Chapter 399 Banning Wanbaozong

Zhou Zhengzong's words were like a boulder falling into the water of the lake, one stone stirred up thousands of waves, and the whole hall exploded with a bang.This is definitely a big piece of news. In Zuiyue City today, almost all the sect forces that can be counted in the Xuanwu Great World, there are many soul slaves in each sect. As miners, some are dead soldiers, that is to say, when they use these soul slaves as handymen, then the courtyards of their homes and even the terrain of the sect are completely controlled by Wan Baozong. If they use soul slaves as miners, Then the mine sites of their sect and even some secret mines have been mastered by Wan Baozong...

They originally thought that the soul slave was the safest, but because of Wanbaozong's backhands on him, this soul slave became the eyeliner of Wanbaozong. This can also be said to be another way to lure wolves into the house.Almost immediately, someone arranged for someone to pass the news back to their respective forces. They must get the people in power to take countermeasures as quickly as possible...

However, if the major sects need to rearrange everything, they will inevitably spend more money and manpower... At this time, everyone's impression of Wanbaozong became disgusted, even with hatred.

"Can you control the soul slave to explode?" Zhan Wuming asked again.

"Of course, we only need to stimulate the part of the soul that is in our hands, then the corresponding soul slave can explode without warning, and there will never be any warning in advance." Zhou Zhengzong seemed to have lost his soul, Zhan Wuming asked a question and answered it without any hesitation, as if answering completely unconsciously.Obviously, people knew that Zhan Wuming had controlled this person's mind.

"Recently, the Wanbao Sect has massacred innocent people, and even spared no dogs in a town. What exactly is it going to do?" Zhan Wuming asked again, changing his tone.

"I don't know, this is an order from the headquarters. Each continent must collect 1000 million souls and grievances. We never ask why, and we are not qualified to ask these..." Zhou Zhengzong said slowly! ,

"1000 million..." Zhan Wuming's face also became extremely ugly, and then the people in the entire hall were all silent, they were stunned by this number, 1000 million, 1000 million on each continent, eight continents, That means 8000 million souls and resentments are needed, so at least [-] million people must be slaughtered... How insane is this.

"What are they going to do..." Liu Jin, the third elder of the Nine Qimen, said to himself, with a look of contemplation on his face.Not only Zhan Wuming and Liu Jiuyan's faces were ugly, Rukawa Wangqing, Guangming Shenting and Tianqingzong also looked at each other, obviously shocked by Zhou Zhengzong's news.

"As the steward of Xiling Continent, don't you know anything about the headquarters?" Zhan Wuming took a deep breath and asked again.

"It seems that these spirits and grievances are needed to hold some kind of sacrifice to communicate with our outside world, but I don't know, I just vaguely heard the gods mention it."

Everyone knows that the so-called gods are the powerful gods of war stationed by Wanbaozong on a continent, and there seem to be two wargods of Wanbaozong stationed on each continent. He was eliminated by Zhan Wuming, but I don't know if Zhan Wuming met another God of War when he broke through the branch of Xiling Continent this time, but there must be insufficient experts in the branch of Xiling Continent, because that time The master group of more than a hundred people is almost the elite of the Ten Thousand Treasures Sect in the Xiling Continent.Perhaps it was because Zhan Wuming felt that the branch of Wanbaozong in the Xiling Continent was a little empty, so he directly raided and even Zhou Zhengzong was captured. It can be seen that Zhan Wuming's strength may not necessarily require tricks to kill him. Kill that god of war.

"Let me see how you make soul slaves explode." Zhan Wuming took a deep breath, he didn't need Zhou Zhengzong to say more, many things left some room for imagination but the effect would be better good.

Zhou Zhengzong took out a transparent crystal ball from his arms. Everyone could see that there seemed to be a shadow screaming in the crystal ball, rushing left and right, but it couldn't penetrate the crystal ball.Then a bloody red light suddenly burst out from between Zhou Zhengzong's palms, completely covering the entire crystal ball.

Zhan Wuming's figure retreated quickly, and at this moment, the soul slave of the Zhanhuang rank next to him let out a miserable howl, and his body swelled up like a ball instantly.

"Bang..." Countless pieces of meat splashed around, and a chaotic spiritual force disturbed the space. At this moment, a cloud of ethereal light suddenly rose from the sky in the backyard of the Rukawa family's garden. The air mask, the terrifying destructive force rushed from the position of the soul slave to all directions, but when it met the air mask, it was quickly swallowed up and disappeared, but at this time Zhou Zhenglong's body was only half left, Zhan Wuming retreated quickly due to the self-explosion of the soul slave just now, but Zhou Zhengzong didn't have time to retreat because of his confusion, and was caught by this terrifying explosion.

"Ah..." Zhou Zhengzong howled miserably. He didn't die, but his eyes returned to normal. His eyes fixed on Zhan Wuming, and he roared: "What did you do to me? You devil ..."

