Chapter 50

Facing the humiliation of Zhan Wuming, the proud Nangong Chuji wanted to die of shame and anger. Before Zhan Wuming called him a little boy and the second master of the rabbit, but now he is pinching his face and picking on him in public. This made him the number one on the gold list. How can I not be angry.But Zhan Wuming's strange power easily blocked his fighting spirit, making it difficult for him to even struggle, let alone resist.

Zhan Wuming's frivolous movements made everyone in the audience speechless. He was naked, with bruised muscles all over his body, and he pinched Nangong Chu so frivolously. Most of the people's hairs stood up. In this scene, it is really impossible not to remind people of wretched things.Zhan Wuming was abused so badly by others, and he still didn't forget to tease the enemy in turn, it's really weird.

"Boy, if you let my son off, I don't have to pursue your crime of blasphemy today. If you dare to humiliate me like this again, don't blame the old man for not reminding you that the Nangong family will destroy your nine clans!" Zhan Wuming humiliated Nangong Chu, he was humiliating the Nangong family.Due to the power of the Beast Sect, they didn't dare to go too far. After all, Nangong Chu was still in the hands of Zhan Wuming. This challenge was also up to Nangong Chu himself. If it was too much, others would laugh at the Nangong family that they couldn't afford to lose. .

"Boy, if you don't think about yourself, you should also think about your family in Muye City..." Nangong Jianshe added self-righteously, he had just learned of Zhan Wuming's identity from Ling Jianzong.A child from a small family who came out of Muye City, he couldn't cultivate fighting spirit since he was a child, but for some reason, he became so powerful in Nanzhao City.To the Nangong family, the Yan Dynasty was nothing more than a small fish, let alone a small family in a small city of the Yan Dynasty, they didn't take it seriously at all.

"Haha..." Zhan Wuming laughed suddenly, his face was indifferent, he didn't expect that the Nangong family would have such virtues, they would talk about the family in Muye City, this really touched his Ni Lin.

After laughing, he gently shook his index finger at Nangong Jianshe, and said lightly: "Do you know why I wanted to join the Spirit Sword Sect in the first place? Because I am particularly envious of those disciples who join the Spirit Sword Sect. Doing whatever you want and being lawless fit my personality so well. Therefore, I have determined to join the Spirit Sword Sect since I was a child. Unfortunately, the night before yesterday, I killed Tuyan Sheng, a disciple of the Spirit Sword Sect, the prince of the Tuyan Kingdom. He is just like you , saying that I dare not hurt him, he is a disciple of the Spirit Sword Sect..."

After a pause, Zhan Wuming said again: "I was just thinking, I just want to do whatever the fuck I want and be lawless. He is a disciple of the Spirit Sword Sect. He can only treat me lawlessly and do whatever he wants, which is too boring, so I cut off his head. In this world, you have to do whatever you want without threats. What a fart! My head fell off, so it’s just a big scar on the mouth of the bowl. But because of this, I can’t enter the Spirit Sword Sect, what a pity! The Spirit Sword Sect will not let me in, let alone kill me and me My friend, I told Elder Zeng of the Spirit Sword Sect just for this matter. If you want to kill me, that would be too easy. You are an old senior of the middle rank of the Emperor of War. I would not be reconciled to killing me. , If you are not convinced, you will lose face. So I told him that his disciples below the battle king of the Spirit Sword Sect are all rubbish. Can kill me. So, today I came to Yanshan Dang, and let the strongest and most powerful disciple of the Spirit Sword Sect fight against him. If I die, I admit defeat; if I win, the matter of killing the disciples of the Spirit Sword Sect will be cancelled. Said Really, the disciples of the Spirit Sword Sect really have two talents, but they are still not as good as me! Who am I? Zhan Wuming who will soon be accepted as a disciple of the Mountain Opening by the Great Opening of the Beast Sect."

Hearing Zhan Wuming's words, Zeng Chucai's face turned green. What does it mean that the disciples of the Spirit Sword Sect below the War King are rubbish? This guy also said boldly that he wanted to join the Spirit Sword Sect at the beginning, and the reason was so bloody that the people of the Spirit Sword Sect were about to vomit blood. He wanted to join the Spirit Sword Sect so that he could do whatever he wanted and be lawless?
The heads of everyone in Yanshan Dangzhong were full of question marks, could the disciples of the Spirit Sword Sect really do whatever they wanted and be lawless?

Thinking about it, it seems that in the Cangyan Empire, as long as you say you are a disciple of the Spirit Sword Sect, no one will dare to provoke you.If it is provoked, it may lead to the disaster of destroying the family.As a result, many people began to agree with Zhan Wuming's words.

When people listened to Zhan Wuming bluntly saying that the spirit sword sect below the war king was all rubbish, those geniuses who were planning to join the spirit sword sect were all confused. Is this spirit sword sect worth joining?
A single Zhan Wuming from the Yan Beast Sect killed the Spirit Sword Sect so much that he couldn't lift his head, which greatly damaged the face of the huge Spirit Sword Sect.It seems that the Beast Sect has great potential.The geniuses had a resolution in their hearts, and they either chose other sects or chose the beast sect.

