Chapter 390 Rukawa Family
Zuiyue City is just a medium-sized city in the Xiling Continent.In this city, there are no sects, but there is the Rukawa family.

The Rukawa family can be regarded as an old family in the Xiling Continent, a somewhat declining old family!

Many years ago, the Rukawa family had infinite beauty and was once the top family in the Xuanwu Great World. However, since many foreign forces invaded the continents, the Rukawa family has also become low-key and has been affected by some in many places. Repression, the strength of the Rukawa family has not been as strong as before for hundreds of years, but in Zuiyue City, the Rukawa family has the absolute master status. No matter which sect enters Zuiyue City, it needs to say hello to the Rukawa family. Maybe it's just a courtesy.But at least let people know that in the eyes of the major sects, the Rukawa family still has a certain status.

In fact, any established family has its own background, but this background will not easily appear until the most critical moment.

Zuiyue City has been very lively recently, because Zuiyue City is about to marry Wanhua Valley thousands of miles away to the southwest.The Gu family of Wanhua Valley can also be regarded as a not weak family in Xiling Continent.Although it is not as old as the Rukawa family, it is still an ancient family, but most of the time the Gu family is indifferent to the world, very peaceful, and its medical skills are outstanding, and it is respected by all practitioners on the mainland.

Therefore, the Rukawa family in Zuiyue City and Wanhua Valley can be said to be well matched, and it is a good marriage.

The Rukawa family has always been very troubled by the marriage of the genius disciple Rukawa in the family. Although Rukawa Wangqing can be regarded as a master of the generation, he gave birth to six daughters. Later, when he grew old, his son Rukawa was almost a treasure of the family.As a result, he developed Rukawa Mana's wild and unrestrained character, and he did a lot of promiscuous things outside. Rukawa forgot his feelings and didn't understand why Gu Zhenning, the eldest lady of the Gu family, fell in love with his prodigal son.

In this Xiling Continent, there are many people who want to be the son-in-law of the Gu family. There are young heroes from various sects, and even some genius disciples from top sects have been to Wanhua Valley. It failed, and I don't know what kind of medicine Gu Zhenning took, and he actually uttered the rhetoric of "I will not marry you if you are not Rukawa", so Gu Kaishan, a genius disciple of Wanhua Valley, chased his son for several months. Wangqing knew everything, but he couldn't get involved in the affairs of the younger generation.

Besides, he doesn't know what his precious son did to the eldest lady?But he can't take care of this son himself, so he wants to tell him, this young lady of the Gu family is really good, she has good looks, a good figure, a talent, a talent, and a medical skill that her father has passed on, She is much better than her brother who only knows how to practice martial arts.

But this is really a big problem for me, Rukawa Wangqing is too aware of his son's temper, the more you persuade him, the more rebellious he becomes, so he simply chooses to ignore it, anyway, the genius of the Gu family, Gu Kaishan, and his own son The son is also between brothers, with his own son's means, he won't suffer too much. In short, taking a little loss should be regarded as giving the boy a little memory. A lesson, if one day in the future, on a whim, Sophia, the saint of the Holy Court of Light, is molested, then the Rukawa family will be in catastrophe.Therefore, regarding this matter, Rukawa Wangqing gave orders to the members of the family, especially the sisters of Rukawa Zhen, all of them repeatedly urged not to intervene.

In fact, Rukawa has never been so embarrassed. The family members turned a blind eye to Gu Kaishan's pursuit, as if they didn't see it. He had no choice but to be chased by the brown candy-like Gu Kaishan Went to the road of the emperor of war.

Rukawa Wangqing is also depressed, but it's okay to enter the road of war emperor, it's good to let his son have more training, maybe he can grow faster after suffering.But the Rukawa family is still very worried. After all, Mana Rukawa is the treasure of the family, the only male among the direct descendants, and the Rukawa family is indeed nervous for a long time.

What surprised Rukawa Wangqing was that Rukawa came back safely. Not only did he come back safely, but he also brought back a lot of resources. More importantly, this son actually broke through to the six-star war emperor. A rare opportunity.

Many war kings came out after being able to successfully nirvana on the road to the war emperor, and few of them broke through consecutively. However, my son actually broke through several ranks in a row. From the peak of the war king to the six-star war emperor, the leap The jump is very huge, and it only took about half a year. This kind of practice speed made everyone in the Rukawa family astonished. On his behalf, his father sent someone to the Valley of Ten Thousand Flowers to propose marriage...

This result made Rukawa overwhelmed with joy. A trip to the War Emperor's Road not only made his son improve his cultivation, but also made his son change his mind. He was willing to get married, and it was Gu Zhenning, the young lady of Wanhua Valley that he had always been thinking about.

Later, Rukawa Wangqing found out that his son really met a great opportunity on the road to the Emperor of War this time. He actually recognized a big brother with the genius Gu Kaishan of Wanhua Valley, so that the two of them have been fighting side by side. Only then did the opportunities continue and the deep feelings were created.