When everyone heard Zhou Zhengzong's voice full of resentment, their hearts shivered. A saint was actually controlled by a war emperor. What kind of terrifying energy does this young man have to do all this?And in the eyes of a saint, Zhan Wuming actually looked like a demon... This made everyone's views on Zhan Wuming deepen.However, these guest palaces were still immersed in the emotions of the soul slave who blew himself up just now. They began to imagine, if the soul slave of their sect blew up beside them like this, would they still be able to live?If all soul slaves blew themselves up at the same time, how much damage would be caused to the sect?How many important people will die... They feel a sense of fear towards Wanbaozong. At this moment, they don't think that Zhan Wuming is a devil, but the real guardian of the Xuanwu world.

If it wasn't for Zhan Wuming's special means to expose all this, one day in the future when they confronted the Wanbao Sect, they would not know how they died, and even the important figures in their own sect died inexplicably one by one, and then they were killed by some people. Disciples who are close to Wanbaozong have gradually mastered important positions in the sect...

Thinking of this, layers of cold sweat ooze from everyone's vests. At this time, many sects have listed Wanbaozong as an enemy, because Wanbaozong has already begun to invade and infiltrate them. means……

"I just want you to expose Wanbaozong's evil deeds." Zhan Wuming smiled lightly.As he said that, Zhan Wuming took out a transparent crystal ball, and injected a soft spiritual power into it. Immediately, layers of images unfolded in front of everyone's eyes. The extremely bloody and cruel images, one by one babies were pierced in the long On the bamboo poles, each woman was tortured and humiliated by a group of thugs with the cruelest means...

Then let their men witness all these tragedies with their own eyes, and a few others held a strange artifact to collect the blue-black resentment above these men and women...

This is exactly the tragic scene that Zhan Wuming took with the memory crystal in that small fishing village... The whole hall was filled with a frenzy of anger, and almost everyone's faces were irritated by this scene. Murderous intent surged.

"Beast...the devil..." many people cursed.These people are not afraid of killing, and have killed many people, but they never thought that there would be such evil thugs in the world, who would do such things that are not as good as beasts. They knew very well that those were ordinary people. There are some practitioners, but more of them are helpless women and children...

"How is it possible, how did you get this shot..." Zhou Zhengzong murmured blankly.He recognized the identities of those people.Among these people are people from their Ten Thousand Treasures Sect...

"You can go to hell!" Zhan Wuming took a long breath, let the memory crystal display these images independently, and then raised his hand, and directly cut off Zhou Zhengzong's head.But at this time, no one cared about Zhou Zhengzong's life or death anymore, and their eyes were deeply shocked by that light scene.

After a long time, after the picture disappeared for a long time, the entire hall fell into an extremely depressed mood.After a while, Zhan Wuming sighed leisurely and said: "This is what Wanbaozong calls gathering resentment. Wanbaozong has slaughtered countless fishing villages like this one. They are too remote and are not among yours at all. Under the eyes, you are the high-ranking sect bosses, you don't care about the lives of these little people at all, so they died 100 million, 1000 million, in fact, you are just a number concept, you don't know what it will be Such a human tragedy...Because you are not at the same level as these ordinary people, but don't forget that many disciples of your sect came from these ordinary people, and your ancestors may also be this kind of ordinary people... Ordinary people People are the foundation of our Xuanwu Great World, without them, we have no future!"

Zhan Wuming's words were like needles, piercing into everyone's heart, making them start to meditate, and the originally suppressed anger turned into an inexplicable grief.

"I didn't expect Wan Baozong to be so mad. What exactly do they want..."

"Our Luoyan Sect will never associate with the Wanbao Sect again. We will punish such an evil sect..."

"Yes, such a mad sect must get out of our Xuanwu Great World."

"We must jointly block the Wanbaozong, we must not let them continue to slaughter like this..."

"We must unite with all factions and pay close attention to any movement of Wanbaozong. If there is any change in them, then our sects must not stand idly by, and must get rid of them decisively..." Finally, the old monster of the God of War spoke.

"Our Guangming Divine Court cannot ignore such an evil sect. If there are 1000 million people in one continent and eight continents, how many innocent people will be slaughtered? We must stop the actions of the Wanbao Sect first, and we cannot allow them to slaughter more innocent people." Zurich timely stood up loudly.

"Yes, our Heavenly Qing Sect can't stand idly by either. We have to find out what conspiracy they need so much resentment and soul. I suspect that the breaking of the enchantment barrier in our Xuanwu Great World is related to the Wanbao Sect's conspiracy. What can you do with so much resentment?" Shang Chongyun of Tianqing Sect also stood up without hesitation.

"Our Jiuqimen once had an ancient book that recorded an extremely evil sacrificial method, offering countless resentments and souls to the evil gods between the heavens and the earth, which can obtain terrifying power, allowing people to directly break through the Supreme, even Accomplishing the throne of the evil god... I think that Wanbaozong must be trying to exchange this resentment for something. This kind of extremely evil sacrifice will lead the evil god to the world of sacrifice. From then on, this world will be full of evil spirits , the catastrophe of heart demons experienced by all practitioners when crossing the catastrophe will be even more terrifying... Therefore, we must stop this crazy action of Wanbaozong!" This time it was not the young Fang Liu Jiuyan of Jiuqimen who spoke, but It was Liu Jin, the third elder.The words of a God of War are more convincing than the words of the core inheritor, because this God of War represents a giant sect...

(End of this chapter)

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