Chapter 343
Zhan Wuming looked around the space magic weapon, and suddenly found that the entire space magic weapon seemed to have more than doubled in size than before.And every inch of the space wall seems to be stronger.The entire magic weapon space seems to have experienced baptism, glowing with unprecedented vitality.

This change really surprised Zhan Wuming, which was a blessing in disguise.If you think about it carefully, it must be because those chaotic qi are constantly deriving in this space. You must know that when a magic weapon is condensed, it also needs to be infused with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and the quality of the spiritual energy is also related to the quality of a magic weapon. Grade level.And the Qi of Chaos is the most mysterious aura between heaven and earth, and it also possesses great vitality for good fortune. Under the baptism of this Qi of Chaos, the rank of this magic weapon space has naturally improved.

Zhan Wuming knew very well that if he hadn't accidentally absorbed all the chaotic energy in this space, then this magic weapon space would have been scrapped.Void cracks appeared in the magic weapon space, which is a very dangerous signal, but now the magic weapon space is finally preserved, and this space magic weapon has been trained again, which can be regarded as a little more compensation for the disappearance of the dark cave up.

It's just that there is still some loss in my heart. It seems that I have to find another opportunity to re-condense this dark cave, but I don't know if the two elements of light and darkness will devour each other in my body in the future. If that's the case, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to solve the problems of these two elements, and I won't be able to make my destiny perfect at all.

Walking out of his space magic weapon, Zhan Wuming saw Jiuyan Tianzun looking at him strangely, while the treasure hunting pig ran to his side and arched around, as if he had found a heaven-defying treasure, and even stretched it out. He stuck out his tongue and licked his body to make sure that he was a natural talent, which made Zhan Wuming feel a little dumbfounded.

"Old monster, why, you don't recognize me?" Zhan Wuming couldn't help asking Jiuyan Tianzun.Jiuyan Tianzun seems to be getting used to Wu Jiang's body more and more, and the expressions on his face have also become richer
"Don't call me an old monster, call me Wu Jiang." Jiuyan Tianzun responded angrily.

"Haha..." Zhan Wuming burst out laughing suddenly, the Jiuyan Tianzun had a serious look on his face, which made him feel that the guy in front of him was really the original Dongjiang King Wu Jiang.

"Now I use Wu Jiang's body, so I am Wu Jiang..." said Jiuyan Tianzun with a mysterious and sinister smile: "I appeared in Dongling Continent as Wu Jiang, which will be very beneficial for you to go to the eight continents in the future , at least there will be a big boost, won't it?"

Zhan Wuming was startled, wondering what kind of medicine the old monster was selling in the gourd.Why does he seem to know the affairs of several continents very well.And with the identity of this old monster, how could he be willing to go to that Niao Sanjiang hall to recognize a father.He couldn't help reaching out and touching Jiuyan Tianzun's forehead, and said to himself: "It's not burning, what's the matter?"

"Burn your head, this deity is very sober, I just volunteered to be the young master of Sanjiangtang, this deity completely filtered the memory of Wu Jiang, this kid is not simple, and Sanjiangtang seems not simple. This kid this time This is the fourth time he has entered the road of war emperor. For four consecutive years, every time the old devil of the dark demon emperor lost his wife and lost his army. However, he was defeated by Wu Jiang again. This kid actually attached a demon to his body. As a kind of tempering of his will, every time he passed the road of war emperor, he would become stronger than the previous one. , and he never wanted to nirvana immediately, but wanted to build the foundation to the extreme during the War Emperor, and then nirvana in one fell swoop. Do you know why?" Jiuyan Tianzun asked mysteriously.

"I haven't read his memory, how do I know why? Of course, the stronger the foundation, the better. If it were me, it would be the same." Zhan Wuming said angrily.

"Because this kid's ambition is very big. He wants to enter the battlefield of all beings with the perfect body of the war emperor, and entering the battlefield of all beings has always been possible only for the top and top geniuses in the heavens and myriad worlds. The battlefield that even God of War marvels and yearns for..." Jiuyan Tianzun took a deep breath and said.

Zhan Wuming couldn't help staring at Jiuyan Tianzun in a daze, watching the old monster push out the precious and precious expression on his newly adapted body, he was a little surprised, you must know that this old monster used to be The top power in the fairy world, in the eyes of the top power in the fairy world, the so-called battlefield of all beings has such an attraction, so what kind of place is this battlefield of all beings?In my memory, I seem to have never heard of it.He couldn't help asking: "What kind of place is this battlefield of sentient beings?"

Jiuyan Tianzun was stunned, but suddenly understood that although Zhan Wuming was unparalleled in talent, he was just a small character. For Zhan Wuming, the battlefield of all beings was not something people at Zhan Wuming's level could know However, only the hall master of the Sanjiang hall knew the news, and Wu Jiang was the young hall master, so he learned the news from his father, and the quota to enter the battlefield of sentient beings is not easy to get , at least Hall Master Sanjiang can't make a decision lightly, and Wu Jiang himself needs to have a truly outstanding celestial performance, be able to conquer the old monsters in the various sects, and stand out among many geniuses.

This is also the reason why Wu Jiang has entered the road of the Emperor of War several times, but he has been reluctant to nirvana for a long time, and even took the risk of taking a ray of the remnant soul of the Dark Demon Emperor into his body, and sharpened himself by fighting with this remnant soul all the time Even Zhan Wuming has to admire this kind of extraordinary will.

This King of Dongjiang, it can be said that among the seven kings of Dongling, only this King of Dongjiang is a real person.Moreover, this King of Dongjiang has been deeply hiding his cultivation, and he has not really shown it in front of outsiders, but he can only admit that he is unlucky when he encounters a monster like Zhan Wuming.After all, there are very few monsters like Zhan Wuming in the world.

