Chapter 463 Destructive Strike

This nine-colored giant bird is like an elf in the starry sky. Although its feathers are scorched black and looks very embarrassed, its speed and flying angle are indeed beyond the reach of many Destiny Sect disciples.And this group of Destiny Sect disciples didn't have the mood to take care of this giant flying bird at all. When facing the threat of those nine huge star cores, who would care about this bird?

The only one who paid attention to this giant bird was He Zhu. He Zhu's cultivation base was already a strong man of the Six Tribulations Yuan King Realm, and he was a master of the same level as the five great beast kings of the beast clan. Commander of the Battle of the Domains.When not really attacking, his speed is not suppressed by the rules of heaven and earth at all, and his speed can almost catch up with Zhan Wuming's footsteps.

Zhan Wuming rushed back and forth from the army of the Destiny Sect for several times, and finally someone saw the name, the nine star cores were controlled by Zhan Wuming, and they were chasing after Zhan Wuming to help Zhan Wuming sweep Cleared up the Destiny Sect disciples in the starry sky.Immediately, all the disciples of the Destiny Sect understood that the real enemy was not the nine star cores, but the giant bird flying around.But when they discovered this situation, they had already lost a lot.Almost a hundred Flying Shark Shenzhous were destroyed, and even the huge handsome ship was hit by the nine star cores and became dilapidated.

All the people above the sky and stars in the distance saw this scene, and they didn't understand at this moment that this giant bird was really one of their own, but it was just rushing so wildly, bringing the nine star cores with it, making it The siege of the Destiny Sect fell apart, and it only took a moment for Zhan Wuming to circle around Tianqingxing. As a result, the disciples of the Destiny Sect lost hundreds of thousands of dollars.This is not counting the huge burning insect nests.However, one of the nests has been broken into pieces.

"Boom..." There was a terrifying loud noise in the starry sky, and several dazzling white lights came out from the insect nest in the sea of ​​fire in an instant, and then a terrifying vitality burst into the surrounding starry sky like a tide , forming a violent storm in the starry sky.

"Not good..." Someone in the Destiny Cult exclaimed, they forgot one thing, that is, there is a very terrifying weapon in these worm nests, that is, the huge white egg-shaped weapon.The giant egg itself has its own protective ability without being destroyed, but under the burning of this intense high temperature, it exploded uncontrollably after a long time. This terrifying shock wave instantly made everyone The burning worm nest turned into countless fragments. In the sea of ​​flames, the zerg screamed miserably, and they didn't even have a chance to escape.The Destiny Sect disciples who were not too far away from the insect nests were the first to bear the brunt of the endless white light, so many people were blown away like sand piles in a strong wind, and countless people who were originally a little broken The Flying Shark Shenzhou directly disintegrated, or flew hundreds of miles away in a whirl like a leaf in the wind.

"Stop that bird..." He Zhu finally gave the order. He found that although his speed was very fast, he couldn't catch up with the giant bird that seemed to be only at the Zhandi stage in the starry sky. From this point of view, this The giant bird must be a different species from heaven and earth, I'm afraid it may really be a bird with noble blood like the roc.But he couldn't see the shape of this bird, after all, it was burnt black and black, so he couldn't see its original appearance.

As a result, Zhan Wuming's speed was quickly blocked, and the Flying Shark Shenzhou and the disciples of the Destiny Cult desperately blocked Zhan Wuming in front. It seemed that these people believed that Zhan Wuming was the culprit for manipulating the nine star cores. Can control the terrifying nine star cores.Because they never thought that the nine star cores would actively pursue Zhan Wuming, a living creature with its own will.Even He Zhu thought so, so he had to ask his disciples to stop Zhan Wuming. He even faintly felt that the mysterious treasure on Zhan Wuming's claws should be the divine thing that controlled the nine star cores.

For the death and injury in front of him, although he was heartbroken, he didn't care at all. You know, if he can control the secret treasure in Zhan Wuming's hand, it is equivalent to controlling nine huge invincible star cores. In the battlefield, is there any planet that cannot be conquered?This is the real invincible weapon... Therefore, in order to stop Zhan Wuming, He Zhu almost spared no effort, even at any cost.

"Damn..." Zhan Wuming immediately understood the meaning of these Destiny Sect disciples, and he was also very depressed. If his speed was blocked, he and the star core would definitely hit him. At that time, it would be a trivial matter to be smashed to pieces up.So, as soon as he gritted his teeth, he didn't need to think about relying on these nine star cores to wipe out the disciples of the Destiny Sect outside the Tianqing Star, but spread his wings and rushed towards He Zhu.

"Looking for death..." He Zhu was overjoyed. This giant bird didn't seem to be very smart. Seeing a large group of people surround it, it actually wanted to choose a direction with fewer people to break through, but this giant bird didn't seem to know. There is only one person, but it is better than thousands of troops.Instead of being surprised, he was overjoyed that a giant bird of the Zhandi rank dared to provoke a strong man of the Six Tribulations Yuan King Realm. This was really courting death.

