Chapter 495 Desolate City Crisis
There are many small towns on the border of the dome of Dream Moon City. These small towns are convenient places for practitioners who come and go from the wilderness to rest, and almost every small town has a passage for entering and leaving the wilderness.

Zhan Wuming found that the door to the wasteland was like a vortex in the void, it was very convenient to go out, just fly into the vortex, but when returning, he needed identity verification, just like his own. The void city is like entering the city of living beings. Outside each gate of the barren land, there is a huge psychic stone. Only after the psychic stone's approval can you pass through the vortex gate.

Zhan Wuming entered the barren land for the first time, and he discovered that the scene outside the barren area was completely different from what he saw in the city of sentient beings.In the wasteland, it seems that the scene outside the transparent dome can be seen, but the eyes cannot go far. What you see is not much different from the scene seen at the entrance of the wasteland passage, but at the entrance of the wasteland passage But he couldn't see the location of the City of All Beings.There is only one huge psychic stone.It seems that the city of all beings is condensed in the huge psychic stone, and it is not in the same space as this wasteland at all.

This feeling is very weird, making Zhan Wuming really feel that the huge psychic stone is a huge space, and the city of sentient beings is built in the huge psychic stone.Only those who have been approved by this psychic stone and who have made contributions to this starry sky are eligible to enter the city of sentient beings in that space, and the countless lives in the wasteland are actually only on this continent. Therefore, every trace of air they breathe in and out is the nutrient extracted from this continent, so they are parasites, and they cannot contribute to any behavior on this continent at all, so they will never It is impossible to enter the city of all beings, and it is impossible to break through the constraints imposed on them by the rules.

Zhan Wuming stared blankly at the huge psychic stone, and felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart. There are really many wonders in this world. How did this kind of stone come about?Do those city worlds really exist in this stone?
"Is this your first time entering the wasteland?" Li Mo saw Zhan Wuming's dazed expression, and couldn't help asking with a smile.

"En!" Zhan Wuming nodded.

"When I first entered the wilderness, I was the same as you, because I also suspected that we had been living inside a rock, so only after entering the wilderness did I realize that my world and space had suddenly become larger, and I realized My own sense of existence, there will always be too many miracles in the world, a world can be born from a stone, if I didn't enter the city of all living beings, I would never be able to imagine it." Li Mo seemed to be deeply moved.

"Is our Dream Moon City really in this psychic stone?" Zhan Wuming was taken aback. He was not the only one who felt this way. From Li Mo's tone, he clearly felt that Li Mo At the end, I felt a lot of emotion in my heart.

"I doubt it so much, but I can't prove it. After all, our realm is too low to understand how mysterious the laws of time and space are, let alone open up space, so this question is only for everyone in the City of All Beings. I can’t even answer.” Li Mo said with certainty.

Zhan Wuming thought about it, and couldn't help laughing. Indeed, if no one can see through the direction of the huge vortex in the void, then it can only be a guess. Perhaps, the city of sentient beings is really different from this The wasteland is in the same space latitude, but it is not in the psychic stone. At least, so far, I have not heard of anyone who can use the psychic stone to make a magic weapon of space. Stone, its internal structure is very strange. If it is really a huge space created in the stone, who built the teleportation array in it that can directly lead to other stones?

The creatures on the planet all live on the surface of the planet, so they can receive the sunlight in the starry sky, and the city of sentient beings also has its own cycle of heaven and earth, if it is really just in the sky In a stone, that's really interesting.

"Where is this place?" Zhan Wuming asked after thinking about it.

"This is the Prancing Horse Plain. The Prancing Horse Plain can be said to be a relatively safe place in the wilderness. It has already been cleared by various mercenary groups. Therefore, there are no dangerous wild beasts, but there are people living on the plain. A very ferocious wild horse, hard to tame, but the meat is very good!" Li Mo introduced to Zhan Wuming.Obviously, he was not impressed by Zhan Wuming. For this newcomer, although his cultivation base is not very good, he read a few more copies, not just because Zhan Wuming selflessly dedicated such a huge piece Lei Mingtie, because of Zhan Wuming's comprehensive analysis of the terrain of Yasha Valley, let him see what his mercenary group lacks and what it has hope.So, he actually explained this to Zhan Wuming himself.

"The Qingfeng mercenary group set off a day earlier than us. If we want to catch up with them, we may need to hurry up!" Brother Xiong also interjected at this time.

"Xiao Zhan, follow me, if there is anything you don't understand, just ask me, I am very familiar with the topographic map here, don't you know, I made the topographic map of Yasha Valley by myself!" In the regiment, the young Yan, who seemed to be indifferent to everything, chased after him.

