Chapter 345 Forbidden Power
This is a world of light, the incomparably holy light, the singing of countless angels makes people lost, as if stripping the soul layer by layer, and then find the fragility in the deepest part of the soul...

Zhan Wuming's subconscious seemed to have a very bad feeling. He saw scenes of reincarnation, and saw the result of repeated struggles but was calculated by others until he died of anger... This seems to be arranged by fate In a game, there are countless different roads, but it leads to the only breakpoint. Whenever life goes here, it is the moment of death.Life after life, there has never been a real breakthrough. This is more like a curse, an extremely vicious curse.

Zhan Wuming saw himself becoming a baby again and again, some came to the scholarly family, some were born in the family of bandits, some grew up in the sect, some were beasts, or apes, or wolves, or eagles, or tigers When the leopard comes, it seems that all the happiness has come to me, but not long after, all the relatives or friends related to me will suffer disasters, or die or be disabled...

He has accumulated endless resentment and resentment from life to life, but there is always an invisible hand pushing him onto this road of no return. No matter how much he wants to change, he can't do it. Who is the dark hand who controlled him from generation to generation?

Zhan Wuming can no longer control his soul. In this world of holy light, there is a mysterious force pulling his soul, causing his memory to be stripped layer by layer. The memory of reincarnation is also opened without hindrance, time after time, life after life, life after life flashes before Zhan Wuming's eyes like a huge long scroll, but there is a special feeling that Zhan Wuming knows, This life-to-life experience is exactly the memory of his previous reincarnation, just like his initial perception of a long dream about the future, all of this is real, and it is what he needs to solve in this life.He wants to fight, he wants to break the curse of fate, and find out the black hand that controls his own destiny... In this life, his own destiny is in his own hands, and he will never be controlled by others again.

Zhan Wuming no longer cares about the memory of reincarnation in that life, he knows that this is the truly terrifying power of Ye Tiantian, this thing is definitely not a spiritual weapon, it is even very likely to be a divine weapon, because of the power it possesses It can break through reincarnation, see fate, and find rebirth. What kind of power is this?This is beyond the category of immortals. At this time, he really believed that the great power in the light world used this opportunity to refine this great weapon to understand the way of heaven, so he was able to break through the realm and ascend into the god realm.This piece of Yetiantang can make a great power in the world of light realize the way of becoming a god, so this treasure must also be a real artifact, and it will also be a special artifact...

Zhan Wuming didn't know if people in the Bright Realm would know the function of this artifact, but he could imagine that Guangming Xueji possessed such an artifact, so it's no wonder that none of the great powers from the high-level planes were its opponents.However, Zhan Wuming is no longer in the mood to think about what kind of treasure this night paradise is. He cares more about what kind of power that holy light world in this night paradise is, because he has never I have experienced such a strange power, it seems to contain the power of all beings, and it is like the prayer of countless people...Suddenly, Zhan Wuming was startled suddenly, he thought of a power that even the gods feel taboo ——The power of faith!

Yes, this incomparably holy world of light is composed of the power of countless beliefs, and the singing of countless angels is the source of this belief.This entire world of light, how much power of faith is needed, and this power of faith seems not to be that kind of extremely chaotic thoughts, but a kind of wholehearted and extremely pure dedication...Zhan Wuming was shocked, He couldn't imagine how and where these powers of faith were collected, to have such pure power of faith, how many beings in a world like the Xuanwu Great World would have to sincerely unite their wishes power...

At this time, Zhan Wuming actually had a deep sense of fear towards the mysterious and unpredictable world of light. A person who can collect such pure power of faith in the world under his rule, then such power, what would happen? How huge and terrifying.

Zhan Wuming tried to get rid of his soul, but he couldn't. The vows of countless beliefs between heaven and earth seemed to be pulling him like silk threads, soft but inescapable.This thread of faith's wish power leisurely reads the memory in his reincarnation. Many obstacles that he could not break through in the depths of Zhan Wuming's soul are easily relaxed by this sea of ​​faith and wish power. Abolished, so the memory of the reincarnation of that life flowed out like running water.

I don't know how long it took, Zhan Wuming became a little numb, and the samsara memory like flowing water unfolded layer by layer, making his mind extremely tired, and the anger from life to life was rediscovered in this instant, the power of his soul It seems that countless inner demons have gradually accumulated in the world, but fortunately, this world is an extremely holy and pure world of faith and will, and all anger and resentment are quickly stripped away by that force.Zhan Wuming felt that every trace of anger and resentment was stripped away, his soul became weaker, and his body became heavier after each reincarnation, but this night Heaven seemed to be getting more and more excited, Zhan Wuming's resentment from life to life And anger seems to have become the nourishment of this night paradise. Every time Zhan Wuming's resentment and anger are purified, the world of this night paradise seems to be more real.

"Boom..." At the moment when Zhan Wuming was about to fall asleep, this bright and holy world was suddenly shaken, and then a long and heavy roar like thunder from nine days suddenly broke the tranquility of the entire space.

