Chapter 396 Li Wei
The fading fire caught everyone's attention like a flash of light, and Rukawa stepped forward and gently touched the flame star that had fallen on the ground, only seeing a dark part, and he couldn't help but frowned. Frowning, he picked it up gently, but Xuan let out another exclamation and threw it on the ground.

"What's going on?" Rukawa Wangqing asked in surprise.

Rukawa smiled awkwardly and said, "It's a piece of finger..."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, this ball of fire turned out to be a flying finger, and it flew hundreds of miles away, what kind of situation did this encounter.But at this time, many people screamed and quickly retreated from the cloud of dust, almost everyone was ashamed and embarrassed.

Looking at the terrified crowd, some of them were bloodied and injured by flying stones.Rukawa Wangqing was very speechless, this is the end of wanting to watch the excitement, and almost didn't let himself into it.He didn't know how Zhan Wuming did it, but he felt that destructive energy seemed to come from the not-deep soil below the ground.Obviously, a terrifying force exploded in an instant, and then it seemed that the entire space was torn apart by this force. He was suddenly worried that Zhan Wuming would come. Faster than the God of War of the Wanbaozong?If all the war gods of Wanbaozong were destroyed by this force, would Zhan Wuming also die in this huge disaster?

"Zhen'er, immediately take people to the northern wilderness to search to see if there are any survivors." Rukawa Wangqing's expression suddenly changed, this may be the time when Zhan Wuming needs help.At this time, deep in his heart, he had fully approved of the young man Zhan Wuming, who was more ruthless than he imagined.Just looking at the explosion in front of him, even if his Rukawa family wanted to make such an explosion, it would definitely not be easy, and how much would it cost?In the breath of this explosion, he felt a terrifying power of rules, a power that even made him palpitate. He couldn't feel what kind of elemental power it was, but it was like chaos, the power of heaven and earth. The most primitive and chaotic force in the world.

Rukawa also thought of Zhan Wuming at this time, and without waiting for his father to say anything, he immediately shouted at the group of masters of the Rukawa family who rushed out of the dust and mist, and sent these dusty masters to the extremely chaotic northern area. Go to the wasteland.

"Let's go too..." Zu Lishi was also a little anxious, Zhan Wuming was never a worry-free kid, and his attack was so ruthless, didn't he take himself into account, so he didn't hesitate.The old man behind him hesitated for a moment, but did not say anything to stop Zurich's actions.

There are fragments of gravel and dust in the sky, like drizzle, but at this time, it is no longer able to threaten everyone, but in the center of the explosion hundreds of miles away, Rukawa Wangqing still feels a terrifying coercion , as if there were giant beasts dormant in it.

Just when the figures of Zu Lishi and others were about to disappear in the smoke and dust, they suddenly found that there seemed to be a giant beast rushing in the smoke and dust in the distance. separate.Everyone was startled immediately, with alert expressions on their faces, and soon they saw a shadow in the smoke and dust quickly become clear.Then, under the astonished eyes of everyone, a ferocious beast appeared under everyone's sight.

"The king beast with blue eyes and golden eyes..." someone exclaimed.

"Zhan Wuming..." Some people exclaimed, at this moment, they could clearly see the blue-eyed and golden-eyed King Beast wearing a blue shirt floating like flying Zhan Wuming.

"Boss, you're fine...that's great..." Rukawa really felt relieved when he saw that it was the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast, and was overjoyed when he saw the figure on the back of the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast.

"Brother Zhan...Brother Zhan..." Shang Chongyun, Liu Jiuyan and others also cried out in surprise.Zurich, on the other hand, looked at Zhan Wuming indifferently, and didn't say much, but Zhan Wuming's concern could still be seen from his eyes.

Zhan Wuming took a long breath of smoke and dust, and felt a sense of relief in his heart. It seems that this group of young geniuses who have formed a fate on the road to the war emperor did not disappoint him too much. At least, these people still think about it. old love.At this moment, the crisis in front of Wan Baozong was resolved, and he was slightly relieved.It was the first time to show his face in front of the forces of the other eight continents in the Xuanwu Great World, and it was quite earth-shattering.This effect will definitely create momentum for him.

In fact, Zhan Wuming had rushed to the vicinity of Zuiyue City a few days ago, but it happened that Wan Baozong was constantly robbing and killing the guests who came to Zuiyue City to give gifts, which made him murderous towards Wanbao Zong. , so he set up such a big situation and waited for Wanbaozong to enter the game.After several days of careful observation, Zhan Wuming can be sure that there must be a God of War in the Wanbaozong team. This kind of existence is currently something he can't afford to provoke, but in many cases, killing people does not necessarily require absolute strength. only then.

Zhan Wuming's method of dealing with Wan Baozong is not new, of course, it is relatively new for these eight continents.This method is like Zhan Wuming on the bone battlefield in the doomsday sea area. After carefully inspecting the surrounding terrain for a few days, he feels that the northern wasteland is the most suitable place to set up this huge trap, because he doesn't need to spend too much thought. digging.Moreover, there are few people here, and there are few people there, and they are not afraid of hurting innocent people.It's just that the price paid for this layout is very huge, but fortunately, this price is a lot of primordial stones.

