Chapter 611 Killing Yue's Undead Soul

The place where the Death Pavilion is located occupies a very vast area. The entire Heaven Star is divided into five factions, and the Death Pavilion is one of them!

On this huge Heavenly Planet, although the Death Pavilion is not built on a plain on top of a mountain, the chosen location is also a place with a very strong aura.

The land thousands of miles away from the Death Pavilion is where the Death Pavilion industry is located, and the huge death game space is placed on this land.

And at this moment, all the secret lines lit up in this thousand-mile land. The Death Pavilion has been operating in this land for many years, and gradually formed such a huge area into a magic circle, becoming the last guardian force of the Death Pavilion.

At the moment when the countless secret lines on the land lit up, many practitioners who were watching also cried out in surprise and fled away from the land.At this time, some people have begun to regret why they watched the battle at such a close distance!
"Om..." When the huge formation lighted up, those cultivators who were fleeing in the sky suddenly fell from the sky like birds with broken wings.

The endless movement of the formation patterns actually produced a huge suction force, pulling down everything in the sky, and what made this group of people even more astonished was that once they fell to the ground, their lives seemed to be separated from the earth in an instant. Connected, a terrifying force of devouring directly sucks the life force from everyone's body crazily.

This piece of land can swallow the vitality of everyone in an instant.Zhan Wuming's face was also slightly ugly, because he saw that those people who were sucked to the ground were drying up at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the disappearance of the flesh and blood of these people made the entire formation brighter , A terrifying coercion emanated from the runes.

In the sky, some people fled out in panic and anger, and some people with high cultivation could barely struggle to fly out of this area. After all, a land of thousands of miles is nothing to practitioners.

It's just that the incident happened suddenly, and some people didn't expect that the Death Pavilion would be so ruthless, including them and other idlers.

By the time they found out, there was no chance of escaping. In just this moment, hundreds of people fell to the ground and turned into dry bones.Just because of seeing the end of these hundreds of people, those struggling in the sky became more desperate and angry, but facing the sudden spread of the formation, these people were already powerless to fight.

"Death Pavilion, so ruthless!" Some people exclaimed angrily, and some people couldn't help shouting and cursing outside the big formation because their master's nephew was also in the formation!

But for the Death Pavilion, these people's curses are not bothering at all. Yue Xinghun doesn't care how others curse. Their disciples of the Death Pavilion are very aware of the horror of this big formation, and they all shrank when the big formation was lit. In the broken Death Pavilion hall.The servants ignored those star beasts that rushed up to the sky.Of course, there are still some star beasts and servants who have rushed out of the range of the big formation and are not here, still chasing and killing them.

More and more people fell to the ground, more and more life vitality was lost and turned into dry bones, and those vitality seemed to make the entire formation come alive, countless runes rose from the ground, hanging in the void, a Each rune is like a big star, sliding up in a very mysterious trajectory, constantly combining, and the aura between heaven and earth flows into this land like a big river, and more runes begin to light up , the entire ground seemed to be a huge blanket glowing with endless light.Zhan Wuming and the others rose from the ground below and suddenly rolled into the air.

"Boy, I'll let you try my Death Pavilion's Soul Devouring Formation! After so many years, you are the first person to force this old man to use this formation, you should feel proud..."

There was a sinister sneer on Yue Xinghun's face, he didn't care about those other affected pond fish who were sucked into the formation and screamed in the formation.

His goal was to fight Wuming, as for Chongtian and Huo Weifu, he didn't take it to heart at all.

On the contrary, it was the boy in front of him who only had the cultivation base of Yuan Zun, but he was the one who paid him the most attention and felt the most headache.He knows very well that if he can't keep this kid today, he will definitely bring endless troubles to Death Pavilion in the future!
For him, Zhan Wuming should undoubtedly feel very proud. A Yuan Zun who can force a half-immortal to use external force to deal with him should indeed be proud.

"Old man, don't be too happy too early, it's still unknown who will win the battle, just because you broke the formation, you want to kill me, young master!" Zhan Wuming sneered disdainfully as he looked at the sweeping formation.

"I admit that you are indeed extremely skilled, and your physical cultivation is a genius that is rare in ten thousand years. Even the old man has a heart for talents. It's a pity that you shouldn't anger the old man. Give the fairy artifact and the scale to the old man, then the old man will consider saving your life..."

"Old man, you can dream, but even if I hand over this fairy artifact and this piece of scale armor to you now, you will not be blessed, because your time is coming!" Zhan Wuming's eyes flickered. Unfathomable sneer.

"Don't be ashamed, let this old man see how you can break out of the Soul Devouring Formation..." Yue Xinghun said disdainfully.

"I don't need to destroy this formation at all. As long as you die, no one can destroy this formation. Why should I worry about it?" Zhan Wuming smiled confidently.

Yue Xinghun's expression changed slightly, seeing Zhan Wuming's confident expression, it seemed that everything was possible, which made him feel a sudden shock.But at this moment, he suddenly found that there seemed to be something missing in his body. This feeling was very empty, empty all over.He couldn't help but hastily looked inside with his soul, his face turned ashen.

Yue Xinghun suddenly screamed: "You, what did you do to me..."

