Chapter 460
Above the stars in the sky, Yun Ziyan's face was a little pale. He was seriously injured in the previous battle. Although he survived, the recuperation during this period has not healed. He stared at some changes outside the sky and took a deep breath. He took a deep breath and said, "Everyone! The people of the Destiny Sect are waiting for reinforcements, how should we deal with it!"

Shang Chongyun nodded heavily, and he also saw this, but now the initiative is in the hands of the Destiny Sect, not his Tianqingzong, who has almost gathered most of its troops in the Tianqingxing , obviously regarded this place as the final battlefield.He had no choice but to summon all the forces of several major sects to help.Fortunately, because Tianqingzong has the right to sell Explosive Thunder and Explosive Pills, the major sects still value Tianqingzong very much. They are also worried that if Tianqingxing of Tianqingzong is destroyed, the most important manufacturing base of Explosive Thunder is destroyed. Breaking through, there is only one result waiting for the various sects in the Xuanwu Starfield, that is, being defeated one by one, nothing else.

The summoning order of the Tianqing Sect has been responded by many sects. In fact, the assembly of the Tianming Sect army is seen by all the major sects. Except for leaving some necessary defensive troops, the major sects have almost mobilized a large number of troops. The manpower is all arranged on Tianqingxing, and they want to use this as an important battlefield to compete with the Destiny Cult.

Originally, the most powerful Guangming Divine Court would also send troops here this time, but the Guangming Divine Court was entangled by another army of the Destiny Sect, and it was impossible to get away from it, and it was extremely dangerous even without support. May lose light star.But with more battles, the major sects in the Xuanwu Starfield have no spare power to defend more.You can only choose the more important Tianqingxing.

Mofa City was the only sect that could provide mobile support before, but the Destiny Sect was obviously aware of this, and at the most critical time, let Wanbaozong launch the final attack, thus completely restraining Mofa City's actions, making Xuanwu Da The major sects in the world are divided into three points to fight against each other. In fact, if any of these three points is really breached, then the situation of the entire Xuanwu Starfield will deteriorate to the worst result, but Tianqingxing is a triangular support. The most important thing.

"Is there any news about the bright star?" Yun Ziyan took a deep breath and asked.

"I'm not sure yet. There's news from Guangmingxing that there has been a change in the army of the Destiny Sect outside the sky. They have sent people to check, but they don't know what they are doing. However, they have already prepared the worst Plan, if it is really impossible to defend, then give up the light star, gather all the power in one place, or meet with the Doom star first, and give Wanbaozong a counterattack. If it is really impossible for the Xuanwu Starfield, then they have Maybe he will choose to roam the starry sky, even if he is a star sea and air pirate, he must deal with the Destiny Cult to the end!" Shang Chongyun said with a serious tone.

"This may be a way. I think the reinforcements from the Destiny Sect will arrive soon. Their people have already started to move and are ready to attack!" Si sneered.

"Little nephew, go and notify the sects..." Just as Shang Chongyun was about to turn around, a figure rushed over.

"Brother Chongyun, there is good news!" The person who came was Wu Jiang, the young master of Sanjiangtang. In just a few months, he had already reached the peak of Emperor Zhan, and there were hidden signs of a breakthrough to become a saint in all battles.This made Shang Chongyun a little jealous.They also have to admire that Wu Jiang is really a genius in cultivation. Every day on a woman's belly, he can also increase his cultivation.I'm afraid that the speed of his cultivation can't even compare with Zhan Wuming...

Thinking of Zhan Wuming, Shang Chongyun felt guilty for a while. Zhan Wuming disappeared on the way to Tianqingxing with them, which made him feel guilty for the core disciples of the various sects. After all, Zhan Wuming is everyone's friend.

"What is the happy event that the King of Dongjiang said?" Shang Chongyun saw the unconcealable joy in Wu Jiang's expression, and his heart was slightly relaxed. He didn't think that Wu Jiang, the king of Dongjiang, was a person with a happy face, but at this moment, even he could feel it. The other party couldn't hide the joy in his heart. It seemed that it should be a good thing.

"It's great news!" Wu Jiang couldn't hide his smile anymore and said, "My boss is not dead, and he appeared outside the star!"

"Your boss? Are you saying that Zhan Wuming is still alive?" Shang Chongyun was slightly startled, and suddenly realized that Wu Jiang, the king of Dongjiang, seemed to admit that Zhan Wuming was the boss on the road to the emperor of war, and he even called him that in public, and he was immediately excited asked rhetorically.

"That's right, not only is he still alive, but he also played a beautiful counterattack and wiped out the army of the Destiny Sect outside the light star. Some of the army is supporting Doom Star, and some are coming to support us, it seems that this time, we have to play a big game with the group of birdmen in the sky..." Dongjiang King Wu Jiang said excitedly.

Yun Ziyan also heard Dongjiang King Wu Jiang's words, and he and Shang Chongyun looked at each other immediately, as if a boulder weighing on his heart was put down immediately, without the guilt of Zhan Wuming that existed in his heart, he suddenly felt that the world was wide, even if he was So what about facing the millions of troops of the Destiny Sect...

"Go, go back and prepare for the battle..." Yun Ziyan waved his hand.

