Chapter 604

Zhan Wuming and others came to an empty hall, but did not see anyone there.However, he felt that there seemed to be an extremely dull aura in the hall. This aura was like a giant beast about to break out of its shell. It contained a vicious aura, but it was hidden.

"Huo Weifu, what do you want to report?" Just as Zhan Wuming looked at the empty hall, a cold voice came leisurely.

"Huo Weifu pays homage to Lord Star Master. I wonder if Lord Star Master has heard about the opening of Su God's ruins?" Huo Weifu saluted in the direction of the voice, and said calmly.

"The news of the opening of Su God's ruins has already spread throughout the endless star sea, so I must have heard of it." The voice was very calm.

"I would like to ask the star master to pass on a message. You must not go to the Su God's ruins, because it is a death scam. We just escaped from the Su God's ruins by chance!" Huo Weifu suddenly said seriously.

"Su God's ruins are a death hoax? How do you say that?" Huo Weifu's words immediately made the Star Master doubtful.The opening of Su God's ruins is known to the entire endless starry sky, and it is a legend that has been passed down for a long time. Suddenly someone said that this legend is just a death hoax, how can it be convincing?If it weren't for the person who spoke, he was also a Supreme Being, and this Supreme Being was not very unfamiliar to the Heavenly Star Lord, and he also believed in the Supreme Being in front of him, so he really didn't dare to lie to him.

"There is already a piece of demonic soil in the Sushen planet. The so-called Sushen ruins are just a group of evil spirits that attract practitioners from all heavens and worlds to die, and then become nutrients for them to revive the corpses of ancient gods and gods." Huo Weifu said solemnly .

"This is my personal experience. At this time, Su Shenxing no longer exists, but has turned into a huge body of an ancient god. It is under his hands that we survived and escaped. But in Su Shenxing On that demon, I saw the corpse of my great-grandfather, Patriarch Jin Tian, ​​but unfortunately, I am incapable of taking back the corpse of my great-grandfather." Chongtian said with a sad and indignant expression.

"The corpse of Patriarch Jintian? Didn't your great-grandfather disappear more than 200 years ago?" It is obvious that Heavenly Star Lord is familiar with Chongtian's golden clan.

"That's right, but I didn't expect that my great-grandfather would actually go to the ruins of God Su." Chongtian nodded.

"Are you sure it's the corpse of an ancient god?" Heavenly Star Lord said with an extremely serious expression.

"If the Star Lord doesn't believe it, you can ask someone to go to the Sushen Starfield to investigate, but I suggest not to get too close to the Sushen Starfield. Although the ancient god has not recovered to the power of the ancient gods, he is afraid that he will be in the Sushen Starfield. We have no opponents in this world, once we enter the Sushen Starfield, we will be bound by its rules and cannot escape." Huo Weifu said solemnly.

After a while, the entire hall became silent.It seemed that the heaven star master was thinking about the authenticity of what Huo Weifu said.An ancient god's corpse, what a shocking news, if it is just a intact ancient god's corpse, then it will be the most exciting wealth in the heavens and myriad worlds, but if it is a revived ancient god, then It will be a huge disaster.Even immortals can't be found in this world, so who can be the opponent of the ancient gods.I'm afraid that the entire endless star sea will be wiped out under its attack.

"I will check your news. If it is true, I will spread the news. If there is no definite evidence, even if I spread the news, no one will believe it. Look at the star port. Those starships are from various races. They will not give up their wish to go to the ruins of God Su just because of my words. People will die for money and birds will die for food. I believe you should be clear!"

"In this endless star sea, only profit is what the races are after. However, you can choose to share this news. On behalf of the endless star sea, I would like to express my gratitude to you. It is only a matter of going to Su Shenxing." For more than a day, please spend three or four days having fun in my heavenly star." The heavenly star master said indifferently.

Zhan Wuming frowned slightly, but he knew that what the heavenly star master said was indeed true, without enough evidence, how could he prove the truth of what he said in the face of forces coming from all sides!
The greedy people who have been motivated by interests will never give up the possibility of exploring the ruins of God Su because of some rumors from a certain person or a few people.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't believe the other rumors at all. After all, the relic of God Su is the relic of God, and the opportunities they can obtain are unimaginable in this era when the gate of immortality cannot be found.

"If that's the case, then there's Lord Lao Xing. We're going to visit Paradise City." Huo Weifu cupped his hands, then greeted several people, and slowly exited the hall.


After Huo Weifu and others left the hall, the huge stone pillars transformed into portals, and then several figures came out leisurely from them.And one of them seemed to be shrouded in a layer of mist, and he couldn't see his face clearly at all.

