Chapter 425 Saving the Orcs
The sudden change of the soul slaves made the orcs a little stunned. The soul slaves fell from the sky like angels with broken wings and fell to the ground of the green disk star.Some quickly came to their senses in mid-air, stopped, and looked around in a daze, while others reacted a bit later, breaking countless branches with a "crash" before reacting, quickly stabilized their figures, and then looked around , like having a big dream, at a loss not knowing what happened, not even knowing where he is.

The group of orcs who were being besieged by them, the group of orcs who were blew up by these desperate soul slaves, suddenly lost their attack target, and recovered from the self-exploding space filled with flesh and blood, For a while, I didn't know whether to continue to attack or wait and see.But thinking about the reckless self-destruct performance of this group of soul slaves, they were all palpitating.

They are beasts, they are very brave and strong, but they are wise, facing a group of opponents who have no pain at all, no fear, no fear of death, and immediately explode when they are seriously injured, they are also terrified.Now it seems that these soul slaves are showing signs of awakening.What happened just now?How could it suddenly become like this?
The Lionheart King and the others looked at Zhan Wuming as if they were looking at a monster, and soon realized that it was Zhan Wuming who restored the sanity of these soul slaves, but this almost never happened, except for the Tianming Cult. Even among the higher echelons of the Destiny Cult, there are very few people who can awaken the minds of these soul slaves.But Zhan Wuming actually did it. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, Zhan Wuming possessed the incomparably noble blood of Kunpeng God Venerable, I'm afraid they would have suspected that Zhan Wuming was a member of the Destiny Cult, but the Destiny Cult How could someone with this kind of soul easily wake up the minds of these soul slaves?

"I woke you up. I don't want you to become enemies of our orcs. Our orcs never kill innocent people indiscriminately, but you have all become butcher knives of the Destiny Sect and soulless tools in their hands. And I, killing The one who controls your destiny awakens your sanity, I think, no matter where you come from, we all have a common enemy, that is the Destiny Sect, because they have turned you and maybe your fellow disciples into people who have no autonomy The walking corpses of consciousness, they let you slaughter your relatives, slaughter your sect and all their enemies... It is time to seek justice from them..." Zhan Wuming's voice spread out leisurely, resounding through the green disk over the stars.

Zhan Wuming's voice brought the group of soul slaves back to their senses immediately, and immediately understood the situation in front of them. Some fragmentary memories of the past reminded them one by one of everything before becoming soul slaves.Looking at the unfamiliar environment around them again, their hearts twitched suddenly with an uncontrollable anger and hatred.The memory of soul slaves is not non-existent, but very fragmented. They don't have their own consciousness, but they don't let the memory disappear. They even know clearly what they have done and where they have been... The method of selling soul slaves to various sects, and then using the most secret means to steal the secrets of each sect.

"Wow..." Some soul slaves suddenly burst into tears, and some screamed to the sky...

"Boom..." After a few sober soul slaves burst into tears, they suddenly burst out laughing. At the end of the laughter, they waved their palms and smashed their own heads. When they spliced ​​the fragmented memories together , Only then did they realize that they had become the murderers who killed the person they loved the most. They couldn't face this reality and chose to commit suicide...

The faces of many soul slaves are ashen, and many people have the same experience...

Zhan Wuming sighed slightly, he knew that not everyone could face the reality, maybe it would be a kind of happiness to be a soul slave like a walking corpse forever, at least he didn't have to face that heart-wrenching memory, he suddenly found that the most pitiful thing was not Those soul slaves, but those who have recovered their memory, who have been soul slaves...

"I know that your heart hurts, because you may have done many things you didn't want to do, and you may have hurt many people you wanted to protect, but it is not your fault, you can only blame those who took Take away your souls to make you do the things you hate? I think your relatives, your friends, your many dead companions, they don't want you to go to another world to find them empty-handed , but I hope that you will bring the heads of your enemies, and hope that you will find out the culprits and let them live in the same pain as you..."

After a pause, Zhan Wuming said again: "Death is the easiest, but it takes a lot of courage to live in pain, and to live until one day kills the enemy. Some people choose to commit suicide, and I sympathize with you." They also understand their inner cowardice, but even if they went to another world to meet his dead relatives and friends, how should they explain to these people? Maybe they killed themselves with their own hands when they could not resist But what did he do for this unjustly dead relative before he died? So, I just want to tell you that you can choose to die cowardly, or you can choose to live in pain until you kill the enemy, even if You can’t kill your enemies with your own hands, at least you will make your enemies pay the price...Even if you still die in the end, you have tried your best, you have fought have no shame in your heart..."

All the people of the orc clan stared blankly at Zhan Wuming, and the Lionheart King also had a strange look on his face, his eyes full of admiration towards Zhan Wuming.

"Lion King, why am I so convincing when I listen to the Supreme? It sounds better than the human race. Do you think these soul slaves will listen to the Supreme..." Those old beasts behind the Lionheart King tsk tsk Surprised, he couldn't help but ask.