"There is one more thing. Senior Liu Xuanying said that he felt that there seemed to be a will in our Xuanwu Starfield that was recovering, and it even affected our broken boundary barrier. Through observation of the sky, he seemed to be aware of the broken barrier of our Xuanwu Starfield. Healing quietly...Senior Yun is also a master of formations, and has a keen sense of the profound power of heaven and earth. He asked senior to feel it calmly, whether he sensed something wrong. After all, this matter is very strange and hard to imagine..." Dongjiang King Wu Jiang added.

"What?" Yun Ziyan's face suddenly became very exciting. Liu Xuanying of the Nine Wonders Sect is not inferior to him in the depth of the Qimen. Liu Xuanying's participation in the huge landscape formation of Tianqingxing is also possible. Said to be a generation of masters who are very sensitive to the mysteries of heaven and earth.If Wu Jiang hadn't said that this was what Liu Xuanying said, he would definitely think that Wu Jiang was talking nonsense. He had never heard of a star field barrier that was already broken after the opening of the battlefield of sentient beings and would automatically repair itself during the war. That is unless this starry sky has its own consciousness and its own thinking, but how is this possible...

Yun Ziyan remained silent, his figure rose again, and landed on the top of the highest mountain in Tianqingxing, his mind immediately merged into the landscape formation of the entire planet, as if he was no longer himself, but It is to follow the rhythm of the landscape of the world and slowly immerse in an extremely delicate rhythm.

He felt as if he had turned into a part of this world, and then his endless sense of touch extended into the void, resonating with the dust in the starry sky, or some mysterious vitality in the starry sky, it is this kind that exists in the universe. The vitality in the starry sky allows each planet to have its own soul and the ability to multiply its own life... Vaguely, he felt that this vitality seemed to be much stronger than before, as if it had come from winter. In the spring, it glows with a more powerful influence, quietly changing every planet in this star field. Farther away, it seems that there is a voice reverberating. In the cosmic starry sky, it is a call , a kind of summoning to every creature that exists in this starry sky...

"Om..." Yun Ziyan's body shook suddenly, he felt the fire at the end of the sky, the extremely hot and violent fire, the whole world, the whole starry sky seemed to be burning, and then he saw a few huge insect nests... ... rushed out from the flames, as if there was a magnificent light star, like a huge bird, rushing in the boundless sea of ​​flames...

Suddenly startled, Yun Ziyan woke up, many beads of sweat oozed from his forehead... He looked out of the sky in amazement, what did he see?
Outside the sky, the army of the Destiny Sect was evenly distributed around Tianqingxing, and all the Flying Shark Shenzhou were frantically accumulating strength, obviously hoping to give Tianqingxing a fatal blow at a certain moment.Other than that, the starry sky was peaceful without any abnormality.

"Uncle Yun, what's the matter?!" Shang Chongyun couldn't help asking with concern when he saw Yun Ziyan's face was very ugly and there were beads of sweat on his forehead.

Yun Ziyan couldn't help shaking his head, took a long breath, and couldn't help responding: "It's nothing, maybe it's just my hallucination! But the will in the starry sky is recovering, and your uncle Xuanying didn't feel wrong."

"It's just that I feel that Uncle Yun seems to have seen something terrible just now..." Shang Chongyun said with a serious face. He saw Yun Ziyan's body trembling just now, and he obviously felt great fear in his heart, but at this moment Yun Zi Yan didn't want to say, and he didn't want to ask too much, just asked.

"Sometimes spiritual hallucinations are a kind of premonition. My boss has an extraordinary premonition of crises, so he can often turn crises into safety..." King Dongjiang said lightly from the side, as if he was just talking about his own affairs, but There are some hints to Yun Ziyan.

Yun Ziyan was startled, and couldn't help but look at the young man a few more times. He felt that the young man's eyes in front of him showed vicissitudes far beyond what his age should have, as if he had experienced countless times of polishing, which made him involuntarily He glanced up at the young man, because he was hinting at himself from the other side.

"When I was meditating just now, I saw the insect nest of the Zerg race. There were five huge insect nests flying by, and there was also a boundless sea of ​​fire and a big bird..." Yun Ziyan took a deep breath, he felt Dongjiang What Wang Wujiang said is also reasonable. He never doubted Zhan Wuming's supernatural sense. On the plain of sentient beings, if Zhan Wuming's abnormal spiritual sense hadn't had the wonderful sense of the approaching crisis, he would have suffered a loss that time. It's not the Zerg army, but the major sects of the entire Poyan Continent, and even the Heavenly Qing Sect will never suffer huge losses that time.

"Not good! The reinforcements that the Destiny Cult is waiting for must be the Zerg!" Shang Chongyun's face suddenly changed, and Yun Ziyan's words gave him a very bad premonition.

"Zerg race!" Yun Ziyan also stood up suddenly, and when Shang Chongyun said this, he immediately knew that this might really be not just a hallucination, but a kind of foreknowledge.

"Immediately notify everyone to reinforce the landscape formation to prevent the Zerg's egg-shaped weapon!" Yun Ziyan thought of the Zerg, and immediately realized that the biggest threat of the Zerg to the entire Tianqingxing is not how strong the Zerg's combat ability is. , but that kind of terrifying weapon that can be spit out from the worm nest. Everyone has deeply experienced that time in the plain of sentient beings. The damage caused must have been incalculable.

"Boom..." Just when Yun Ziyan, Shang Chongyun and the others realized the crisis and wanted to summon the various sects to arrange arrangements, there was a huge booming sound from outside the sky, and everyone's eyes couldn't help but look far away in the void. Looking around, all of them became stunned for a moment!

(End of this chapter)

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