This also makes it clear that it is not a loss at all to recognize one's buddies as uncles.What makes Rukawa Wangqing puzzled is, with his son's vision, who can convince him so much that he is willing to recognize him as the eldest brother? He can't think of any young hero on the Xiling Continent who has this qualification, even if it is the eighth master of the Xuanwu Great World. Of all the young geniuses on the mainland, not many of his own sons are in the eye.Not to mention the admiration on his face when talking about this big brother, this kind of expression made Rukawa Wangqing feel a little jealous.

It is relatively easy for the Rukawa family to understand some things that happened on the road to the war emperor. After all, as a veteran family, even if the direct line is only Shinichi Rukawa, there are many geniuses in the side line, and these people have also entered the war emperor. Road, so Rukawa Wangqing summoned them to interrogate them one by one.When he learned of some things that happened on the road to the war emperor this time, even he was a little tongue-tied and didn't know how to express it.

After Rukawa Wangqing had a preliminary understanding of some rumors and some major events on the road to the war emperor, he found Rukawa Zhen and asked about his experience on the road to the war emperor during this period.

Rukawa really didn't hide anything, after all, Zhan Wuming had a deep enmity with Wanbaozong, and many people knew that he and Gu Kaishan were Zhan Wuming's younger brothers, so it's hard to guarantee that Wanbaozong wouldn't keep this account On the head of the Rukawa family, if you make it clear to your father earlier and prepare earlier, you won't be particularly passive when the time comes.

Rukawa's true words let Rukawa Wangqing confirm with the news he received before, and he knew that everything his son said was true. He was only happy and sad when he heard the news. He was happy that his son had such a sworn brother, and worried about his son He also participated in the killing of the Wanbaozong, which was a crisis for the Rukawa family, but with the power of the Rukawa family, the Wanbaozong would not be against the Rukawa family because of the death of a few small battle kings. hands on.But it will definitely affect the future business of the Rukawa family.

So Rukawa Wangqing knew a name, that is the name of Zhan Wuming, his son's sworn brother, a hero who was born on the road to the emperor of war, and rewrote the entire history of the road to the emperor of war.However, Rukawa really didn't quite understand the real details of this sworn brother, and he was always vague, as if he didn't want to say more.But he is very clear about his son's temper, and there is no need for him to force his son to say these things. He only listens to what some disciples of the collateral line say, plus what Rukawa really told about Zhan Wuming's deeds. This sworn brother is definitely not something in the pool, let alone a bad person.And it was because of Zhan Wuming that his son was willing to stop being an invisible prodigal son and decided to marry Gu Zhenning, the eldest lady of Wanhua Valley.This made Rukawa feel so relieved, and even secretly thanked Zhan Wuming in his heart.

Rukawa Wangqing knows that it is impossible to hide the matter of Zhan Wuming for a long time, and Wan Baozong will definitely know the news soon, because Zhan Wuming's limelight on the road to Zhan Wuming is too strong to be concealed.Then Wan Baozong will definitely take some actions. As Rukawa's true father, he must also do something.I just thought that in the end Zhan Wuming had a life-long friendship with the son of Guangming God of Guangming Court, the young master Liu Jiuyan of Jiuqi Sect, and important disciples of Tianqing Sect and Wanfa Sect... Then, even if it is Wanbao Zong also had to consider the influence of this young man.Therefore, during Rukawa Zhen's wedding ceremony, Rukawa Wangqing strengthened the vigilance and defense of the entire Zuiyue City...

Recently, the entire Xiling Continent has been extremely unstable. Outsiders may not know it, but the Rukawa family knows that it must be because the barrier outside the Great World was broken, allowing many forces from outside the region to enter the Xiling Continent. Here, even Zuiyue City felt a great threat.

Troubled times are approaching, and it is impossible to be alone. It is better to connect as many forces as possible to fight together.

Rukawa's wedding was going to be held early, but Rukawa seemed to be a little stubborn and wanted to wait until Zhan Wuming's arrival before he was willing to welcome him. This made the Gu family very depressed. Although the Gu family didn't like this son-in-law very much, after all this The boy's reputation was not very good, but his daughter was so determined to marry this boy. In fact, it was a very shameful thing for Wanhua Valley, but the girl couldn't help it, so she had to marry him. admit.

Fortunately, although Rukawa is a bit out of tune on weekdays, he has a good heart and is a genius in martial arts, so he is worthy of his daughter. More importantly, the Rukawa family in Zuiyue City is also considered a good family , can be regarded as a good match.

Gu Kaishan seemed to be the only one in the entire Gu family who agreed with Rukawa's proposal.This made the elders of the family teach Gu Kaishan a lesson, but fortunately, Gu Kaishan's talent is amazing, and his practice on the road of the war emperor has allowed him to break through from the peak of the war king to the six-star war emperor. With heaven-defying aptitude, it doesn't matter even if he doesn't know how to practice medicine.Therefore, the Gu family is still very satisfied with Gu Kaishan.

However, the Gu family finally reached an agreement with Zuiyue City. If Civil War Wuming has not arrived within two months, then they will hold the wedding directly without waiting.

Time passed quickly, and Rukawa still hadn't received the news from Zhan Wuming. In desperation, Rukawa had no choice but to fulfill his promise to the Gu family and hold a wedding.

(End of this chapter)

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