Chapter 607: The Battle Against the Hand of the Revenant
A small young Yuan Zun not only has the ability to fight against the Supreme, but what is even more frightening is that this young man is even stronger than the long-famous ancestor Mie Shen. This child's potential is so high that it is enough to chill the entire starry sky.

At this time, many people suddenly understood why this young man would suddenly take action against the people of the Death Pavilion, because his subordinates suddenly became the servants of the Death Pavilion, and the spirit beast was even captured by the Death Pavilion as a pet. Anyone would do the same.

Patriarch Mietian's face turned blue and white, the behavior of Zhan Wuming and others was definitely slapping Death Pavilion in the face, and they were still slapping them hard.They didn't expect that the servant who escaped would be the servant of the boy in front of them, but when things got to this point, neither they nor Hentian could take action, and the boy killed two death star beasts as soon as he made a move. Giving up on this will inevitably affect the reputation of Death Pavilion.

"Chongtian, I don't know what you're talking about. Even the golden family is not qualified to act wildly in our Death Pavilion. If anyone comes to my Death Pavilion to make trouble, they will find a reason to say that we robbed their spirit beasts, then If people from the entire endless star sea come to my death pavilion to ask for things, then how can we gain a foothold in this starry sky." Patriarch Mie Shen said coldly.

"Yes, our Death Pavilion has its own rules, and whoever wants to break our rules will have to pay a price. Even if there are Guishui swallowing sky pythons and blue-eyed golden-eyed beasts that enter our Death Pavilion, then It is the stuff of our death pavilion, anyone who wants to take it back will have to pay the corresponding price. I believe you gold thieves know this better." At this time, the old monster who hates the sky no longer hides his figure , flew directly to the void and stood side by side with Mie Shen Patriarch.

"Tianxie Mozun, my Death Pavilion and your Tianxie Dao have always been in harmony with each other. If you insist on making things difficult for me, then don't blame our Death Pavilion for being rude! And Tianmo Palace, we have always been in touch, Huo Husband, aren't you afraid of being blamed by the Lord of Heavenly Demon Palace for your behavior today?" Patriarch Mie Shen said sternly to several people.

"What this old man did is only on behalf of the individual, not the Heavenly Demon Palace. Of course, if you think it is feasible to sue our palace master, then go ahead, I will take care of it!" These people take it seriously.

"I never thought of asking you to be polite, but I hope that you in Death Pavilion will think twice. For the sake of two spirit beasts, it is not a good thing to fight against the four of us!" Tianxie Mozun said with a light smile .

"The Death Pavilion will never yield to others, it's just a few little supreme beings!" The voice of the Demon Lord Tianxie fell, and a deep voice came from the Death Pavilion leisurely, and then a monstrous The killing intent instantly made the whole sky turn cold.A dark cloud seemed to rise in the sky, and the cold air between the sky and the earth quickly gathered in this direction, and that chill seemed to penetrate into everyone's heart quickly.

The faces of Chongtian and the others suddenly changed. They seemed to understand that the person who came out this time might not be a supreme powerhouse like Mie Shen Patriarch, but an old monster who had already survived the tribulation!
The death pavilion can become one of the five major forces in the heavenly star, so naturally it should not be underestimated...

Originally, Chongtian thought that relying on the power of the four supreme beings, the death pavilion would make some concessions and let go of the two little spirit beasts who were only a God of War rank, so as to avoid a real battle, because everyone knew that the four With the destructive power that the Supreme can cause, even if the Death Pavilion can win, I'm afraid it will suffer heavy losses.

Although Zhan Wuming is still not the Supreme among the four, his combat power has surpassed that of ordinary Supremes.

Losing Yuan Zun or even the Supreme Power for the sake of two small spirit beasts, this kind of uneconomical business, no one would do it, although it may make Death Pavilion a little depressed, but it is the best choice .

But Chongtian miscalculated. As a star thief, he naturally puts profit first, and never trades at a loss. If he was the Death Pavilion, he would definitely choose to take a step back. It’s just that he miscalculated this shit Death Pavilion, because living in the dark In the middle of the world, he will never understand the importance of face in dominating one side.

"Then let me see what the Death Pavilion is capable of!" Zhan Wuming snorted softly!
Nangong Liuyun is his confidant who followed him from the Poyan Continent, and has been guarding him all the time, and the Guishui Swallowing Heaven Python and the Blue-eyed Golden-eyed Beast are his spiritual pets...

It is impossible for Zhan Wuming to give up on them, and the sword sage, Yue Wuya, died. If the death pavilion can hand over the Guishui swallowing python and the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast, then maybe he can stop worrying about it, after all, he also killed The two death star beasts of Yuan Huang rank who died in Death Pavilion!

But obviously, for the sake of face, the Death Pavilion will never hand over the Guishui Swallowing Python and the Blue-eyed Golden-eyed Beast. Now he is not sure, it is the Death Pavilion who has seen the blood of the Guishui Swallowing Python and the Blue-eyed Golden-eyed Beast. Still really fighting for face.But at this moment, I am in a weak position, so I will not retreat!There is only one way to fight.

Death Pavilion's response made the entire Heavenly Star see his toughness. Faced with the threat of the four supreme powerhouses, Death Pavilion chose to fight...

It's just for the two spirit beasts. Although everyone doesn't know what level of spirit beasts they are, the response from the Death Pavilion has given people a brand new look at this powerful force that has stood in the heaven star for countless years. know.This is the strength and pride that a truly powerful force should have.