Zhan Wuming's drowsy soul was shocked, and he opened his eyes suddenly to look, only to find that his reincarnation picture scroll had regressed to become a baby, and after that, it would be the last reincarnation. He didn't know how many reincarnations he had , But at this moment, I am afraid that it has been experienced nearly a hundred times, and when the scroll of reincarnation is about to go further, it seems that there is a roaring sound that penetrates from a different time and space, and then he sees this incomparably holy world of light. It was no longer calm, as if a group of terrifying forces were squeezing into this world, rushing towards the light group like a surging tide.

"Aw..." Another terrifying roar sounded like thunder, and then Zhan Wuming saw a huge sharp claw suddenly stretched out in an unknown time and space.Gleaming black golden iron light, filled with an indescribable sense of power, this claw directly penetrated all the time and space directly into the night heaven, the countless angels flying in the sky are under this claw It turned into dust in an instant, and the power of faith like a vast ocean boiled in an instant.The originally soft wish power suddenly engulfed the sharp claw that pierced into it like the waves of a raging sea.

"Aw..." There seemed to be a scream of fright and anger in the distant time and space.That mysterious sharp claw melted like butter in a fire.

"The power of faith... how is it possible..." From the distant time and space, there was a cry of incomparable shock and anger. Obviously, this extremely strong power of faith has a huge harmful effect on a certain existence.This reminded Zhan Wuming of a legend. In his reincarnation memories of so many lives, he had heard that the reason why the power of faith is called the power of taboo is because faith is composed of infinite causes and effects .Even the gods are not willing to be easily contaminated with karma.

The power of faith is more terrifying than the power of light, because it represents the will power of all living beings and the power of thousands of mortals. The mortal world can degenerate everyone and pollute the fairy world. It was obvious that he had suffered a great loss, but what surprised Zhan Wuming was that this terrifying giant claw seemed to be rushing towards him.A terrifying breath seemed to want to take his soul away.However, under the power of the belief of all beings, the terrifying power of capture quickly melted away.

"It's actually the power of the Light Realm, damn it..." A roar came from the void, and then a huge vortex suddenly appeared in this holy and bright sky, as if it wanted to draw away all the power of faith of all living beings, and then, in A distorted face seemed to appear in the sky.An overwhelming coercion dimmed the light of faith that filled the sky.

A face with closed eyes seems to want to squeeze into this world of faith from the distant void, as if there are countless rules in the void that restrict the movement of this face, making it extremely difficult to move, but Zhan Wuming I felt that there was an emotion in this world of light, which was panic and fear.

The mood of Ye Tiantian, that is the mood of the spirit of the whole treasure.How powerful would the owner of this face be if it could make an artifact-level artifact panic?
"Ming, I didn't expect that you are so weak now. A small weapon can read all your reincarnations. It's ridiculous. However, we won't give you a chance to return to the God Realm, so go die! ..." The face gradually stabilized from the continuous twisting, the pair of slender eyes seemed to be about to open, and a hoarse voice that shook the entire world of belief in Ye Tiantian suddenly made Zhan Wuming's spirit come out of the ten thousand Awakened by the singing of a thousand angels.

"Fraud, you have passed, this is the lower realm, you are forcibly crossing the realm, this is a provocation to the Tao..." At this time, another voice sounded from the sky, and suddenly, the holy light of this sky suddenly lit up , Zhan Wuming saw a boundless shadow passing across the sky in Zhan Wuming's eyes, it looked like a wing, the light blue wings suddenly covered the entire sky.

"Boom..." Zhan Wuming only felt his soul shake, and a boundless mighty force suddenly pushed his soul out, and he vaguely heard a shrill scream and that hoarse voice together. Come.

"Kunpeng, you are not dead yet..." The hoarse voice exclaimed with anger, Zhan Wuming only felt a shock in his body, and suddenly woke up, but the mighty power seemed to be unable to dissipate for a while, suddenly Spit out a mouthful of blood.His expression became very depressed.Everything just now was like a dream.When he saw the face of Jiuyan Tianzun again, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"What happened?" Jiuyan Tianzun looked at Zhan Wuming and asked in horror. He also felt a wave of supernatural power just now.It's just that he didn't know what happened at all.

"Let's leave quickly..." Zhan Wuming let out a long breath, but before he finished speaking, he, Jiuyan Tianzun and Baohun pig were suddenly thrown out.

"Boom..." Zhan Wuming and Jiu Yantian fell to the ground respectfully, and then the scene in front of them suddenly changed. It was no longer the endless bright Yuanshi, but a huge tiankeng appeared, and in the tiankeng In the middle, a holy and soft light made the eyes of Zhan Wuming and Jiuyan Tianzun flash a greedy brilliance.That holy light was the real body of Ye Tiantang. Zhan Wuming didn't expect that Ye Tiantang, who had been unable to find a way to solve it, would shrink down by himself at this moment, turning into a treasure that was easy to carry.

(End of this chapter)

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