Chapter 500

The person who appeared outside the Valley of Weeping Blood was actually Mo Ke, the leader of the Qingfeng Mercenary Group.Originally, everyone just wanted to follow the whereabouts of the Qingfeng mercenary group and discover the secret of Qilin's true blood, but in the end they were plotted against.

What puzzled the members of the Doomsday Mercenary Group was why Mo Ke appeared here when the Qingfeng Mercenary Group set out with several other mercenary groups.

"Cao Xiong, are you worthy of those brothers who trust you by doing this?" Li Yalan was really angry.

"Brother? Hmph, the Doomsday Mercenary Group is just a desperate fourth-rate mercenary group. Look at this group of defeated soldiers who followed you. If it weren't for you, Li Yalan, this group would have already disbanded. Success is not enough to fail, and the trip to Yasha Valley, the doomsday mercenary group has long since lost its glory, and Li Mo is just a dou who can't support the wall. Although I, Cao Xiong, am not talented, I know that a good bird chooses a tree to live in. Captain Mo Ke promised me that as long as you offer him up, he can let me be the deputy head of the Qingfeng Mercenary Group, which is many times stronger than your fragmented Doomsday Mercenary Group, why don't I do it." Brother Xiong He smiled indifferently.

"For the sake of brothers, if any of you are willing to join me in the Qingfeng Mercenary Group, then I can ask Commander Mo to forgive me and give you a chance!" Brother Xiong became more and more arrogant.

Brother Xiong's words immediately caused some people in the doomsday mercenary group to shake their minds.

"Come up!" Li Yalan was about to say something, but Zhan Wuming yelled softly.

"Those who want to join the Qingfeng mercenary group, take down Li Yalan first..." Brother Xiong shouted loudly.

Li Yalan didn't hesitate at this time, she also understood the current situation of the doomsday mercenary group, this group of people is not really cohesive, and Cao Xiong still has some influence on weekdays, when he said it, the eyes of those people who were originally unstable Changed, obviously, their hearts were moved.

"Boy, you can't escape!" Brother Xiong sneered, and a little saint wanted to escape in his palm.As soon as he took a step, it seemed as if he had penetrated directly from the void, and appeared directly in front of Zhan Wuming.

"Boom..." Brother Xiong waved his hand, only to find that Zhan Wuming's figure had disappeared before his eyes.And where Zhan Wuming stood, a huge crater suddenly appeared on a boulder.

Obviously, Zhan Wuming seemed to have expected Brother Xiong to attack him, and when Brother Xiong moved, he also moved quickly. Everything happened too fast, and the phantom still stayed on the boulder .

"Fleeing to the Valley of Weeping Blood, it will only be a dead end! Yalan, would you rather die than be my woman?" Mo Ke's face changed, because he found that Li Yalan's figure was also chasing after Zhan Wu Life behind him rushed into the Valley of Weeping Blood, what surprised them even more was that several people jumped directly on the top of the boulder, and a group of people from the doomsday mercenary group who still wanted to follow Li Yalan also rushed into the Valley of Weeping Blood from under the boulder. Rushed away, as if he didn't consider the danger that the blood weeping demon swarm might bring.

"Li Yalan, I promised Captain Mo that I would give you to him..." Brother Xiong was hit in one blow, but he turned around and stopped Li Yalan. He knew very well that he didn't need to defeat Li Yalan. It only needs to block him for a moment, and Mo Ke will arrive. At that time, it is impossible for Li Yalan to leave.

"Brother Xiong, stay on the line, or you will regret it!" Cao Xiong just stood still in front of Li Yalan, and Zhan Wuming's figure appeared again, but he was wedged between Li Yalan and sandwiched between him.

"Boy, you are a little battle saint and want to threaten me, you are not qualified..." Cao Xiong gave Zhan Wuming a look of disdain, Li Yalan is of course more important than Zhan Wuming, this is what Mo Ke specifies man, otherwise his betrayal would be of little value.