"That old man, you are talking about my family in Muye City. You are really wrong. You have checked my information and you should know that I was a playboy before I came to Nanzhao City. Do you know why? It is because my family restricted me. Don't let me cause trouble, because if I don't cause trouble, it's all right. If I make trouble, I will be lawless and do whatever I want, and I will implicate the family. So after learning about the Zongmen's general election, I came out. The family cannot be implicated, so I came to the Spirit Sword Sect As a backer, let's see who dares to provoke me. The family knows that Zhan Wuming is a lawless troublemaker by nature. As soon as I leave Muye City, I will definitely bring disaster to the family. My dear father is wise and powerful. In short, the moment I stepped out of Muye City, the Zhan family no longer existed in this world. There is an old saying that is good, if you can’t provoke it, you can’t hide it! You still use this matter threaten me."

Zhan Wuming shook his finger with a look of disdain and contempt.

"You said that you came up to challenge me, and you like to pretend to be sweet. You could have killed me, but unfortunately you pretended too much and became my spoils of war. Can't your Nangong family be more humble? If you lose, you lose. What a big deal. Look at Tie Muhe, a genius from the Tie family. Didn’t he also lose at the hands of Zhan Wuming? Are you as inferior as the people from your Nangong family? What a wisdom and state of mind this is. Brother, I hate you the most. You are obviously a prisoner, and you are still fucking pretending. Don’t you know that you will be struck by lightning if you pretend to be too much?"

Zhan Wuming's tone made the two war emperors of the Nangong family tremble with anger. When will it be the turn of a little Zhanzong to teach him a lesson from the Nangong family.Zhan Wuming's tone, intonation, and expression, what is pretending? Isn't this fucking pretending?
The heroes of the world were dumbfounded when they heard this, and the elders of the major sects looked at Zhan Wuming with admiration.This kid is really amazing, a poisonous tongue is not weaker than his physical strength, and he is also a guy who kills people, his kung fu has been practiced on his tongue, what a profound state this is!

Nangong Chu was the most ashamed and angry. Zhan Wuming’s words made him feel worse than whipping him. He pretended too much. He did have countless opportunities to kill Zhan Wuming, but he didn’t. He always wanted to use the most violent Zhan Wuming was tortured in such a way, but he never thought that as long as he gave Zhan Wuming a chance, Zhan Wuming could kill him.Zhan Wuming didn't miss this opportunity, which created his current tragedy.

"Boy, pay attention to what you say!" Nangong Chaoshui was really angry. A little Zhanzong was so arrogant. They are mocking his Nangong family.Obviously, the kid wasn't ready to compromise at all.

"Look at your virtue. Brother, I accepted the challenge of the Spirit Sword Sect. You said that your Nangong family is joining in the fun and making such a fuss. From this point of view, the Spirit Sword Sect is nothing in the eyes of the Nangong family. There is no one left in the Spirit Sword Sect, so I can't afford to lose, so I asked the Nangong family to disturb the situation, won't you be afraid of the ridicule of the world's heroes?" Zhan Wuming's face changed, his eyes turned to the Spirit Sword Sect, and he shouted loudly.

Zeng Chucai and the masters of the Spirit Sword Sect suddenly changed their countenance. They were still calculating just now. It would be more beneficial to the Spirit Sword Sect if the Nangong Family clashed with Zhan Wuming and Yong Beast Sect.

Unexpectedly, Zhan Wuming didn't give them this opportunity at all, Zhan Wuming directly expressed their thoughts, and immediately reminded everyone that this was originally a dispute between Zhan Wuming and Spirit Sword Sect. Lost face.But once Zhan Wuming said this, they had to stand up to safeguard Zhan Wuming's safety, at least while Zhan Wuming was still on the challenge stage.

"I admit that you are indeed a rare genius. Your strength is qualified to be respected by my Spirit Sword Sect. However, the gamble between you and the Spirit Sword Sect lasted for a day. Before the end, there is no winner or loser. What do you say? It's too early." Zeng Chu knew that he had to come out and speak, but it was impossible for him to admit defeat directly. As one of the top sects on this continent, Lingjianzong bowed his head and surrendered to a child. When he returns to the Spirit Sword Sect, he will be punished by the elders to face the wall and think about it, let alone want to improve his status in the future.

"Since the gambling fight is not over yet, it is also to show that your Spirit Sword Sect is not looking for someone to deliberately disrupt the situation. I don't want to hear the sound of a mad dog barking." Zhan Wuming said, turning his head to take aim at Nangong Construction and Nangong Destruction. He glanced at it, stretched out his thumb, and slowly turned upside down, his eyes full of disdain and contempt.

"You guys, shut up and go. There is no place for your Nangong family to talk here. Don't forget, this Nangong Chu is already a disciple of the Spirit Sword Sect. He came to challenge me on behalf of the Spirit Sword Sect. Before he came up Why didn’t I see you stop them, and only shouted there now that they were defeated, what happened to the Nangong family? Can the Nangong family despise the Spirit Sword Sect and the Beast Sect? You’re pretending too much!” Zhan Wuming lectured Nangong Jianshe and the others in a very arrogant manner. Nangong was devastated.

Zhan Wuming's voice made the entire Yanshan Mountain utterly silent, and the geniuses who came from all over the empire suddenly discovered that this guy who came with them to participate in the Zongmen election had unknowingly become an idol in their hearts.No. [-] on the gold list is all a joke, so brave, so arrogant, so arrogant, dare to use Zhan Zong's cultivation to humiliate two war emperors and the mighty Nangong family, this is the real hero, the real king of genius.Who else in the world can beat him, they really started to worship Zhan Wuming.

(End of this chapter)

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