Chapter 437 surprise attack
Longines Star is the center of Baique Galaxy, and the teleportation array is very huge. It is said that after the establishment of this teleportation array, it can provide a huge amount of energy to transmit 1000 people at the same time over a long distance. The core of the .It is also because of this that almost most of the resources plundered from the Nine Profound Domain were transferred to the Longines Star, and sent back to the Destiny Sect General Altar in batches through the Longines Star for classification.

Star Longines does not only have one large teleportation formation, but two large teleportation formations are very close together, which can facilitate the mobilization of the field battle team, and can quickly pass through the large teleportation formation from one planet to Longines Star, and then quickly pass through the other side Therefore, Longines Star has two huge teleportation arrays, one is for entering and the other is for sending out. This is also the place where the entire Longines Star is most tightly guarded.Almost no less than the defense of Tianwei City's treasure house.

There are a large number of soul slaves on Longines, and many of these soul slaves are monks of the War Emperor rank, but these people are not used for fighting, but for planting spiritual fruits. There are spiritual fruit orchards everywhere, and the fruit fragrance is attractive. Extremely, even Mo Ximing, who is as dull as a dead man, can't help being a little moved by the spiritual fruit here.

The peacock speeding car is very flamboyant, and Mo Ximing doesn't know where Morris found eight fifth-level peacock spirit birds, and turned it into an extremely luxurious speeding car. Kneeling, the hearse is divided into three rows, the front row is a driver, while Morris and Mo Ximing are seated side by side in the middle, and behind are two stunning women with yellow umbrellas, Mo Ximing can bear it I can't help being jealous of this cousin, it's really good to be the emperor of a planet.

Tianwei City is built on the mountain, and the layers of beautiful palaces seem to be climbing to the sky. On the towering city wall, the runes glow with a faint secret light. Above the sky of Tianwei City, a light blue The transparent cover is turned upside down, forming a huge enchantment.

Mo Ximing was stunned to himself, the defense of this city is definitely one of the strongest cities in the entire Nine Profound Realm starry sky.But considering that the important teleportation array and treasure house are all in this city, this kind of defense is considered normal.

The disciples of the Destiny Sect on the top of the wall saw the peacock flying car, and immediately opened the huge city gate. A city gate seemed to split two mountains directly, and flew in from the valley in the middle. The height of the city gate was hundreds of feet.The two huge gates are polished by meteorite iron, connected with countless gear mechanisms, and when they open and close, they sound like thunder.Above the city gate, mysterious runes flashed, making the whole city even more magnificent.

Afterwards, Morris' guards led a group of people and escorted a group of people into Tianwei City. The soldiers were divided into two groups, one group rushed to the sky prison, and the other group rushed to the teleportation formation.

"Wow, what a beautiful Tianwei City, brother, how long have you been here at Longqin Star?" A Destiny Sect disciple who followed Mo Ximing asked the disciple of Longqin Star Destiny Sect enviously.

"I have been on this Longines star for more than three years...Compared with other planets, Longines star is indeed more beautiful..."

"I really envy you all. This place is so beautiful and full of aura. More importantly, the planet is full of spiritual fruits. This kind of blessing is rare in the world. If our boss is mixed with Commander Morris this time, we will It would be nice to stay here too…”

"Hey, hey, your boss is the cousin of the Grand Commander, and the relationship is very close. If he wants to stay here for a longer period of time, he can do it for sure."

"That's true. We run here and there every day, and almost stay on the Flying Shark Shenzhou, and fade out to the birds. It would be great if we could take a good rest on the Longines Star..." Another Mo Ximing's disciple who was holding Wutong by his side agreed.

"By the way, we have so many disciples who come and go to Longqin Star every day, and they all pass through this teleportation formation. How much primordial stones do we need to consume every day? Next time, let them fly in the sky on the Flying Shark Shenzhou. Hey, experience What it feels like to be a wandering star thief..."

"Fart, what are you talking about? What is a wandering star thief? It's called walking in the starry sky..."

"Haha, what this brother said is interesting. This matter has become more emotional. It would be nice to take this beautiful girl for a walk in the starry sky... Where did you catch this girl?"

"Hey, this, it's really time to walk in the starry sky..."

"Wow... this teleportation array is quite busy, by the way, which teleportation array do we use?"

"Dongcheng, stop the other transmissions first, send these brothers and this girl back to the main altar, and locate them."

"Who is so important? Brother Fu, you actually sent it yourself?" The leader guarding the teleportation formation actually has the cultivation base of the peak of the War Saint, and there is a very dark aura in the distance. The person guarding the Holy Peak, the person who is guarding this teleportation formation is a strong man at the level of a god of war.

"The commander's cousin has captured a woman with a special fate and physique. The general altar urgently needs..."

"The great commander's cousin..." Upon hearing that, Dongcheng didn't dare to neglect, and smiled at everyone, "Here we come..."

"Om..." Dongcheng left for a moment, and soon, the two huge teleportation arrays slowly dimmed, apparently stopped working, and then one of the teleportation arrays made a "beep" sound.

"You also specially shut down the teleportation array once for us, thank you so much."