"Okay, then you can go to die!" Zhan Wuming's eyes flashed an indifferent murderous intent, and his tone was extremely cold.

"Ha, ha... ah..." Cao Xiong felt that he had heard the funniest joke, a little war saint dared to say such a thing to him, and thought he was the supreme, so he laughed, but he The smiling face froze there quickly, and suddenly felt a heart-piercing pain in his chest, which made it difficult for him to even breathe for an instant.

The sudden change made Li Yalan stunned. One moment Cao Xiong was fine, but the next moment he looked like this, as if a huge object was about to come out of his chest. She saw Cao Xiong's face All the veins on his upper body were bulging out, and he was sweating profusely.Suffered great pain in an instant.

"How could this happen!" Cao Xiong screamed with difficulty, he was still aloof at the last moment, but now he is struggling like dying.

Zhan Wuming looked at Cao Xiong with a smile that was not a smile, and said indifferently: "Don't underestimate any opponent, even if the cultivation base is much lower than yours, killing people does not necessarily depend on cultivation base, it depends on Wisdom and means!"

"You, what did you do to me?" Cao Xiong covered his chest with his hands, he felt as if something was devouring his heart, like ten thousand insects devouring his heart, the pain was indescribable.

"Sorry, I always like to take precautions before they happen. Before I left, sister Yalan told me to be careful of you, so before I left, I added a small worm to the spiritual fruit you ate. Egg. If you are calm, then this insect egg will die automatically in half a month, but if you are restless, it will hatch immediately, use your vitality to grow instantly, and evolve into a sea of ​​thousands of insects. The guilt completely swallows your heart... Even the gods can't save you. Of course, if you have surpassed the Supreme, you can take your body and be reborn. You can consider changing your body now, otherwise your soul will be swallowed soon " Zhan Wuming shrugged and smiled innocently.

As soon as Zhan Wuming said this, not only Cao Xiong's face turned ashen, but even Li Yalan's face turned pale, because she thought that she had also eaten Zhan Wuming's spiritual fruit, so she wouldn't be so disgusting. Kill the eggs... Isn't life and death controlled by Zhan Wuming?

"Let's go, why are you still in a daze, the fruit for you doesn't even have worm eyes, how can there be worm eggs..." Zhan Wuming saw Li Yalan's face turned pale, and immediately knew what she was thinking, and couldn't help screaming that he had miscalculated, How can you say such things in front of this beauty? Isn't this disgusting?

"Don't kill him, he's dead, he's dirty your hands!" Zhan Wuming grabbed Li Yalan and fled back to the depths of Weeping Blood Valley.

"Boom, boom..." As soon as they left the boulder, the boulder quickly collapsed under a huge force. Mo Ke's figure was like a shooting star, but it was still a little late.

"Can you escape?" Mo Ke's heart was filled with endless anger. This boy who appeared suddenly disrupted his overall plan. The people of the doomsday mercenary group were detected, so he had to make an early move.If according to the plan, Yan's chasing spiritual sense is abolished, then they will not be aware of their existence. As soon as these people walk out of the Valley of Weeping Blood, they will immediately enter their encirclement. The Qingfeng mercenary group has the advantage With the combat power, these people of the doomsday mercenary group can be taken down almost without a waste of effort.But after one Yan Chasing was removed, another unknown pawn appeared.

Cao Xiong only knew that Zhan Wuming was rich, and he seemed to be quite insightful in the formation, but he didn't expect that Zhan Wuming's ability to sense crises was stronger, not weaker than Yan Chasing.Through some details, he actually noticed the danger, which made Li Mo stop suddenly when he was weeping at the mouth of the blood valley. Although the distance was only ten or twenty miles away, this distance was enough for the doomsday mercenary group to have room to maneuver , This is also the reason why Brother Xiong dare not directly turn against each other, but has to fight hard. At this distance, Li Mo, Li Yalan and others beheaded him, and when Mo Ke caught up, he might already be a cold corpse.

