrier of space and entered the chaos. Because he absorbed such a ray of air of chaos, his body became very strong. The range has increased, but what appears now is not a drop or a wisp, but the entire small space everywhere.

Zhan Wuming couldn't be polite, his body suddenly entered the magic weapon of space, and he didn't care if the magic weapon of space would break and directly enter it, and the chaotic vortex in the sea of ​​qi in his body naturally started to devour the chaotic qi.

At this time, the Dark Demon Emperor and Guangming Xueji were entangled together, and he didn't have the mind to worry about what Zhan Wuming was doing. If he saw that Zhan Wuming could directly swallow the chaotic energy and turn it into his own energy , must be terrified, because he never thought that someone could directly swallow the chaotic energy between heaven and earth.This kind of chaotic energy in the middle and lower planes can only be comprehended by people, and it is a completely transcendent existence, but Zhan Wuming actually swallowed it directly, which is absolutely shocking, at least so far, even the fairy world and the demon world have never Someone can do it.

But at this moment, the Dark Demon Emperor and Guangming Xueji were entangled together, and each of them was so weak that they almost lost their minds. There was no mood to pay attention to Zhan Wuming who entered this space.

The vortex in Zhan Wuming's sea of ​​qi spun wildly, and the chaotic air floating in this space seemed to meet the water of a sponge, and quickly gathered in Zhan Wuming's body, and Zhan Wuming's body seemed to be dry. The desert that has been there for countless years suddenly encounters rain and dew, greedily absorbing the energy transformed from the sea of ​​air, and every inch of skin feels surging.This kind of power is completely different from any other elemental power, but it contains all elemental qualities in it.Zhan Wuming suddenly understood that the combination of light and darkness has actually included various elements between heaven and earth, just like the fact that day and darkness have included all time.

When the chaos first opened, the heaven and the earth were divided into yin and yang, and in fact they were divided into darkness and light. Therefore, when the light merged with the darkness, it returned to chaos again. Therefore, when Zhan Wuming absorbed the energy of chaos, he was realizing The power of all the elements between heaven and earth is a very mysterious feeling.When Qihai returned the power of chaos to his body, Zhan Wuming suddenly understood why he couldn't coexist light and darkness in his body. When in the soul of life, then there will be consumption of each other, or assimilation and devouring.As a result, the bright seeds in his soul could not be formed for a long time.

But at this moment, Zhan Wuming no longer deliberately pursued the opening of the bright cave, and even approached the dark cave he had formed to the sea of ​​​​qi. He thought of another possibility, the life-cultivator is not entirely the power of the soul of life-cultivation, And often the sea of ​​qi is also a very important place in the human body in many cases, so gathering qi and storing wind, gathering qi refers to the sea of ​​qi, and storing wind refers to the place where the soul of life resides. It is the same whether it is opened up in the soul of life.Then, the two great caves of darkness and light are directly opened in the sea of ​​​​qi, not in the soul of life.

When the power of chaos is contained in the sea of ​​qi, it has a special attraction to the dark cave. However, due to the stability of the five elements cave, the dark cave does not easily withdraw the life soul, but the dark power in the dark cave However, the power and the power of chaos scattered all over the body attracted each other, and the darkness grew rapidly, and the power of chaos, under the coordination of the power of darkness, unexpectedly slowly gave birth to a small light in the sea of ​​air. Seeds, as if to improve the yin and yang in the chaos, when the dark power in the chaos is too strong, the chaos will naturally generate new light seeds for the balance of power, so as to achieve the balance of light and dark, forming a brand new system .

(End of this chapter)

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