Zhan Wuming seems to lack a lot of things, the only thing he doesn't lack is Yuanshi and Yuanjing. This time, the frenzied search of the Zhanhuang Road almost made him the richest person in the Xuanwu Continent.As long as things can be settled with resources, it is not a problem for Zhan Wuming.However, this time Zhan Wuming is much better than on the bone battlefield in the doomsday sea area, because he experienced the huge crisis that devoured the bright Xue Ji, when the power of the dark element of the dark demon emperor mixed with the power of the light element Afterwards, a huge mutation occurred, forming the air of chaos. This terrifying change made the original explosive power double, but after this kind of mixing, it can actually emit a hundred times the power. Therefore, Zhan Wuming was born in this wasteland. Next, arrange the bright primordial stones and dark primordial stones together.And when the war gods and war saints of Wanbaozong arrived here, he immediately detonated the light and dark primordial stones that had been buried long ago with a special method.

As a result, the power of the terrifying explosion brought about by a terrifying change in the origin force almost completely destroyed the northern wilderness. The two forces of light and darkness, in the violent explosion, produced a chaotic chaos with an endless breath of destruction. flow.The battle saints of Wanbaozong turned into dust almost without any resistance at all, and although that war god was strong enough, under the chaotic turbulence, he only struggled a bit, and even his body Even high-level escaping talismans cannot be activated in this chaotic turbulence.Directly burned to ashes by the fire of destruction generated by this force.

The strength of this force surprised Zhan Wuming, and he didn't know whether it was because the chaotic turbulent flow formed by this terrifying explosive force was too strong, or because of this terrifying force that kept the northern wilderness underground. The remnants of the mine veins were also detonated, and the entire northern wilderness disappeared above the ground, and countless mountains, rivers and valleys were all turned into dust.Zhan Wuming was also in this wasteland, and this explosive force had a huge impact on him. Of course, Zhan Wuming had already prepared for it. The moment he detonated it, he had already launched the Kunpeng and fled outwards at a high speed. He escaped for hundreds of miles in an instant, almost reaching the edge of the explosive force, and at this moment, Zhan Wuming took out the Kaitian Armor obtained from Xuanwu, which became his biggest barrier.

The self-detonation of the basalt body had never had any major impact on the Kaitian armor, and the chaotic turbulent edge formed by the explosion of the light and dark primordial stones had even less impact on the Kaitian armor.Therefore, Zhan Wuming can retreat completely, but the people of Wanbaozong are completely annihilated. It is a pity for Zhan Wuming. Those Qiankun rings are the Qiankun rings of many war saints and a war god. Wanbaozong is the most For a wealthy sect, there must be a lot of good things in the Qiankun ring, it's a pity...

When Zhan Wuming returned safely, he was immediately greeted with surprised and unbelievable eyes.Even Rukawa Wangqing was stunned, he couldn't imagine that Zhan Wuming could return so intact in that terrible explosion, but they didn't see the real situation of the explosion in the northern wilderness with their own eyes, they just felt the explosion. A destructive force and seeing that terrifying mushroom cloud, the real situation is that no one knows what happened there.

"It's good to be back safely, it's good to be back safely..." Rukawa repeated this sentence repeatedly, and suddenly those old monsters who were staring at Zhan Wuming with uncertain expressions came back to their senses, while Zu Lishi and others changed their minds. Very excited.

"Where are the people from Wanbaozong?" Zurich still couldn't help asking.

Zhan Wuming pointed to the sky, then to the ground, shrugged and said, "I'm a good person, of course let them return to the embrace of this world!"

When the young people heard this, they couldn't help but looked at each other and laughed, and immediately they all understood that the people of Wanbaozong were really doomed.

Rukawa Wangqing is not as relaxed as these young people. He has considered many more issues than these years. The Wanbaozong is a giant, and it is not just a small group of people like the Wanyuan Saints.If there is only such a little power, then it is not worthy of making the sects feel jealous.The group of Wanyuan Saints died, including the God of War, but this will arouse the vigilance of Wanbaozong, and then Wanbaozong will usher in a stronger force. What kind of means are there to deal with it at that time?

Rukawa Wangqing didn't know what kind of method Zhan Wuming used to cause such a terrifying killing situation, but he knew that this kind of method Zhan Wuming must not be used often, so in the end, absolute strength is still needed to speak.

"Let's go, today we won't go home until we're drunk. I never expected that you, Brother Zhan, will be earth-shattering the moment you appear. I, Shang Chongyun, won't be able to do without admiration..."

Zhan Wuming glanced at the crowd, and saw many distressed figures stepping out of the smoke one after another, some of them were injured, obviously, they were all affected by the terrorist explosion.But Zhan Wuming didn't care, there was always a price to pay for watching the excitement.However, from the eyes of these people, Zhan Wuming can see that these people have developed fear of themselves in their hearts, and their eyes are no longer as light as before. Although it is not respectful, it is more Somewhat in awe, a group of war emperors and even war saints expressed awe at his small peak of war emperor, which is also a result that Zhan Wuming wanted.He came to this continent for the first time, and he didn't want others to explore his roots, so he needed to borrow some people to establish his prestige. Obviously, Wan Baozong unfortunately became the object for him to establish his prestige.

(End of this chapter)

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