Chapter 385 The name of the sword against the sky
Zhan Wuming brought back a lot of good things on his journey to the Emperor of War this time, but what made him happy was the long sword that Cang Yu forged for him with Canglong Nilin.When he saw this sword for the first time, he fell in love with it.

The sword body is double-edged and presents a beautiful arc from the tsuba to the front, narrowing and widening, and narrowing again in a streamline at the point where the sword body is one third away from the tip.What surprised Zhan Wuming the most was that the sword seemed to be assembled from two straight-backed thin knives.The tip of the sword is divided into two pieces and is not integrated. A narrow groove in the middle seems to form a strange space inside the body of the sword. The backbone of the sword body starts from the back third of the tip like a shrinking dragon. The sword, the sword is bent like two wings of a flying bird. At the place where the handle is protected, two grooves connect the two wings. It seems that it has been specially treated here, like the two eyes of Tai Chi, but the eyes are empty. , as long as two gems are placed, the sword can be activated.

The hilt of the sword seemed to be spliced ​​together, not the combination of Canglong Nilin. Zhan Wuming held the sword tightly in his hand, and he felt a strange energy coming from the hilt into his body, as if instantly letting the hilt The feeling that the sword is connected with one's own blood.

"What kind of material is this?" Zhan Wuming asked Cang Yu in surprise.

"This is the keel!" Cang Yu took a deep breath.

Zhan Wuming immediately understood that the hilt and the part of the sword were actually forged from Cangyu's dragon bone. This is not a special metal, but it is an absolutely heaven-defying material. It is made of scales, but this sword bone is the bone of a dragon. You must know how tough the bone of a god is, and it has existed for hundreds of millions of years. This sword is a real dragon sword.

"The body of this sword can be split into two straight knives, the keel is hollow, and there is a space inside. There is a gap between the blades, which is the exit of the space of the keel. There can be hidden secrets in the body of this sword. The owner's preference. In addition, the sword of this long sword is in the shape of Taiji, which is in the effect of Kunpeng Fengshui, the reincarnation of heaven, and the way of yin and yang. Depending on what the owner likes, you can put it on the two yin and yang eyes. Primordial crystals or even gems can improve the quality and energy of the sword itself. It can even let the sword body use the power of the law in the primordial crystal contained in the yin and yang eyes to form a small protective field, or even a law. Space. These two yin and yang eyes are also the mechanism by which this sword is divided into two straight blades...

Zhan Wuming was stunned, he didn't expect that Cang Yu would put so much effort into refining this sword, this sword is indeed exquisitely crafted, extremely delicate, and even very humane.He couldn't help trying to inject a bit of fighting spirit into the two yin and yang eyes, and the sword suddenly cracked in two, turning into two straight knives with beautiful arcs, each with an eye on it. Add a wing shape... When he put the two straight knives together suddenly, the keels on the back of the knives immediately joined together with a "click", as if there was no gap.

"A good sword, really a good sword..." Zhan Wuming felt a bit of sharpness on the edge of the sword, as if the sword edge could cut cracks in this space even if it didn't move.

Zhan Wuming only felt that this sword seemed to be tailor-made for his Kunpeng avatar. His most powerful killing move was Xuanhuang's Indestructible Sword Intent. Even the Xuanwu incarnation is difficult to completely defend.

"Master, give him a name, and use your blood to let him recognize the master. This sword is newly forged. If it is not connected with my blood, I am afraid that no one in this plane can refine it. Canglong Nilin is the eternal sword." Things are indestructible and indestructible, no one can destroy it even if it is a divine calamity, so there is no fire in the world to refine it, and if you want to polish it into a front, you must use your own blood to start the front... …" Cang Yu said indifferently.

"Is this started with your blood?" Zhan Wuming asked in surprise.

"That's right, but master don't worry, because this dragon scale was originally on my body. Although it is stained with my blood, it will not recognize me as the master. As long as the master recognizes the master with a drop of blood, then from now on, this sword will be by the master's side." The best helper. Its spirituality can be improved with the improvement of the master's cultivation base. Maybe one day, it will also be transformed into a divine weapon. Of course, because my cultivation base has not recovered at all, I did not use it when refining it. So, he can absorb the energy between the heavens and the earth and strengthen himself with the improvement of his master's cultivation base, and even finally achieve evolution." Cang Yu introduced.

"It will still evolve. Unexpectedly, your art of refining weapons is so strong. This sword is composed of your reverse scales and dragon bones, so let's call this sword against the sky. I hope that your rebirth against the sky can recover The glory of the past has even risen to a higher level, proud of the God Realm." Zhan Wuming pondered for a while, and said calmly.

"Defying the sky!" A strange light flashed in Cang Yu's eyes, and he suddenly seemed to see a strong belief in the eyes of this young man with an immature face in front of him.

"Defiant Sword, so imposing!" Yan Qingqing praised.

"Cang Yu, help me make a scabbard for this sword, I want to carry this sword on my back." Zhan Wuming cut his finger and put it on the blade, suddenly, as if bitten by something, A strong suction quickly sucked his own blood, like a hungry baby...