"Old man, are you chasing Mr. Beniao? Mr. Bird, I will catch you to death with one claw!" Zhan Wuming shouted arrogantly, and suddenly rushed towards He Zhu, spreading his claws, like two huge nets covering him. He Zhu's face.

He Zhu only felt that a dazzling nine-color brilliance made him unable to open his eyes, and a torrent of divine power enveloped him like a torrent.It made his blood pulse seem to freeze.He couldn't help being shocked, and only now did he realize that he seemed to have underestimated this giant bird. It could also be said that it wasn't that he underestimated this giant bird, but that he underestimated the horror on the giant bird's claws. fetish.

"Ah..." He Zhu let out a stern roar, and all his cultivation burst out suddenly. The suppressed blood in his body seemed to be greatly stimulated, and even faintly stimulated the thin blood of God. At this moment, he I saw the nine-colored aura in the middle of the giant bird's paw, a treasure with endless divinity. It was like an extremely bewitching bead, and the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth circulated on it, as if it contained everything between the heaven and the earth. With the power of the elements, there is an unparalleled nobility.

"Treasures of heaven and earth, those who are virtuous live here, animals! I accept the great gift you gave me with a smile..." He Zhu is overjoyed, this is definitely a treasure between heaven and earth, and its divinity is opposite to the divinity in his blood. Power actually has a strong stimulating effect. If he can refine the divinity in it, he will definitely be able to stimulate his blood more thoroughly, and even the purity of his blood is much higher than that of He Xiong and Mo Xin. Why would he hesitate? With a sudden palm strike, one of the bird's claws was hit hard, while the other was caught in the air, and it took advantage of the opportunity to grab the nine-colored air mass.

He Zhu felt a strong sticky force, which made him almost unable to grab the nine-color treasure from the bird's claws, but because of too much strength, he pulled the giant bird's body away.

"Old man, you want to snatch my treasure, don't even think about it..." Zhan Wuming roared as if he was shocked.

"You are too weak to have such a treasure at all..." He Zhu suddenly thought of an ancient ritual in the family, which was a ritual for gods, so he suddenly squeezed out a drop of blood, with A trace of divine essence and blood suddenly fell on the face of the nine-color treasure above Zhan Wuming's claws.And then slam it hard again.

Zhan Wuming's huge bird body was thrown far away like a straw man thrown away, and the nine-color orb immediately fell into He Zhu's hands.

"Haha... Now it's mine, nine star cores, listen to my orders..." He Zhu was overjoyed, the ancient rituals in the family really worked, and the blood of their sacred blood family can be recognized by many god-like babies of.As long as it can be recognized by the gods, the gods will weaken the resistance at this time.

"Idiot, what a blessing you are asking for, thank you! Let brother finally get out of trouble..." Zhan Wuming let out a long roar, laughed loudly and rushed up, his huge wings drew a beautiful arc in the starry sky Xian fled away from He Zhu.

He Zhu laughed and raised his hand to the nine star cores. He felt the close connection between the nine-color fetish in his hand and the nine star cores. He knew that his guess was correct. The fetish is the treasure that controls the nine star cores, but soon he was dumbfounded, because he found that it is true that the fetish is connected with the nine star cores, but it is not that it can control the nine star cores, but it is right The nine star cores have a fatal attraction...

"How could it be like this..." He Zhu roared angrily, and he finally understood in anger that he had really been tricked this time, and he was a scapegoat for that giant bird.When he looked up again, he found that the giant bird had disappeared from the starry sky.He had already escaped without seeing his shadow, so he immediately turned around and fled with a "wow", but he wasted too much time at the beginning, and by the time he realized something was wrong, the nine star cores had already blocked it from nine directions. All the ways out, he wants to escape, but there is no way to go to the sky, no way to enter the earth...

"No..." He Zhu roared angrily, extremely miserable, but it was also his last voice in this world.

"Boom..." The entire starry sky suddenly shook wildly, and the nine star cores hit He Zhu's body almost at the same time... Then a terrifying heat wave continued to spread to the surrounding sky, like a tsunami in the starry sky, forming a boundless The wall of fire extended in all directions towards the starry sky, and the huge shock wave it caused directly turned all the surrounding meteorites, flying shark Shenzhou and other obstacles into ashes.

On the surface of the sky and stars in the distance, everyone felt a sudden shock, and the huge and almost impenetrable landscape array burst into pieces with a "bang", and a terrifying wave of air rushed directly from the void.

Countless large formations on the entire planet were turned into ruins in an instant, a large number of mountain peaks collapsed, and the entire planet seemed to shake suddenly.If someone sees all this from outside the sky, he must be able to see that Tianqingxing suddenly shifted a distance of more than a hundred miles above the entire starry sky orbit... and in the starry sky outside Tianqingxing, almost all Meteorites have all turned into waste residues or even cosmic dust, leaving nothing left.The entire starry sky became extremely clean and refreshing, only the terrifying firelight in the distant starry sky still allowed all the creatures on Tianqingxing to see extremely clearly.And the major legions of the Destiny Cult have almost completely disappeared, including the fragments of the insect nest, the starry sky has become very clean, and it is clear at a glance...

(End of this chapter)

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