"You're welcome, they're all my brothers..."

"Hey, hell, my brother!"

"You..." The Destiny Sect disciple known as the Fu family suddenly felt a dazzling light rise in front of his eyes, and then a cold feeling quickly spread throughout his body. has splashed out.

"Kill..." a low cry.

"Boom, boom..." More than a dozen small balls quickly flew down to the two almost stopped teleportation arrays, and a sudden burst of strong explosion turned the two teleportation arrays into two huge fireballs.

"Guarding the formation..."

"They are spies..."

The sudden change caused great chaos around the entire teleportation formation, and Dong Cheng was also stunned by the sudden change.

"Aw..." There was a long cry of beasts, and suddenly countless herds of beasts appeared in various places in the teleportation formation, killing anyone they saw. The hammer directly hit the two teleportation formations that were burned to pieces. Obviously, the purpose of this group of people who appeared suddenly was very clear, that is to destroy the transmission formations.

"Mie..." A stream of icy water vapor in the sky rushed towards the teleportation array that turned into two big fires.An old man rushed out with his beard and hair all stretched out. He was the God of War powerhouse hiding behind. However, under his law of heavy water, the two fires were still burning without any change.

"The fire of immortality... How is it possible, who are you..." The old man exclaimed in surprise, because his heavy water law could not extinguish these flames, and suddenly felt a wave of fire from the flames that was far higher than him. The magical power of the realm, as if there is a divinity, is not affected by his heavy water law at all.

"Damn, old man, this thing is not something you can hit with such a weak law." A voice came over coldly.

"Who are you?" The old man's face became very ugly.

"You can call me Zhan Wupeng, brother..." The boy holding the parasol showed an innocent smile, but this kind of smile made people feel a chill from the bottom of his heart.It was Zhan Wuming and the others who were pretending to be disciples of the Destiny Sect.

A very simple plan, even smoother than imagined.Because the commander-in-chief of Longines Star was temporarily replaced by Mo Ximing's cousin Morris, no matter which sect, it would be much easier for people with backers to act. When Mo Ximing reported the identity of Morris' cousin, even the outpost Even Zha didn't dare to easily check the lifeless Flying Shark Shenzhou, and it was even more impossible for Morris to think that his cousin had become someone else's puppet. The Mo family had the confidence of the Mo family, and they never even thought about it. There will still be people in the world who can directly control the souls of the Mo family. Only the Mo family has ever been able to control the souls of others.

People from the Cangshan faction gave Zhan Wuming a very good excuse, that is to escort the repeat offenders, and these are not secrets, so the people from the Tianming sect can easily be believed in all this, plus Mo Ximing and Mo Ximing Reese hasn't seen each other for many years. This cousin who loves to show off wants to show a villainous look in front of his cousin, and arranges for people to handle what he asks almost without thinking, so he gave Zhan Wuming the last great opportunity.

Zhan Wuming's usual strategy is to directly destroy all the teleportation arrays first, so that the entire resource planet has no chance of collusion with other places.The rest is to slaughter slowly, he has enough time to deal with the whole planet.

This move has been used by the Destiny Sect on other sects before.

Knowing that something happened to Longines Star, the other star domains could only send Flying Shark Shenzhou from the nearest planet to rescue them, but they didn't know how powerful the enemy was, and what happened on this planet? There is rescue value, they don't even know how many reinforcements to send...

After a long interstellar flight, when the reinforcements arrived, the day lily was cold. At that time, Zhan Wuming had already ransacked the Longines star and left.

"Zhan Wupeng. Beast clan..." A cold murderous intent flashed in the eyes of the old man. The young man in front of him destroyed the teleportation formation right under his nose. It can be said that it was his huge dereliction of duty. , This felony is enough to cause him to die several times.Therefore, he was angry, but the orc army that came pouring in like a tide cleaned up all the surroundings of the teleportation formation in almost a moment, leaving only a few of his rare realms at the peak of the War Saint and the God of War. A master of the first rank, no one took the initiative to attack him.Everyone understands that as long as they don't take the initiative to attack, these old monsters are only at the peak of Zhandi's cultivation. At that time, repairing them is just a piece of cake.This made the old man so depressed that it was hard to describe, and this group of monsters were as fucking as human as ghosts, which made him have no chance to play his role as the God of War.

"Old guys, thank you for always paying attention to us clearing up the obstacles. Now that the obstacles are almost cleared, we are going to go to other places to clear up. Do you want to stop me? If you don't stop me, then I really have to leave Already..." Zhan Wuming snapped his fingers, smiled provocatively at the Gods of War and the Saints of War, and then turned around and deliberately twisted his buttocks to lead the tide-like orc army to the other soldiers in Tianwei City. Walking around the corner, at this time, there was also a shocking sound of shouting and killing in the distance of Tianwei City.Apparently, Zhan Wuming launched an attack, and the other two places also responded at the same time.This is the Starry Sky Battlefield, as long as you follow the rules.There are many people with great power, it is a truth like real gold!
Even the Nine Tribulations God of War, the supreme power, is just a joke under the restrictions of rules.

(End of this chapter)

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