"Remember, my name is Zhan Wuming!" Zhan Wuming shouted suddenly, his figure disappeared instantly in the void, and then a burst of strong light suddenly burst out from the huge Death Pavilion palace, A string of runes suddenly lit up, and the entire death pavilion seemed to come alive.

"Boom..." There was a violent shocking sound from the Palace of the Death Pavilion where countless runes and secret maps appeared. However, this huge palace is like a huge magic weapon. The runes on it have extremely powerful defensive power. Under Zhan Wuming's blow, it failed to penetrate the surface defense of the Death Pavilion.

"Ignorant boy, you can break through the Death Pavilion if you want!" A disdainful snort came from the Death Pavilion.Then, a skinny old man appeared beside Zhan Wuming. Obviously, it was the mysterious old man who absolutely refused to let Death Pavilion give way.

"Yue Xinghun!" Huo Weifu let out a low voice.Chongtian's face also changed, he didn't expect that Yue Xinghun, one of the founders of the legendary Heaven Star, was in the Death Pavilion at this time.

Legend has it that Yue Xinghun was a great power who won the Tiantian star resource ration for Death Pavilion back then. It is said that he has already broken through the catastrophe of the physical body, and some people say that his soul power has been perfected, and he is about to pass the catastrophe of the soul.Such a person, even if the four of them teamed up, they would not be his opponent.

"Yue Xinghun..." At this moment, someone below recognized the old man who suddenly appeared.There are many legends about Yue Xinghun. Some people say that Yue Xinghun is the uncle of the owner of the Death Pavilion, and some say that Yue Xinghun is actually just the servant of the owner of the Death Pavilion. His deeds are enough to make no one among the forces of Heavenly Stars forget.

Those five supreme beings were five brothers, who were once stronger than the gold robbers in the endless starry sky, but because of one incident, they offended Death Pavilion, and were hunted and killed by Yue Xinghun for more than ten years. In the end, the five brothers All were punished.Since then, Yue Xinghun's name has been imprinted in the hearts of endless starry sky practitioners.

Some people began to sigh that such a young supreme powerhouse was about to fall like this, because everyone knew that Yue Xinghun never left anyone alive.

With the hand of the dead, beheading the Supreme is like slaughtering chickens and dogs!

Therefore, none of the forces or lone walkers scattered around the death pavilion would be optimistic about fighting without life at this moment.

Zhan Wuming also felt bad at this moment, he didn't expect that the main hall of the Death Pavilion was actually a spiritual treasure, and it was also a very powerful treasure. The runes carved on it even blended with the main hall, becoming The power of double defense...

Zhan Wuming failed to break through it with one blow, he originally wanted to break into it and search for it directly, but now it seems that this road is not very smooth, what's worse is that the old man can appear in his Beside him, and he didn't seem to be able to detect the existence of the other party, as if the entire void was about to freeze, there was a chill from the bottom of his heart, which made him feel that there were layers of mysterious ice in the void, this mysterious ice It seemed that layers of high walls had been built up in all directions, completely blocking every direction he wanted to retreat.

"Boom!" Zhan Wuming punched suddenly, there seemed to be bursts of ice cracking sounds in the sky, and then in the sight of everyone, it seemed that there were layers of cracks spreading in the void, gradually turning into a large-scale collapse.

A look of astonishment flashed in Yue Xinghun's eyes. The power of Zhan Wuming's punch broke through his void seal. The extremely cold ice seemed useless to the young man in front of him.

"Very good, but it's still hard to escape death!" Yue Xinghun snorted coldly, one hand stretched open in the void, as if there was a strange magic power, Zhan Wuming only felt that it was not a big hand in front of him , but a big umbrella, which completely blocked his sky and sight, and then it seemed that countless black ice began to coalesce again, forming pieces, layers, and scenes of ice walls, and broke the whole again The whole world is frozen.

Zhan Wuming took a deep breath, he knew that the old man in front of him was far beyond their realm in terms of Han Bing's comprehension, this world of Xuan Bing actually does not really exist!

It is more like the spiritual barrier emanating from the monster encountered in the underground world of Sushenxing. This kind of spiritual barrier can make a very real hysterical fantasy in his consciousness. This kind of attack originated from the mind. At this time, he even believed that the old man in front of him was very likely to have broken through the supreme third kalpa, the soul kalpa. Barrier attack power.

"Crush it again!" Zhan Wuming let out a low growl, the power of ice is nothing to him, because his Handi Jue is the power of ice, and he is no stranger to this law of ice , can even be said to be very familiar, and in his soul of life, the cave of water is already very powerful. Although the attack of this kind of soul has formed an illusion, it can't trap Zhan Wuming's mind.

"Boom!" All the illusions were shattered, and Hou Zhan Wuming's fist suddenly intersected with the palm of Yue Xinghun, like a meteor hitting the ground. Under the collision of two terrifying air currents, the huge tornado formed was unexpectedly overwhelming. A string of runes lit up on the roof of the Death Pavilion again, unexpectedly touching the defense system of the entire Death Pavilion again.

Zhan Wuming's body is like a thrown iron ball, but his body bends one by one in the void, like a swimming frog, repeated several times, and then falls far into the distant sky.

Yue Xinghun obviously didn't intend to let Zhan Wuming go. To him, even though Zhan Wuming could fight the supreme with Yuan Zun's cultivation base, he was still just a small ant, and he didn't pay attention to him at all. However, if this little ant dares to challenge the majesty of the Death Pavilion, then he must be strangled to death.

(End of this chapter)

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