"What kind of place is the battlefield of sentient beings? Why are you so startled?" Zhan Wuming asked in surprise.

"The battlefield of all beings is a legend, even in the fairy world. It is said that it was opened up by the supreme ruler of all the worlds in this realm. It is a place beyond the realm of the gods. Falling starry sky. There are countless interfaces connected there, and there are countless racial geniuses from all heavens and myriad worlds. Moreover, this non-falling starry sky is divided into several layers. All those who enter this battlefield space must hold the letter of entry, and the battlefield of sentient beings is mainly opened for all geniuses under the God of War, and all masters above the God of War can also enter, but the rules of the battlefield The most important thing is that the levels are clearly defined. In order for geniuses to grow in fighting, fighting at the same level can be in any venue, with the help of any object that is beneficial to oneself, including spirit weapons and poisons. , Skills are not as good as people, death without resentment! If you find that your juniors or relatives and friends are killed by others, and your own level is different from the other party, you can't easily make a move in it, unless both parties personally agree to enter the secret realm with no rules in the battlefield of sentient beings. Otherwise, no matter which corner of the battlefield you fight, you will be directly killed by the rules of the battlefield." Jiuyan Tianzun took a deep breath and said.

Zhan Wuming stared blankly at Jiuyan Tianzun, his heart was extremely shocked, there is actually such a place between the sky and the earth called Unfalling Starry Sky, it is actually a space opened up by the supreme master of all universes, then what will it be? what kind of place?
"Then what is the battlefield above the battlefield of sentient beings?" Zhan Wuming asked, he was full of curiosity about this immortal battlefield.

"Above the battlefield of sentient beings is the battlefield of immortals, a battlefield specially opened for higher planes. I heard about it when I was in the fairy world. Unfortunately, I have never had the opportunity to enter it, and I have not been able to understand the battlefield of immortals in detail. What kind of place is it? Legend has it that there is a place called the Gods Battlefield above the Immortals Battlefield. The combination of these three battlefields is called the Unfalling Starry Sky." Jiuyan Tianzun said regretfully.

Zhan Wuming couldn't help being speechless, there is actually a battlefield specially opened up between the heaven and the earth for the immortals, and even a place where the gods fight, this is indeed something he has never heard of before.Thinking about it this way, Wu Jiang's identity really needs to be used to good advantage. There is such a good place, and I can't let it go easily, right? I have to enter it to experience it.He believes that his cultivation should be able to have a chance to show in it.But after thinking about it, he asked again: "Isn't it the gathering of all races? The most important thing is the benefits. Otherwise, I went all the way to see the so-called ten thousand races. What can I have?"

"Boy, don't think that it is a simple matter for all races to gather together. Think about it, how many middle and low planes are there in this cosmic world? The Xuanwu Great World is like the stars in the starry sky. Many. There are countless star domains in this universe, and each star domain is composed of many, many planets. On these planets, some have life, and some are dead. In the void of the universe , there are too many uncertain factors, if you want to go from one star field to another, even if the immortal wants to fly through the void, it will take decades or even hundreds of years. Arrived, and the so-called gods of war in the middle and low planes like you may not be able to reach it in their entire lives, and it is more likely to be swallowed by the void storm or void monsters in the void... So, if there is a channel that can Communicating with the Myriad Worlds will definitely be an opportunity for all races. Just imagine, you can trade everything you want in this place, and maybe you can find many magical medicines and treasures in other star fields..." Jiuyan Tianzun couldn't help but licked his tongue and said.

Zhan Wuming was taken aback by what he said. He never thought that this cosmic starry sky would be like this. It is composed of star fields one after another, and his Xuanwu world is just a place in the universe. A speck of dust in it is nothing at all.Thinking of this, he suddenly had a question, and couldn't help saying: "If the universe is composed of countless star fields like this, then how could the God Realm seal the passages of all higher planes? Anyway, your immortals have countless lifespans, so don't go What kind of passage, can we go directly across the void?"

Tianzun Jiuyan couldn't help but stared blankly at Zhan Wuming for a while, and said to Zhan Wuming very speechlessly: "You treat the God Realm as a bright light, and then guide us immortals from high planes to fly across? "Then he said disdainfully: "Only a fool would ask such a question. How big is this cosmic starry sky? Look at the countless stars, which star will be our fairy plane?"

Zhan Wuming couldn't help being stunned, he thought of the countless stars in the universe that he saw on the golden road.There are also patches of galaxies, even the stars in a single galactic river are innumerable, just like the sand in the river, who knows which one of these stars is in the fairyland?If one were to find them one by one, even the Immortal Venerable and the Immortal Emperor would not necessarily be able to find them in his whole life.

"What's more, the God Realm can become the highest plane. How can you easily find it if you want to? It's like the fairy world. There are countless naturally formed formations outside every star. Every star When foreign enemies invade, it can become a huge fortress and attack weapon, and the whole fairy world is covered with a huge layer of rule power. If you are a mortal, even if you pass through this void, you cannot You can feel the existence of the fairy world, because your sight can't see through this layer of rule power, it can distort time and space, even in front of your eyes, you can never walk in front of him..." Jiuyan Tianzun said indifferently.

Zhan Wuming was speechless for a moment, he thought that what Jiuyan Tianzun said was indeed reasonable, thinking about the Golden Island in the Kunpeng Dojo, if the fish school hadn't led the way, ordinary people wouldn't know it even if they flew over the island There is still such a treasure land below, and how could the God Realm and Immortal Realm be inferior to a small island? It seems that this stupid way really doesn't work.

(End of this chapter)

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