Yan Chasing is the name people gave him later. His surname is Yan. His greatest talent is his unparalleled tracking ability, and he can clearly draw a map of every terrain he walks. Even mountains and rivers will not happen. any mistakes.Therefore, although his cultivation base in this mercenary group is relatively weak, he is treated as a treasure by the mercenary group.In the wilderness, having this kind of talent is equivalent to having a golden pen. When exploring unknown areas, Yan's pursuit is the real focus.I heard that many mercenary groups wanted to spend a lot of money to poach Yan Zhuizhen, but Yan Zhuizhen stayed. There are rumors that it may be because of Li Yalan. This is an advantage that other mercenary groups cannot match. A beautiful woman, A woman of unique style and style...

"Brother Yan, it would be the best if you were my guide, you are a living map!" Zhan Wuming also joked and laughed.

"Well, if I have time, I'll ask you about formations and so on. How about you teach me when the time comes?" Yan Zhui said with a charming smile.

When everyone heard this, they immediately understood that Yan's pursuit had a purpose, but it was too straightforward.

Zhan Wuming couldn't help being startled, and said with a smile: "My method of formation is a family secret, if you want to learn it, you can learn it from a master and an apprentice!"

"As long as you teach, you are my master!" Yan Zhui replied in a very lonely manner.

"Come on, are you ashamed? You are almost as old as his grandfather, and you are still apprentices." Jin Tieming said angrily.

"A master is a teacher, so what does age matter? Don't interrupt me, Jin Huyou..." Yan Zhui was immediately annoyed.

"Okay, okay, stop arguing... hurry on your way seriously!" Brother Xiong couldn't help scolding.


Yecha Valley is more than [-] miles southwest of the Yuema Plain.Since the psychic stone passed through the Yuema Plain, it has traveled directly for more than [-] miles, and then there is a river valley. Yan Zhui told Zhan Wuming that this place was originally called the Jueming River Valley. This valley can only be safe in two seasons a year. Traveling through, during the rest of the time, this river valley is full of poisonous mist, except for some special desolate beasts that can roam freely in it, other life is almost extinct.There is no way to stay in this poisonous fog for even a stick of incense, and if the width of this river valley is thousands of miles, if it is shrouded in poisonous fog, there is no sense of direction at all. It is impossible to pass through safely, and it can also be regarded as a dangerous place.

However, like the Prancing Horse Plain, most of the Deadly River Valley has been cleared by various mercenary groups over the years, and very powerful wild beasts are rarely seen, except in the season of poisonous fog.In fact, the battle between the wild beasts in the wilderness and the creatures outside the starry sky has continued for countless years. Countless wild beasts have become food in the city of all living beings and various materials. Some powerful desolate beasts have unconsciously moved away from the city of sentient beings and developed deeper into the desolate land.And desolate beasts will always become the nightmare of the beings in the city of all living beings. In the past countless years, many creatures have become the food of desolate beasts, and the flesh and blood of practitioners are often the favorite snacks of desolate beasts.

Along the way, Zhan Wuming also saw the so-called desolate beasts, which are actually monsters, but the aura on the desolate beasts is different from that of the demonic beasts. Most of the desolate beasts have the most powerful physical power, not the power of their bodies. the power of the elements.In the wilderness, there seems to be an inexplicable power of the starry sky, which can better temper the body of the practitioner, but the power of the elements in this starry sky seems to exist in a more mysterious form, closer to the original , Therefore, people with low realms, on the contrary, can obtain less aura from this world.But the breath between the heaven and the earth really made Zhan Wuming feel very comfortable, as if he returned to the primitive jungle with his naked body, and there was a sense of resonance between the breath and the heaven and the earth, which made him feel that he could reach heaven and man at any time. The state of oneness.

After passing through the Jueming River Valley, Yan Zhui chased after the Qingfeng mercenary regiment and other forces, and Zhan Wuming found that Yan Zhui chase could almost catch up with his own treasure hunting pig.His ears and nose are so sensitive that he can actually smell the difference in the body odor of two people hundreds of meters away. This makes Zhan Wuming have to admit that this guy is also an outlier, but he is pestered to teach him the way of formation, even The act of wanting to be a teacher made Zhan Wuming feel a little overwhelmed.

"There is blood ahead!" Yan Zhui chased ahead, stopped suddenly, and stretched out his hand to make a slight stop gesture to everyone.

The entire fast-moving team stopped quickly, and no one doubted Yan's sense of pursuit.

"Weeping Blood Ditch is already ahead! The terrain is complicated there, and wild beasts are easy to hide in it, everyone be careful!" Li Yalan reminded softly.

Zhan Wuming's mind was slightly restrained, just when Yan chased and smelled the bloody air ahead, something seemed to be touched in his heart, and there was a faint sense of crisis covering his heart, he was never unfamiliar with this feeling , Whenever this feeling appears, there will always be danger coming, but this time, he can't guess what kind of danger it will be, so he can only quietly follow the team and move forward slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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