Chapter 487

Zhan Wuming cut off that bloodline by himself, but at that moment just now, he had captured Mo Xin's position.He didn't know if Mo Xin sensed his own existence, but after entering the city of sentient beings, he had deliberately hidden the power of his bloodline, and with his sensitivity to elements, he would definitely be one step ahead of Mo Xin Aware of the other party's existence, and he handled it in a timely manner, Mo Xin should not know that he has been discovered, let alone sense the existence of Zhan Wuming.

Looking at the huge and majestic building in front of him, Zhan Wuming hesitated for a moment. The building in front of him looked like a huge old castle. There were many huge statues standing on the four sides of the tall outer wall of the old castle. An intimidating majesty.Zhan Wuming knew that these gigantic statues would be terrifying killers if necessary.Because these statues are the real Primordial Golems.

Zhan Wuming found a lot of ancient golems on the road to the emperor of war, but they can only be regarded as semi-finished products. Although the material is very strong, but the workmanship is very rough, but these ancient golems in front of him are lifelike, even if they are sleeping It also exudes a monstrous power, which is breathtaking.

This huge building like an ancient castle is the Mercenary Guild, the most influential organization in the city of all beings.Every day, countless missions are sent out from the mercenary guild, and countless rare treasures are sent to the mercenary guild every day.

Someone once said that the richest people in the City of All Beings are not the big merchants, such as Tiance Building and Zhenbao Pavilion. Although these are rich, the real rich are the Mercenary Guild, because they rely on a huge The platform keeps collecting various commissions. Many tasks are not issued by the mercenary guild itself, but many buyers use the platform of the mercenary guild to issue their needs. For example, Tiance Tower sometimes borrows mercenaries The guild issued a mission. If Tiancelou wants to find Jiuye Xinlan, and Tiancelou is willing to pay 500 million yuan, then the mercenary guild needs to take [-]% of the fee...

Therefore, the mercenary guild itself does not participate in the management of any spiritual objects. They just found a huge platform like the mercenary guild to pass on various information. wealth.However, in the City of All Beings, no one dared to challenge the majesty of the Mercenary Guild, because he represented all the mercenaries in the City of All Living Beings, and even had the shadow of the Alliance of Gods behind him. Who would dare to challenge his authority?
Mo Xin's aura came from the mercenary guild.Zhan Wuming turned into a shadowy corner and changed his appearance slightly. At this moment, he didn't want to meet Mo Xin face to face, at least he didn't want Mo Xin to know his existence, it would be a huge trouble.One must know that the Destiny Sect must hate oneself to the bone, and will try their best to get rid of themselves. Although I am not afraid, but the Tianqing Sect and some people around me are not afraid of everyone.

"Little brother, are you here to join the mercenary guild?" Just as Zhan Wuming was about to enter the mercenary guild, a slim but handsome young man suddenly walked up to Zhan Wuming's side.

Zhan Wuming was startled, the young man's attitude and expression reminded him of Du Jue, the Du Jue who recruited himself into the team on the Mountain of Desire, but died at his own hands in the end.He didn't feel disgusted with Elimination, just a kind of sadness that fate had played tricks on him.

"Yes, I entered City of All Beings not long ago, and I want to join the guild to earn some living money." Zhan Wuming continued.

"Little brother, I think you have the cultivation base of an intermediate saint at such a young age. It can be said that you are a rare genius. I think that after you join the guild, you must choose a mercenary group with great potential to be worthy of you." Talent. If you don’t mind my little brother, I can introduce myself to you our doomsday mercenary regiment. Our mercenary regiment already has three masters in the virtual realm of the third tribulation, and our leader has just broken through the fourth tribulation Yuan Lingjing, among the younger generation, is definitely the top-level existence, no one in our regiment is over a hundred years old, it can be said that it is a mercenary regiment full of vigor and unlimited potential..."

Zhan Wuming couldn't help but look sideways at the guy in front of him, what was he doing?Is this selling dog skin plaster Dali Wan?This kind of recommendation method, if you are not over a hundred years old, you are full of vigor... Damn, brother, I am only in my teens, if I am not over a hundred years old, is there 99 years old?Our grandfather is not that old yet... still full of vigor.

"Little brother, don't be arrogant. It's not easy to break through the Four Tribulations Yuanling Realm at such a young age! If you join our mercenary group, young people will learn from each other and give advice to each other in the future. They will definitely improve quickly, absolutely not To humiliate your genius, I think you, little brother, should be only in your thirties!" The young man mumbled again.

"Am I so old?" Zhan Wuming was speechless, what kind of look was this.

"Hey, this, 27 or [-] years old, I usually round it up, and say it when I'm in my thirties!" The young man smiled awkwardly and explained.

Zhan Wuming suddenly fainted, this brother is very good, he couldn't help but said angrily: "I'm twenty this year!"

"Impossible!" The young man couldn't help being stunned, and stared at Zhan Wuming in a daze. At the age of 20, he was already a middle-level Zhan Sheng. What kind of abnormal talent is this.You must know that although practitioners are very good at maintenance and cannot tell their age, from the beginning of cultivation, even if they are promoted by one rank a year, from warrior to warrior, it will take decades. I'm afraid it will take three to 40 years, and those who can become the God of War before the age of 60 are all very qualified, and those who can become the God of War before the age of 50 are all unborn geniuses, and among the human race, Being able to become the God of War before the age of 40 has almost become the overlord of one side, and becoming the God of War before the age of 20 is hardly heard of, at least not in the past few hundred years, but the boy in front of him is It is not impossible for a 40-year-old middle-level War Saint to break through to the God of War before the age of [-], so this young man was also a little stunned.