"Boom..." Yue Xinghun's aura erupted suddenly, like a volcano, but it was short-lived and sluggish, like a deflated ball... His aura actually disappeared the moment he lifted it up, and then his whole body A lot of vitality spewed out of the body like it was riddled with holes, followed by some white powdery things, but when these powders spewed out of those holes, they didn't fly far away , instead like a layer of smoke, as soon as it sprayed out Yue Xinghun's body, it quickly attached to Yue Xinghun's body again, instantly covering Yue Xinghun's body with a thin layer of white sand.

"Boom..." The huge Soul Devouring Formation that had been rolled up suddenly swayed with light and shadow, and then burst into pieces, turning into countless fragments. The cultivators who were struggling in the midst suddenly felt lightened physically and mentally, suddenly lost their restraint, and left this place of thousands of miles quickly. , the man whose life was rapidly passing away finally regained his life.However, what was recovered was only half a human life.Of course, half-life is better than no life at all.

"You, what did you do to me..." Yue Xinghun didn't know that he was plotted by Zhan Wuming at this time, but until now he didn't understand how Zhan Wuming did it.

Zhan Wuming just smiled, and then said lightly: "There is a kind of insect called the immortal worm, which can devour all the flesh and blood in your body without you knowing it."

"Ah..." Yue Xinghun screamed, but at this time his body was like a cup full of holes, the vitality and vitality in his body leaked endlessly, he couldn't even bring up the vitality, just now It was because he wanted to gather all his strength to deal a fatal blow to Zhan Wuming, but in the end, his body was like a swollen water sac, with countless holes appearing. At this moment, he was powerless to attack, and even the big formation could not be controlled again. He couldn't help reaching out and grabbing the white powder that was attached to his body, and his face turned ashen, because he found that the white powder was actually all tiny bugs, as soon as it touched his palm, It actually nibbled at his skin as quickly as spring nibbles at mulberries, and then drilled out of the flesh and blood from his palm in an instant, and then the white powder on his palm became thicker, more...

This is a kind of worm that reproduces rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. It is almost a half-celestial body, and its body is as hard as steel, but it seems to be completely ignored in the mouth of this tiny worm.

"Eagle-devouring is it possible..." Yue Xinghun's voice had begun to be intermittent, because when he opened his mouth, a lot of white powder gushed out from his big mouth... It seems to be choking fly ash...

A cold murderous intent flashed in Zhan Wuming's eyes, but his figure flew towards Huo Weifu's direction. The person who fought against Huo Weifu was the ancestor of Mie Shen. This old monster fought against Huo Weifu. It was indistinguishable, the cultivation bases of the two sides seemed to be about the same, but the two had already flown out of the range of the death pavilion, and the landslides and ground cracks were fought not far away on the mountainside where there was no one, but it was a real fight.

They didn't care much about Yue Xinghun's situation, because they were extremely confident in Yue Xinghun, and believed that Yue Xinghun could take care of a little Yuan Zun. At that time, it was Huo Weifu's death, and Huo Weifu At this moment, it was difficult to ride a tiger. Although he was uneasy, he had no choice but to fight. He hoped that he could kill the ancestor of God as soon as possible, depending on the situation.

They still had the heart to pay attention to the battle between Zhan Wuming and Yue Xinghun at the beginning, but later the two fought for real, and only hoped to kill each other, as for other things, they had no intention of managing them.

The two supreme beings fought against each other, but there were not many onlookers. The power of the laws of heaven and earth mobilized in the battle of masters would cause a devastating disaster. Many people have suffered a lot from Yue Xinghun's big formation before, and they know the horror of it , At this time, even if someone watched the fight between Huo Weifu and Mietian Patriarch, they were still looking at each other from thousands of miles away. On the one hand, they are worried about being affected by the momentum of their fight.

"Huo Weifu, it's time for you to die after the ancestor of the soul has cleaned up that kid..." The ancestor of Mie Shen suddenly confronted Huo Weifu, and then was shocked by Huo Weifu, and a fog rose in the void. Rolling like a dragon, Huo Weifu was hidden in the mist, and his image could not be seen at all.The Sky Demon Palace's Sky Devouring Demon Art is very famous among the demons, and Huo Weifu has refined the Sky Devouring Demon Art to perfection. The Patriarch Mie Shen and Huo Weifu fought close to each other, and suffered a lot, almost all the time. Corroded by the surging devilish energy, if the mentally weak are exposed to the billowing devilish energy, they will even have hallucinations and become insane, and the Mie Shen Patriarch will easily be disturbed by this devilish energy and become restless if he is not paying attention. Therefore, when fighting Huo Weifu, he would withdraw from the range of the devil energy from time to time to get a chance to breathe.

"Yue Xinghun won't have another chance to make a move!" As soon as Mie Shen Patriarch's words fell, he felt a sharp wind suddenly blowing out from his side. He heard Zhan Wuming's voice, and turned his head in shock. It felt like there was a fierce sun between the heavens and the earth, and that piece of brilliance enveloped it. He didn't know when Zhan Wuming had quietly sneaked into the void where he was standing, and he only took a slight breath and greeted him. Here comes the battle of lifeless deadly sneak attack.

(End of this chapter)

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