Chapter 47

The people from the Beast Sect were smiling, digging out the genius king of the other party in front of the Spirit Sword Sect, and only Zhan Wuming, a newborn calf, could do this. If anyone else dared to say that, they would probably be chopped into pieces mud.Today, Zhan Wuming's identity is different. He is the one who was challenged by the Spirit Sword Sect. There is nothing the Spirit Sword Sect can do about it, unless you can find someone who can defeat Zhan Wuming.

Except for Ananda, under the Battle King of the Spirit Sword Sect, the other two couldn't catch up in one day.Otherwise, Zeng Chucai really wanted the three kings of geniuses to fight with the Zhanzong under his sect, and kill this arrogant and shameless bastard by turns.But Jian Lingzi and Chuan Zhuping were not there, and if other people came to the stage, it was very likely that they would be dealt with by Zhan Wuming without using three or five moves.

The Zhan Emperors of the various sects secretly made a note, and after returning home, they must remind the disciples not to provoke this Zhan Wuming, this guy is just a fool, he doesn't know what it means to be afraid, and he doesn't know what it means to be low-key, if you are angry, you will be angry Until the time of death, just look at the war emperor Zeng Chucai who was so depressed that he was about to vomit blood.If there was one more person like Zhan Wuming, let alone the Zhan Emperor, the Zhan Emperor would probably be pissed off.

Zhan Wuming looked in the direction of Lingjianzong, coughed dryly and said: "I'm sorry, I think Ananda is a talent, I couldn't hold it back for a while, no wonder Elder Zeng, no wonder, just treat me as Tong Yan Wuji. "

"Damn!" Someone in the audience couldn't help cursing in a low voice, this is childish talk, it's okay not to say that, people can pretend not to hear.In this way, people's face is even more unbearable, and it's not enough if they don't respond.

"Shut up!" Zeng Chucai's face turned green. How could he have such a freak, with such a poisonous mouth, but he is also super powerful, and he has no one in his hands.It's only been a day, and there is no one to fight at this moment. If this is said, Lingjianzong will lose face.

"Wu Ming, you naughty child, you can't be so straightforward and tell the truth, you have to know how to be reserved and humble..." An old man in green shirt next to Lie Wenxiu said with a smile to Zhan Wuming on the stage.

Zhan Wuming was slightly stunned. He saw that Lie Wenxiu winked at him. It seemed that he belonged to the same group, but this guy is not a fuel-efficient lamp. The words just now echoed his own, and he looked as if he was so angry that he would not pay his life. .

"Wu Ming, this is your second senior Bo Jinduoduo, just come and salute your second senior uncle when you're done." Lie Wenxiu pointed to the old man in blue and introduced.

"Wu Ming, I'm your Seventh Master Uncle..." A short fat man jumped up and waved his hands, and shouted at Zhan Wuming.

Zhan Wuming only felt that he was confused, where was he going? He hadn't set foot on the mountain to seek a teacher yet, so why did he rush to recognize his uncle and uncle? This school is really a treasure.But since he was so enthusiastic, he couldn't be cold-hearted, so he had to smile back at the short fat man and the old man in green shirt. Lie Wenxiu felt a toothache when he saw the smiling face. It was so painful to laugh like this.

Other sects cast contemptuous glances at the members of the Beast Sect. They haven't entered the sect yet, and they don't know who their master is, so why did they start introducing uncles and uncles? This span is too great.Moreover, as soon as he entered the sect, was he a direct disciple of the Emperor of War?But the sects thought about it, yes, he is so weird, which war king is qualified to be his master, if his sect has such a weird disciple, I am afraid that everyone will not be vying to be the uncle and uncle, Instead, they scrambled to become masters.

The faces of the masters of the Spirit Sword Sect were so wonderful, some were blue, some were white, some were red, some were black... and some turned green, all of them were colorful. Zeng Chucai felt ashamed to see the senior brothers.

"Master, I am willing to challenge this son to extinguish his arrogance!" A crisp voice rang in Zeng Chucai's ear.

Zeng Chucai turned his head and saw that he was one of the most outstanding disciples among the newly recruited students today. He said in surprise, "Nangong Chu? Do you want to go up?" He hesitated in his heart. Nangong Chu is the most proud disciple he has received today. Nangong Chu It is the peerless genius who is number one on the election gold list.

Under the arrangement of the Spirit Sword Sect and the Nangong Family, Nangong Chu came to the Spirit Sword Sect early in the morning and claimed to join the Spirit Sword Sect voluntarily. All sects and sects were jealous. After all, as the recognized No.1 in the general election gold list, he took the initiative to choose the Spirit Sword Zong, indeed let Lingjianzong steal the limelight at the beginning of the general election, and also played a guiding role for the later geniuses. There are many reasons.

In fact, the relationship between the Nangong family and the Spirit Sword Sect is very close. The reason why Nangong Chu entered the Spirit Sword Sect at this time is also to increase the influence of the Spirit Sword Sect in the secular world.It's a pity that after Zhan Wuming came, he completely wiped out the influence of Nangong Chu before, and even made Lingjianzong lose a lot.

"That's right, I want to go up and have a try!" Nangong Chu respectfully responded.

"This kid's cultivation level is hard to guess, and Ananda is not even his opponent, are you sure?" Zeng Chucai asked hesitantly, not wanting to compromise this newcomer.

"This person's physical strength is indeed extremely powerful, but he also has a weakness, and that is speed." Nangong Chu thought for a while.