"You, are you a monster clan or a monster clan?" The young man thought for a while, and then burst out a sentence that made Zhan Wuming collapse, but it was right to think about it, considering the time and aptitude of human cultivation, he was indeed It's against the sky, but the Warcraft family and the Yaozu are different, because some Warcraft have noble bloodlines, such as the descendants of divine beasts, they are born with powerful talents, even if they are still young beasts, they are already war emperors, which is normal , That's why this guy asked this question.

"Jin Huyou, you are trying to lure people into the gang again, boy, let me tell you, their doomsday mercenary group is not a good place to go, the deadliest mercenary group in our Dream Moon City is their doomsday mercenary group... "A voice suddenly broke in.

The young man who was talking with Zhan Wuming suddenly changed his face, and he gave the person who interrupted a hard look, and roared very angrily: "Donkey eggs, you dare to let your Qingfeng mercenary group fight with our doomsday group!" Let's see who is stronger?" The young man called Jin Huyou was like a pig that was stabbed at once.

"Jin Huyou, others are afraid of your doomsday mercenary group, but our Qingfeng mercenary group is not afraid. I think you, Jin Huyou, don't follow Li Mo to work hard. With his blind command, I don't know how many people will be killed. , if we hadn't run so fast a few days ago, you would have killed us even..." The man was not angry when he was called a donkey egg, but he hummed to persuade him to surrender...

Zhan Wuming was a little speechless, but he also understood a little bit. It is estimated that the man named Li Mo of the doomsday mercenary group killed many members of the group a few days ago, and also implicated the Qingfeng mercenary group, so the Qingfeng mercenary group The people were very annoyed, so they came to dismantle Jin Huyou's platform, but this guy's name is Jin Huyou, with a strange name, no wonder he really likes Huyou, it's just that he doesn't catch a cold.Thinking about it, he didn't want to infiltrate the affairs between these two mercenary regiments, the purpose of his coming here was really moxin.

"Wealth and wealth are in danger, you Qingfeng group is a bunch of pussy bastards, you run away early when you encounter danger, if you don't run away shamelessly, can we be caused so many casualties by the flying Yasha king? A bunch of bastards, don't You thought that your deputy head, Mo Xin, would be able to shout in front of our doomsday group, and with our doomsday group, your Qingfeng mercenary group will always be regarded as second-rate!" Jin Huyou suddenly became angry and cursed.

Zhan Wuming suddenly stopped, Mo Xin, deputy head, could this Mo Xin be the one from the Destiny Cult?If that's the case, then it doesn't take much effort to get here, so what's the point of really joining this doomsday mercenary group.

"Don't think that it's so great for Li Mo to break through the Yuanling Realm. Back then, he wasn't defeated by our regiment leader Mo when he was in the Void Yuan Realm." The donkey egg said disdainfully.

"Brother Jin, I don't know where to go to go through the formalities of becoming a mercenary, why don't you take me there, I'm still a little interested in the Doomsday Mercenary Corps, you can tell me about it later." Zhan Wuming felt that Jin was fooling There's no point in arguing with Donkey Dandan like this, and private fights are not allowed in the City of All Beings, unless they make an appointment to fight, but it seems that they can't fight, this scolding is boring, and it is easy to attract people's attention, he doesn't want to be here Tangled down.

"Oh, it's easy, it's easy, I'm here to make sure everything goes well." Jin Huyou patted his chest and said, then turned his head coldly and said, "Donkey Dandan, I don't have time to quarrel with you here today, so I will take this little brother first." Let's get down to business..." Without waiting for the other party's response, he dragged Zhan Wuming to the castle.

"Little brother, don't listen to that donkey egg, you can check our doomsday mercenary group. In this Dream Moon City, almost all of the most difficult tasks are completed by us. Maybe our group leader is not all The strongest master in the mercenary group, but definitely the most courageous one. You must know, what is the purpose of us practitioners entering the city of sentient beings? Life and death experience, perfect state of mind, and finding a breakthrough on the edge of life and death can be regarded as a Heroic man, if you want to be a hothouse girl, why not go back and hug a few women to live the life of a rich man? Why do you practice? Natural talent is important to become a strong man, but what is more important is to have a strong heart The members of our regiment are more attrition than other regiments, but everyone in our regiment grows faster and stronger than other regiments!" Jin Huyou feared that Zhan Wuming had heard the words of the donkey egg just now. What idea, I can't help but explain it again!
Zhan Wuming just smiled, this Jin Huyou is really a talent who can fool you, even the dead can be said to be alive, but I have to say, these words really sound quite reasonable.But he didn't care, and couldn't help but asked with a smile: "By the way, why is that person's name so weird? It's actually called Donkey Egg."

"Hey, this, this is not it anymore, his real name is Lu Landan, and he is screaming, it sounds like that donkey egg."

"Then your name is Jin Huyou?" Zhan Wuming asked again.

"Well, don't listen to their nonsense. My name is Jin Tieming. That donkey egg is jealous of my eloquence. That's why he ruined my reputation in front of others and gave me the nickname Jin Huyou. Don't listen to him. People are the most honest, and they will never fool people!" Jin Huyou smiled awkwardly.

"Oh, that's that, that's honest and honest!" Zhan Wuming couldn't help laughing, he's still honest and honest!He is speechless!
(End of this chapter)

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