Surprise flashed across Zhan Wuming's face. He didn't expect this sword to be so violent. However, the more it was like this, the more he liked it. Separated his fingers, Zhan Wuming felt a sense of collapse. Although it wasn't long just now, he seemed to be sucked up by the sword, which made him feel terrified. I'm afraid that he has forcibly severed the connection with this sword.

However, at this moment, he felt connected with this sword, as if as long as he thought of it, he would immediately feel hurt.This feeling immediately relieved his depressed mood a lot.He couldn't help stroking the blade of the sword with his hand, and suddenly felt a baby-like joy in the sword... He couldn't help but praise again, good sword, good sword.Thinking of this, he took out two pigeon-egg-sized Feng Yuan Jing and Water Yuan Jing from his pocket, clicked twice, and inserted these two Yuan Jing directly into the yin and yang eyes of the sword.In an instant, he felt that he could freely communicate with the two elements of feng shui between the heaven and the earth through this heaven-defying sword, and even his sensitivity to the feng shui element between the sky and the earth has increased by several times compared to before, which made him greatly Excited, this sword is really tailor-made for me.

"The scabbard has already been prepared." Cang Yu smiled, and then took out a very beautiful leather scabbard, Zhan Wuming took the scabbard, and suddenly said in surprise: "This is the sea dragon skin!"

"I pacified the Sky's Wrath Sea Territory, peeled off the old Jiao's skin, and made this scabbard for the master." Cang Yu laughed.

Zhan Wuming couldn't help being stunned for a moment, but he knew who the old Jiao in the Nuhai Region was talking about that day.Wasn't it the grandfather of Hai Tongtian who he killed in the Kunpeng Sea Territory that day, the Sea Emperor of the Sky Wrath Sea Territory.That was definitely a God of War-level old Jiao, but Cang Yu lightly skinned him.However, the old dragon skin of the God of War rank is indeed more suitable for the scabbard of this heaven-defying sword.

"Master, when I searched for the cemetery of the gods and filled the continent with the formation of the five elements of birth and death, I found a very secret submarine passage in the depths of the Doomsday Sea. In other continents, I suspect that this passage is the mysterious passage that Kunpeng broke through back then, and I wonder if the master will seal this passage as well." Cang Yu suddenly changed his words.

"What? You found the passage to other continents that Kunpeng left behind?" Zhan Wuming asked suddenly.

"That's right, this channel is very secret. I have checked it before. The other end of the channel is also a boundless sea, and the channel seems to be in the depths of a mountain under the sea. It is very secret. It's just that I don't know whether the sea area over there belongs to the sea." Which continent." Cang Yu nodded.

"That's great. No matter which continent it is, it's not a problem. This passage should not be completely closed, but it is necessary to set up some cover formations at the exit. If this passage can really go to other continents , then I don’t have to look for the cemetery of the gods first, I can go directly to other continents through this passage. Because there is nothing really useful to me in the cemetery of the gods in this world, even if there are some, in the You have already got what you should get in the Road to the Emperor of War, but Cang Yu, you can take a look, maybe you can find some broken godheads that have not been completely destroyed among the god corpses. It will be of great help to your recovery from injuries The main task of entering the cemetery of the gods this time is to find the gate to the metaverse. If we can find the gate to the metaverse, then we can bring a large number of gods of war to the metaverse to cross the catastrophe... ..." Zhan Wuming said happily.

"Ah, master, you are not planning to go to the cemetery of the gods, but want to go to other continents?" Cang Yu was very surprised. He also yearned for this cemetery of the gods. If it is really the place where the gods fell, then the gods There must be a large number of bones, these things are very delicious things for him, because these things have divinity on them.Although after countless years, the divinity above has been weakened too much, but for Cang Yu at this time, it will still be a great supplement.

But Cang Yu is a little strange, Zhan Wuming has never been to the cemetery of the gods, so how does he know that there is nothing he needs here, but he knows that there is a road leading to the metaworld here.It was as if Zhan Wuming had been to this god's cemetery before.

At this time, Yishang believed deeply in what Zhan Wuming said on the Mountain of Desire. She really believed that Zhan Wuming had indeed experienced a future, including the map of the cemetery of the gods...

"Are you going to another continent?" Yan Qingqing asked worriedly.

"Yes, our Xuanwu Great World has nine continents, and our Poyan Continent is the Central Continent. I want to go to other continents for a while, but I want to get a place in the battlefield of sentient beings. Cang Yu, you heard Let's go to the battlefield of sentient beings." A gleam of light flashed in Zhan Wuming's eyes.

"The battlefield of sentient beings? Could it be that there are quotas for the battlefield of sentient beings on other continents?" Cang Yu suddenly asked in surprise.

"Yes, this time I got this unexpected news on the road to the Emperor of War, so I don't want to miss this opportunity. The battlefield of sentient beings is a place where there are thousands of worlds. You must go for it, so that this life is not in vain." Wuming said solemnly.

"If this is the case, then I support you to go. This battlefield of sentient beings is also a huge opportunity. You can become a saint after a hundred battles. Although you are still at the peak of the battle emperor, you may enter the battlefield of sentient beings, but the battlefield of sentient beings may be a very good opportunity." Choose." Cang Yu's eyes also flashed a look of longing.As if remembering many past events.

(End of this chapter)

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