"Nonsense, if it wasn't for the blood of God Venerable, of course what he said made a lot of sense. Even my old lion was about to be persuaded by him. Look at the expressions of these people, Lord Kunpeng must have heard what was on his mind, and he would definitely listen to the Supreme Being. My lord. I think the Heavenly Destiny Sect can bear it." The Lionheart King said angrily.

The tiger-headed man behind the Lionheart King smiled resentfully and said: "The supreme lord is too good at talking, he is not like the heads of our orcs, they all go straight, how can we say such a great truth..."

"You know what a fart, Mr. Kunpeng is an ancient demon master, the teacher of all monsters in the world, all the civilizations of monsters are taught by Kunpeng God, Kunpeng is also the supreme fierce beast, the god of the beast clan, even the holy Qinglong Your Excellency and God of the Phoenix can only be ranked second. If he is not so reasonable, how can he teach the group of monsters? Don't talk nonsense in front of Lord Kunpeng for a while. Although the Lord is also a beast, he is not an ordinary beast. ...You tiger-headed guy..." The Lionheart King's complexion changed, and he reprimanded angrily.

The tiger-headed man didn't dare to speak anymore, he lowered his head and muttered to himself: "I was born with a tiger's head and a tiger's brain, and it's not my fault..."

"Thank you, we will definitely remember the teacher's remorse, and let the culprit pay with blood..."

"Thank you sir for saving my life. I can only repay it in the next life. In this life, I only hope to be able to kill the head of the enemy..."


A group of soul slaves all thanked sadly.Obviously, they were moved by Zhan Wuming's words, and their desire to seek death disappeared, replaced by hatred. All of this is because of the Destiny Cult, so everything will be repaid by the Destiny Cult, even if it is them If you can't kill your opponent, you have to make the opponent lose more.

"This is what a man does, but what a man wants is not the courage of a man. Revenge, do you want to kill a person? Or do you want to destroy a family? It's easy to get dizzy with hatred in your heart. Do you know what you need? What are you going to do? What effect do you want to achieve? As Zhan Wuming said, he plucked a few branches from afar, took out one and folded it lightly: "A branch is easy to break." Then he held several branches together and said: "But when a few The branches are tied together, but they will not be broken so easily. This reason is very simple, so I think each of you is a hero, but when manpower is limited after all, if you can unite and even find More of your allies are working hard with the same goal, so what about the Destiny Cult? You can kill their war emperor now, but if you guys join forces, you may be able to wipe out one of their branches, or even wipe out all of them. A resource star... It is too easy for them to kill one of you, and maybe turn you into a soul slave, but it is not so easy for them to kill all of you, so you can think about how to do it Do, how to get revenge..."

"May I ask your benefactor's name..." someone asked.

"Under the battle without Peng..."

"I just heard from my benefactor that we have a common enemy, which is the Destiny Cult. Our lives were saved by the benefactor. I, Wu Han, am willing to give this life to the benefactor, and I am willing to go with the benefactor to destroy the Destiny Cult. One day I will die, and I will definitely blew myself up among the Destiny Cultists..."

"We are all willing to follow our benefactor and swear to die against the Destiny Cult. Please benefactor to take us to revenge..."

Nearly [-] remaining soul slaves all knelt down, the sky was densely packed, and the Lionheart King in the distance was speechless. Many people will choose to blew themselves up after rushing into the Destiny Church.As Zhan Wuming said, death is not terrible, but living in pain is terrible.These people choose to live in pain because their hearts are filled with hatred, and that soaring resentment makes them have an unforgivable hatred for the Destiny Sect.

Zhan Wuming glanced at everyone indifferently, and then said indifferently: "I was born for morality, the Destiny Cult is not only your enemy, but also the enemy of our beast clan. They have repeatedly violated my beast realm and slaughtered my clan members , captured the blood of our beasts, and even enslaved our own kind... Therefore, our beast race also has a great enmity with the Destiny Cult. Since you are going to follow me to seek justice from the Destiny Cult, no matter it is for the sake of our Beast Clan For the benefit of most of you, I need a person who can take care of the overall situation and will not be hated to spoil my revenge plan to join our revenge team, because I want you to understand that what I want is to destroy the entire Destiny Church , instead of just slaughtering them, a war god and a war saint, then we don't need your help at all, we can do it by ourselves, you understand..."

The group of soul slaves were stunned for a moment, but soon they understood Zhan Wuming's words, and knew that what the young man in front of him was looking for was not for a moment, he had a grand goal, which made them even more excited after they were silent. Being able to destroy the other party's teaching line is the real and complete revenge. This is what they dream of doing. If it is really possible, how can they be unwilling.

"We are willing to swear to follow Mr., what Mr. asked us to do, we will do it with all our might, and what Mr. won't let us do, we will not dare to ruin Mr. Master's affairs, please rest assured, Mr.!" Obviously, all of this group of people truly recognized Zhan Wuming's status.

(End of this chapter)

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