"This kid's speed is not slow." Zeng Chucai's expression changed slightly, and he said solemnly.Zhan Wuming's speed of dodging Ananda's attack just now is definitely not slow. Compared with the general speed Zhan Zong, there are few flaws in this kid's strength and speed.

"That's only relatively speaking. It happens that the disciple is best at speed. Maybe he is very powerful physically, but if the speed is combined with the sharp blade of the spirit weapon, the disciple is sure to beat him." Nangong Chu said with certainty.

Zeng Chucai thought about it and thought it made sense. Although Zhan Wuming defeated Ananda, he was also injured by Ananda's sword and pierced into his chest by a dagger. Although the bleeding had stopped, the injury was still there.Moreover, he fought hard with Ananda just now, and his fighting power must have been lost a lot. Maybe Nangong Chu really wanted to beat him.He believed that it would be easy to become the number one person on the gold list in the general election?
He knew that the Nangong family had always been known for their agility and speed.If Nangong Chu's tactics are correct, there is indeed great hope.What made Zeng Chucai hesitate was that if something happened to Nangong Chu, he would not be able to explain to the Nangong family, and the Lingjian Sect would have no place to be ashamed. But he can't.That's why Zeng Chu thought about it, and finally nodded and said: "Be careful, if you can't do anything, come back, he shouldn't be able to stop you."

"Master, don't worry, this disciple will definitely win and come back!" Zhan Gongchu smiled proudly.He already had killing intent in his heart, not because Zhan Wuming lost face to Ling Jianzong, but because Zhan Wuming stole his limelight.He is the real protagonist of this feast, because he is the king of geniuses ranked first in the general election gold list, and he has no life. He was nothing a few days ago, although he abolished Tuyanqi in Nanzhao City, and He defeated Temuhe, No. 60 on the gold list, but that didn't have much impact on him, who was No. [-] on the gold list, because Zhan Wuming didn't have the qualifications to challenge him at all.

But today, Zhan Wuming became the protagonist, not only eliminating the influence he caused in the morning, but more importantly, making him join the Spirit Sword Sect became a farce, a joke.Nangong Chu's arrogance stems from his family blood innately, and from being invincible at the same level all the time, and has never been defeated.

Nangong Chu never believed that anyone at the same level could surpass him, so he believed that Zhan Wuming should die.As for whether there is any enmity with Zhan Wuming, that is not important, even in the family, he does not allow anyone who surpasses him to appear, so he is aloof, he is indifferent, and he never seriously thinks about the reasons and reasons for his killing.

Nangong Chu stepped onto the challenge stage and attracted everyone's attention. Everyone knew Nangong Chu.He made an extremely spectacular appearance early this morning, and was selected by the Spirit Sword Sect with a high profile. He became Zeng Chucai's personal disciple on the spot, and because he was number one on the gold list in this sect's general election.

Legend has it that the election gold list is from the most mysterious family in the world, the Mo family. It is said that the Mo family was envied by heaven because of their insight into the secrets of heaven. Therefore, there are very few people, and they rarely come out of the rivers and lakes. and.Only with an identity like the Mo family's is it possible to know the true details of the top [-] geniuses on the gold list and compile such a ranking.

Lie Wenxiu's expression was extremely exciting. He did not expect that the person who participated in the battle was actually Nangong Chu who joined the Spirit Sword Sect this morning.Although he knew about the relationship between the Nangong Family and the Spirit Sword Sect, and knew that they were a partnership for show, those who came to participate in the general election didn't know, and thought that the Spirit Sword Sect had a lot of appeal.

It wasn't until the appearance of Zhan Wuming that Nangong Chu's influence was suppressed. At this moment, Lingjianzong was forced into a dilemma.But unexpectedly, Nangong Chu came out again.

"This son is Nangong Chu of the Nangong family. The Nangong family is known for its agility and speed. It is said that this son also has the blood of returning to the ancestors, and the power of the blood is extremely powerful. However, no one knows about this son's returning to the ancestors before. What exactly is its bloodline?" Zhan Wuming heard Nangong Chu's introduction in his ears, and he knew that it was Lie Wenxiu who had transmitted the voice to him.Unexpectedly, this person in front of him is actually ranked first in the election gold list, and Zhan Wuming couldn't help being a little more vigilant.

Speaking of which, I have a close relationship with the Nangong family, my real grandfather is a member of the Nangong family, and I can be regarded as the grandson of the Nangong family, but it is impossible to recognize my ancestors, because the Nangong family is also one of the culprits of the Ling family's extermination .That's why grandma would rather die after being wronged in Zheng's family than ask grandpa for help after Ling's family was destroyed, let alone let her mother recognize her ancestors.Speaking of which, the Nangong family owes him everything, no matter in the previous life or in the present life.So, seeing Nangong Chu on stage, Zhan Wuming laughed.

"You have two choices. One is to kowtow to the Spirit Sword Sect to admit your mistake and join the Spirit Sword Sect. The Spirit Sword Sect will still treat you as an ordinary disciple; the second is to let the Beast Sect collect the corpse for you!" Nangong Chu looked contemptuously after taking the stage Looking at Zhan Wuming carefully, he stretched out two fingers and said calmly.

Everyone in the audience was stunned. They had seen Zhan Wuming's arrogance, and only now did they realize that there is a mountain as high as a mountain. Nangong Chu really deserves to be the number one genius in the general election gold list. The tone of his speech is really worthy of him that day Only the first identity.

(End of this chapter)

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