"Star Lord, our people have already set off for the Sushen Starfield. If it is true as they said, then we have no time to notify them." One of the white-haired old men asked respectfully to the person who was covered in fog road.

"If this is the case, then we should go and have a look first. The Sushen Starfield is too close to our Paradise Star, maybe we should make other preparations earlier. An ancient god's body, for the family, it will be a great challenge. Huge wealth, if it is really the body of the ancient god that has not been recovered, we should inform the ancestors as soon as possible, I believe that the ancestor Youhuo and the ancestor Xuanhuang must be very interested in this body of the ancient god. If we really have the opportunity to obtain this ancient god body, then we will truly have the power to return to the upper realm." The Heavenly Star Lord in the mist took a deep breath.

Huo Weifu's words made his mind active. An ancient god who has never recovered, a god corpse controlled by demons, may be a disaster for Heavenly Star, but it is a disaster for the whole family. Huge opportunity.

The Old Gods are terrifying, but that's only for mortals.But for those who are truly capable, that is an incomparably huge temptation.A corpse of an ancient god is a huge treasure for the ancient gods, because if this corpse can be refined into a puppet, it will be invincible, even in the ancient gods. It is a terrible existence.

"Then I will report to the family elders immediately..."

"No, you have to prove it yourself first, otherwise you should know what kind of attitude the ancestor of the family would have if you lied about the military situation!" the Heavenly Star Lord in the mist said decisively.

"This subordinate understands, and this subordinate will arrange for someone to go to the Sushen Starfield to investigate immediately."


"It seems that it is of no use for us to find the Heavenly Star Lord." Chongtian said in a sullen voice.

"Is the Heavenly Star Lord always so mysterious? Can't even meet him once?" Zhan Wuming asked a little depressed. They entered the Heavenly Star Lord's Mansion. After all, there were three supreme beings. It's nothing, but the three supreme beings can't even meet the star master, which makes him feel that the other party is really putting on airs too much, and this airs are too high.

"Heaven star masters have always been very mysterious, but their inheritance seems to be very long ago. A long time ago, they were one of the masters of this heaven star. With the passage of time, no one has been able to regret their status in heaven star Status, because all the people who forced him to take action either died or disappeared! There were also people who wanted to investigate secretly to find out what kind of power this Heavenly Star Lord was, but these people also, without exception, never appeared again. Therefore, There are only some untrue legends about the Heavenly Star Lord, but very few people in the entire Heavenly Star have actually seen his true face." Huo Weifu explained.

"Never show his true face to others, so what's so shameful about him?" Zhan Wuming frowned slightly.He always had a strange feeling about this mysterious heavenly star lord, that feeling seemed familiar, especially for a certain breath in the hall, as if it had been branded in his soul long ago, but it just didn't happen for a while. I remembered where I had seen this familiar aura.

"What's so strange about this heavenly star?" Zhan Wuming asked suddenly.

"In addition to having a very large trading market here, Paradise Star is most famous for its death game! For those who have never been to this planet, it is really strange!" Chongtian suddenly became excited, and for this Paradise Star , obviously he is very familiar with it.Can't help rushing to say.

"Death game? What is that?" Zhan Wuming asked in surprise, but he had never heard of such a thing as a death game.

"The death game is a life-and-death duel, but it can only be played in the duel field. Many people have servants in their homes. This kind of servant is usually used to participate in the death game. Dogs are in the same situation, except that practitioners participate in the game of death." Chong Tian explained.

"That's right, if you like a servant, you can also bet on the servant. On the periphery of the death game, there are quite a few dealers who set up odds. Therefore, this death game is very attractive.

"There are also some people who are not servants, but just want to sharpen themselves in this life-and-death environment, hoping to find a gleam of insight in the life-and-death environment. Those who have been honed through this way are hard-hearted, and those who have won ten games in a row , there will be a chance to be qualified to enter the fantasy world of heaven.

Paradise Illusion is the place that Tiantian Star attracts practitioners all over the world. It is said that this Paradise Illusion is located in the center of Tiantian Star's huge square.But the places and qualifications to enter it are very limited, and passing the death game is one of the ways.In this endless sea of ​​stars, there are countless talented people. It is not an easy task to win ten games in a row in the same level.

Zhan Wuming doesn't know what kind of place is the Paradise Illusory Realm on the Paradise Star, which can attract so many people to pursue it.He originally thought that the entire Paradise Star was nothing more than a mine star, which attracted several big families to join hands to divide it up, but he never thought that there would be a Paradise Illusion Realm in the Paradise Star, which was what really attracted all the forces to gather here. one of the reasons.

(End of this chapter)

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