Cao Xiong underestimated Zhan Wuming, not only underestimated Zhan Wuming's talent, but also underestimated Zhan Wuming's methods.

"I must capture Li Yalan alive. As for that kid, kill him directly..." Mo Ke saw that Zhan Wuming was holding Li Yalan's hand and fled quickly, jumping from one stone to another like a flea , so fast, I couldn't help but get angry.In his eyes, he has long regarded Li Yalan as his own personal property, so how could he allow other men to prosecute her.If Mo Xin was here, he would definitely not have the same thoughts as him, because Mo Xin would definitely recognize Zhan Wuming's identity and know how terrifying he is!Fortunately, Mo Xin was not among this group of people.

"There is only a dead end to enter the valley!" Li Yalan didn't shake off Zhan Wuming's hand, but she didn't think Zhan Wuming's choice would be right.

"It's not a dead end, it's a narrow escape, and there is still a chance. Of course, you can also choose to be the young mistress of the Mo family. In that way, you can guarantee [-]% survival!" Zhan Wuming smiled lightly, as if it was not as heavy as Li Yalan imagined.

"Xiao Zhan, where are we going?" Jin Tieming asked anxiously following Zhan Wuming's footsteps.He didn't escape from under the boulder. In fact, he actually had a special trust in Zhan Wuming. He himself was a little surprised that he foolishly believed that Zhan Wuming might lead him out of the crisis.But almost everyone knows that the top of the Weeping Blood Valley stone forest is absolutely dead, and the countless flocks of birds will definitely not be more worry-free than the weeping blood demon insects in the stone forest.But Zhan Wuming ignored the general and fled directly to the depths of Weeping Blood Valley.

This is the edge of the Valley of Weeping Blood, and it does not receive the attention of those biting birds. Therefore, it is relatively safe to be above the stone forest at this time, but if it goes deeper than a hundred miles, I am afraid that it will be noticed by the birds immediately. The resulting bird tide...

"A little saint wants to compare his speed with me!" An indifferent voice suddenly sounded beside Zhan Wuming, and then, a big hand as black as ink pierced through the void in front of him. Passed by, and directly grabbed Zhan Wuming and Li Yalan.

"He's not from the Qingfeng Mercenary Corps!" Li Yalan's face suddenly changed when he saw this big black hand, and he cried out in a low voice.

"Of course he's not from the Qingfeng Mercenary Group, he's from the Mo family..." Zhan Wuming yelled angrily, and this big hand felt like it was out of time. Obviously, this person's cultivation base is already A strong man in the Tianyuan Realm of the Five Tribulations, and the head of the Qingfeng Mercenary Group is only in the Void Yuan Realm of the Three Tribulations. Even Mo Xin is only at the cultivation level of the Three Tribulations. It's probably only at the Yuanling Realm of the Fourth Tribulation, but the owner of this hand is obviously the God of War at the Tianyuan Realm of the Five Tribulations.

"Damn, what's so great about having a high cultivation base?" Zhan Wuming watched the big black hand approaching, took a deep breath, and suddenly threw a few small balls.And his body suddenly fell into the stone forest with Li Yalan.

"Boom, boom..." The huge boulder that Zhan Wuming was sheltering just now shattered into pieces, but the boulder forest still blocked the speed of this big hand.

Li Yalan saw a few strands of flames bursting out from the palm of that big, pitch-black hand.Then it spread rapidly.

"What kind of fire is this..." A voice of shock and anger came from the void, and the big black hand held it in the void, but it failed to extinguish the flame, but it burned more and more.

"Fire of Immortal Essence... How could you have such a thing..." A figure suddenly appeared in the void, it was the owner of that big hand, but at this moment that person cut off the hand of the element in a very embarrassing manner, Let it be reduced to ashes in the void, and its own breath is also slightly weaker.

(End of this chapter)

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